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My First Vistor From Outside . Snake

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Sure most snakes will leave, given the chance. Not true for some vipers though whose instinct is to stay still.

Unfortunately in grassy areas and uneven ground it is easy to step into striking range without either of you knowing about the other. The same is true for night time.

Those who hold critters in esteem above their human relatives are free to live amongst them, but there are 5 kids living in my yard, all under ten years old, and leaving the snakes there would be negligent.

That being said, I have let some known harmless ones go about their way. Unknown snakes and venomous snakes are eliminated with prejudice.

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I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

If you see one in your house or garden, it likely lives there, best to kill it before it bites you or your family.

You still can catch her and bring her out in the wild, no need to kill

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TongueThaied, You have failed to educate yourself as to the species that share your vicinity and to the nonlethal ways to remove an unwelcome visitor. Your attitude is very common and is reflected in the rapid destruction of the environment and extinction of species. Yes, "your" yard is probably very safe.

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TongueThaied, You have failed to educate yourself as to the species that share your vicinity and to the nonlethal ways to remove an unwelcome visitor. Your attitude is very common and is reflected in the rapid destruction of the environment and extinction of species. Yes, "your" yard is probably very safe.

I love these snake threads! To kill or not to kill, THAT is the question. Frankly, I don't see a lot of snakes. I never seem to have enough time, and certainly don't have enough to spend educating myself about the occasional snake I see. Of course, I'm wasting time right now. Maybe I should be doing my snake homework instead.

As for specie extinction, hundreds of species come and go every year, some at the hands of man and some not. If all the poisonous snakes suddenly disappeared, other species would fill the void. Nature always finds an equilibrium. Like the CEO of EXXON said,"People will adapt to global warming."

I don't litter and I don't kill indiscriminately, and I don't lose sleep over any of it. Killing a snake is not indiscriminate, it's eliminating a potential threat to human life.


40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

There are no poisonous snakes in Thailand. There are however venoumous ones and around 30%. Poisonous is via ingesting or absorbtion, venoumous is toxin entry via injection.


I found one in my house a few years ago. I was sitting at my computer desk and looked over to my left and saw what I thought was a small, thin tree branch brought in by our dog. Got up to take a look and remove it when I saw a tongue poking out. I did panic, but did not try to kill it even though instinct rather dictated doing so being that close and in the house. Went and picked up a broom and a plastic bucket to 'sweep' him into it. Soon as the broom got close to it it took off at remarkable speed and scared the crap out of me. In a bit of panic, I was able to press the broom onto it and it got tangled up and was able to drop it over our back wall.



40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

There are no poisonous snakes in Thailand. There are however venoumous ones and around 30%. Poisonous is via ingesting or absorbtion, venoumous is toxin entry via injection.

What is venom?


edit... Merriam-Webster should read Thai Visa

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40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

There are no poisonous snakes in Thailand. There are however venoumous ones and around 30%. Poisonous is via ingesting or absorbtion, venoumous is toxin entry via injection.

What is venom?


edit... Merriam-Webster should read Thai Visa

From an expert in the field of snakes: Plenty more out there.

I know all of you have heard of cobras, and rattlesnakes, and copperheads and other dangerous snakes, right? And chances are that whenever you’ve heard or spoke of them, the term “Poisonous” has been brought up? Many people refer to the dangerous serpents as “poisonous snakes”. Here’s the fun part! There’s no such thing as a poisonous snake! The term itself is not correct – any snake possessing toxicity is in actuality a “Venomous” snake. Now, I know you guys are shaking your head and saying that they’re the same thing, but believe you me, it isn’t true! The term is properly applied depending on the animal’s (or plant’s) mode of introducing it’s toxin into something else’s system.

Museum of Life & Sciences

Venom is the general term referring to any variety of toxins[1] used by certain types of animals that inject it into their victims by the means of a bite, sting or other sharp body feature.[2] Unlike poison, which is ingested or inhaled, administration of venom is usually directed into the lymphatic system itself for faster action.


Venomous vs. poisonous

There is a difference between organisms that are venomous and those that are poisonous, two commonly confused terms applied to plant and animal life. Venomous, as stated above, refers to animals that deliver (often, inject) venom into their prey when hunting or as a defense mechanism. Poisonous, on the other hand, describes plants or animals that are harmful when consumed or touched. A poison tends to be distributed over a large part of the body of the organism producing it, while venom is typically produced in organs specialized for the purpose. One species of bird, the hooded pitohui, although not venomous, is poisonous, secreting a neurotoxin onto its skin and feathers. The slow loris, a primate, blurs the boundary between poisonous and venomous. From patches on the inside of its elbows it secretes a toxin, which it is believed to smear on its young to prevent them from being eaten; however, it will also lick these patches, giving it a venomous bite.


Snakes are not poisonous and frogs are not venomous. Venom is a toxic substance that is injected. Certain species of snakes, scorpions and spiders are venomous, not poisonous. Venom glands typically form the toxic substance and the venom is stored until it is needed. The venomous animal will then bite or sting another creature, whether as intended prey or in defense, and the venom will be injected. Depending on the amount injected, the susceptibility of the animal injected and the size of the animal, various degrees of illness, including death, can occur.

If you call a snake poisonous, you are actually implying that the snake has a toxic substance on his body and poisoning will occur if the snake is handled. This does not occur. Venom is used primarily to immobilize prey and is rarely used as a defense mechanism. The venomous animal will bite in an attack but injecting venom is usually reserved for prey items.



I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

Note: You should not try to touch here with hands if you don’t know how to do it.

That banded krait will kill you dead. Snakes are all around Thailand (in the country, anyway). If you never see them, you are a good candidate for a snake bite, notwithstanding your love. They don't love you.

"Snakes are less danger then dogs." Not exactly sure what you meant by that. The risk of being bitten by a dog is 100's of times greater than being bitten by a snake. But the risk of being killed by a dog is pretty low. How are you defining "danger"? Would you rather be bitten by a rabid soi dog or that krait?

Kill them all, I say.

I aggree with you 100% the only good snake I have seem was dead in the road ..... Or in a zoo ... Snakes and rats I dont like ........

To pose another question to the group does anyone know which hospitals carry the anti venum drugs in Chiang mai ......


I found one in my house a few years ago. I was sitting at my computer desk and looked over to my left and saw what I thought was a small, thin tree branch brought in by our dog. Got up to take a look and remove it when I saw a tongue poking out. I did panic, but did not try to kill it even though instinct rather dictated doing so being that close and in the house. Went and picked up a broom and a plastic bucket to 'sweep' him into it. Soon as the broom got close to it it took off at remarkable speed and scared the crap out of me. In a bit of panic, I was able to press the broom onto it and it got tangled up and was able to drop it over our back wall.


Twais do you know the species of snake in your picture. I have a 1 meter version of that snake making frequent appearances.


40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

There are no poisonous snakes in Thailand. There are however venoumous ones and around 30%. Poisonous is via ingesting or absorbtion, venoumous is toxin entry via injection.

What is venom?


edit... Merriam-Webster should read Thai Visa

From an expert in the field of snakes: Plenty more out there.

The point was ............

You nitpicked my use of 'poisonous'.

He nitpicked your inability to spell venomous.

Get it!

(I thought hml367 was rather clever ....... well done there)


We had a Banded Krait come to visit this week. The wife almost steped on. My big dog had the snake cornered under my truck when I finally found it. Was a small snake about 18 in long and

little bigger than a pencil. Tried to get it out with a rake by it got away. The little bastard I fear is still some where in the yard. Next time I will have the hoe in hand. I HATE snakes of any type.


I'm not suggesting that your visitor wasn't a Banded Krait, but from your description of it's size (and assuming that the photo you've posted is not of the individual in question...), might it have been a Laotian Wolf Snake instead? The two look pretty similar from above, although the yellow markings on the Wolf Snake are spaced farther apart, and become white towards the under belly. The Wolf Snake is relatively harmless, and apparently fairly common in Northern Thailand.

I only know this because... I inadvertently killed one in my dining room a couple of months ago, and it was just about the size of the one that you described: 20" long and somewhat thicker than a pencil. It took me a good half hour of googling to convince myself that it wasn't an immature krait (with a presumably disgruntled mama krait lurking in the vicinity...).

Here are a couple of photos of the Laotian Wolf Snake:




I found one in my house a few years ago. I was sitting at my computer desk and looked over to my left and saw what I thought was a small, thin tree branch brought in by our dog. Got up to take a look and remove it when I saw a tongue poking out. I did panic, but did not try to kill it even though instinct rather dictated doing so being that close and in the house. Went and picked up a broom and a plastic bucket to 'sweep' him into it. Soon as the broom got close to it it took off at remarkable speed and scared the crap out of me. In a bit of panic, I was able to press the broom onto it and it got tangled up and was able to drop it over our back wall.


Twais do you know the species of snake in your picture. I have a 1 meter version of that snake making frequent appearances.

Pretty sure it is a rat snake. This one appears to be a young one at around 30 cm. Have similar as you at around 1 meter in our back yard. We live with a rice patty directly behind our house.

A good site often mentioned on TV - Snakes of Thailand


I could give a good rats ass what kind of snake it is. If all the snakes in the world were to die today, I for one would not shed a tear.

Fair enough, I suppose.

And while I would certainly never fault a man for doing anything he felt was necessary in order to protect himself and his family (including his dogs!), it seems to me that our response to threats are most effective when we have as full an understanding as possible as to the actual level of threat that we're facing.

You're not the only guy who's got a "thing" about snakes. I think that, to some extent, we've all got something hardwired in an ancient part of the brain that tells us to grab a big stick or a heavy rock whenever we see one, and..... that's no accident! Primates and reptiles have been doing this do-si-do for eons.

At any rate.... whack 'em selectively, or whack 'em all. It's no skin off my nose.

However, if "all the snakes in the world were to die today", you may not shed a tear, but you and I would both be up to our elbows in rats' asses.


That banded krait will kill you dead. Snakes are all around Thailand (in the country, anyway). If you never see them, you are a good candidate for a snake bite, notwithstanding your love. They don't love you.

"Snakes are less danger then dogs." Not exactly sure what you meant by that. The risk of being bitten by a dog is 100's of times greater than being bitten by a snake. But the risk of being killed by a dog is pretty low. How are you defining "danger"? Would you rather be bitten by a rabid soi dog or that krait?

Kill them all, I say.

Kill them all, you sound like a great waste of space I'd say. Ever heard of the importance of BIO DIVERSITY and the food chain? People like you are the ones who should be ran over and left for the scavengers to feast upon..


I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

Note: You should not try to touch here with hands if you don’t know how to do it.

People kill them because they are uneducated, superstitious or enjoy killing small animals.

What a stupid thing to say. It is a logical fallacy of the first degree. It's called "poisoning the well." I have a graduate degree, so I am certainly not uneducated. However, I, like everybody else, am ignorant about many things. I can't identify most snakes without looking them up in my book; I'm ignorant. When I see a snake in my house, I don't have time to look it up. In case it is poisonous, I am not going to just chase it out into the yard, where it may later bite a family member. So I kill it. The decision to kill has nothing to do with educational level, superstition or joy; it simply the product of a risk balancing exercise. If I KNOW the snake to be harmless, I send it on it's way. I knew every snake in my home country. Here, there are many more poisonous varieties and my memory is not what it used to be. To each his own. Based on statistical reasoning, I would guess my yard is safer than yours. But I could be wrong; you may live in a Bangkok condo, in which case, your discussion of snakes is purely academic.

I do hope your degree isn't in English or toxicology!


Finally after month living here I saw my first live snake in our mooban (the first live in Thailand). She was very scared from me on one site and the dog inside the yard from my neighbors. I had only my phone and she was very quick so I could not hold here to make better photos, she was about 40 cm, not sure what kind she is. Anyway I’m happy to see live snakes are around and eat all bad bugs we don’t need anyway. For the guys who hate snakes, I also have a daughter but I don’t worry she will be bitten as she knows how to react if she sees one.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I love snakes, just I never saw one live in Thailand, only in Zoo. My neighbors tell me they see many snakes in the gardens, not sure why I never see one. Snakes are less danger then dogs; I never understand why people kill them, if she is close to your house, take here alive far away but don’t kill here.

Note: You should not try to touch here with hands if you don’t know how to do it.

I don't know where you get the idea that dogs are more dangerous then snakes. In India alone more then 10,000 people are killed each year.http://www.medindia.net/news/More-Than-90000-Killed-by-Snake-Bites-Worldwide-Study-43709-1.htm.

40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

There are no poisonous snakes in Thailand. There are however venoumous ones and around 30%. Poisonous is via ingesting or absorbtion, venoumous is toxin entry via injection.

Hey teacher I know what poisonous is and I know what venomous is, what the hell is venoumous?

  • 10 months later...

Ok - just got a phone call from home - cobra, 60-80cm long on the back patio. Amongst the kids things. So whats the best protection? Loud bass? Cats? Dogs? Just been told there are kinds of plants they dont like.

I believe thery're more scared of us than we are of them, but I dont wanna one with getting too jumpy around the house... suggestions please.


40% of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

There are no poisonous snakes in Thailand. There are however venoumous ones and around 30%. Poisonous is via ingesting or absorbtion, venoumous is toxin entry via injection.

Hey teacher I know what poisonous is and I know what venomous is, what the hell is venoumous?

Took you a year to finally ask that question? smile.png


Confirmed cobra. Came in the yard after a clean-up of the lot opposite. Grasskeepers did the dirty work and found and disposed of.

This morning another, not cobra spotted and disposed of.

No tips for keeping them at bay?


Today while sitting in the living room with the wife I watched a snake slither along our double doors and under our screen door into the house . Not sure what kind it was but it was about 3 feet long brown and seemed to have a blue stripe running the lenght of his body . As far as Im concerned they are all deadly .

We got him outside with some long poles and closed the doors . I will be on my way to Big C and get a few bags of moth balls . I have been told this works and I shared it with another friend here and he has not seen a snake since . Prior to that he had one sunning on his front steps a few days in a row .....

Anythings worth a try ..

when you say "the wife" did you mean to say "my wife" it's like saying the dog giver more respect than you did the snake

in days gone by, a spade would deal with them permanently. These days it is more acceptable to squirt them with a hose to move them on.

Back in the home country, if it needed to be removed, you would be in contact with the local registered reptile person through the local council/ranger and they would relocate it.

A quick google, it would seem the Mae Sai Valley snake farm is the place to call to remove a snake in Chiang Mai.

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