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Thailand - Land Of Smiles Or Tourist Trap?

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Yet another 'Land of Smiles" thread.

Maybe my thinking is not complicated enough, but when I hear "Land of Smiles", I would expect to see (as in: would think I will see)........smiles.

And plenty of those............otherwise, why call it LAND OF SMILES?

Now I mostly move around in non tourist areas in Bangkok: is the slogan justified? No

A few times a week I walk down Sukhumvit (to go to the gym), a tourist area, during the day or evening: is the slogan true? No

But hey, maybe I just expect too much.

Thais have told me on more than one occasion that Thais don't smile for no reason. Only when needed.

Not for basic everyday routine actions and not to strangers.

But it would not be a slogan if it came with an explanation and therefore exceed 3-6 words, now would it.

Luckily, every now and then (but still not enough) I do see it, and am offered a smile.

Thais are not friendly by definition, but there are some friendly Thais.

(Note how I do not divert to Thai education system, BiB, taxi scams, single male tourist venues etc ect

To each their own I say............just be considered, friendly, smile <deleted>)

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I dont know how Thailand become the L O S but i think in general they do smile more than most places i have been in my working life and that is a lot of countries, not as a tourist in poor parts of Africa i notice that people smile readily and dont forget in the USA you get have a nice day it is just automatic response but does it mean anything?

i notice when i go up country with the wife to her small village nearly everybody related there is no big show of affection and not much thanks from them on how much help my wife has given them over the years long before she met me it bugs me a bit but that is the Thai way so when you connect this to the LOS logo i must say it confuses me but i get plenty of smiles when we are there


The single 1 thing that I find most disturbing about the "Land of Smiles" is that the farang has no rights whatsoever. An acquaintance was recentlyly attacked by 3 thais, hospitalised with severe injuries, and the police refused to accept his complaint even though the address of the attackers was known. Very sad, but unfortunately to be expected. In addition, the fact that the car containing the leader of the PTP,s opposition party (Abhisit) was attacked by redshirt thugs gives some indication as to where this place is heading. Pol Pot is back !


Please do not even try to compare LOS of today with what happened in

Cambodia starting 17 April 1975. I was in Cambodia from late 1972

until 10 April 1975 then returned in 1989 for the Vietnamese troop

withdrawal. You have no idea what the people suffered, I do...I lost

a fiance to the Khmer Rouge. Why was I in Cambodia? I was a

military advisor to FANK...you look up the acronym. Again please

don't ever use Pol Pot to refer to anything of this day and age.

FYI...not only here in LOS but anywhere on the planet; other than

in ones home country...one has no "rights". You accepted the laws

of your host country the moment you stepped on it's soil. Plus did

you ever think that the sales person in the shop may find it easier

to converse with another person in a common language than try

to please a foreigner who apparently may not speak the language

and get a job done easier first then deal with the farang second?

Learn the language and try again...things work much smoother.

Good post Mr Sunshine 51

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"The Land of Smiles": one of the most successful marketing slogans of all time.

No, the word "Gay" transformed from happy to homo was the marketing slogan of all times.

Guess we can no longer say..."We'll have a gay old time" eh Brian!?

If Fred Flintstone knew about it he would have said "yabba dabba DON'T

Thailand land of scams liars cheats and theives, home of poluted beaches covered in deck chairs and filth plenty of better places to go in the world

I have only one question...with your statement....If you're here in LOS...why are you here?

If you don't like it, airports are close with planes leaving LOS regularly...be on one.

I just knew without a doubt, someone would come up with the old "if you don't like it, get out." is that why you left your country? Heck, I bitch about mine all the time, but I'm not packing a bag. I'm hoping that if enough people get involved, things will change for the better.

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Agree completely. I'm a classic farang in Thailand...in my early 60s, no money problems, in good health, etc. But, I do not and will not fall into the trap of serial sex with beautiful young Thai women; or pay for one Thai girlfriend. Why? because it is fake, it ain't real...it's just an image. I can not think of anything more lonely or desperate than going to a foreign country with a difficult language and culture to have superficial sex with someone half/one-third my age. It is phony and fraught with the moral hazards already mentioned.

So, what do you do in your spare time, then?

Sounds like he's got a lot of spare time on his hands. rolleyes.gif

Sounds like he must put something else in his hands..a lot!
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Thailand - Land of smiles or tourist trap?


Totally agree since the smiles are also part of the Trap. Every trap must have some inducements.


"The Land of Smiles": one of the most successful marketing slogans of all time.

No, the word "Gay" transformed from happy to homo was the marketing slogan of all times.

Actually "gay" is a French term even more derogatory than "queer" and adopted by homosexuals in open defiance as a badge to be worn proudly. At least that is what a Sunday Parade magazine (American) newspaper insert article stated roughly 20 or 25 years ago when the term "gay" became more widespread.

The more the government fails to act, the worse the reputation will become.

News articles, movies such as Hangover 2, documentaries etc. Have all tilted the balance. The tourists coming here now are less and less family holiday seekers and more and more those looking to party.

Just watched Both the hangover movies enjoyed them, with the shots of Thailand in Hangover 2.

Enjoying a movie is no crime.

However when we have have friends and family that see the movie from afar, they do ask questions about what we do here

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> "the realThailand"...aggressive mafia operated taxis

I'd wager that the vast majority of 'real Thais' jave never seen a mafia-operated taxi and wouldn't know what one was.


"The Land of Smiles": one of the most successful marketing slogans of all time.

No, the word "Gay" transformed from happy to homo was the marketing slogan of all times.

Actually "gay" is a French term even more derogatory than "queer" and adopted by homosexuals in open defiance as a badge to be worn proudly. At least that is what a Sunday Parade magazine (American) newspaper insert article stated roughly 20 or 25 years ago when the term "gay" became more widespread.

So them dang French were the ones celebrating back in the the GAY 90"S...?

"The Land of Smiles": one of the most successful marketing slogans of all time.

No, the word "Gay" transformed from happy to homo was the marketing slogan of all times.

Actually "gay" is a French term even more derogatory than "queer" and adopted by homosexuals in open defiance as a badge to be worn proudly. At least that is what a Sunday Parade magazine (American) newspaper insert article stated roughly 20 or 25 years ago when the term "gay" became more widespread.

Gay Parie hear i come( I never knew that) by by Thailand


"The Land of Smiles": one of the most successful marketing slogans of all time.

No, the word "Gay" transformed from happy to homo was the marketing slogan of all times.

Actually "gay" is a French term even more derogatory than "queer" and adopted by homosexuals in open defiance as a badge to be worn proudly. At least that is what a Sunday Parade magazine (American) newspaper insert article stated roughly 20 or 25 years ago when the term "gay" became more widespread.

So them dang French were the ones celebrating back in the the GAY 90"S...?

Look at the start history of HIV

Funny, I have lived here for 4 years and never been to Phuket. And only looked at Pattaya. They do what they do best and attract the clientele you would expect. I kinda like up country. It is still touristy. And I get boned on prices some. But most of the time a fairly good retirement destination.


I liked this comment the best, it's on the bottom of the article:

"People who enjoy eco-tourism tend to spend a lot of money and we are definitely targeting that type of tourist," said Chattan Khunjara Na Ayudhya, a public relations director at TAT.

If there is any minority tourism in Thailand, it must be the eco-tourism. I think for every group of 1000 sex tourist arrivals there is one eco tourist coming in....


> "the realThailand"...aggressive mafia operated taxis

I'd wager that the vast majority of 'real Thais' jave never seen a mafia-operated taxi and wouldn't know what one was.

I agree with your sentiment - in reality they may know of mafia businesses (not just taxi), but they know how to deal with it, or avoid it - without getting their knickers in a twist.


There seem to be a lot of very negative views expressed here - I must say that if those posters really hate it that much, its time to go.

I have traveled a lot, and I can safely say that Thailand is no worse than many places in SEA, or elsewhere in the world - two good friends of mine visited Brazil, and both came back with stories of being mugged and threatened by large gangs of thugs...and whatever you do, don't go out at night along the Ipanema foreshore - there are areas of Sydney that I wouldn't ever consider walking around at night - in fact that goes for many Oz cities (and I am Australian so I know firsthand) - many areas of cities in the UK are definite no-go, and of course the USA...well... so lets say that almost everywhere that tourists (read: potential victims) travel, there will be scammers, there will be muggers, there will be criminals waiting to pounce - so lets get a little perspective here.

I have lived in Bangkok for 20 years, and to be honest, I really dont know of any areas that I would specifically avoid, even at night - as long as you act in a reasonable and courteous way..and keep a smile about you. Places like Pattaya, Phuket etc are a bit more dangerous of course because of the concentration of potential victims - and the tourists often are very unwise in the way they act - but is it different from many other tourist areas on the planet - not at all - and still a lot safer than some!

If you really truly hate it so much, then I honestly think you should think seriously about going elsewhere, as you are doing no-one any favours by staying here and complaining.

Spot on.

All these crimes that are mentioned in the article do happen in most European and (South-) American tourist destinations and far more often too.

Second, on a whole other note, I dare to say that the poor Australian woman that was robbed and killed in Phuket could still have been alive if she had only just given her purse to the thugs rightaway....


I agree - the numbers are up but is the quality of holiday still there?

These young college kids seem to think all of their "Dreams can come true" in Soi Bangla Phuket.

Awesome filmclip promoting Soi Bangla and Phuket's crazy nightlife.

There is only one Thailand and with all its flaws and faults it will continue to draw tourists because no other Souteast Asian nation delivers so much "Culture Shock"in one punch. It's a heady mix compared to the stilted experiences on offer in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Seasoned travelers seem drawn back like moths to the flame...

You can't have the seeming chaos without some real danger... but for some this just adds to the experience.

yeah right, we need more of this cheap charlies here, paying only for water, fried rice and bitches but not intrested in the enviroment, nature or culture of thailand...and for what anyway... life`s a PARTY ....

Culture shock? wich culture shock? visit Sri Lanka or India...thats a culture SHOCK ...

Phuket an island described by travel guide Lonely Planet as "one of the world's most famous dream destinations".

yeah right ... LOL may be it was 15-20 years ago when there was 1% cars from todays


I do not have the stats, but with the world economy going down the toilet with the USA and Europe, these folks are not traveling around the world like they use to. Everyone is being conservative with their money. True, there are more Chinese, and Indians visiting "Land of Frowns Smiles" but they're on cheap, cheap package tours. The Russians are the new spenders, some have baht, some are thrifty. It is no longer like the good old days for Thailand.

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I do not have the stats, but with the world economy going down the toilet with the USA and Europe, these folks are not traveling around the world like they use to. Everyone is being conservative with their money. True, there are more Chinese, and Indians visiting "Land of Frowns Smiles" but they're on cheap, cheap package tours. The Russians are the new spenders, some have baht, some are thrifty. It is no longer like the good old days for Thailand.

For good or bad never to return methink's the 1st to notice will be the ladybars the Russian's the Indians the Chinese and other Asian Nationals will never take the place of the Brits.Irish.the Diggers or the other Europeans in the bars.

Tot wanted them in as someone said " You have to be carefull what you wish for"


This kind of article always brings out the unhappy nutters. 8000 people are killed by guns in America every year. They just had another slaughter there. Nothing will change. Where do a couple of high profile crimes in LOS stand in relation to that? Just an example, let's try and keep things in perspective? Geesh!

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This kind of article always brings out the unhappy nutters. 8000 people are killed by guns in America every year. They just had another slaughter there. Nothing will change. Where do a couple of high profile crimes in LOS stand in relation to that? Just an example, let's try and keep things in perspective? Geesh!

How does their suck make my suck not suck?


I'm intrigued by the posts suggesting that isaan offers a better tourist experience

I visited roi et recently. All I saw was villagers staring vacantly into space, men drinking Lao kao, cornflakes packet style concrete hotels unless you prefer the short time motel variety and an evening stroll with a friend along the river being interrupted by solicitations to have sex with a boy who looked about14 by a very unwell looking ladyboy pimp.

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It is a tourist trap if you go to the tourist areas, otherwise it is the Land of Smiles. Go discover the real Thailand?

What is real Thailand? Tourists normally go to tourist areas, this is why the industry is called tourism. If the tourists go see other places then those become tourist areas hence become tourist traps. blink.png

"The Land of Smiles": one of the most successful marketing slogans of all time.

I point out that chimpanzees "smile" while looking friendly, is really just a means for them to more easily bare their teeth and prepare to bit.

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"The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) think numbers are going up so people must like it here, but the problem is the quality of their visit has gone down,"

He's got it in one. They keep on coming in greater numbers. So what's the problem?

It's a top down approach of ordered chaos directed by government officials who are all on the take from the PM down to the bent bobbies on the beat. They create a wonderful edgy atmosphere that tourists love. You never know when a knife is going to explode into your guts over a dispute about 20 baht or when you will be clubbed off your motorbike by a gang of billy club wielding 14 year olds who need your wallet and your phone.

best summary of the real thailand .no law , no justice, REALITY

Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App

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There is no justice what so ever for forigners in Thailand irrespectiv of accident with motorbikes, cars, jetskis, rape, steeling or any other crime and scams where Thais are involved. The Thais are always favoured and the tourist only have to pay - regardles of who´s doing wrong.

It´s amazing that in a country living on tourism the officials shut their eyes to the numeras injustices made on tourist on a daily basis.

They all get their bribes today but what will happen in the long run ??

Dont this monkeys understand that they are biting the hand that feeds them.


The article mentions 'transvestite thieves'. Do I take it that there aren't any non-transvestite thieves in Thailand then?

Interesting that transvestite thieves are always mentioned in articles and on this forum. In my several years of living in Thailand, I have always had pleasant experiences with transvestites.

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