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Why Do Thai People Hate Monkeys So Much?


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Donot get me wrong i understand what you saying, HOWEVER it is not different as someone saying get out of your house because there are other houses you can move to.

Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet. And to make it worse, not only we steal and get away with it, we blame the owners for even trying to put up a fight

Do you think anyone is listening? You got as much chance of being heard as say a Gandhi, Buffet or Li Ka Shing.

Was not trying to get votes or people to listen for you to start statistics count on chancesthumbsup.gif

"Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet." You said that. I was just reminding you that us humans are also the smartest, kindest and highest form of life on the planet. Now go hug a tree and stop trying to communicate in a non animal way.

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Donot get me wrong i understand what you saying, HOWEVER it is not different as someone saying get out of your house because there are other houses you can move to.

Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet. And to make it worse, not only we steal and get away with it, we blame the owners for even trying to put up a fight

Do you think anyone is listening? You got as much chance of being heard as say a Gandhi, Buffet or Li Ka Shing.

Was not trying to get votes or people to listen for you to start statistics count on chancesthumbsup.gif

"Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet." You said that. I was just reminding you that us humans are also the smartest, kindest and highest form of life on the planet. Now go hug a tree and stop trying to communicate in a non animal way.

I keep telling you on almost every thread, i am not senile unlike some who seem to forget what they wrote from time to time and from topic to topic.

i know what i wrote so you do not need to write it for me each and every timethumbsup.gif , but in case if i forget i can always scroll back 2 posts, so again no need to re-write itbeatdeadhorse.gif


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I keep telling you on almost every thread, i am not senile unlike some who seem to forget what they wrote from time to time and from topic to topic.

i know what i wrote so you do not need to write it for me each and every timethumbsup.gif , but in case if i forget i can always scroll back 2 posts, so again no need to re-write itbeatdeadhorse.gif


I can't believe you hit a dog that size when he was sleeping. You'd have been better to let sleeping dogs lie.

To be honest, I'm surprised at you being cruel to a dog at all, as man's best friend; only friend, for many of our fellow posters *

Now a monkey, I can well believe you might beat, or even hang, particularly if it was a French spy. It would be lucky to get off with a good spanking (Can I say 'get off' on the internet?)




Edited by StreetCowboy
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I keep telling you on almost every thread, i am not senile unlike some who seem to forget what they wrote from time to time and from topic to topic.

i know what i wrote so you do not need to write it for me each and every timethumbsup.gif , but in case if i forget i can always scroll back 2 posts, so again no need to re-write itbeatdeadhorse.gif


I can't believe you hit a dog that size when he was sleeping. You'd have been better to let sleeping dogs lie.

To be honest, I'm surprised at you being cruel to a dog at all, as man's best friend; only friend, for many of our fellow posters *

Now a monkey, I can well believe you might beat, or even hang, particularly if it was a French spy. It would be lucky to get off with a good spanking (Can I say 'get off' on the internet?)




I might be wrong, but isn't that supposed to be "flogging a dead horse"?

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I keep telling you on almost every thread, i am not senile unlike some who seem to forget what they wrote from time to time and from topic to topic.

i know what i wrote so you do not need to write it for me each and every timethumbsup.gif , but in case if i forget i can always scroll back 2 posts, so again no need to re-write itbeatdeadhorse.gif


I can't believe you hit a dog that size when he was sleeping. You'd have been better to let sleeping dogs lie.

To be honest, I'm surprised at you being cruel to a dog at all, as man's best friend; only friend, for many of our fellow posters *

Now a monkey, I can well believe you might beat, or even hang, particularly if it was a French spy. It would be lucky to get off with a good spanking (Can I say 'get off' on the internet?)




I might be wrong, but isn't that supposed to be "flogging a dead horse"?

Flogging would surely be with a whip. He appears to be striking the poor animal with a round wooden stave.

I think its a refusal to let sleeping dogs lie. Dead horses have their legs in the air, if my recollection of cartoons is anything to go by - like a dog playing dead.


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I keep telling you on almost every thread, i am not senile unlike some who seem to forget what they wrote from time to time and from topic to topic.

i know what i wrote so you do not need to write it for me each and every timethumbsup.gif , but in case if i forget i can always scroll back 2 posts, so again no need to re-write itbeatdeadhorse.gif


I can't believe you hit a dog that size when he was sleeping. You'd have been better to let sleeping dogs lie.

To be honest, I'm surprised at you being cruel to a dog at all, as man's best friend; only friend, for many of our fellow posters *

Now a monkey, I can well believe you might beat, or even hang, particularly if it was a French spy. It would be lucky to get off with a good spanking (Can I say 'get off' on the internet?)




I might be wrong, but isn't that supposed to be "flogging a dead horse"?

Flogging would surely be with a whip. He appears to be striking the poor animal with a round wooden stave.

I think its a refusal to let sleeping dogs lie. Dead horses have their legs in the air, if my recollection of cartoons is anything to go by - like a dog playing dead.


The expression can also be "beating a dead horse", and if the proportions are anything to go by, that would be one big dog. In fact if you do a Google search for "beating a dead horse emoticon" you will find that exact pic.

Edited by giddyup
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I keep telling you on almost every thread, i am not senile unlike some who seem to forget what they wrote from time to time and from topic to topic.

i know what i wrote so you do not need to write it for me each and every timethumbsup.gif , but in case if i forget i can always scroll back 2 posts, so again no need to re-write itbeatdeadhorse.gif


I can't believe you hit a dog that size when he was sleeping. You'd have been better to let sleeping dogs lie.

To be honest, I'm surprised at you being cruel to a dog at all, as man's best friend; only friend, for many of our fellow posters *

Now a monkey, I can well believe you might beat, or even hang, particularly if it was a French spy. It would be lucky to get off with a good spanking (Can I say 'get off' on the internet?)




just trying to wake it uptongue.png , shame same can not be done to some posters as they might enjoy it too muchgiggle.gif

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Another topic that starts with "Why do Thai people......................."

Just what we all needcoffee1.gif

Agree. The ultimate in stupidity, not to mention broad generalizations that aren't even accurate. Maybe we can have a thread on why Thai people hate giraffes? Or ferrets? Or men with hairy chest? Or maybe women with hairy chest? That's right, just make something up. Our esteemed TV posters will figure out how to explain something that doesn't even exist.

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Another topic that starts with "Why do Thai people......................."

Just what we all needcoffee1.gif

Agree. The ultimate in stupidity, not to mention broad generalizations that aren't even accurate. Maybe we can have a thread on why Thai people hate giraffes? Or ferrets? Or men with hairy chest? Or maybe women with hairy chest? That's right, just make something up. Our esteemed TV posters will figure out how to explain something that doesn't even exist.

Actually Thai girls LOVE men with hairy chest, all girls i meet can not keep their hands off my pockets chest.

And i am pretty sure women with hairy chest are not really women, but possibly undercover police volunteers or farang ladyboysgiggle.gif

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I think we need to go back to the beating a dead horse controversy .In my mind it was not resolved adequately

I agree with Street cowboy that it looks more like a dog than a horse. and he is right all the dead horses I see in cartoons, ( which is where I get all of my information from) has the dead horse with it's legs up in the air. and this is a cartoon after all.

so there you are.


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I think we need to go back to the beating a dead horse controversy .In my mind it was not resolved adequately

I agree with Street cowboy that it looks more like a dog than a horse. and he is right all the dead horses I see in cartoons, ( which is where I get all of my information from) has the dead horse with it's legs up in the air. and this is a cartoon after all.

so there you are.


I think we should call in a pro, i have a few posters in mind who will not only clarify it but also provide statistics for itbiggrin.png

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Do you think anyone is listening? You got as much chance of being heard as say a Gandhi, Buffet or Li Ka Shing.

Was not trying to get votes or people to listen for you to start statistics count on chancesthumbsup.gif

"Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet." You said that. I was just reminding you that us humans are also the smartest, kindest and highest form of life on the planet. Now go hug a tree and stop trying to communicate in a non animal way.

I keep telling you on almost every thread, i am not senile unlike some who seem to forget what they wrote from time to time and from topic to topic.

i know what i wrote so you do not need to write it for me each and every timethumbsup.gif , but in case if i forget i can always scroll back 2 posts, so again no need to re-write itbeatdeadhorse.gif


Core Blimy it is posting protocol to quote the post that you are quoting. I realize it may be difficult to find a cliche to apply to 100% of my posts but I am sure you will give it every effort. You and all those monkey lovers who get off trying to degrade the human species would be better served realizing that big fish eat little fish. And if the horse was really dead why are you flogging it. Where is the fun in that? Or you quoting another cliche? Try something original next time.

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Core Blimy it is posting protocol to quote the post that you are quoting. I realize it may be difficult to find a cliche to apply to 100% of my posts but I am sure you will give it every effort. You and all those monkey lovers who get off trying to degrade the human species would be better served realizing that big fish eat little fish. And if the horse was really dead why are you flogging it. Where is the fun in that? Or you quoting another cliche? Try something original next time.

Speaking of the pro'srolleyes.gif

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Baby animals and baby people. I kind of lean towards saving the baby people. I wonder at people who don't. I know that includes most of the posters on Thai Visa but I still wonder.

I think that you will find that the people most likely to want to save a monkey's life are also the same people most likely to save humans.

I have yet to meet anyone that has compassion for animals that did not have compassion for humans. Unfortunately, the people that bleat on about the importance of human life over monkeys are the ones most likely to do nothing to help "baby people".

Odd isn't it?

I disagree, your point of view is typical of one who has never been in contact with nature..

It's not by random chance that men keep dogs and cats as friends, and not monkeys, although monkeys look physically similar to humans.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif , I was a field biologist doing blood assays for parasites and vaccinating critters against rabies back in the day when I thought tramping about in the bush was great fun. Get sprayed by a skunk as I was and you can become most distraught. I would never even consider the keeping of a wild animal such as a monkey, or even the docile exotics such as an iguana. These critters belong in their natural habitat. Detaining a monkey as a "pet" has nothing to do with having a position of protection for such animals. Having been peed on and my pants then stolen by orangutans in Borneo, I can assure you that I only admire those stinky creatures from afar. They are complex creatures and I would be unable to have one as a flatmate. However, I would still go to bat to defend their habitat against humans that wish to encoroach for the benefit of their "baby humans". Trust me when I say that getting smeared with animal feces is not as disturbing as having to deal with a feces covered human in an ER. smile.png

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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Baby animals and baby people. I kind of lean towards saving the baby people. I wonder at people who don't. I know that includes most of the posters on Thai Visa but I still wonder.

I think that you will find that the people most likely to want to save a monkey's life are also the same people most likely to save humans.

I have yet to meet anyone that has compassion for animals that did not have compassion for humans. Unfortunately, the people that bleat on about the importance of human life over monkeys are the ones most likely to do nothing to help "baby people".

Odd isn't it?

I disagree, your point of view is typical of one who has never been in contact with nature..

It's not by random chance that men keep dogs and cats as friends, and not monkeys, although monkeys look physically similar to humans.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif , I was a field biologist doing blood assays for parasites and vaccinating critters against rabies back in the day when I thought tramping about in the bush was great fun. Get sprayed by a skunk as I was and you can become most distraught. I would never even consider the keeping of a wild animal such as a monkey, or even the docile exotics such as an iguana. These critters belong in their natural habitat. Detaining a monkey as a "pet" has nothing to do with having a position of protection for such animals. Having been peed on and my pants then stolen by orangutans in Borneo, I can assure you that I only admire those stinky creatures from afar. They are complex creatures and I would be unable to have one as a flatmate. However, I would still go to bat to defend their habitat against humans that wish to encoroach for the benefit of their "baby humans". Trust me when I say that getting smeared with animal feces is not as disturbing as having to deal with a feces covered human in an ER. smile.png

Good reply GK, i stand corrected about your contact and knowledge about nature, yet, as you know, humans and monkeys seem to have not a good mutual interaction and cohabitation..And being yourself human, you cannot deny we have the right to use the land and get rid of dangerous animals ( to a certain extent ).

Personally i like and respect animals in the wild, everyone of them can teach us something, but from the point of view of the farmers, monkeys are pest, and if they shoot at them to save the crops, so be it.

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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

Funny Story, well not to you at the time. It sure sucks being a monkey's bitchlaugh.png

This is a picture from The Family Guy TV show, does it bring back any memorieslaugh.png


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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

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As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

I am confused, are we the flies or the cheese? from the smell of it, I would say the cheese,

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident..

Too late already got dibs on natures current mistake.laugh.png

Stop taking your self so seriously and maybe people would pick on you a little less.

Edited by sirineou
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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

Sorry, i hate being personal, but, despite having some worthy ideals, you look quite confused..

Now, tell me, if you were in trouble, would you expect some help from the monkeys ? I guess some humans would help you instead.

Didn't your parents teach you to respect the elders ? They have experience, you know..

And your name, Ananda Sattva, which in Sanskrit means " Happiness in Spiritual Virtue "..Maybe you should try to honour it, don't be so aggressive.. Just saying.. whistling.gif

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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

I'm surprised that you see yourself as a Sh!t stain on Planet Earth. To be honest, I think the first thing you need is to change your attitude, and learn moe self-respect. Once you can respect yourself, a respect for others will follow naturally, and, I would anticipate, yo would find yoursef much less unpopular, and perceive the world as a place of opportunity rather than adversity.


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As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

I am confused, are we the flies or the cheese? from the smell of it, I would say the cheese,

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident..

Too late already got dibs on natures current mistake.laugh.png

Stop taking your self so seriously and maybe people would pick on you a little less.

Fair dos mate. No-one else is going to take him seriously; except me. I feel Ihave gone out o my way to be helpful. We should not deride him, but treat him as we would sick friend; keep our distance, to avoid infection.


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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

Funny Story, well not to you at the time. It sure sucks being a monkey's bitchlaugh.png

This is a picture from The Family Guy TV show, does it bring back any memorieslaugh.png

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Another topic that starts with "Why do Thai people......................."

Just what we all needcoffee1.gif

Agree. The ultimate in stupidity, not to mention broad generalizations that aren't even accurate. Maybe we can have a thread on why Thai people hate giraffes? Or ferrets? Or men with hairy chest? Or maybe women with hairy chest? That's right, just make something up. Our esteemed TV posters will figure out how to explain something that doesn't even exist.

Do Thai people not like ferrets?

Is that why the thread on taking your ferret for a run can no longer be found?

If anyone could post a link to that interesting, entertaining and educational thread, it would be very much appreciated, particularly by both our field sports fraternity (I am sure IanForbes would have loved ferreting about for some bunnies) and also by our amateur ecologists here


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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

I'm surprised that you see yourself as a Sh!t stain on Planet Earth. To be honest, I think the first thing you need is to change your attitude, and learn moe self-respect. Once you can respect yourself, a respect for others will follow naturally, and, I would anticipate, yo would find yoursef much less unpopular, and perceive the world as a place of opportunity rather than adversity.


Me, I'm a parasite just like you but atleast I accept that fact and attempt to spend my time SOLVING the problems Humanity causes for Mother Nature. How would you like to feel like the Orangutans locked up inside the Governments Breeding Center at Kao Zong, sleeping in there own feces and tears. Ever been to the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi where the Tigers are drugged and tortured 24-7 for the profit of Monks? Respecting my elders? Why don't you respect the cycle of life and become a part of natural selection. What makes you humans feel so gifted and ABOVE all other life. all animals have inherent rights and that we cannot assign them a lesser value because of a perceived lack of rationality, while assigning a higher value to infants and the mentally impaired solely on the grounds of membership of a certain species. You all love your pets and children but hate the rest of the earth's citizens?

Hmm I think thats called SPECIESISM.

Thailand really is a melting pot for pathetic old western consumerism addicts with shallow minds and diseased bar chicks climbing on there viagra diving dicks until they end up like Taksins bowel movements......

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...deleted for the sake of brevity a quoted story by canuckamuck - great story, by the way!...

A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

I'm surprised that you see yourself as a Sh!t stain on Planet Earth. To be honest, I think the first thing you need is to change your attitude, and learn moe self-respect. Once you can respect yourself, a respect for others will follow naturally, and, I would anticipate, yo would find yoursef much less unpopular, and perceive the world as a place of opportunity rather than adversity.


Me, I'm a parasite just like you but atleast I accept that fact and attempt to spend my time SOLVING the problems Humanity causes for Mother Nature. How would you like to feel like the Orangutans locked up inside the Governments Breeding Center at Kao Zong, sleeping in there own feces and tears. Ever been to the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi where the Tigers are drugged and tortured 24-7 for the profit of Monks? Respecting my elders? Why don't you respect the cycle of life and become a part of natural selection. What makes you humans feel so gifted and ABOVE all other life. all animals have inherent rights and that we cannot assign them a lesser value because of a perceived lack of rationality, while assigning a higher value to infants and the mentally impaired solely on the grounds of membership of a certain species. You all love your pets and children but hate the rest of the earth's citizens?

Hmm I think thats called SPECIESISM.

Thailand really is a melting pot for pathetic old western consumerism addicts with shallow minds and diseased bar chicks climbing on there viagra diving dicks until they end up like Taksins bowel movements......

You're the one that was looking down on ants, mate.

That's a top bit of spleen at the end there, by the way. You should use that on one of the Pattaya threads. Although I am surprised that you are knowledgeable enough to comment on Thaksin's movements, beyond noting that he is in Dubai, or Cambodia. Mind, given that this thread is based on your rather peculiar imaginings regarding the recent natural history of Thailand, I should remain sceptical regarding your authority on Thaksin's turds.


Edited by StreetCowboy
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When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

I'm surprised that you see yourself as a Sh!t stain on Planet Earth. To be honest, I think the first thing you need is to change your attitude, and learn moe self-respect. Once you can respect yourself, a respect for others will follow naturally, and, I would anticipate, yo would find yoursef much less unpopular, and perceive the world as a place of opportunity rather than adversity.


Me, I'm a parasite just like you but atleast I accept that fact and attempt to spend my time SOLVING the problems Humanity causes for Mother Nature. How would you like to feel like the Orangutans locked up inside the Governments Breeding Center at Kao Zong, sleeping in there own feces and tears. Ever been to the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi where the Tigers are drugged and tortured 24-7 for the profit of Monks? Respecting my elders? Why don't you respect the cycle of life and become a part of natural selection. What makes you humans feel so gifted and ABOVE all other life. all animals have inherent rights and that we cannot assign them a lesser value because of a perceived lack of rationality, while assigning a higher value to infants and the mentally impaired solely on the grounds of membership of a certain species. You all love your pets and children but hate the rest of the earth's citizens?

Hmm I think thats called SPECIESISM.

Thailand really is a melting pot for pathetic old western consumerism addicts with shallow minds and diseased bar chicks climbing on there viagra diving dicks until they end up like Taksins bowel movements......

Given your clear hatred of all other humans (especially Thai nationals) I am becoming more and more convinced that you are an alien.

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