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Today On Phucome Intersection...


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I can second McGriffith's motion--when I was 19 years old--a 'charming little Old Lady' pulled out of a side street on me--when I was barrelling along at speed and pretty visible on a yellow Honda 400 cc--I went over the top of her bonnet,windscreen and roof--and continued along the road on my leathers and 'HELMET'--Thank God I had a Helmet. The Old Bag tried to drive off but was stopped by the arrival of an off duty Police Officer--first time I was happy to see a Law Officer in those days!!

As McG says--it's Up To You!

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I don't see how that will work. I would estimate that around half wouldn't even be registered in the correct names.

Possibley a psychological operation [PSYOPS] maybe ?? An oldie but a goodie. If so. Very clever indeed. Make them think they can get busted by this method and they will start wearing one.

Edited by coma
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What makes me happy is this way the funds go to the Government and not in someones pocket for lunch ( or anything else they may want) money

My friend, in Thailand 50 % of the amount of the tickets are returned to the issuer; the policeman.

Are you sure about this? They get a fair share? No reason to be corrupt then.

I too take photo's and I have a nice collection of it: policemen not wearing helmets on the way to extort money from others.

Please, post them.... that's so funny! I guess it is o.k. to post them here if you make sure their faces or other identification is being made unrecognizable.

A year ago I got busted. No helmet. And was at the police station to pay my fine and there, standing in the line with me was a policeman in full uniform, to pay his own fine for not wearing a helmet also. I couldn't believe it. But it was true.

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I don't see how that will work. I would estimate that around half wouldn't even be registered in the correct names.

Possibley a psychological operation [PSYOPS] maybe ?? An oldie but a goodie. If so. Very clever indeed. Make them think they can get busted by this method and they will start wearing one.

They can start putting up more dummy BIB's like before....after all no-one can tell the difference.

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I don't see how that will work. I would estimate that around half wouldn't even be registered in the correct names.

Possibley a psychological operation [PSYOPS] maybe ?? An oldie but a goodie. If so. Very clever indeed. Make them think they can get busted by this method and they will start wearing one.

They can start putting up more dummy BIB's like before....after all no-one can tell the difference.


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The g/f told me that she read that there are now concealed cameras all around the city and the outlying areas to catch people not wearing helmets. As we were out today we even saw a large sign at one intersection which she said was a warning that the intersection had a camera and motorcyclists not wearing a helmet would be recorded and ticketed. We looked all around and could not see a camera anywhere so they must be well-concealed.

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The g/f told me that she read that there are now concealed cameras all around the city and the outlying areas to catch people not wearing helmets. As we were out today we even saw a large sign at one intersection which she said was a warning that the intersection had a camera and motorcyclists not wearing a helmet would be recorded and ticketed. We looked all around and could not see a camera anywhere so they must be well-concealed.

There has been cameras on most major intersections for quite a few years now, but they are so poor quality and small units mounted up too high/bad placement without ever having a lense clean.

Useless as they cannot even record a number plate in major accidents.

I would be broke now if they worked every time I went through a red light!

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re ..

I saw a brown shirted gentleman walking behind the bikes which were in the first line at the red traffic light and he took photos


nahhh ... i dont own a brown shirt ! .... red maybe : ) ,,, but brown .. no

just joshin mods : )



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The g/f told me that she read that there are now concealed cameras all around the city and the outlying areas to catch people not wearing helmets. As we were out today we even saw a large sign at one intersection which she said was a warning that the intersection had a camera and motorcyclists not wearing a helmet would be recorded and ticketed. We looked all around and could not see a camera anywhere so they must be well-concealed.

There has been cameras on most major intersections for quite a few years now, but they are so poor quality and small units mounted up too high/bad placement without ever having a lense clean.

Useless as they cannot even record a number plate in major accidents.

I would be broke now if they worked every time I went through a red light!

That camera even poor quality and... but good enough to let me pay for driving too fast. The police send me a few papers with picture which has been taken from a camera at Super highway.

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Info. from last year, there are many intersections where camera installed: airport ring, Nhong Hoi, Nhong Prateep, Sandek, Theppanya hospital, Kuangsing, Jet Yod temple, Rincome, Phu come, Ton Payom market, east Nawarat brige, Jang Hua Rin, Nimmanhemin, Muen Dam Pha Kod (near Rajaphat university)...

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The g/f told me that she read that there are now concealed cameras all around the city and the outlying areas to catch people not wearing helmets. As we were out today we even saw a large sign at one intersection which she said was a warning that the intersection had a camera and motorcyclists not wearing a helmet would be recorded and ticketed. We looked all around and could not see a camera anywhere so they must be well-concealed.

There has been cameras on most major intersections for quite a few years now, but they are so poor quality and small units mounted up too high/bad placement without ever having a lense clean.

Useless as they cannot even record a number plate in major accidents.

I would be broke now if they worked every time I went through a red light!

According to the article she read, these are new and they use some kind of new technology. Yes, the cameras you are talking about have been there for years and are easy to spot.

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The policeman is doing all concerned a favor. Any motorbike rider who does not wear a helmet gets what they deserve.

Very sad to see Darwin's law in effect.

A trip to the head injury ward of a nearby hospital should be enough to convince, but apparently it isn't.

Mesquite, what business is it of yours whether peoiple wear a helmet or not? Be honest do you want others sticking it to you if you ever buck the "PC system"? Darwins Law in reality would see the superior rider, helmeted or not, avoiding accidents and the poorer riders being taken out even if they wear a suit of armor.

Information about helmets is not new and of course it is safer to wear one. It is also better not to drink, smoke, eat junk food, watch reality TV and the list goes on and on. But should we make choices as individuals or do we need faceless bureaucrats to enforce their endless laws, bearing in mind that once the door to Big Brother opens it never stops and only expands to every aspect of your life.

Thailand currently is mostly not a deplorable Western style Nanny State and that is what I like about it, I can't for the life of me understand why other expats that have left their increasingly statist restrictive homelands would want this place to go the same way. There again maybe I am the only one that thinks that way.

the do gooders will start complaing then, its too strict here,and wish it was like the old days.
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I can't disagree with the above, that is why I made it clear in my post relating my experience with a crash 40 years ago, that I really don't care if people wear a helmet or not riding. Or wear a seatbelt in a car. Or use a child-approved baby seat for their toddler while driving a car.

Up to you, my friend.

We've lost several members on this forum, who were riding and got smacked unexpectedly. Can't say a helmet would have necessarily changed the outcome.

Do what you think is right, and be willing to suffer the consequences if perhaps you are wrong....

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I have been listening, or not, to the pros and cons of helmet use for some 50+ years. The bottom line is; it is the law in Thailand that you must wear a helmet when on a motorcycle. That's it! Same as in many countries, whether you agree or not. If you break the law, and you get caught, you pay the consequences. It's pretty simple really.

As for the Thais moving from residence to residence; they all have id cards and are usually registered, as are their vehicles, at their home or parents address and on the Tambien Ban (sp), even if they actually live elsewhere. That's why so many have to travel to go home and vote. The mail should eventually catch up to them, or it will when they pay their road tax or renew their license. Of course what they do with it is a different story.

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I saw a brown shirted gentleman walking behind the bikes which were in the first line at the red traffic light and he took photos

dave2? unsure.png

Nope. If you go through my other posts, you might find some kind of an "accent", definitely not Dave's tongue.png

I would be broke now if they worked every time I went through a red light!

Keep up the good work. Eventually you'll end up in a pool of blood and the newspaper guys will get your picture, with cameras that work.

I have to wear a helmet because of ppl who deliberately pass the red light. Why not enforcing traffic laws where they are useful? The helmet won't protect me against them, no matter how carefully I ride my bike.

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The police send picture+ticket to previous owner's address (in that time the vehicle still in her name) for drive too fast, but it is my mistake that I didn't see or check the picture and detail to be sure that I am a driver or my family/family's friend (anyway I have to pay)because in that time I stay in Chiang Mai only 1 week and I always look how fast when I drive/ride to be sure it is under/equal limit, so that is the first time for me.

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the pro helmet gang always cracks me up. i personally love the guys who have 6 beers and take their bike home (but always wear the helmet) clap2.gif

if you're consistently going above 60km/hr then, yes, you should have a helmet on. if you're puttering around at 30-50km there is absolutely no need for a helmet. in fact, id argue a helmet INCREASES your chances of an accident at low speeds on account of reduced visibility, weight on your head, and the general lower awareness that a helmet inflicts, yes, INFLICTS on its wearer.

it comes down to awareness. if you can handle a bike and are aware enough to anticipate/prevent bad situations, then you'll be fine. if you dont possess those skills -- and riding a bike in thailand is very much a skill -- then no level of protection will prevent you from having accidents.

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if you're puttering around at 30-50km there is absolutely no need for a helmet

What a load of crap. Try standing still (without a helmet) and then just fall to the ground with your head first. Bet it'll hurt.

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if you're puttering around at 30-50km there is absolutely no need for a helmet

What a load of crap. Try standing still (without a helmet) and then just fall to the ground with your head first. Bet it'll hurt.

so perhaps one should wear a helmet for walking about...thumbsup.gif

at low speeds, awareness of your surroundings is too important to have your visibility, range of movement, and field of vision limited by a helmet. one's field of vision is so dramatically hindered by most helmets that one's chances of getting in an accident are greatly increased by wearing the dam_n thing. at higher speeds you dont need as much constant 360 degree awareness so that decreased awareness doesn't matter as much or even come into play depending on the type of bike/road.

bottom line, riding a bike here is not that dangerous unless you drive carelessly or dont know what youre doing. im always baffled by how many tourists who obviously have no experience on a bike have no fear of renting one with plans of riding about town.

Edited by samsara
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if you're puttering around at 30-50km there is absolutely no need for a helmet

What a load of crap. Try standing still (without a helmet) and then just fall to the ground with your head first. Bet it'll hurt.

I tried it.......you're right!

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if you're consistently going above 60km/hr then, yes, you should have a helmet on. if you're puttering around at 30-50km there is absolutely no need for a helmet. in fact, id argue a helmet INCREASES your chances of an accident at low speeds on account of reduced visibility, weight on your head, and the general lower awareness that a helmet inflicts, yes, INFLICTS on its wearer.

if you're puttering around at 30-50km there is absolutely no need for a helmet

What a load of crap. Try standing still (without a helmet) and then just fall to the ground with your head first. Bet it'll hurt.

so perhaps one should wear a helmet for walking about...thumbsup.gif

at low speeds, awareness of your surroundings is too important to have your visibility, range of movement, and field of vision limited by a helmet. one's field of vision is so dramatically hindered by most helmets that one's chances of getting in an accident are greatly increased by wearing the dam_n thing. at higher speeds you dont need as much constant 360 degree awareness so that decreased awareness doesn't matter as much or even come into play depending on the type of bike/road.

bottom line, riding a bike here is not that dangerous unless you drive carelessly or dont know what youre doing. im always baffled by how many tourists who obviously have no experience on a bike have no fear of renting one with plans of riding about town.

im totally speechless, really.

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OK, ladies (and gentlemen), let's take a deeeeeep breath.

You're never gonna convince the "wind in the hair" crowd about the intrinsic logic or safety issue of wearing a helmet while riding.

Let's get back on topic- has anyone seen the local fuzz photoing any more people at intersections? Any tickets received in the mail by members?

Any Chiang Mai CCTV intersection footage leaked to YouTube?


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OK, ladies (and gentlemen), let's take a deeeeeep breath.

You're never gonna convince the "wind in the hair" crowd about the intrinsic logic or safety issue of wearing a helmet while riding.

Let's get back on topic- has anyone seen the local fuzz photoing any more people at intersections? Any tickets received in the mail by members?

Any Chiang Mai CCTV intersection footage leaked to YouTube?


I see.wai.gif

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