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Virgin 105.5 What Has Happened To It?


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105 and 105.5 doesn't exist anylonger. Virgin didn't renew the contract with the goverment. All DJ's are off the payroll since Dec 31, 2005.

Here is a very good substitute:


I heard that they lost the license.

AFAIK, every station has to reapply for the license every year, regardless of how long they've had it previously. For whatever reason they didn't win the application this year...

Shame because it was one of the few half-decent stations in BKK I listened to behind the wheel.

Pls let me know if I'm wrong on the licensing thingy.

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105 and 105.5 doesn't exist anylonger. Virgin didn't renew the contract with the goverment. All DJ's are off the payroll since Dec 31, 2005.

Here is a very good substitute:


That's a real shame, as some of the DJ's like Ricky Vaughan had been working in the field here for years. I wonder why they didn't get the renewal? Which now means that there in only one real decent station left! 107!

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Some years ago a politician (I believe it was Khun Meechai, the condom man) complained about the "sweetheart deals" the Public Relations Dept had with radio station operators, that didn't translate into revenue for the government. Since then I believe these frequencies are opened for bidding each year. It's possible some company beat Virgin this year with a higher bid and is now scrambling to put together a production team. I also heard that Grammy won several licences this year too.

Edited by camerata
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It had to do with licensing fees and content requirements from the Thai government. But George is right there is an alternative!

http://www.radiobangkok.net :o

Mate, if I could get it in the car, I'd be an avid listener.

Any chance you and George could get together to make a PodCast version of Thailand today? Many commercial radio stations in the UK and US are doing similar things nowadays...

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I can get 107 out here in Pattaya but would love to hear an alternative...89.5(?) in Pattaya has a dreadful crackle that makes it almost unlistenable

used to listen tio 105 in the car (when in range). Who's moving to 103 - Virgin?

Does the BBC world service have a full time frequency for Thailand? It would be nice to hear some intelligent radio for a change.

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It seems that there in no longer any BBC Worldserivce, on MW, I wonder if this is due to the fact that the Thai service has now finished?

In what way has the Thai service finished? Where was it? Do you mean the bulletins on 107? or was it somewhere else?

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It seems that there in no longer any BBC Worldserivce, on MW, I wonder if this is due to the fact that the Thai service has now finished?

In what way has the Thai service finished? Where was it? Do you mean the bulletins on 107? or was it somewhere else?

This link will explain all.


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It seems that there in no longer any BBC Worldserivce, on MW, I wonder if this is due to the fact that the Thai service has now finished?

In what way has the Thai service finished? Where was it? Do you mean the bulletins on 107? or was it somewhere else?

They used to have a broadcast on MW on 8.37 am every morning, from 0600-0630, then the Thai part would come on until 0700. Then in the evenings there would be another broadcast at 2100-2200. Now there is nothing. Which means that I won't be able to listen to the first hour of sports world on Saturdays. There is a a broadcast on 107 every day from 0500-0600. I am not too bothered now, as I have internet access! But Sports World is not allowed to be broadcast on the net, so it will have to be back to the crackly SW.

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