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Red-Shirt Leader Korkaew Warns Of Civil War If Court Rules Against Amendments


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As I see it Democracy and not following the letter of the law is a sham Democracy. When winning an election by the majority of the voters that are getting paid to vote is not Democracy. Judicial branches of the government are and should be independent of the legislative and Executive branches. The foundation of any true democracy is the rule of law, without the rule of law the world would be a real hell. These particular Courts are in place for keeping the checks and balances of government.


Most of Thai votes are bought.

Hence it is better to select a leader than to vote for one.

This is exactly what PAD has been telling the "not so smart majority" Thai people.

I say move back history to 80 years ago, and undo the 1st coup.

I agree.

and return the beaches to their clean, former beauty

Protect the forests

Keep all the beautiful wooden houses around Thailand

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lock these <snip> people up, what the hell is going on here

why these red thugs don't end up in jail is beyond comprehension

THIS GOVERNMENT HAS GOT TO GO AND FAST, Thailand is not ready for a democratic elected government because the people who are voting simply don't understand it, nothing wrong with that either but education needs to a focus of any ruling junta so that the people get clued up.

Lets face it PTP is not up for the job and I honestly cannot think of one thing they have done so far that remotely benefits Thai people - they really need to go now and all the &lt;deleted&gt; they have attempted so far needs to be reversed before my sterling gets a huge boost to 79baht per

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: Profanity
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I certainly don't regret any posts and did not remove them. You and your friends are perfectly happy with a situation where the democratically elected government is undermined by the judiciary and the army. Not everyone voted for PT, but their victory was decisive and the fact that the Dems lost seats showed the public sentiment towards them. No one at all voted for the judges on the CC, So why now are the Dems and the judges the ones impeding the elected government's progress? PT openly campaigned on the platform they would rewrite the 2007 coup sponsored constitution. The unelected military junta were able to rewrite it to their own agenda with no obstruction from the court, so why would a government of the people not be allowed to do the same? PT are in fact only proposing to set up a drafting committee which would be followed by a national referendum. If this is cause for the dissolution of the party, those who voted for the party have valid and substantial reason to believe it is just another chapter in the suppression of their rights by groups who are unwilling to relinquish their profitable grip on power.

The problem is that PTP are not 'ony proposing drafting committees'. In the process of forcing through their bills and amendment, without debate or consensus, PTP have also left democracy in the dust, and resorted to common fascism, threatening the lives of law-abiding working Thais. PTP are breaking human-rights laws, and Thai privacy-laws, and endangering the lives of innocent Thais by distributing home-addresses of dissenters to their angry street thugs.

PTP are trying to force through their own agenda, not a Thailand-improvement agenda, but a Freedom for Thaksin agenda, and they are willing to put this agenda as a higher priority than the lives of innocent Thais and their familes at home.

PTP are pushing through bills without any parliamentary debate, a corrupt PTP House Speaker who takes orders from foreign powers (treason) and rules in PTPs favour to hamstring the parliamentary process and neuter the central accountability-failsafes of democracy. Yingluck who doesn't even read the bills or attend debates, or vote, or visit parliament itself except on special occasions like birthdays and equinoxes. That is the background to your fallacious "only proposing draft committees". Background is very important. What they are 'only doing' is subverting democracy, and relying on threats and intimidation against anybody who opposes them, as a substitute for the due process of parliamentary debate and consensus-forming which they have avoided since they were elected.

Just because they included constitutional reform / Freedom for Thaksin etc. in their "openly campaigned platform" pre-election does not mean anything. That was just their campaign promises, along with "improving the lives of the poorest in society" which of course was just included for comedy-value , a sort of 'in-joke' among the PTP billionaire criminals in Dubai. "You think they'll believe this rural reform stuff? Who cares, it'll be a laugh. Send them some more dictator-face T-shirts, that seems to keep them happy."

Less than half of Thailand voted for PTP. I would say that means at least 50% of Thailand doesn't want any scabby PTP constitutional rewrites, or state-upheavals or the return of El Brigande as dictator. Most Thais certainly don't want human-rights abuse and overt law-breaking by the Government in the capital city, such as PTP are prone to.

You seem to mistake 'PTP getting 48% of the votes' for 'PTP being allowed to do whatever they want to do in office'. That is infact not the case. Being elected in democracy means you have a right to lead using the democratic tools of parliamentary debate and consensus-forming, reasoned discussion, bills and charters put through the state-system correctly and respectfully. It means (most importantly) that you have a solemn duty to protect ALL Thai citizens living within the democracy. It does not mean PTP can send fascist thugs round to the family homes of people who disagree with the regime, or threaten civil war when they don't get their way.


Well said

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lock these &lt;deleted&gt; people up, what the hell is going on here

why these red thugs don't end up in jail is beyond comprehension

THIS GOVERNMENT HAS GOT TO GO AND FAST, Thailand is not ready for a democratic elected government because the people who are voting simply don't understand it, nothing wrong with that either but education needs to a focus of any ruling junta so that the people get clued up.

Lets face it PTP is not up for the job and I honestly cannot think of one thing they have done so far that remotely benefits Thai people - they really need to go now and all the &lt;deleted&gt; they have attempted so far needs to be reversed before my sterling gets a huge boost to 79baht per


Red Shirts think. PTP bends over

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in my country its called BLACK MAIL .... in Thailand I dont know ..... if anyone can know please tell me .

it is called accountability for ones actions, the CC judges have a duty to follow procedure, they did not, and now they have decided to not follow procedure it is hoped that they at least deal with evidence and not hearsay or false accusations.If correct procedure was followed as per the constitution then we would not have this situation now. I know someone will counter if the PTP were not trying to amend the constitution then we will end up with a conversation where that is then countered by an earlier issue.

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

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As I see it Democracy and not following the letter of the law is a sham Democracy. When winning an election by the majority of the voters that are getting paid to vote is not Democracy. Judicial branches of the government are and should be independent of the legislative and Executive branches. The foundation of any true democracy is the rule of law, without the rule of law the world would be a real hell. These particular Courts are in place for keeping the checks and balances of government.

The it is a democracy and not a sham democracy. Unless you would like to prove the election observers wrong.



ANFREL issued a statement Tuesday noting there were some flaws in the election, including cases of violence, intimidation and vote-buying that it urged authorities to handle appropriately. But it said there were no major incidents that would call into question the results.


The monitoring group says the most substantial problem was the election commission failing to sufficiently inform some voters of the need to re-register for the election. According to ANFREL, that prevented up to one million Thais, about three percent of voters, from participating.

And the conclusion :

ANFREL chairman Damaso Magbual told journalists Tuesday that given the tense situation in the country, Thailand’s Election Commission in general, managed the process well and the result was a vote that reflects the will of the people.

“After years of political turmoil and violence that divided the country, Thailand citizens have voted; and, no matter the political views, were able to express their political opinion in a peaceful manner based on the rule of law,” Magbual said.

The judicial branch in Thailand is independent of the other 2 branches. But that doesn't mean that it is not biased.

"These particular Courts are in place for keeping the checks and balances of government."

if that is true, then why did the court jump into a parliamentary debate where they have no jurisdiction? As you said, the branches should be independent. Was it because laws were broken? No. No laws have been broken and the process (amazingly!) does not accommodate any law breaking.

So the election was valid, and no laws have been broken, so what are you guys ranting about?

Oh yeah, redmob redmob, redmob, ...

Got it.

(BTW, give it up - not all voters, not in Isaan or elsewhere in Thailand, are uneducated, poor, and unable to comprehend the issues. This constant ranting about Thai people from people who demonstrate every day on this forum that they do not understand the issues is more than tiresome...)

It is a sham democracy Tom.

Nobody voted for the Red Shirts. They are not a registered party. Yet the red tail wags the PTP dog. Yingluck has no control. Its anarchy and fascism

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I think the outcome will be two fold

They will rule for the changes to be allowed provided they don't infringe on X-Y-Z ( most of us know what that is)

and that any changes be approved by the people via a vote

This for me would be good sensible guidence by the court instead of a complete bann, whether they have the a mandate to do such a thing is another question

everybody needs to look at the headline of this threa and reaqlly look at the words being spoken -DANGEROUS WORDS

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- deleted -

The it is a democracy and not a sham democracy. Unless you would like to prove the election observers wrong.



ANFREL issued a statement Tuesday noting there were some flaws in the election, including cases of violence, intimidation and vote-buying that it urged authorities to handle appropriately. But it said there were no major incidents that would call into question the results.


The monitoring group says the most substantial problem was the election commission failing to sufficiently inform some voters of the need to re-register for the election. According to ANFREL, that prevented up to one million Thais, about three percent of voters, from participating.

And the conclusion :

ANFREL chairman Damaso Magbual told journalists Tuesday that given the tense situation in the country, Thailand's Election Commission in general, managed the process well and the result was a vote that reflects the will of the people.

"After years of political turmoil and violence that divided the country, Thailand citizens have voted; and, no matter the political views, were able to express their political opinion in a peaceful manner based on the rule of law," Magbual said.

The judicial branch in Thailand is independent of the other 2 branches. But that doesn't mean that it is not biased.

"These particular Courts are in place for keeping the checks and balances of government."

if that is true, then why did the court jump into a parliamentary debate where they have no jurisdiction? As you said, the branches should be independent. Was it because laws were broken? No. No laws have been broken and the process (amazingly!) does not accommodate any law breaking.

So the election was valid, and no laws have been broken, so what are you guys ranting about?

Oh yeah, redmob redmob, redmob, ...

Got it.

(BTW, give it up - not all voters, not in Isaan or elsewhere in Thailand, are uneducated, poor, and unable to comprehend the issues. This constant ranting about Thai people from people who demonstrate every day on this forum that they do not understand the issues is more than tiresome...)

It is a sham democracy Tom.

Nobody voted for the Red Shirts. They are not a registered party. Yet the red tail wags the PTP dog. Yingluck has no control. Its anarchy and fascism

no one voted for the tea party either.

The PTP and its coalition partners are the elected government. That is not a sham.

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in my country its called BLACK MAIL .... in Thailand I dont know ..... if anyone can know please tell me .

it is called accountability for ones actions, the CC judges have a duty to follow procedure, they did not, and now they have decided to not follow procedure it is hoped that they at least deal with evidence and not hearsay or false accusations.If correct procedure was followed as per the constitution then we would not have this situation now. I know someone will counter if the PTP were not trying to amend the constitution then we will end up with a conversation where that is then countered by an earlier issue.

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

The comments of Korkaew are one thing and apparently also taken out of context, but whether he was inciting or was asked to predict is not as important to what is happening. There is a war of words going on in the news before the decision. The judiciary might be independent, but not in the sense of unbiased, and it seems that the actors on the stage are not fooled about why the justices accepted this case in the first place. The courts, being actors on the stage themselves obviously understand what role they are playing too.

People here on TVF moan about the lack of democracy in Thailand and then point to the elected government as being the problem. Unfortunately for them, the elected government is the one part of the government that is democratic. (while clearly the majority of posters on TVF would not have voted for the PTP, they still were elected in a fair election despite the BS accusations to the contrary). Now everyone has the right to disagree with one party or another, but at least people should be smart enough to recognize who in government is elected and who is not.

Tom, you are a comedy genius, I salute you.

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As I see it Democracy and not following the letter of the law is a sham Democracy. When winning an election by the majority of the voters that are getting paid to vote is not Democracy. Judicial branches of the government are and should be independent of the legislative and Executive branches. The foundation of any true democracy is the rule of law, without the rule of law the world would be a real hell. These particular Courts are in place for keeping the checks and balances of government.


Most of Thai votes are bought.

Hence it is better to select a leader than to vote for one.

This is exactly what PAD has been telling the "not so smart majority" Thai people.

I say move back history to 80 years ago, and undo the 1st coup.

I agree.

and return the beaches to their clean, former beauty

Protect the forests

Keep all the beautiful wooden houses around Thailand

Until Farang (mainly the French) brain wash Thai students study in the west (mainly France), there was nothing wrong with the Thai administration and ruling system 80 years ago.

All the changes have been done for the worse (not better).

All the changes have been done by military and lately civilian dictators.

I say bring back the good old days where Siam people respect their elder, both in age, and especially in social class.

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As I see it Democracy and not following the letter of the law is a sham Democracy. When winning an election by the majority of the voters that are getting paid to vote is not Democracy. Judicial branches of the government are and should be independent of the legislative and Executive branches. The foundation of any true democracy is the rule of law, without the rule of law the world would be a real hell. These particular Courts are in place for keeping the checks and balances of government.


Most of Thai votes are bought.

Hence it is better to select a leader than to vote for one.

This is exactly what PAD has been telling the "not so smart majority" Thai people.

I say move back history to 80 years ago, and undo the 1st coup.

I agree.

and return the beaches to their clean, former beauty

Protect the forests

Keep all the beautiful wooden houses around Thailand

Until Farang (mainly the French) brain wash Thai students study in the west (mainly France), there was nothing wrong with the Thai administration and ruling system 80 years ago.

All the changes have been done for the worse (not better).

All the changes have been done by military and lately civilian dictators.

I say bring back the good old days where Siam people respect their elder, both in age, and especially in social class.

Oh the rose tints of yesteryear. This genie isn't going back in the bottle any time soon, so forwards Thailand must go, one way or another, we shall spectate and hopefully not have to reap any whirlwind that comes with moving forward.

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in my country its called BLACK MAIL .... in Thailand I dont know ..... if anyone can know please tell me .

it is called accountability for ones actions, the CC judges have a duty to follow procedure, they did not, and now they have decided to not follow procedure it is hoped that they at least deal with evidence and not hearsay or false accusations.If correct procedure was followed as per the constitution then we would not have this situation now. I know someone will counter if the PTP were not trying to amend the constitution then we will end up with a conversation where that is then countered by an earlier issue.

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

Carra you are missing the point again..and talk like Korkaew

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

Crooked thinking! You are saying that publishing personal data of judges, calling for the capture of judges and threatening with civil war is ok.... because the judges didn't follow procedures....in your opinion...

Your comment that the judges don't do their job is a personal opinion.

If Thaksin would not have started this whitewash, we would not have been in this situation. That is a fact!!

It's clear that you support anarchy.

Edited by Nickymaster
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in my country its called BLACK MAIL .... in Thailand I dont know ..... if anyone can know please tell me .

it is called accountability for ones actions, the CC judges have a duty to follow procedure, they did not, and now they have decided to not follow procedure it is hoped that they at least deal with evidence and not hearsay or false accusations.If correct procedure was followed as per the constitution then we would not have this situation now. I know someone will counter if the PTP were not trying to amend the constitution then we will end up with a conversation where that is then countered by an earlier issue.

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

Carra you are missing the point again..and talk like Korkaew

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

Crooked thinking! You are saying that publishing personal data of judges, calling for the capture of judges and threatening with civil war is ok.... because the judges didn't follow procedures....in your opinion...

Your comment that the judges don't do their job is a personal opinion.

If Thaksin would not have started this whitewash, we would not have been in this situation. That is a fact!!

It's clear that you support anarchy.

Well the ridiculous irony of this, is this very court took an expedient decision all those years ago about Thaksin's asset declaration and we have been on a long and winding road to this point ever since.

All sides have been making up the rules as they see fit since then.

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in my country its called BLACK MAIL .... in Thailand I dont know ..... if anyone can know please tell me .

it is called accountability for ones actions, the CC judges have a duty to follow procedure, they did not, and now they have decided to not follow procedure it is hoped that they at least deal with evidence and not hearsay or false accusations.If correct procedure was followed as per the constitution then we would not have this situation now. I know someone will counter if the PTP were not trying to amend the constitution then we will end up with a conversation where that is then countered by an earlier issue.

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

Carra you are missing the point again..and talk like Korkaew

The fact is here that a man has made a comment, if the Judges do their job properly then there should be no issue, whatever the rights and wrongs of the comments are (Ill judged at best) the fact is this is an emotive issue based on the failure of the Judges to follow procedure.

Crooked thinking! You are saying that publishing personal data of judges, calling for the capture of judges and threatening with civil war is ok.... because the judges didn't follow procedures....in your opinion...

Your comment that the judges don't do their job is a personal opinion.

If Thaksin would not have started this whitewash, we would not have been in this situation. That is a fact!!

It's clear that you support anarchy.

Well the ridiculous irony of this, is this very court took an expedient decision all those years ago about Thaksin's asset declaration and we have been on a long and winding road to this point ever since.

All sides have been making up the rules as they see fit since then.

Possible. But I was commenting on the fact that Carra thinks it's ok to call for a civil war etc..

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It is a sham democracy Tom.

Nobody voted for the Red Shirts. They are not a registered party. Yet the red tail wags the PTP dog. Yingluck has no control. Its anarchy and fascism

no one voted for the tea party either.

The PTP and its coalition partners are the elected government. That is not a sham.

Can you think of any other situations where the ruling governmant is controlled by 2 unelected bodies?

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The judicial branch in Thailand is independent of the other 2 branches. But that doesn't mean that it is not biased.

"These particular Courts are in place for keeping the checks and balances of government."

if that is true, then why did the court jump into a parliamentary debate where they have no jurisdiction? As you said, the branches should be independent. Was it because laws were broken? No. No laws have been broken and the process (amazingly!) does not accommodate any law breaking.

So the election was valid, and no laws have been broken, so what are you guys ranting about?

Oh yeah, redmob redmob, redmob, ...

Got it.

(BTW, give it up - not all voters, not in Isaan or elsewhere in Thailand, are uneducated, poor, and unable to comprehend the issues. This constant ranting about Thai people from people who demonstrate every day on this forum that they do not understand the issues is more than tiresome...)

Oh for god's sake, who are you to say the court has no jurisdiction? Expert on Thai law and constitution, are you? I'm pretty sure the judges are capable of making a reasonable decision about whether a case should be *considered* or not. The court will *decide* whether the law has been broken, that's what courts do.

The current charter does not permit carte blanche change. There are several aspects where change is specifically forbidden, and the complaint that the court is looking into specifically concerns those issues. But you knew that already.

What is tiresome is your continued slights against the integrity of the judiciary, while simultaneously ignoring the gaping chasm that is the the integrity of PTP and the 'red mob' leadership, and their blatant attempts to intimidate the judiciary. It's incredible.

Here's a clue for you: No governance, no democracy.

alright whiz-bang kid : which laws were broken?

do you read? do you understand the controversy about the court taking this decision? It's been well published.

when was the last time you heard of a court in your country stopping a parliamentary debate?

the complaint that the court decided to take up - against many legal experts interpretation of the process and using a 'logic' that has never before been invoked - is a complaint that is blatantly and wildly mis-representing the intention of the parliament. (but you knew that already...)

As for you and your comments about me "slighting the judiciary", just take a hike if you don't like it. Or better yet, if you think they are a bastion of unbiased judgments and integrity, then feel free to argue that point instead of telling me how tired you are. As for me, I feel that their well-documented record in judicial activism demonstrates otherwise.

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no one voted for the tea party either.

The PTP and its coalition partners are the elected government. That is not a sham.

A government run by a convicted criminal fugitive in Dubai is not a sham? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Convicted by the same people who take full advantage of the current constitution,u know what is a shame?Yesterday an US citizen got released from a Thai prison,he was in jail because of the current constitution.Coupleaders from 2006 get free,because they changed the constitution in their favor.In germany right now the highest court has to decide if the fiscalpact and ESM,is against german constitution,Current german government put pressure on the courts decision by remarks like"if u decide this or that,this can happen"So if Korkaew warns what could happen after a negative[for ptp] decision.whats wrong with that?Did u forget the pictures from almost civil war in bkk 2010,it's a warning not a threat
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I certainly don't regret any posts and did not remove them. You and your friends are perfectly happy with a situation where the democratically elected government is undermined by the judiciary and the army. Not everyone voted for PT, but their victory was decisive and the fact that the Dems lost seats showed the public sentiment towards them. No one at all voted for the judges on the CC, So why now are the Dems and the judges the ones impeding the elected government's progress? PT openly campaigned on the platform they would rewrite the 2007 coup sponsored constitution. The unelected military junta were able to rewrite it to their own agenda with no obstruction from the court, so why would a government of the people not be allowed to do the same? PT are in fact only proposing to set up a drafting committee which would be followed by a national referendum. If this is cause for the dissolution of the party, those who voted for the party have valid and substantial reason to believe it is just another chapter in the suppression of their rights by groups who are unwilling to relinquish their profitable grip on power.

The problem is that PTP are not 'ony proposing drafting committees'. In the process of forcing through their bills and amendment, without debate or consensus, PTP have also left democracy in the dust, and resorted to common fascism, threatening the lives of law-abiding working Thais. PTP are breaking human-rights laws, and Thai privacy-laws, and endangering the lives of innocent Thais by distributing home-addresses of dissenters to their angry street thugs.

PTP are trying to force through their own agenda, not a Thailand-improvement agenda, but a Freedom for Thaksin agenda, and they are willing to put this agenda as a higher priority than the lives of innocent Thais and their familes at home.

PTP are pushing through bills without any parliamentary debate, a corrupt PTP House Speaker who takes orders from foreign powers (treason) and rules in PTPs favour to hamstring the parliamentary process and neuter the central accountability-failsafes of democracy. Yingluck who doesn't even read the bills or attend debates, or vote, or visit parliament itself except on special occasions like birthdays and equinoxes. That is the background to your fallacious "only proposing draft committees". Background is very important. What they are 'only doing' is subverting democracy, and relying on threats and intimidation against anybody who opposes them, as a substitute for the due process of parliamentary debate and consensus-forming which they have avoided since they were elected.

Just because they included constitutional reform / Freedom for Thaksin etc. in their "openly campaigned platform" pre-election does not mean anything. That was just their campaign promises, along with "improving the lives of the poorest in society" which of course was just included for comedy-value , a sort of 'in-joke' among the PTP billionaire criminals in Dubai. "You think they'll believe this rural reform stuff? Who cares, it'll be a laugh. Send them some more dictator-face T-shirts, that seems to keep them happy."

Less than half of Thailand voted for PTP. I would say that means at least 50% of Thailand doesn't want any scabby PTP constitutional rewrites, or state-upheavals or the return of El Brigande as dictator. Most Thais certainly don't want human-rights abuse and overt law-breaking by the Government in the capital city, such as PTP are prone to.

You seem to mistake 'PTP getting 48% of the votes' for 'PTP being allowed to do whatever they want to do in office'. That is infact not the case. Being elected in democracy means you have a right to lead using the democratic tools of parliamentary debate and consensus-forming, reasoned discussion, bills and charters put through the state-system correctly and respectfully. It means (most importantly) that you have a solemn duty to protect ALL Thai citizens living within the democracy. It does not mean PTP can send fascist thugs round to the family homes of people who disagree with the regime, or threaten civil war when they don't get their way.


So what % of the people voted for the coup leaders? What % of the people voted for the Dems who derailed parliament with their childish antics? What % of people voted for Srimuang whose petition was accepted by the court? What % of the people voted for the CC judges? What we do know is that PT and their coalition partners have a 3:2 majority in parliament and they have the right to propose a constitutional rewrite. What you and others fail to address is that the court accepted this case as the rewrite is portrayed as an attempt to overthrow the constitutional monarchy. Even you realize this is utter cods wallop. PT know any such attempt would be their death nail and they are far too smart to go near that one. This is simply a statement by the elite and their mechanisms to once again undermine the electorate's power and ensure theirs.

How can PT be seen to be 'doing what they want' as you claim when they are proposing 1. An elected CDA and 2. A public referendum on any proposed changes? You and your ilk's accusations are simply unfoundered speculation.

What your crew don't get though, as you time and time again seriously misgauge the Thai sentiment, will be the populace's outrage at yet another blatant infringement of their democratic rights.

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I certainly don't regret any posts and did not remove them. You and your friends are perfectly happy with a situation where the democratically elected government is undermined by the judiciary and the army. Not everyone voted for PT, but their victory was decisive and the fact that the Dems lost seats showed the public sentiment towards them. No one at all voted for the judges on the CC, So why now are the Dems and the judges the ones impeding the elected government's progress? PT openly campaigned on the platform they would rewrite the 2007 coup sponsored constitution. The unelected military junta were able to rewrite it to their own agenda with no obstruction from the court, so why would a government of the people not be allowed to do the same? PT are in fact only proposing to set up a drafting committee which would be followed by a national referendum. If this is cause for the dissolution of the party, those who voted for the party have valid and substantial reason to believe it is just another chapter in the suppression of their rights by groups who are unwilling to relinquish their profitable grip on power.

The problem is that PTP are not 'ony proposing drafting committees'. In the process of forcing through their bills and amendment, without debate or consensus, PTP have also left democracy in the dust, and resorted to common fascism, threatening the lives of law-abiding working Thais. PTP are breaking human-rights laws, and Thai privacy-laws, and endangering the lives of innocent Thais by distributing home-addresses of dissenters to their angry street thugs.

PTP are trying to force through their own agenda, not a Thailand-improvement agenda, but a Freedom for Thaksin agenda, and they are willing to put this agenda as a higher priority than the lives of innocent Thais and their familes at home.

PTP are pushing through bills without any parliamentary debate, a corrupt PTP House Speaker who takes orders from foreign powers (treason) and rules in PTPs favour to hamstring the parliamentary process and neuter the central accountability-failsafes of democracy. Yingluck who doesn't even read the bills or attend debates, or vote, or visit parliament itself except on special occasions like birthdays and equinoxes. That is the background to your fallacious "only proposing draft committees". Background is very important. What they are 'only doing' is subverting democracy, and relying on threats and intimidation against anybody who opposes them, as a substitute for the due process of parliamentary debate and consensus-forming which they have avoided since they were elected.

Just because they included constitutional reform / Freedom for Thaksin etc. in their "openly campaigned platform" pre-election does not mean anything. That was just their campaign promises, along with "improving the lives of the poorest in society" which of course was just included for comedy-value , a sort of 'in-joke' among the PTP billionaire criminals in Dubai. "You think they'll believe this rural reform stuff? Who cares, it'll be a laugh. Send them some more dictator-face T-shirts, that seems to keep them happy."

Less than half of Thailand voted for PTP. I would say that means at least 50% of Thailand doesn't want any scabby PTP constitutional rewrites, or state-upheavals or the return of El Brigande as dictator. Most Thais certainly don't want human-rights abuse and overt law-breaking by the Government in the capital city, such as PTP are prone to.

You seem to mistake 'PTP getting 48% of the votes' for 'PTP being allowed to do whatever they want to do in office'. That is infact not the case. Being elected in democracy means you have a right to lead using the democratic tools of parliamentary debate and consensus-forming, reasoned discussion, bills and charters put through the state-system correctly and respectfully. It means (most importantly) that you have a solemn duty to protect ALL Thai citizens living within the democracy. It does not mean PTP can send fascist thugs round to the family homes of people who disagree with the regime, or threaten civil war when they don't get their way.


So what % of the people voted for the coup leaders? What % of the people voted for the Dems who derailed parliament with their childish antics? What % of people voted for Srimuang whose petition was accepted by the court? What % of the people voted for the CC judges? What we do know is that PT and their coalition partners have a 3:2 majority in parliament and they have the right to propose a constitutional rewrite. What you and others fail to address is that the court accepted this case as the rewrite is portrayed as an attempt to overthrow the constitutional monarchy. Even you realize this is utter cods wallop. PT know any such attempt would be their death nail and they are far too smart to go near that one. This is simply a statement by the elite and their mechanisms to once again undermine the electorate's power and ensure theirs.

How can PT be seen to be 'doing what they want' as you claim when they are proposing 1. An elected CDA and 2. A public referendum on any proposed changes? You and your ilk's accusations are simply unfoundered speculation.

What your crew don't get though, as you time and time again seriously misgauge the Thai sentiment, will be the populace's outrage at yet another blatant infringement of their democratic rights.

Unless I am deeply mistaken, this a very far from the topic supposed to be discussed here.

Question: What do you think of Korkaew's comment? Do you think it is a normal thing to say? Don't you think it is a threat? Is it in accordance with democracy principles? And please don't go wild again with the PAD blahblah blah...airport ...blah blah blah....Thank you

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