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Has anyone studied in a Thai University for the MA... What has your experience been concerning your thesis process. Did your advisor(s) return your work in an appropriate period of time? Was the Revision process after defense appropriate or prolonged? Each school is different, from CU to CMU . Just wondering if the advisor(s) really understand the concept of research or fall back on methodology because it is more concrete for them.. Or is it a type of narcisitic attitude or power .. ego syndrome with "some" thesis advisors...


A Thai colleague is getting a Master's in Education. She is in an international program because her background is mixed and she is slightly deficient in her reading/writing ability in Thai (she had attended only international schools).

Her professor sent her planned research/study back and told her what he wanted her to, how many had to be in her sample survey, the age/grade level of the students to be surveyed, etc.. It was a little disheartening for me, since her original proposal was very interesting and quite relevant. It was a innovative in as much as I haven't seen much research on it.

I gather from her remarks that his approach is "My way or the highway".

She will be using students in schools that I have some supervisory responsibility for, so her comments are more than just idle complaints.


Thus your response indicates a trend, my way or the highway... the concept of research, as opposed to I did it this way in the Western University, so you will do it now. Thus falling back on methodology again.

Was your friend's work annotated critically..only the errors or where their comments of suggestions and that's the way..

Thai teachers tend to only recognize the errors.. I think Some Thesis Advisors really need training on encouraging the research quest in MA students rather than use academic bullying as a way to puff up their academic egos.


Her thesis is still in progress, but her original idea was basically rejected outright with virtually no explanation as to why. She was then told what she would do instead. She was told how many students she would do it with and their age and grade.

I had to seek permission for the study to be conducted at schools under the same management, thus my involvement.

I don't know how she can make any errors, she's basically a glorified secretary! A few of the questions will be from her, but the majority from her instructor (I think).

My personal, and rather paranoid, thought was that he is going to use her research for some other purpose to advance his own career.


Star Member,

Hmm, not all Thai Thesis advisors are terrible, that was not my intention... I realize this is the same way in the US. The grad students wants to finish, but the work is not up to specs. the Grad advisor, most likely does not want to read anything amymore and wants to be done with it..

It was my concern about what I perceive as abuse or outright power plays.. constant delays in returning work.. because they are busy, rightly so.. but 2 months...emails not answered. The Thai way in my situation is similar, excellent criticism no explanation other than reorganize and rewrite... so be it.. however, when you ask for advice or give an exampleof what you percieve is what they want, there is no response..

Do you recall years ago at Stanford University, I beleive it was a Ph.D. student, who killed his Thesis Advisor because of prolonged abuses such as insensivity and the my way or highway approach.. Was that Theodore Stanlinksly ? back in the late 70s.. I can begin to understand .. but sad that it happened.

Really, they got us by the short and curlies.. There is no organization to advocated for the grad students at this place... It the meantime...planning... 5555

Let me ask you this.. Academic plagarism.. when you write and submit a research article as a grad students in Thailand, your advisor's name is required as an author..even though the advisor did not write a single word.. The concept of authorship is applied here.. did they give advice, did they shape the concepts, refine it.. a thin line.. I think..

The program is considered an international program....questionable.


I am not implying that all Thai advisors are bad, but my colleague's work is the extent of my active involvement in Thailand. I have read and edited a number of Master's thesis for others and helped them write an abstract. Those were mostly in engineering and the work, by and large, was very professional and their professors were intricately involved with the students and gave a fair amount of direction and guidance.

I just finished helping a friend who finished his thesis on-line with a US university. He had completed all his other courses, but didn't get to his thesis until a couple of years later. Even though it was on-line, his emails were responded to within 12 hours, which isn't bad considering the time difference. His professor was rather abrupt in his answers. He would attach samples of other student's work for review. My friend was given a free reign in doing his research, but was held to a reasonably high standard in the design and implementation.

There was an on-line discussion board in which all students had to participate. There were some lively debates and disagreements among themselves and with the professor, which were handled quite professionally by the professor.

My colleague complains that no one really dares question the professor. The students listen and do what they are told.

Some cultural differences, but I wouldn't want to be doing a thesis for a professor who was undermining or stalling on my project.

Best of luck.


I think the biggest problem is so many of these so called advisers are not qualified to be doing their job or have no exp. in the subject submitted to them, So instead of losing face to a bright young student they just make up whatever to prove their superiority to the student.

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