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Is Thailand Really The Land Of Smiles?


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Smiling yourself and speaking some Thai really brings out the smiles.

this works in tourist areas too.I have never had a problem with grumpy thais,yes,there are some out there but no different than grumpy old farangs

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Ask burmese people if thailand is the land of smile...

Back home, somebody smiling means that he is happy/nice people/good mood... in thailand their smile have a total different meaning.

You can take it like a grimace or a tension/contortion of their face.

That why many foreigner are fooled by their "mask".

I had a problem with a Thai neighbour, so I asked someone in my Thai family how to deal with the issue. He said smile each time you see him so if you want to take revenge he won't think it's you; said it's Thai style! So I said but Thai's also smile with their eyes, response was foreigners don't understand Thai smiles...

Ask burmese people if thailand is the land of smile...

Back home, somebody smiling means that he is happy/nice people/good mood... in thailand their smile have a total different meaning.

You can take it like a grimace or a tension/contortion of their face.

That why many foreigner are fooled by their "mask".

I had a problem with a Thai neighbour, so I asked someone in my Thai family how to deal with the issue. He said smile each time you see him so if you want to take revenge he won't think it's you; said it's Thai style! So I said but Thai's also smile with their eyes, response was foreigners don't understand Thai smiles...

It should be called the land of snarls....

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Everywhere, except in places for tourists. smile.png


I did lived for 7 years on my boat in Antibes (French Riviera) where it's even worst, tourist (maybe) called the region the land of grin? For they are considered as walking wallet, for instance 1kg tomatoes 7,5 ¤ sometimes more! On the other hand one should see how many tourist behaved, on the little beach its 50% sand 50% butts, some do not care to go shopping in swimsuit, after midnight hard to find a group of passerby not completely drunk shouting in the street, not to mention the various brawls everywhere. As far as Thailand is concern I have watch some videos on Phuket at night... I swore I will never go to Phuket! When I met my wife first she was reluctant telling me "I do not want to be a Farang's Girl Friend" then she discovered I was a Buddhist ( I was way before coming to Thailand) She is from Isaan, but worked for a company in Koh Samui after divorcing her Thai husband , the couple owning 3 shops they where not poor people, so she had a terrible opinion of the Farangs for she told me, in various occasions old men proposed her money for boum boum, in the streets in broad daylight or even in Big C or Testo Lotus, it takes a certain time to convince her all Farangs are not same! So personally I understand the way some Thais considered many Farangs. One day surfing the web for subjects relating to Thailand I unexpectedly stumbled across a Porn Site where they called poor young Thai girls " Street meat" I was and still am DISGUSTED! It is insulting the whole country,I do not know where this site is located but videos where of course shot in Thailand, I wish they could be caught by Thai police for the bastards to rot in jail for years!

OK Thai people are not perfect, but I am afraid many Farangs are not either, for unfortunately the word respect was never part of their vocabulary! sad.png

You certainly got a point there .....

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@ Globallight

You misunderstand. The thinking they have created that we are superior is part of their insecurity hence the reasons they don't treat all farangs fairly sometimes. I do agree there are a number of degenerates coming here and I have been in a verbal confrontation more than on a few occasions, but the fact is most Thai guys do have low self-esteem with an anxiety over losing face which can cause potential hostility. You cannot get all to like you but if you respect them in their way of thinking and the accept it then you are on your way, if they don't well then you know some of them are just not worth the effort. I find that particularly common in the south of Thailand but if I want to get better accepted then I would probably have to wait until the government issues a fair deal for the foreigners who wanna be immigrants here and that might never happen, so why bother. Treat them like you would treat anybody back home and you will be alright.

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I live and work here since 10 years and after being 7 days in europe I can't wait to be back home in Phuket. The service and hospitality is extraordinary in Thailand, you just need to go to the right places. The comfortable liifestyle you can have here, full time maid, eating in good restaurants, paying low taxes and most importantly live a free life where you can do more or less what you want, is hard to find anywhere else. Most thais are extremely polite.

Life is what you make it.

Anyway it's more important to carry a smile inside of you then being busy judging if the smile of other people is true or fake.

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I always believed that anyone who actually believes that Thailand is the land of smiles must come from the land of idiots. If you want someone to smile at you, smile at them first and take your chances.

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The reasons for grinning seem to be somewhat universal. You're about to be plucked, or the other party is of simple mind. I appreciate a short nod and efficiency over idle teeth baring and I guess it shows as I tend to get what I want. Same as the Thais around me.

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same shit, different day on thai visa.

how many times can "you people" have the same conversation?

How long do you expect ThaiVisa to be around?

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I find often that 'young white skinned people especially with blonde hair are given smiles everywhere' ESPECIALLY western women! Now being a tall dark and handsome type here over age 30 will get you a lot of upside down smiles and dirty looks. I've observed a place in Kanchanaburi where an italian friend of mine around 35 years old with a trimmed beard bought something at a market stall and he was frowned at and treated rudely. Next comes in the 25 year old swedish couple and you could see all the Thai's smiling and saying "Suay Mak mak". So I think it is the land of smiles if your young, pale, handsome or beautiful. Anyone who looks like a mexican, indian or iranian will be treated as an enemy. Your in the land of superficiality. Skin whitening products and plastic surgery are some of the biggest money makers known to man here in Thailand. The Land of Smiles for those with full wallets, white skin and blonde hair!

Do you you have heartburn for some time ? bah.gif

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My wife who like me is a Farang says yes " They always smile when they take your money " !!!!!!

I know a few places in Europe where they do not bother to smile when they take much more of your money sick.gif

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same shit, different day on thai visa.

how many times can "you people" have the same conversation?

And yet, here you are .... having the same conversation. Perhaps you should have said "we people."

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While all Thai are not all smiles, I do find that out of the 60-plus countries I've visited and lived, Thailand by far is the friendliest (i.e., most smiles per capita) country of all. I also find that a smile will usually get me an immediate smile back.

If you find that you never or seldom receive a smile from Thais, the fault may very well be yours and not theirs. Lighten up and don't be afraid or too proud to give the first smile.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Thais and amny other Asian Cultures, believe that Blond Haired White/Light skin coloured people may be angels. Mere Proximity to such "spirits", may result in good luck. My small blond Caucasian Nieces were constantly harrassed in China for the 1st 10 years. Old Chinese ladies constantly tried to rub their hair. The girls were fluent in 2 Chinese Dialects, so were able to foist them off. My bro told me, that the local bus drivers frequently would not accept money from the small blond girls. They travelled for free for a considerable time.

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For me the big difference is that (most) Thai people smile (back) at you when you look at them and smile! When you try that in the West, many people get aggressive and ask: "what you're looking at?"

There are many different Thai smiles:

1. Yim thang nam taa: The “I’m so happy I’m crying” smile.

2. Yim thak thaai: The “polite” smile for someone you barely know.

3. Yim cheun chom: The “I admire you” smile.

4. Fuen Yim: The stiff smile, also known as the “I should laugh at the joke though it’s not funny” Smile.

5. Yim mee lessanai: The smile which masks something wicked in your mind.

6. Yim yaw: The teasing, or “I told you so” smile.

7. Yim yae-yae: The “I know things look pretty bad but there’s no point in crying over spilt milk” smile.

8. Yim sao: The sad smile.

9. Yim haeng: The dry smile, also known as the “I know I owe you the money but I don’t have it” smile.

10. Yim thak thaan: The “I disagree with you” smile, also known as the “You can go ahead and propose it but your idea’s no good” smile.

11. Yim cheua-cheuan: The “I am the winner” smile, the smile given to a losing competitor.

12. Yim soo: “smiling in the face of an impossible struggle” smile.

13. Yim mai awk: The “I’m trying to smile but can’t” smile.

14. Yim som tam: The “Waiter, there’s a dead crab in my salad!” smile. (ok, this one was completely made up. But I’m sure I’ve given it myself a few times…).


thaismile13.jpgThe smile of hopelessness. The situation is so bleak, you've got nothing better to do but offer a pathetic smile. Example: you've just been mugged, had your passport and money stolen, and your Embassy won't bother making a phone call on your behalf except at super expensive direct dial rates.

thaismile1.jpgThe polite smile. Example: you've just met four strangers who are sure to bore you to tears with stories about the size of corn ears, but you have to smile, shake their hands, and say it was great to meet them.

thaismile12.jpg The nervous apologetic smile. Example: you accidentally put vodka instead of Sprite in 9-yr old Junior's glass. Junior drank it ... eagerly .. and is now vomiting, and your wife is accusing you of trying to turn Junior into an alcoholic. thaismile2.jpg The forced smile. Example: the corrupt and evil mayor of town wins the next major election. Your parents are good friends of this crook, so you have to attend his victory party to congratulate him.

thaismile11.jpg The smile of diffusion, to get past embarrassing and awkward situations. Example: you've just been elected the new corrupt mayor of your town, and your 20-yr old daughter emerges drunken and nude at your congratulatory dinner to call you a crook.

thaismile10.jpgThe inappropriate hidden smile. You want to smile but it's inappropriate to do so. Example: Your cruel live-in mother-in-law just died, and your wife is in tears. You feel like you got a new lease on life but you can't act glad about the news in front of her.

thaismile3.jpgThe victory smile. Example: You're Harry Potter and you just beat Draco Malfoy's team at Quidditch. thaismile8.jpgThe admiration smile. Example: you're part of an evil terrorist cell and your leader has just suggested what everyone feels is a brilliant plan to blow up an entire country of innocent people.

thaismile4.jpgThe happy smile. The smile you expect to see on someone's face in light of good news. Example: you've just approached two dream women at a bar, boldly suggested a threesome, and they both agreed to it!

thaismile7.jpg The evil smile. Example: how a used car salesman would look just before he's about to overcharge you on the lemon you're going to buy from him.

thaismile5.jpgThe attitude smile. When you have the attitude you're right and everyone else is wrong. Example: Tom Cruise's rants on The Today Show about psychiatry bordering on pseudoscience

thaismile9.jpgThe mocking smile. Example: you're in the audience of The Today Show or The Oprah Winfrey Show as Tom Cruise goes on his embarrassing rants. You smile at him and shout in humor, "You tell 'em, Tom!"

thaismile6.jpgThe sad smile. You're feeling tremendously sad but must cover it up. Example: Tom Cruise is your favorite actor, you've worshipped him for two decades, and now you've just painfully watched your idol make a fool of himself on The Today Show just before a dozen guests show up at your house for a dinner party you're hosting.

So, in the end the question is: WHO smiled at you and for what reason???

Wow, no wonder Thai's say foreigners don't understand Thai smilessmile.png Got to admire your command of the Thai language

Too bad you didn't reference the source of your post i.e. http://www.dougsrepublic.com/thailand/landofsmiles.php

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For me the big difference is that (most) Thai people smile (back) at you when you look at them and smile! When you try that in the West, many people get aggressive and ask: "what you're looking at?"

There are many different Thai smiles:

1. Yim thang nam taa: The “I’m so happy I’m crying” smile.

2. Yim thak thaai: The “polite” smile for someone you barely know.

3. Yim cheun chom: The “I admire you” smile.

4. Fuen Yim: The stiff smile, also known as the “I should laugh at the joke though it’s not funny” Smile.

5. Yim mee lessanai: The smile which masks something wicked in your mind.

6. Yim yaw: The teasing, or “I told you so” smile.

7. Yim yae-yae: The “I know things look pretty bad but there’s no point in crying over spilt milk” smile.

8. Yim sao: The sad smile.

9. Yim haeng: The dry smile, also known as the “I know I owe you the money but I don’t have it” smile.

10. Yim thak thaan: The “I disagree with you” smile, also known as the “You can go ahead and propose it but your idea’s no good” smile.

11. Yim cheua-cheuan: The “I am the winner” smile, the smile given to a losing competitor.

12. Yim soo: “smiling in the face of an impossible struggle” smile.

13. Yim mai awk: The “I’m trying to smile but can’t” smile.

14. Yim som tam: The “Waiter, there’s a dead crab in my salad!” smile. (ok, this one was completely made up. But I’m sure I’ve given it myself a few times…).


thaismile13.jpgThe smile of hopelessness. The situation is so bleak, you've got nothing better to do but offer a pathetic smile. Example: you've just been mugged, had your passport and money stolen, and your Embassy won't bother making a phone call on your behalf except at super expensive direct dial rates.

thaismile1.jpgThe polite smile. Example: you've just met four strangers who are sure to bore you to tears with stories about the size of corn ears, but you have to smile, shake their hands, and say it was great to meet them.

thaismile12.jpg The nervous apologetic smile. Example: you accidentally put vodka instead of Sprite in 9-yr old Junior's glass. Junior drank it ... eagerly .. and is now vomiting, and your wife is accusing you of trying to turn Junior into an alcoholic. thaismile2.jpg The forced smile. Example: the corrupt and evil mayor of town wins the next major election. Your parents are good friends of this crook, so you have to attend his victory party to congratulate him.

thaismile11.jpg The smile of diffusion, to get past embarrassing and awkward situations. Example: you've just been elected the new corrupt mayor of your town, and your 20-yr old daughter emerges drunken and nude at your congratulatory dinner to call you a crook.

thaismile10.jpgThe inappropriate hidden smile. You want to smile but it's inappropriate to do so. Example: Your cruel live-in mother-in-law just died, and your wife is in tears. You feel like you got a new lease on life but you can't act glad about the news in front of her.

thaismile3.jpgThe victory smile. Example: You're Harry Potter and you just beat Draco Malfoy's team at Quidditch. thaismile8.jpgThe admiration smile. Example: you're part of an evil terrorist cell and your leader has just suggested what everyone feels is a brilliant plan to blow up an entire country of innocent people.

thaismile4.jpgThe happy smile. The smile you expect to see on someone's face in light of good news. Example: you've just approached two dream women at a bar, boldly suggested a threesome, and they both agreed to it!

thaismile7.jpg The evil smile. Example: how a used car salesman would look just before he's about to overcharge you on the lemon you're going to buy from him.

thaismile5.jpgThe attitude smile. When you have the attitude you're right and everyone else is wrong. Example: Tom Cruise's rants on The Today Show about psychiatry bordering on pseudoscience

thaismile9.jpgThe mocking smile. Example: you're in the audience of The Today Show or The Oprah Winfrey Show as Tom Cruise goes on his embarrassing rants. You smile at him and shout in humor, "You tell 'em, Tom!"

thaismile6.jpgThe sad smile. You're feeling tremendously sad but must cover it up. Example: Tom Cruise is your favorite actor, you've worshipped him for two decades, and now you've just painfully watched your idol make a fool of himself on The Today Show just before a dozen guests show up at your house for a dinner party you're hosting.

So, in the end the question is: WHO smiled at you and for what reason???

t undersWow, no wonder Thai's say foreigners don'tand Thai smilessmile.png Got to admire your command of the Thai language

Too bad you didn't reference the source of your post i.e. http://www.dougsrepu...andofsmiles.php

"Wow, no wonder Thai's say foreigners don'tand Thai smilessmile.png Got to admire your command of the Thai language"

Commands on my Mac are cmd+c / cmd+v cheesy.gif

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For me the big difference is that (most) Thai people smile (back) at you when you look at them and smile! When you try that in the West, many people get aggressive and ask: "what you're looking at?"

There are many different Thai smiles:

1. Yim thang nam taa: The “I’m so happy I’m crying” smile.

2. Yim thak thaai: The “polite” smile for someone you barely know.

3. Yim cheun chom: The “I admire you” smile.

4. Fuen Yim: The stiff smile, also known as the “I should laugh at the joke though it’s not funny” Smile.

5. Yim mee lessanai: The smile which masks something wicked in your mind.

6. Yim yaw: The teasing, or “I told you so” smile.

7. Yim yae-yae: The “I know things look pretty bad but there’s no point in crying over spilt milk” smile.

8. Yim sao: The sad smile.

9. Yim haeng: The dry smile, also known as the “I know I owe you the money but I don’t have it” smile.

10. Yim thak thaan: The “I disagree with you” smile, also known as the “You can go ahead and propose it but your idea’s no good” smile.

11. Yim cheua-cheuan: The “I am the winner” smile, the smile given to a losing competitor.

12. Yim soo: “smiling in the face of an impossible struggle” smile.

13. Yim mai awk: The “I’m trying to smile but can’t” smile.

14. Yim som tam: The “Waiter, there’s a dead crab in my salad!” smile. (ok, this one was completely made up. But I’m sure I’ve given it myself a few times…).


thaismile13.jpgThe smile of hopelessness. The situation is so bleak, you've got nothing better to do but offer a pathetic smile. Example: you've just been mugged, had your passport and money stolen, and your Embassy won't bother making a phone call on your behalf except at super expensive direct dial rates.

thaismile1.jpgThe polite smile. Example: you've just met four strangers who are sure to bore you to tears with stories about the size of corn ears, but you have to smile, shake their hands, and say it was great to meet them.

thaismile12.jpg The nervous apologetic smile. Example: you accidentally put vodka instead of Sprite in 9-yr old Junior's glass. Junior drank it ... eagerly .. and is now vomiting, and your wife is accusing you of trying to turn Junior into an alcoholic. thaismile2.jpg The forced smile. Example: the corrupt and evil mayor of town wins the next major election. Your parents are good friends of this crook, so you have to attend his victory party to congratulate him.

thaismile11.jpg The smile of diffusion, to get past embarrassing and awkward situations. Example: you've just been elected the new corrupt mayor of your town, and your 20-yr old daughter emerges drunken and nude at your congratulatory dinner to call you a crook.

thaismile10.jpgThe inappropriate hidden smile. You want to smile but it's inappropriate to do so. Example: Your cruel live-in mother-in-law just died, and your wife is in tears. You feel like you got a new lease on life but you can't act glad about the news in front of her.

thaismile3.jpgThe victory smile. Example: You're Harry Potter and you just beat Draco Malfoy's team at Quidditch. thaismile8.jpgThe admiration smile. Example: you're part of an evil terrorist cell and your leader has just suggested what everyone feels is a brilliant plan to blow up an entire country of innocent people.

thaismile4.jpgThe happy smile. The smile you expect to see on someone's face in light of good news. Example: you've just approached two dream women at a bar, boldly suggested a threesome, and they both agreed to it!

thaismile7.jpg The evil smile. Example: how a used car salesman would look just before he's about to overcharge you on the lemon you're going to buy from him.

thaismile5.jpgThe attitude smile. When you have the attitude you're right and everyone else is wrong. Example: Tom Cruise's rants on The Today Show about psychiatry bordering on pseudoscience

thaismile9.jpgThe mocking smile. Example: you're in the audience of The Today Show or The Oprah Winfrey Show as Tom Cruise goes on his embarrassing rants. You smile at him and shout in humor, "You tell 'em, Tom!"

thaismile6.jpgThe sad smile. You're feeling tremendously sad but must cover it up. Example: Tom Cruise is your favorite actor, you've worshipped him for two decades, and now you've just painfully watched your idol make a fool of himself on The Today Show just before a dozen guests show up at your house for a dinner party you're hosting.

So, in the end the question is: WHO smiled at you and for what reason???

t undersWow, no wonder Thai's say foreigners don'tand Thai smilessmile.png Got to admire your command of the Thai language

Too bad you didn't reference the source of your post i.e. http://www.dougsrepu...andofsmiles.php

"Wow, no wonder Thai's say foreigners don'tand Thai smilessmile.png Got to admire your command of the Thai language"

Commands on my Mac are cmd+c / cmd+v cheesy.gif

yep, stupid me - I had assumed the poster had formatted the post himself and was impressed with the effort. Most people on this forum will quote the first few lines or so and then direct to the source doco if they are not the author - ah well...

Edited by simple1
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I've heard this question before and thought about it myself many times...

Every time I do, I hear this song by the reggae band Morgan Heritage...

Have a listen and then you tell me "Do you see anything fi smile 'bout?"

It's a tribute to the Thai people that they still know how to smile. I'm impressed that they do it as often as they do. There are so many intractable social issues that plague the country. Not to mention the capstone of the rampant corruption and utter disregard that the government has for addressing the best interests of the people, and the development of the nation, rather than just to sate their own lust for money and power.

No... I don't see anything fi smile 'bout....


Lyrics simplified a bit for those not used to the jamaican patois...

People come to jamaica and don't know how we live

they think EVERYTHING nice through we full of vibes and things

They say they want feelin to their heart when they get to understand di real thing

I'm there in a town one day

talk with a white man who come all the way from norweigh

And he turned to me and say

"How come Jamaica full of so much screwface?"

Same time I lift my head to the sky

And a tear drop fall from my eye

Me Say my youth, come we go out for a drive

Let me show you why I cry

Look upon the gully side

Do you see anything fi smile 'bout

Look at that hungry child

Do you see anything fi smile bout

Look at the school where the youth go to get their education

Do you see anything fi smile bout

Look at the conditions of our police stations

Do you see anything fi smile bout

Same time the brother say

How can a nation be living in this way

And the next thing him say

How can the government play so many games

Same time mi heart fall to the ground

Cause theres much more where that comes from

Certain place they are worse than slum

Youth man come

And take a look upon Riverton

Do you see anything fi smile bout

Look upon Payneland

Do you see anything fi smile bout

Flankers, Mobay and Saffras Heights in Nos Spain

Do you see anything fi smile bout

Hope Flats, Kentiyah, Mottom Bay are all the same

Do you see anything fi smile bout

No no... no no no no no no....oh no no....


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