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One In Three Thai Youth Ready To Go ‘Under The Knife’: Survey

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Most want a bigger nose.

if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that from a bar girl i would be rich now why you so handsome can you give me your noise law law . biggrin.png other times were like can you give me your baby's i was like <deleted> only come in for a beer .. giggle.gif

Yeah, they pick the bigger nose before the tits too.

You can buy a padded bra and that works,

but you can't pad a micro-snoze no matter how you shade it.

6,000 baht and stay out of site for 2 weeks, and it's a new you.

The tits gonna take months of work, or working on the boyfriend to spring for them.

Whatever happened to that massage technique that came up some months ago? Where the fat was supposed to be squeezed into the mammary gland to enlarge it?

Kind of reminded me of the old joke "how do you make 2 pounds of fat look good? Put a nipple on it!" Only in this case it was kind of sweeping the fat under areola.

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They could start with skipping the Mc Dolnads and the KFC, and start exercice.

Big BS... Khao Man Gai, Pad Khra Pao Moo Sap sai Khai Dao, etc all much more unhealthy than a Big Mac as long as you skip the fries and the coke. The western based fast food market isn't virtually non existent countryside and even there the kids get fat. But it's so easy to blame global players instead to admit that ones lost common sense when it comes to healthy eating habits.

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"Thai teenagers and university students". There is a big difference to a 13 year old and a University student. It seems to me like a bit of crappy research for a headline. Can you really compare the needs/wants desires of a teenager (13) and a university student? No

Edited by metisdead
: Bold font removed.
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"Thai teenagers and university students". There is a big difference to a 13 year old and a University student. It seems to me like a bit of crappy research for a headline. Can you really compare the needs/wants desires of a teenager (13) and a university student? No



11..... Yeah! cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

-mel. bah.gif

c.f. Roy Chubby Brown...... purely for humour... wai.gif

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Most want a bigger nose.

if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that from a bar girl i would be rich now why you so handsome can you give me your noise law law . biggrin.png other times were like can you give me your baby's i was like <deleted> only come in for a beer .. giggle.gif

Yeah, they pick the bigger nose before the tits too.

You can buy a padded bra and that works,

but you can't pad a micro-snoze no matter how you shade it.

6,000 baht and stay out of site for 2 weeks, and it's a new you.

The tits gonna take months of work, or working on the boyfriend to spring for them.

Whatever happened to that massage technique that came up some months ago? Where the fat was supposed to be squeezed into the mammary gland to enlarge it?

Kind of reminded me of the old joke "how do you make 2 pounds of fat look good? Put a nipple on it!" Only in this case it was kind of sweeping the fat under areola.

Is that the Northern Lights? Areola Borealis?

There ain't there some dim lights in da North is dee? Wind-screen wipers? Left, right, left, right, you got one mai na?

What's next? Liposuction into the penal area: Western cocks? I observe no answers from the Thai lads on this survey... white ones, with length - the golf course drive, hole in one??


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Made In Thailand --- Carabao

I love Carabao.wai.gif

I used to think he was quite the social messenger, then he wrapped himself in a Thai flag, riding an elephant, prostituting himself for the $$$ in Beer Chang commercials. Then came his insidious and poisonous energy drinks, with commercials wrapped up in nationalism and folk music costumes. He wants to sell his snake oil no problem, just don't try to proclaim loving and caring about the welfare of your kinfolk while at the same time promoting poisoning your audience with that crap.

Edited by tominbkk
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But i thought Thai girls liked fat guys. Why would the guys want to be slim if Thai girls like fat guys ?

Anyway nothing wrong with staying in shape as long as it is done healthy, under the knife.. up to them once they are old enough.

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I found myself watching some Thai television recently. All of the actors in the soap, and on the ads, were whiter than I am. Porcelain white. And they had longer straighter noses too. That's where the message comes from.

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"Thai teenagers and university students". There is a big difference to a 13 year old and a University student. It seems to me like a bit of crappy research for a headline. Can you really compare the needs/wants desires of a teenager (13) and a university student? No

In my limited experience here, I've found very little difference between a 13 year old and a 23 year old at least as far as the girls go. Neither have breasts to speak of and their favorite thing in life is Hello Kitty. Not all mind you, just most.

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They need to be doing more wholesome things, more often. Appreciate outdoors, or what's left of it.

There's a splendid waterfall not far from C.Mai city, a city of millions. If you go there on a beautiful day, you might see less Thais than you can count on one hand. You'll see more farang - unless it's a designated day for Thais to go to a park, then there will be hundreds of Thais (herd mentality). Look at any popular Thai magazine. Chances are over the half the ads are for skin whitening creams. At least half Thai boys are soft muscled and feminine, and Thailand probably has the highest % of katoys of any country (The hub of effeminate boys).

How often do Thais take long treks in to the hills, to see waterfalls or hill tribes, or nature? Nearly never.

On the topic of bras: Not one Thai female in a million has a bra which is not padded. I happen to like natural shaped breasts, and small is fine. But I also like cafe-au-lait colored skin tone (dam dam, in Thai), but that's just me.

While speaking with a Thai young man, I pointed out a beautiful woman with amber skin, and asked if he thought she was attractive. He said 'yes' but added; he could never bring a woman like that home to meet his parents - because she has slightly darker skin than he has.

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"Thai teenagers and university students". There is a big difference to a 13 year old and a University student. It seems to me like a bit of crappy research for a headline. Can you really compare the needs/wants desires of a teenager (13) and a university student? No

You obviously don't know much about university students in Thailand.

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When i first came to Thailand there were very few fat people, now they seem to be everywhere. Thais seem to be getting more and more conditioned, to wanting all of the things in life that are bad for a person's health, it's very sad really.

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Not sure why, but there is a pretty tremendous lack of self esteem, on the part of much of the youth here, but it also extends to many of the adults too. Most Thai people I know would gladly undergo surgery, if they had the cash. In the west we prize small noses. Here they want to make their noses larger. In the west we prize dark skin, here they want to whiten their skin, and pay a lot of money to do so, where it be treatments at clinics, or just spending a fortune on hocus pocus skin creams. Facial surgeries, sex change operations, on and on, and on. Not sure what the dynamic is. In the west no doubt there is a cosmetic surgery craze. But, I know many, many women who would not engage in it. Here, I know few who would not jump at the chance.

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I went to Tesco to get some after shave......EVERYTHING had whitening stuff in it. I couldn't evewn find rubbing alcohol. Strange. I suspect that sales of whitening stuff stimulates a false need for the stuff. Nothing worse than an off color face on a beautifully browned body. Thai people are attractive just as they are.... I wish they would leave it alone. My wife uses the whitening stuff and I keep telling her it looks strange. I tell her the nice beautiful brown is what most American women want. She is starting to back on on the bleach for her skin. Makes me crazy.

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I really don't understand thais view of beauty.

They want to change their beautiful skin color to look white / pale, like they have been hospitalised in coma for 5 years.. And now I find out that they want bigger noses??

<deleted> Thailand?

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Am not suprise,what do you expect from a country where Prostitution is legalise? Where our parents can close their eyes when seeing a western man of 75 years old having sex with their daughter of 20 years old??? Of course the youth will want to look beautiful taking this animalistic life style as the way of Life.

The more beautiful you are, they more men you will have to sex you ,thats the rule.

I pity my Dear country Thailand,once called the land of smile,is not turning into the land of fake beauties and SEXcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

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Where are the parents, forget the Grandparents because they are past looking after and caring for kids. Broken families kids left to look after themselves.. Sad state of affairs in Thailand and some other countries around the world. dam_n selfish parents.. no you really can't call them parents.

Try holding a family together on an average Thai wage. Thai parents are not dumping their kids on grandparents because they want to. It's often the only way that they can work the hours they have to just to provide for the necessities.

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Am not suprise,what do you expect from a country where Prostitution is legalise? Where our parents can close their eyes when seeing a western man of 75 years old having sex with their daughter of 20 years old??? Of course the youth will want to look beautiful taking this animalistic life style as the way of Life.

The more beautiful you are, they more men you will have to sex you ,thats the rule.

I pity my Dear country Thailand,once called the land of smile,is not turning into the land of fake beauties and SEXcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

I fully understand you and I agree, but you are wrong on the legal part tho. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand.

The problem is that your government and the police are doing a very poor job of enforcing the law. Most of the time, they are not even trying. It is a wide known fact that they choose to "allow" prostitution, because the sex industry are filling their greedy pockets and making them rich.

So, blame your corrupted government officials and the police. It is pretty much their fault that your country is known as "the biggest brothel of the world."

Edited by ricku
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What's next? In China, boys and girls are getting severe surgery to gain an inch in height - getting their shins sawed through, and having expensive and painful stainless steel rods put in - which stretch the leg fraction of a mm per day.

Teachers and parents could be better examples for their kids in this regard, but it appears the kids' elders are dropping the ball.

Then there's the influence of national leaders, like Thaksin (who teaches that cheating on taxes and lying are alright), but that's another topic for another day.

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This is all a sad reflection on Thai society that is failing its children in so many ways.

Kids brought up by grandparents who love them but can't teach them anything

Schools, colleges, universities that provide the 3Rs if you're lucky

Non-existent sex education.

A truly unhealthy desire to make a pretty face into that of a model or turn a healthy body into a ribcage and paying handsomely for the pleasure

I'm not sure about the breakfast thing - but food in general is becoming cakes, ice-cream, donuts.

Shopping malls now reflect the beauty shops, rhino-plast, slimming as well as cakes, donuts, icecream......

How many ice cream shops at any plaza? Dairy Queen, Cold Stone, Haagen Dazs, Swensens etc. etc.

300B minimum wage so they can get fatter, ugglier, lazier and pay loads of money trying to get back to where they were before whilst granny takes care of the kids.


You are right, of course and you really must love it here.........

Who knows, the Thais might become as obese as the Americans.

After all they are being marketed all the crap that USA exports.

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They need to be doing more wholesome things, more often. Appreciate outdoors, or what's left of it.

There's a splendid waterfall not far from C.Mai city, a city of millions. If you go there on a beautiful day, you might see less Thais than you can count on one hand. You'll see more farang - unless it's a designated day for Thais to go to a park, then there will be hundreds of Thais (herd mentality). Look at any popular Thai magazine. Chances are over the half the ads are for skin whitening creams. At least half Thai boys are soft muscled and feminine, and Thailand probably has the highest % of katoys of any country (The hub of effeminate boys).

How often do Thais take long treks in to the hills, to see waterfalls or hill tribes, or nature? Nearly never.

When i first came to Thailand there were very few fat people, now they seem to be everywhere. Thais seem to be getting more and more conditioned, to wanting all of the things in life that are bad for a person's health, it's very sad really.

they use butter in the cooking and too much sugar.

plus drinking beer and eating fatty snacks will pile on the cal's.

Well, by Jove, let's lord our impeccably fit lifestyles over those indolent, underactive, overfed Thais, shall we?





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