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Scare Cats Away From My Lawn


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My neighbour has two cats. Those cats like to go to toilet on my lawn. I tried to scare them with fireworks (haha) but it does not work actually.

The neighbour is from Switzerland and I think he would do something in Europe, but not in Thailand. So far he is only feel sorrow about it.

So, please give me ideas how to take cats away from my lawn.

I'm thinking about motion detector + water spray.

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It sounds very funny, but it worked for a friend mine, he used a combination of clear see-through bottles (he used Soda bottles) half filled with Water (apparently cats don't like the reflection) and plastic toy snakes (those also gave his wife a scare every-time she walked past them :))

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A good quality air-rifle works wonders on stray cats - won't kill them but certainly lets them know to stay well away.


That's exactly how I feel about neighbours cats - would you allow their dogs or kids to roam in your yard and crap everywhere - I don't think so.

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A good quality air-rifle works wonders on stray cats - won't kill them but certainly lets them know to stay well away.


That's exactly how I feel about neighbours cats - would you allow their dogs or kids to roam in your yard and crap everywhere - I don't think so.

Cats DON'T crap everywhere. They are very selective where they put their stuff. AND, unlike dogs, they bury it so no other critter locates it. Dogs are dirty, crap anywhere creatures, where as cats spend most of the day cleaning themselves and hiding their crap. Cat for me any day. smile.png
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A good quality air-rifle works wonders on stray cats - won't kill them but certainly lets them know to stay well away.


That's exactly how I feel about neighbours cats - would you allow their dogs or kids to roam in your yard and crap everywhere - I don't think so.

You beter use your "weapons" against the people who are responsible for all this "s@#t" and don't hurt innocent animals dumped by b@$%#&*s! You don't know what you say about the force of air-riffles????

"kids" blink.png

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A good quality air-rifle works wonders on stray cats - won't kill them but certainly lets them know to stay well away.


That's exactly how I feel about neighbours cats - would you allow their dogs or kids to roam in your yard and crap everywhere - I don't think so.

You beter use your "weapons" against the people who are responsible for all this "s@#t" and don't hurt innocent animals dumped by b@$%#&*s! You don't know what you say about the force of air-riffles????

"kids" blink.png


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Thank you for your replies, everyone.

I'm trying mothballs now.

I used airgun several years ago, but now it contradicts with my inner world :)

Spinkler 'Scarecrow' is effective and sanuk-way, however 3 devices + delivery price is more than I want to spend on it.

Besides, I ordered 2 times from USA, but got nothing. I think it is Thai post fault. :(

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Thank you for your replies, everyone.

I'm trying mothballs now.

I used airgun several years ago, but now it contradicts with my inner world smile.png

Spinkler 'Scarecrow' is effective and sanuk-way, however 3 devices + delivery price is more than I want to spend on it.

Besides, I ordered 2 times from USA, but got nothing. I think it is Thai post fault. sad.png

There is an American brand for sale in Thailand, I have seen those I used in Spain. A very good and wellknown brand. http://www.antoni-uni-photography.com/Fauna-Antoniuni/Aves/Carrion-Crow/10486576_GX9LsL#!i=744722685&k=i6PDP&lb=1&s=A

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My cat is trained to bury crap in your garden, which is a great fertilizer. stop worrying unless you have hi-so visitors. whistling.gif

And my dog is trained to eat your cat and crap it back out on your doorsteplaugh.png

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My cat is trained to bury crap in your garden, which is a great fertilizer. stop worrying unless you have hi-so visitors. whistling.gif

And my dog is trained to eat your cat and crap it back out on your doorsteplaugh.png

Some milk and add a twist of DOT 3 or DOT 4....no harm done....that stops them.

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It sounds very funny, but it worked for a friend mine, he used a combination of clear see-through bottles (he used Soda bottles) half filled with Water (apparently cats don't like the reflection) and plastic toy snakes (those also gave his wife a scare every-time she walked past them smile.png)

I've seen quite a few folks use the water bottle approach to try to keep cats out along certain holes/slots in their fence. But there are so many places for a cat to get through or over a fence I'm not so sure the bottles really have much of an effect except in the mind of the person using them.

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Tried them all including gel, pepper, bottles and ultra sonic devices. They only thing that worked is an air rifle, you dont have to set it very powerful to kick the cats ass, won't do damage but will teach them a lesson they do not seem to forget.

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Thank you for your replies, everyone.

I used airgun several years ago, but now it contradicts with my inner world smile.png

If you open your windows before you shoot, It will not contradict with your inner walls.

ohh wait you said word...

Never mind

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Another (folklore?) cat repellent is citrus peels scattered about.

Yes, I've heard that - another one is black pepper, cats are deterred by that for some reason. You'd probably bankrupt yourself spreading enough black pepper to protect an entire garden though.

Another weird one; If cats are crapping in your flower-bed, sticking up-turned white plastic forks at random intervals can be effective. Ruins the look of the flower bed though!

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A good quality air-rifle works wonders on stray cats - won't kill them but certainly lets them know to stay well away.


That's exactly how I feel about neighbours cats - would you allow their dogs or kids to roam in your yard and crap everywhere - I don't think so.

Cats DON'T crap everywhere. They are very selective where they put their stuff. AND, unlike dogs, they bury it so no other critter locates it. Dogs are dirty, crap anywhere creatures, where as cats spend most of the day cleaning themselves and hiding their crap. Cat for me any day. smile.png

and it is really nice when you stick your hands in cat muck whilst wotking in the garden. Such a pleasant aroma.

Eat some oranges and place the peel all over the garden, that sometimes deters cats.

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Hit the cat with the back of a spade..............it wont do it again................mainly as it will be dead. Repeat with the neighbour

Awaiting all the cat lovers?

Followed up with


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