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Reasons For Not Leaving Thailand (Loving Or Hating It)


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I've been traveling up and down to Thailand, staying for a week every 2 months for 2 years now, and I've been thinking of moving there as my work is internet-based and involves traveling in the region from time to time.

I've read so many posts on this forum by people who hate life here, and I'm just wondering why they don't leave if they hate it so much? I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, and I'm asking more because I want to understand varied opinions.

I'm also wondering whether the negative experiences here come more from "Westerners", and whether "Asians" who move to Thailand have a less negative experience? I'm an Asian from a Southeast Asian country by the way.

Another thing I hear of is the "lying, cheating" culture in Thailand (something even an Asian friend has told me about, though not in detail). So I'd like to hear of some examples of this.

Thank you so much for taking a minute to reply to this.

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Reasons ? I guess is the fact that whoever love/hates living in Thailand has nowhere else to go. You need money here in Thailand for sure to experience the best of the country,many are just surviving,still Thailand is the most westernised of far eastern countries ,so some comfort there for farang.

Face it though,where to go,the western world is devastated,my option was move to Spain ,but likened to buying a ticket on a sinking Titanic.

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Just forget about it:

You have 10.000 western expats without any problems. Than you have 2 posting some nonsense.

Maybe another 2 posting some real things. So you get the impression 50 % of the western expats have this negative mindset.

But in fact it is just 0.02 %.

For me, I've been coming to Thailand at least once a year for 10 years now. And the more regular trips have been over the past 2 years. Recently I've learnt enough Thai to hold conversations, and I'm working daily to improve it (also speaking Thai as much as possible when I'm here).

I've spent a lot of time in Indonesia too, and I'd say the while the cost of food is about the same, property costs are much higher in Thailand. But the MRT and BTS lines in Bangkok work well, and beat transportation in Jakarta any day.

Maybe being "Asian" causes me to be seen differently (I've noticed that most of the news articles on scams, deaths, suicides, and other tragic incidents seem to mostly involve "Westerners"). Maybe I'm a little "street smart", but who knows, I've been robbed in Indonesia once too.

I agree with the general idea shared on this thread that any place is (mostly) what you make of it.

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Much better lifestyle here than in Britain ,i just couldnt live with all the Pc bullshit again or the traffic wardens ,speed cameras, sky high parking charges ,drink driving laws that make you terrified to drive even if you just sniffed the barmaids apron and the thousands of other petty laws enforced by jobsworths.


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Life is what you make it....period. It doesn't matter where you are; it's about your own attitude and adaptability. Some people have more money than others but it doesn't always mean they are happier than those who live on tighter budgets. We will all make comparisons with where we came from but that phase passes, providing our minds are still working properly !

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Reasons ? I guess is the fact that whoever love/hates living in Thailand has nowhere else to go. You need money here in Thailand for sure to experience the best of the country,many are just surviving,still Thailand is the most westernised of far eastern countries ,so some comfort there for farang.

Face it though,where to go,the western world is devastated,my option was move to Spain ,but likened to buying a ticket on a sinking Titanic.

"... most westernised of the far eastern countries" with the exception of Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. and depending on your viewpoint, the Philippines. and on a par with Taiwan.


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Cheating and lying culture : You certainly won't be able to debate this here. Most of posters have Thai gf/wives after having a bad private life experiences in their own country. You can't say anything bad about Thai culture, they take it as personal offense.

Really? I got the impression from the forum that more people had negative things to say. Perhaps I need to read and observe more.

I think everything has its good and bad points. I personally enjoy Indonesia and Thailand more than my country of origin. It's the vibe, the amount of life and things going on, and it's hard to describe. I'm not saying it's euphoric, it's just different, more lively, and more interesting to me.

I sometimes feel that expats in Thailand live in a world of their own (incl. the places they gather, shop, eat, and live) so they don't really have to deal with culture and society here that much.

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Learn to read Thai then take out a membership one of the top Thai language discussion boards and learn what the Thais are morning about.

Then there is that other Thai language forum that gives the otherside of the stories we read here.

Having followed this advice sit back have a cold beer and contemplate the rich diversity of life.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Cheating and lying culture : You certainly won't be able to debate this here. Most of posters have Thai gf/wives after having a bad private life experiences in their own country. You can't say anything bad about Thai culture, they take it as personal offense.

Really? I got the impression from the forum that more people had negative things to say. Perhaps I need to read and observe more.

I think everything has its good and bad points. I personally enjoy Indonesia and Thailand more than my country of origin. It's the vibe, the amount of life and things going on, and it's hard to describe. I'm not saying it's euphoric, it's just different, more lively, and more interesting to me.

I sometimes feel that expats in Thailand live in a world of their own (incl. the places they gather, shop, eat, and live) so they don't really have to deal with culture and society here that much.

The negative is only about individual, it usually starts by "My Thai wife.." My Thai wife cheated on me, My Thai wife spends all my money, My Thai wife is asking money for her parents, My Thai wife has left me, I think I never read so many times the word "My Thai wife" than here and I know so many stuffs about people's private life that I have never actually met.

No ones actually dares negative comments on Thai culture in general, otherwise, you have the

"if you don't like it, leave" crew

the "Let's try to give a positive image of THL to those who want to come" crew

the "I take everything about Thai culture personally because I date a Thai woman" crew

and the apologist ("If you've been ripped off it's your fault) crew,

all getting at you

A real treat thumbsup.gif

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Learn to read Thai then take out a membership one of the top Thai language discussion boards and learn what the Thais are morning about.

Then there is that other Thai language forum that gives the otherside of the stories we read here.

Having followed this advice sit back have a cold beer and contemplate the rich diversity of life.

Can you provide me a link? I'll use a translation software to read (not totally accurate, but close enough)

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Cheating and lying culture : You certainly won't be able to debate this here. Most of posters have Thai gf/wives after having a bad private life experiences in their own country. You can't say anything bad about Thai culture, they take it as personal offense.

Really? I got the impression from the forum that more people had negative things to say. Perhaps I need to read and observe more.

I think everything has its good and bad points. I personally enjoy Indonesia and Thailand more than my country of origin. It's the vibe, the amount of life and things going on, and it's hard to describe. I'm not saying it's euphoric, it's just different, more lively, and more interesting to me.

I sometimes feel that expats in Thailand live in a world of their own (incl. the places they gather, shop, eat, and live) so they don't really have to deal with culture and society here that much.

The negative is only about individual, it usually starts by "My Thai wife.." My Thai wife cheated on me, My Thai wife spends all my money, My Thai wife is asking money for her parents, My Thai wife has left me, I think I never read so many times the word "My Thai wife" than here and I know so many stuffs about people's private life that I have never actually met.

No ones actually dares negative comments on Thai culture in general, otherwise, you have the

"if you don't like it, leave" crew

the "Let's try to give a positive image of THL to those who want to come" crew

the "I take everything about Thai culture personally because I date a Thai woman" crew

and the apologist ("If you've been ripped off it's your fault) crew,

all getting at you

A real treat thumbsup.gif

There are some pretty broad-brush negative attacks on Thais, and, more specifically, the human race in general



There's actually a lot of us on here are figments of our imagination, and we find it hard to be consistent


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Cheating and lying culture : You certainly won't be able to debate this here. Most of posters have Thai gf/wives after having a bad private life experiences in their own country. You can't say anything bad about Thai culture, they take it as personal offense.

Really? I got the impression from the forum that more people had negative things to say. Perhaps I need to read and observe more.

I think everything has its good and bad points. I personally enjoy Indonesia and Thailand more than my country of origin. It's the vibe, the amount of life and things going on, and it's hard to describe. I'm not saying it's euphoric, it's just different, more lively, and more interesting to me.

I sometimes feel that expats in Thailand live in a world of their own (incl. the places they gather, shop, eat, and live) so they don't really have to deal with culture and society here that much.

The negative is only about individual, it usually starts by "My Thai wife.." My Thai wife cheated on me, My Thai wife spends all my money, My Thai wife is asking money for her parents, My Thai wife has left me, I think I never read so many times the word "My Thai wife" than here and I know so many stuffs about people's private life that I have never actually met.

No ones actually dares negative comments on Thai culture in general, otherwise, you have the

"if you don't like it, leave" crew

the "Let's try to give a positive image of THL to those who want to come" crew

the "I take everything about Thai culture personally because I date a Thai woman" crew

and the apologist ("If you've been ripped off it's your fault) crew,

all getting at you

A real treat thumbsup.gif

I love my Thai wife and son and have no plans to live in any other country.

Are you happy now, not that I worry about it but it is 100% true.

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Cheating and lying culture : You certainly won't be able to debate this here. Most of posters have Thai gf/wives after having a bad private life experiences in their own country. You can't say anything bad about Thai culture, they take it as personal offense.

Really? I got the impression from the forum that more people had negative things to say. Perhaps I need to read and observe more.

I think everything has its good and bad points. I personally enjoy Indonesia and Thailand more than my country of origin. It's the vibe, the amount of life and things going on, and it's hard to describe. I'm not saying it's euphoric, it's just different, more lively, and more interesting to me.

I sometimes feel that expats in Thailand live in a world of their own (incl. the places they gather, shop, eat, and live) so they don't really have to deal with culture and society here that much.

The negative is only about individual, it usually starts by "My Thai wife.." My Thai wife cheated on me, My Thai wife spends all my money, My Thai wife is asking money for her parents, My Thai wife has left me, I think I never read so many times the word "My Thai wife" than here and I know so many stuffs about people's private life that I have never actually met.

No ones actually dares negative comments on Thai culture in general, otherwise, you have the

"if you don't like it, leave" crew

the "Let's try to give a positive image of THL to those who want to come" crew

the "I take everything about Thai culture personally because I date a Thai woman" crew

and the apologist ("If you've been ripped off it's your fault) crew,

all getting at you

A real treat thumbsup.gif

You really should get out more and maybe mix with a different crowd. Where are all these threads you talk about on here, look at the general forum and tell me how many are about " my Thai wife xxxxxxxx", your just writing from your own bitter perspective.

To the OP, just come over and try Thailand for yourself. As others have said for some people it's a great place to be ( me included ) for other people it's not what they expected and it's up to them to make some changes to their lives.

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I have ups and downs here, in my homecountry it was not that different..

..Even if now it's raining buffaloes, i love the weather here on the island, and sure the sun will shine again.

If there is a good reason why i will struggle to stay here, it's the warm weather all year long, i would choose any other S.E. Asia country over any country in the West.

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I don't think it's a case of hating it, so much as taking out some frustrations on an internet forum.

Thailand is a wonderful place in many ways, but if you're coming from Europe or the US etc then some things can be very frustrating and puzzling, and I suspect everyone who has lived here for some time has at one point or another thought to themselves "what the hell are they doing that for?"

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As a falang married to a falang we love living over here and have done for the last 6 years. yes we have been ripped off and we have learnt from that but tell me a country where no one individual can state that they have never been ripped off. will we go back to the UK no !! will we move on maybe it depends very much on how Thailand treats its falangs and of course the uncertanty within the country Go by your instinct as you are in internet based employment the world is your oyster as long as you can get a signal. The falangs we know who are married to Thai ladies suffer with a communication problem between themselves and the wives normally because the wife spend half her life on the mobile and I think that is why you see so many negative remarks. if your out and about and get into converstion with someone who is moaning make an excuse and go that is what we do life would be boring if we all sang from the same hymn sheet when. If you like the place give it a go but if things do not live up to what you thought then pack the laptop up and move on which ever way you decide Good Luck !!!

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There seems to be no trust here amongst many and everyone is after money. Want a plumber?? ask around and anyone who tells you where you can find one wants a bit of money off the plumber.

It seems many just cant recommend someone without wanting something out of it. I find it odd.

Even a friend of mine selling his farm was surprised when I found him a buyer and the sale went thru and I told him I didnt want anything. Later he tried to give me tickets for the tennis as a thank you which is fine ( again I didnt have them) but what I dont like is this you must give me 1-2-3% as commission even when just asking a passer by when looking for land to buy etc.

I dont really like Thailand for its PEOPLE/CULTURE.

I do like the countryside when they havent filled it full of rubbish that is.

I stay for my wife and she has a good job and as Im not working she supports me.

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I love thailand, I have been here for nearly 5 yrs, I have a thai wife half my age, I have honestly had no more bad experiences than I would have in other parts of the world, and am happier than I have ever been in my life, and prior to coming to Thailand my life was also wonderful

We make our own luck, look after your wife and her family, a long established principal in thailand and you are unlikely to be cheated upon, of course like all parts of the word there are some bad people, but look at where you meet them, so you get what you deserve

I would love Thai Visa to get rid of all members poting negative things, but then there would be so few postings

Remember there are many foreignors here who are only here as they have run out of places to go, and they only have thai visa as their love!!

I hear often of people here living on social security from thir home countries and if they declared honestly where they live they would get nothing


long live the King and wonderful Thailand


Still in stage 1 then?

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Just forget about it:

You have 10.000 western expats without any problems. Than you have 2 posting some nonsense.

Maybe another 2 posting some real things. So you get the impression 50 % of the western expats have this negative mindset.

But in fact it is just 0.02 %.

Can't agree enough !!!

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It depends on where you come from and what you are hoping for in the future.

Thailand has so much to recommend it - scenery, weather (if you come from a Northern hemisphere country), cost of living etc. etc.

On the other hand it has its downsides - special 'farang' pricing (but most times still cheaper than back home), difficult to trust ANYONE (Westerners as well as Thais), not being able to truly integrate etc.

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It depends on where you come from and what you are hoping for in the future.

Thailand has so much to recommend it - scenery, weather (if you come from a Northern hemisphere country), cost of living etc. etc.

On the other hand it has its downsides - special 'farang' pricing (but most times still cheaper than back home), difficult to trust ANYONE (Westerners as well as Thais), not being able to truly integrate etc.

If I'd wanted to integrate I'd have never moved to England

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