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That Age Difference Question Again


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To a 20 year old you are old, It's all relative. Wait until you're 50 (12 years away) and some young punk in a bar calls you grandpa, then you'll truly understand how an ageist remark feels.

But its true.. i would be a grandfathers age.. The truth hurts at times but it is the truth. You are old.

You are a also a bit of a hypocrite as you ad punk to young clearly shows you dont like young people. I see that a lot here too older guys scared to death for young guys and saying they all cheat and drink while many old timers drink as much untill their body says stop.

Before you use a word you better check as to what it means The word hypocrite has no relevance to what you are saying. I used the word "punk" because I was referring to the type of person that shows disrespect. To say I don't like young people is ridiculous and I'm finding it hard to believe you are 38, you are acting more like a 12 year old. If we all spoke the truth 100% we would hurt a lot of people, it's called having consideration, something you are clearly yet to learn.

Id love to be 12 again.. please if you could make that happen id win 26 years back.

But anyway i don't think its disrespectful to say grand dad to someone who is old. Here in Thailand they call someone who is fat fat and someone who is old old. That is one of the parts that like about this country. I am blunt always have been, why should i sugarcoat the truth for people.

If im doing a shitty job i hope my clients will tell me. If im growing fat i hope my wife will tell me. If im a jerk i hope someone will say that to me.

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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

The same might apply for young guys as well. I wouldn't think too many young guys who come her for a holiday are going to get any freebies, and the ones who are living here are still paying for it one way or another.

One of my clients who is 26 does not pay for it not even in bars. The girls go with him for free (if they have no customers). So i can safely say many young guys dont pay for it.

Other example..educated Thai girl.. reasonably good job has a farang bf..she pays for the house and all he pays almost nothing. She pays most of it for him.

So yea.. i can say younger guys dont pay.

My example i am 38 gf pays her her share.. around 40% of the costs. Not paying her a salary she works as a guide.

You've given two examples and maybe they are good looking charismatic guys. Also maybe the bar girl wants a decent place to crash where she can sleep in clean sheets instead of sharing a room with 6 others. A heck of a lot of young guys come to Thailand because they can't pull a bird in their own country because they are either ugly as sh*t, fat and don't have a clue how to treat women. There would be a very small percentage of guys here, young or old, that are getting a free ride. Now I'll wait for all the Brad Pitt look-alikes to respond and tell me they are getting a free ride. Yeah, in your dreams.

Edited by giddyup
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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

The same might apply for young guys as well. I wouldn't think too many young guys who come her for a holiday are going to get any freebies, and the ones who are living here are still paying for it one way or another.

One of my clients who is 26 does not pay for it not even in bars. The girls go with him for free (if they have no customers). So i can safely say many young guys dont pay for it.

Other example..educated Thai girl.. reasonably good job has a farang bf..she pays for the house and all he pays almost nothing. She pays most of it for him.

So yea.. i can say younger guys dont pay.

My example i am 38 gf pays her her share.. around 40% of the costs. Not paying her a salary she works as a guide.

You've given two examples and maybe they are good looking charismatic guys. A heck of a lot of young guys come to Thailand because they can't pull a bird in their own country because they are either ugly as sh*t, fat and don't have a clue how to treat women. There would be a very small percentage of guys here, young or old, that are getting a free ride. Now I'll wait for all the Brad Pitt look-alikes to respond and tell me they are getting a free ride. Yeah, in your dreams.

You are right it really does not matter much if your old or young if your ugly and fat you don't get far anyway. But in general older guys look worse, at least i am not improving with age. I am sure you are not either only a few like sean conery seem to have improved with age.

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Many girls have relations when their guy is out of country. The guys just don't have a clue. Young or old.. the girls have needs too.

What makes you think the guys don’t have a clue?

I think most guys that are in a (successful) long distance relation are well aware that she might be fooling around. Sex is over-rated in this respect and it takes a bit more than the occasional satisfying of a bodily need to shatter a relation.

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Many girls have relations when their guy is out of country. The guys just don't have a clue. Young or old.. the girls have needs too.

What makes you think the guys don’t have a clue?

I think most guys that are in a (successful) long distance relation are well aware that she might be fooling around. Sex is over-rated in this respect and it takes a bit more than the occasional satisfying of a bodily need to shatter a relation.

Really? Try and convince a Thai lady of that if you play up. Or any woman.

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Many girls have relations when their guy is out of country. The guys just don't have a clue. Young or old.. the girls have needs too.

What makes you think the guys don’t have a clue?

I think most guys that are in a (successful) long distance relation are well aware that she might be fooling around. Sex is over-rated in this respect and it takes a bit more than the occasional satisfying of a bodily need to shatter a relation.

Most guys.. not me as i am all for open relations. would go crazy if they knew their wife / gf would be having sex with an other guy. Similar with girls they usually don't like it if their guy is doing some other girls.

So yea i dare to state that most of those guys don't have a clue.

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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

You could be right. A sparkling sense of humour and being a nice guy may not carry you through

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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

You could be right. A sparkling sense of humour and being a nice guy may not carry you through

In extreme age gaps.. usually it does not carry you through. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule. But mid 60 and early 20.. id say not a snowbals chance in ......

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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

You could be right. A sparkling sense of humour and being a nice guy may not carry you through

In extreme age gaps.. usually it does not carry you through. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule. But mid 60 and early 20.. id say not a snowbals chance in ......

I guess 38 is the perfect age eh? My next door neighbour is 69 his lady is 25, been together 6 years. Sure he spoils her which I'm sure doesn't hurt the relationship, but you know what? He doesn't give a dam_n.

Edited by giddyup
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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

You could be right. A sparkling sense of humour and being a nice guy may not carry you through

In extreme age gaps.. usually it does not carry you through. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule. But mid 60 and early 20.. id say not a snowbals chance in ......

I guess 38 is the perfect age eh? My next door neighbour is 69 his lady is 25, been together 6 years. Sure he spoils her which I'm sure doesn't hurt the relationship, but you know what? He doesn't give a dam_n.

If he is happy and it works for him, more power to him I say!

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Im sure the paying does not hurt at all.. might be the reason they stay together. But as long as he knows and he does not care.. Who am i to judge or care.

I just prefer relations where girls stay for me with other reasons then money.

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Im sure the paying does not hurt at all.. might be the reason they stay together. But as long as he knows and he does not care.. Who am i to judge or care.

I just prefer relations where girls stay for me with other reasons then money.

Yes, but you still have an ego, movie star looks and abundant charisma. When you get older that kind of thing doesn't matter as much.

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Im sure the paying does not hurt at all.. might be the reason they stay together. But as long as he knows and he does not care.. Who am i to judge or care.

I just prefer relations where girls stay for me with other reasons then money.

Yes, but you still have an ego, movie star looks and abundant charisma. When you get older that kind of thing doesn't matter as much.

In my thinking then the girl is not much more then those you get short time. Then its better to rent one by the day and have many different ones.

For me a relation is something that is not about money and where you would not expect to be financially compensated for your time. But that is just my personal opinion. Your is different you dont mind renting a wife. Your happy.. im happy.

My post was about the guys that think the girls stay with them for love while they just want their pay day. Long or short con, and then the guys come moaning about how bad girls are.

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During the busy planting or harvesting season my wife encourages me to go visit my old friends in Jomtien. She and her lady co-op partners do their farming without hiring any help. My wife say she has no time to take care of me and if I want to go, to go.

Once when I came back early, I was sitting there and my wife got a phone call. She got a report that I was seen with a girl in my car. It was strange that they were talking in English. My wife replied that it was up to me what I did and that I knew where home was and I'd come home when I was ready. She didn't mention that I was sitting there listening.

I was waiting to hear what that was all about and I had to ask her. She said the call was from a jealous lady friend and that she called just to try to make trouble. Not all Thai ladies are crazy jealous.

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There's a guy in our apartment block, he's mid 60s, spends a lot of time down the gym, makes a big effort to look after himself, good for him.

His Thai girlfriend is in her early 20s, very attractive, seems to spend a lot of time doing the house work and 'looking after' her boyfriend, good for her.

When he's not around she slips out in the Honda Jazz he bought her and meets up with her young Thai boyfriend who works in the same office as my SIL - Good for her.

Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

You could be right. A sparkling sense of humour and being a nice guy may not carry you through

In extreme age gaps.. usually it does not carry you through. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule. But mid 60 and early 20.. id say not a snowbals chance in ......

I guess 38 is the perfect age eh? My next door neighbour is 69 his lady is 25, been together 6 years. Sure he spoils her which I'm sure doesn't hurt the relationship, but you know what? He doesn't give a dam_n.

Thats exactly right he doesn't give a dam_n .......
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During the busy planting or harvesting season my wife encourages me to go visit my old friends in Jomtien. She and her lady co-op partners do their farming without hiring any help. My wife say she has no time to take care of me and if I want to go, to go.

Once when I came back early, I was sitting there and my wife got a phone call. She got a report that I was seen with a girl in my car. It was strange that they were talking in English. My wife replied that it was up to me what I did and that I knew where home was and I'd come home when I was ready. She didn't mention that I was sitting there listening.

I was waiting to hear what that was all about and I had to ask her. She said the call was from a jealous lady friend and that she called just to try to make trouble. Not all Thai ladies are crazy jealous.

There are always people who would stir up trouble, some being those that perpetuate the myth that Thai women will all have boyfriends if they are in a relationship with an older man, the same people that repeatedly state the "old men fleeced moaning on the forum".....myth...where are all these old men? I can't see where the forum is over run by them...of course the 'fleeced' could be so poor they cannot afford a computer.....yes that must be it!!So who says they did not enjoy the ride?...just because if some here downed a few dollars it would garauntee a future of misery, does not make all others the same...why do posters feel the need to make huge assumptions and try to make it the norm?

The main point here is that people the world over believe what they choose especially if it makes them happy, and why not? Some it would appear need to believe the rest of the world are being taken for a ride, but they are different....anybody know why this is?

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if a girl was far younger then me, and i am only 36 i would wonder what the hell she wanted, i would be so paranoid.

not only that i would feel a little foolish with a young girl on my arm but each to there own, i would think somethings wrong with the girl, why cant she get a nice young man her own age.

often girls going for older men have many mental issues and baggage.

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Any old guy who thinks he has anything to offer a young woman other than cash and goodies is falling for the most dangerous lie of all - The lies we tell ourselves.

That excuse is what Beta males tell themselves to justify the fact that they cannot attract younger women.

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if a girl was far younger then me, and i am only 36 i would wonder what the hell she wanted, i would be so paranoid.

not only that i would feel a little foolish with a young girl on my arm but each to there own, i would think somethings wrong with the girl, why cant she get a nice young man her own age.

often girls going for older men have many mental issues and baggage.

Is it not you with the mental issues? Paranoid if you appear attractive to younger women???.........never bothered me.....maybe I'm differentrolleyes.gif

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if a girl was far younger then me, and i am only 36 i would wonder what the hell she wanted, i would be so paranoid.

not only that i would feel a little foolish with a young girl on my arm but each to there own, i would think somethings wrong with the girl, why cant she get a nice young man her own age.

often girls going for older men have many mental issues and baggage.

What a crock! Please enlighten me as to how you know this.

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these relationships are nothing more then business transactions

Would that be the 'open' relationships, where you share a home and costs, but your co habitant can go have a shag, anytime, anywhere?

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Im sure the paying does not hurt at all.. might be the reason they stay together. But as long as he knows and he does not care.. Who am i to judge or care.

I just prefer relations where girls stay for me with other reasons then money.

Yes, but you still have an ego, movie star looks and abundant charisma. When you get older that kind of thing doesn't matter as much.

In my thinking then the girl is not much more then those you get short time. Then its better to rent one by the day and have many different ones.

For me a relation is something that is not about money and where you would not expect to be financially compensated for your time. But that is just my personal opinion. Your is different you dont mind renting a wife. Your happy.. im happy.

My post was about the guys that think the girls stay with them for love while they just want their pay day. Long or short con, and then the guys come moaning about how bad girls are.

If I had your movie star looks and charisma (but modest about it) I would be able to attract girls without money as well. Oh well, at least I have a few bucks, otherwise life could be lonely here.

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read on, i said some are real relationships, but to those that got offended, you must be paranoid youselves and in a dodgy relationship.

if you were in the ones that are legit you would not get offended, point proven that it makes you paranoid hahahah

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there are a very rare few real relationships, but they are rare, good for you if your one of these.

but please dont deny its not rare and most are bs

In the housing estate where I live they are by far the majority, so not rare at all. Maybe the big difference is that most of these older guys are not whore mongers, drunks or loud mouthed individuals but just normal people going about their own business, have a sense of community, and generally are quite happy with their younger wives, as I am.

Judging by the attitude of the younger western members here on TV towards elderly people it is no wonder that so many of these elderly escape to a country where they at least can have a fairly happy live on a lot less money than in the west.

And let's be perfectly clear about it, I do hope that all of these young guys that look down on older people will have the change to experience themselves the bias that exist against age.

Yermanee wai.gif

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