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How Would Thailand Rate With Crime Rates Against Europe?


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The crime rate is obviously higher in thailand than in europe. Just one fact, a easy one. If thailand is a safe place, so why there are more murder in thailand than in all europe( i mean 25 country all together). More murder in a nation of 67 mln people than in europe with 500 mln people.

That isn't true all. And although Europe has extremely low murder rates in most countries, Thailand wouldn't be the highest in the EU, that would go to Lithuania, the Baltic countries all have rates higher or about the same. Thailand's murder rate is roughly the same as the US( 5.0 vs 5.3 per 100,000 people), most European countries are between 1 and 2. Both the US and Thailand are several times higher than most European countries but neither are particularly high world wide however.

your answer is completely twisted.blink.png

So first: you said i m wrong,

and just after you admit, most european country has extremely low murder rate (except for estonia, lithuania, latvia) so i m righttongue.png

But did you take time to read my message?

I repeat there are more murder in thailand(a nation of 67 mln ) than in european union( with a population around 500 mln people).

And i insist per capita and also per head

Per capita, thailand has something between 5.4 per 100000(from your source/thai govts) around 8.2 (if you choose another source but that another problem).

Per capita european union is something around 1-1.5 (again depending on the source)

Per head if you do the sum you will found that all european union country has around 5000 murder each year (number quite accurate)

Per head, in thailand depending if you trust the thai govts the number goes from 3600 to 55OO murder each year(that another subject, what s about murder in south thailand). Personnaly i dont trust number from thai govts. Obviously you do trust them...

And least you try to distract attention with bring on "US/World crime rate" while the subject of the thread was Thailand Vs Europe crime rate, you offsidewhistling.gif

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The crime rate is obviously higher in thailand than in europe. Just one fact, a easy one. If thailand is a safe place, so why there are more murder in thailand than in all europe( i mean 25 country all together). More murder in a nation of 67 mln people than in europe with 500 mln people.

The reason Thailand can have can feel safe and a low assault rate but a higher murder rate is the nature of society. Random attacks from strangers are less common than in most countries, but if two people get in to a fight with one another it is more likely to escalate beyond a beating and end up with someone dead due to loss of face. Random street crime is less likely to happen here, but a dispute between two people is more likely to result in murder. I don't have much experience in Europe but like I said, Thailand feels far safer than most big US cities. No fear at all walking around Bangkok late at night, back home is a completely different story.

You should have said than with a crime rate of 1-1.5 per 100000 murder does not exits in EUROPEAN UNION. This is a fact. This is the fact.

Anything that you have wrote is just pure speculation, unless you work as a police officer and have a made a deep study about why few thousand get murdered each year.

By the way, did you remember, the 2 russians girls that got shot dead in jomtiem, did they were looking for trouble?

and also the japanese girl that got rapped and murdered in sukhotai, did she was looking for trouble?

and also the sweedish girl that got rapped and her throat slashed at phuket beach on day time, did she was looking for trouble?

and also the english girl who got rapped and murdered in koh samui, did she was looking for trouble?

and also last month the australian lady who got stabbed for 10 dollars... did she was looking for trouble?

better i stop here sick.gif

About how you feel safe here: Its just a feeling, thats it, nothing more nothing less.

Some looney feel safe here because:

You are not thai, you didnt grow up here, your experience/knowledge of thailand is limited.

You dont speak, read thai so you canot pick up a thai newspaper, watch news on tv, have a deep and daily chat about whats going in thailand.

You dont have family, relatives, old thai friends with whom you can share you "feeling" about the country.

In fact you are not even aware whats going on around you, you are like a new born, a blind and a deaf at the same time. But hell you talk a lot...

its sleeping time for me.

no kidding i wonder why i bother to replycoffee1.gif

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besides all the problems with these statistics:

gun murders in Thailand 31 per 100 000 /per year(?)

( I do not think that they overestimate these figures - for what reasons should they do it?)

that means: In Pattaya there are roughly estimated 1 Mill. people living.

that would mean, there are about 310 people getting murdered every year

(if the rate is the same in Pattaya as in the rest of the country - a friendly assumption .. )

(3100 in 10 years !, that would mean about 24 000 in 80 years (life expectancy for a male in middle Europe today)

that would mean, about 18600 for the whole of Thailand (in 80 years 1.488.000, 1 and a half million ! Germany f.e. about 33 thousand)

These are awful big numbers. And it means, the chance of being killed with the intention of killing you (not just by "chance". like being killed in road accidence ) is not that totally unlikely (like it would be in central Europe)!

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I repeat there are more murder in thailand(a nation of 67 mln ) than in european union( with a population around 500 mln people).

And i insist per capita and also per head

Per capita, thailand has something between 5.4 per 100000(from your source/thai govts) around 8.2 (if you choose another source but that another problem).

Per capita european union is something around 1-1.5 (again depending on the source)

You're 'source' is an unnamed WHO estimate from 2004, based on what actual numbers is unknown, not good enough and not recent enough. And you are mistaken in your second rambling, nonsensical rant, I do speak and read Thai. I can give you the actual stats for all crimes, but you will need to read Thai, although maybe you can use google translate like you do with your posts. In 2011 (not 2004 as your one source has and was probably inaccurate back then) there were a total of 3,307 murders, that is not as many as there were in the EU. That is just a fact. You can look year by year for the past 15 years here http://statistic.pol....th/dn_main.htm . The purpose of bringing up the US is to show it is not a high number even if it is higher than most EU countries. You're trying to portray the situation inaccurately for your own reasons, you're quite clearly quite angry and bitter about something which is why you're posting here

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There's a difference in "quality" and quantity though.

I believe in Australia or the UK you're more likely to get some drunk guy in a bar take a swing at you, or some lout on the street start something for no reason, neither of which I have experienced from Thais. However it seems that any assault in Thailand is likely to have much more serious consequences. Can't find any statistics to back this up though.

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you are all looking in the wrong direction any way. Try walking around Salvador brazil in what most of the non thais I see here do, just walk up a normal high street and see what happens, I think most that have been to Brazil and S america in general have bin robbed,

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I repeat there are more murder in thailand(a nation of 67 mln ) than in european union( with a population around 500 mln people).

And i insist per capita and also per head

Per capita, thailand has something between 5.4 per 100000(from your source/thai govts) around 8.2 (if you choose another source but that another problem).

Per capita european union is something around 1-1.5 (again depending on the source)

You're 'source' is an unnamed WHO estimate from 2004, based on what actual numbers is unknown, not good enough and not recent enough. And you are mistaken in your second rambling, nonsensical rant, I do speak and read Thai. I can give you the actual stats for all crimes, but you will need to read Thai, although maybe you can use google translate like you do with your posts. In 2011 (not 2004 as your one source has and was probably inaccurate back then) there were a total of 3,307 murders, that is not as many as there were in the EU. That is just a fact. You can look year by year for the past 15 years here http://statistic.pol....th/dn_main.htm . The purpose of bringing up the US is to show it is not a high number even if it is higher than most EU countries. You're trying to portray the situation inaccurately for your own reasons, you're quite clearly quite angry and bitter about something which is why you're posting here

First I been living int thailand since 2003 and i have read all data/stats from royal police/UNDC and all a lot more on thaivisa forum since its beginning.

In fact if you go back in old thread here you might found some data from royal police in ENGLISH and other sources still available as its a subject that come back every year.

Second when you read your data, just after, you have to use your brain. You might found the recent stat from (your source)thai police really dodgy.

Here some thought: http://en.wikipedia....l_homicide_rate

From 2004 to 2010, murder rate per capita as gone from:

In west/central europe 1.5 to 1.2

In asia 3.2 to 3.1

In south asia 3.4 to 4

In east/southeast asia 2.8 to 3

So you see that the tendancie in whole asia is a "slight stagnation".

Do you really think that in the last 10 years in thailand, the murder rate as gone done (by nearly 30 percent) while the whole asia as clearly not follow the same pattern.

Do you think that corrupt thai police are doing their job? Do you know what means losing face especially for thai officials?

Do you believe in miracle? Obviously yes.

Do you know that since 2004 there is a deadly civil unrest in south thailand between thai muslim and govts. Unrest that have made so far 700 death each year. Yes in fact you have to add 700 more death each year. But your source shows that everything is fine... you have no trace of the unrest.

So you get it??????? Thailand rely on tourism, at the first problem chinese/japanese are gone. So lets dont fright them.

So where is the truth for thailand, i really dont know, but i know for sure there is at least 5 time more murder per capita in thailand than in european union. END OF THE GAME.

ps: you still bringing on US stats, because you dont have any forceful argument to throw. But still there are sligthly more murder in thailand than in US.

IN SPITE of, USA is the land of gun. Everybody own a gun there. And nobody did never call US the land of smile. Nobody never said that US is a safe place.

And please dont act/talk like a old womangiggle.gif : I m not angry, or any bitterness at you. You have your point of view, i have mine. If you dont like it, dont read it.

Its a common tactics used by grandma on this forum. When you dont like the news you "just shoot the messenger" whistling.gif better i stop now before you burst in tear(kidding).

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besides all the problems with these statistics:

gun murders in Thailand 31 per 100 000 /per year(?)

( I do not think that they overestimate these figures - for what reasons should they do it?)

that means: In Pattaya there are roughly estimated 1 Mill. people living.

that would mean, there are about 310 people getting murdered every year

(if the rate is the same in Pattaya as in the rest of the country - a friendly assumption .. )

(3100 in 10 years !, that would mean about 24 000 in 80 years (life expectancy for a male in middle Europe today)

that would mean, about 18600 for the whole of Thailand (in 80 years 1.488.000, 1 and a half million ! Germany f.e. about 33 thousand)

These are awful big numbers. And it means, the chance of being killed with the intention of killing you (not just by "chance". like being killed in road accidence ) is not that totally unlikely (like it would be in central Europe)!

Jeez don't get me started on Pattaya,lol.

Your stats add up but are inconclusive, however. Like i said at the start....Go with your gut feeling.

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besides all the problems with these statistics:

gun murders in Thailand 31 per 100 000 /per year(?)

( I do not think that they overestimate these figures - for what reasons should they do it?)

that means: In Pattaya there are roughly estimated 1 Mill. people living.

that would mean, there are about 310 people getting murdered every year

(if the rate is the same in Pattaya as in the rest of the country - a friendly assumption .. )

(3100 in 10 years !, that would mean about 24 000 in 80 years (life expectancy for a male in middle Europe today)

that would mean, about 18600 for the whole of Thailand (in 80 years 1.488.000, 1 and a half million ! Germany f.e. about 33 thousand)

These are awful big numbers. And it means, the chance of being killed with the intention of killing you (not just by "chance". like being killed in road accidence ) is not that totally unlikely (like it would be in central Europe)!

Jeez don't get me started on Pattaya,lol.

Your stats add up but are inconclusive, however. Like i said at the start....Go with your gut feeling.

My gut feeling is that you're safer somewhere where they don't sell flick knives on the street.


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Go with your heart and gut instinct.....Where would you feel safer?

I don't know about the UK. But I absolutely feel safer walking around Bangkok alone at night than I do in any big US city I've been to. You'd have to be mad to do so in places but I don't feel the slightest concern walking around at 3am in Bangkok and have done so for many years. The white middle class suburb I'm from is quite safe but the actual city you wouldn't want to be walking around downtown alone at night.

Bangkok has no blacks(or at least very few of them). Sorry, that's not a pc statement but too bad.

If you don't live in the inner city areas in America you're about as safe as if you were in Europe.

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I have lived in Thailand for 11 years, the only fight I was involved in was with Falangs, and plenty of disagreements, over American football and rugby/ football, with falangs that let their mouths overload their rear.

My kids live in Tucson Arizona, and when I went to visit them, any where we went my sons carried a loaded gun on the front seat of the car. In the month I was there, was reported 6 drive by shootings. and 3 murders.

I feel a lot safer in Thailand, I live in a village that has no police presents and have never had a problem with anyone, I normally do not associate with very many expats ,as to me they are very negative people, all of their problems are caused by the lawess Thai's,completely different than my experience with the local population,

I ran into problems with taxi drivers in Chaing Mai and just did not use that type of transportation any more, but I also had some problems with taxi drivers in the states and in Mexico and believe I would run into that problem in any Tourist destination all over the world.

I do not see Thailand as a dangerous place and if the number of death (Re; murder) is any where close to the actual number, Thailand has been at war in the south for almost a decade and the lawlessness in the "Golden triangle" drug corridor and war zone spillover from Burma.

I would take my chances any day in Thailand vs Europe.


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I know where I would sooner be in the middle of the night on my own and it's not uk some places in Nottingham are no go areas even to the police unless they go in mob handed

On the other hand I've never felt threatened anywhere in Thailand and I've been to some dodgy places beleave me

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I know where I would sooner be in the middle of the night on my own and it's not uk some places in Nottingham are no go areas even to the police unless they go in mob handed

On the other hand I've never felt threatened anywhere in Thailand and I've been to some dodgy places beleave me

It all depends on what one interprets as "dodgy", do you have an example you would care to share?
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People used to tell me they felt safe in Hong Kong; personally, I didn't.

I didn't feel particularly safe in Wanchai, where there were loads of pissed-up Westerners, and Nepalese, and enormous South Sea Islanders, and I didn't feel particularly safe walking through the streets of Mong Kok passed the discos where the young lads were hanging around outside.

Now those hazards, I'm familiar with, having grown up in the UK. I've no idea what the hazards are that I walk past in Bangkok.


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I know where I would sooner be in the middle of the night on my own and it's not uk some places in Nottingham are no go areas even to the police unless they go in mob handed

On the other hand I've never felt threatened anywhere in Thailand and I've been to some dodgy places beleave me

It all depends on what one interprets as "dodgy", do you have an example you would care to share?

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I used to go to Cambodia for my visa run round about 1990 -91 now that was very dodgy at that time you could only fly into phnom pehn and once there couldn't go more than a few miles outside the city limits

Lots of story's to tell about that place guns all over the place hardly an hour went by without hearing gun shots nearby I was sitting in a resterant one night when 3 men where gunned down literally 10 meters from where I sat something you never forget

Cambodia seems very safe now though there's still a bit of a be careful kind of feeling when I'm right away from the big towns I think life is still quite cheap there

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Go with your heart and gut instinct.....Where would you feel safer?

I don't know about the UK. But I absolutely feel safer walking around Bangkok alone at night than I do in any big US city I've been to. You'd have to be mad to do so in places but I don't feel the slightest concern walking around at 3am in Bangkok and have done so for many years. The white middle class suburb I'm from is quite safe but the actual city you wouldn't want to be walking around downtown alone at night.

Bangkok has no blacks(or at least very few of them). Sorry, that's not a pc statement but too bad.

If you don't live in the inner city areas in America you're about as safe as if you were in Europe.

At the risk of stereotyping, this is true in most cities in the USA. Very safe outside of the poor/ethnic areas. However, some entire cities are crime-ridden hellholes, notably DC, Baltimore, Oakland, etc. There are definitely areas in most large cities that middle-class people don't go at all, and others you only go to during the daytime. Most violent crime (including our famous gun-crime) is by ethnic minorities against each other, the rest is typically very poor whites and those buying/selling/using drugs. In good areas, you can walk around 24/7 and be quite safe.

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Most foreigners in Thailand are oblivious to what is going on around them. Example, at a Moo Baan party I met a foreigner who was repeating what is said bt many above. He doesn't come across crime, he feels safe.

He was totally unaware that less than a week earlier a young girl had been gang raped less than 150meters from his front door. All the Thais around him knew about this crime, he sat there shaking his head not willing to accept what he was being told.

Like so many, out of touch with what is actually going on sround him - Of course he 'feels' safe- he's ignorant to the reality of crime in his own neighbourhood.

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Anyone see the video of that morning fight outside the bkk nightclub. It is like 10 minutes long and the police never show up. dude is running around shooting at people

Yeah, just like the dude on that island in Norway, or that dude in that movie theater in the US.

HOw many died in that morning fight video?

In the two examples I mentioned, about 90 people were killed before the cops showed up.

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