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Smoking More Unhealthy Than Obesity, But ...


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Americans think the opposite.

It's an interesting question. Personally, I would have probably answered both are very bad, but scientifically smoking is much worse. Go figure.


According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking accounts for an excess mortality of more than 400,000 Americans every year, compared to just 112,000 for obesity. That's despite the fact that there are many more fat Americans—obesity rates are now 50 percent higher than smoking rates.
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I think it depends on your personal defenition of unhealthy , facts are facts and more people die from smoking yes. But I think the people who think obesity is more unhealthy are looking at other things along the way to death. For example you will find a lot of smokers involved in activitys that are healthy and fun where almost no obese people are found like skiing and snowboarding. You will generally find plenty of smokers doing recreational activitys and very few of the others , so while they might not live as long they could be percieved as being more healthy along the way.

It also depends on the perception of how they make the count ..... Is a 90 year old smoker who dies really a victum of smoking ? I think the perception that smokers are more healthy is probabbly true in the first place. I wouldn't call an obese person who can't touch their toes or go on a 5 mile hike up a mountian more healthy just because less of them die each year than smokers. I think the confusion is in thinking that longevity or the number who die means that they are more healthy along the way. A person in a coma might live a longer life than a smoker but I would'nt call them more healthy.

If you really believe obese people are more healthy than smokers I would challenge you to find 100 obese people and 100 smokers of the same age and have them compete in any activity considered to be a healthy one, like hiking biking , playing football or running swimming ect. And see who wins.

I would also challenge both groups to some healthy mind testing and I would put my money on the smokers , while non smokers would probabbly do better in both groups my guess would be smokers minds are actually clearer than obese people, My guess is based on the fact that while looks plays an important role in employment it's not everything and just like you don't find a lot of obese people involved in healthy activitys you also don't find a lot of obese people as Scientists of in feilds requiring sharpness of the mind where you will find a lot of smokers, however like the post showed their are a lot more smokers in the first place , but how many obese Scientists can you name ? How many obese high ranking corporate officals ?

Smoking may be worse for a long life however to say that obese people are more healthy than smokers seems a little foolish to me.

Smoking may be more unhealthy than obesity however the smokers themselves would seem to be a lot more healthy than the obese people while they are alive , it's just that more of them are considered to die from smoking than the obese people catagory.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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Smokers inhale poisons all through the day every day. Of course smoking is more unhealthy.

Obese people eat poision all the day every day for the most part , unless you think they are all eating healthy vegies and fruit all day ! LOL ....... and don't go the thyroid condition route please
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I gave up the smokes 18 months ago, put on about 15kg's and there it stayed for quite some time. I am still overweight according to BMI but I excercise daily and have no problems running 4km in 30 mins (@85%MAX HR) and recovering very quickly and easily.

Just this week gone I had to do a first aid refresher for work whick involved a CPR simulation using dummies. There was a young lad next to me - 25year old who would easily be spot on the BMI for his height as being a healthy weight but he is a smoker. Surprise surprise, the poor young lad who smokes and has a sedentry lifestyle was unable of CPR for more than 5 minutes. My fat ass had only just warmed up and was'nt even breating deep or heavy, just normal.

Cigarettes are poison. grabbable gut is unhealthy. if you have either in your life you need to do something about it because the cosequences are nasty and they hurt not just yourself but your loved ones too.

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Smokers inhale poisons all through the day every day. Of course smoking is more unhealthy.

Obese people eat poision all the day every day for the most part , unless you think they are all eating healthy vegies and fruit all day !

Most obese people are eating healthy fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods as well as unhealthy ones and people have to eat to live. Cigarette smoke is plain old poison that damages the lungs and the rest of the body when it is inhaled. There is nothing healthy about it and there is no good reason to smoke.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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I would reckon smoking must be the least healthy. There is no healthy way to smoke.

What we eat is, of course, our choice but we must eat something.

Most obese people are obese because they eat too much !!

Personally my weight is spot on...It's just that by BMI I should be 7 feet 6 inches tall rolleyes.gif

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Smoking should not even be legal outside. I challenge anyone in the world to counter the following argument effectively. You can't. People need to start smoking in cocoons.

If you live in a condo, and smoke on your balcony everyday, and the smoke happens to seep into a adjacent child's window and he breathes your smoke everyday, how can you justify that?? There is no way in the world one can justify that, no matter what rationalizations you make. Further, since you don't know where your smoke is going, you should not ever be able to smoke outside. End.

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Smoking should not even be legal outside. I challenge anyone in the world to counter the following argument effectively. You can't. People need to start smoking in cocoons.

If you live in a condo, and smoke on your balcony everyday, and the smoke happens to seep into a adjacent child's window and he breathes your smoke everyday, how can you justify that?? There is no way in the world one can justify that, no matter what rationalizations you make. Further, since you don't know where your smoke is going, you should not ever be able to smoke outside. End.

How about alcohol... i mean you might get drunk and assault someone.

Come on some freedom should be there.

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