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Shoppers Hurt In Tesco Lotus Ceiling Collapse: Ayutthaya


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I think that the designers must have gotten their plans from American Designers.

So many posters here just want to slag the Thais for everything.

Why do you live or come here.

Just this week there were two major ceiling collapses in the US and Canada. They didn't have Thai designers or builders !!

See these links



The big difference, (*edited out*), is that in the USA after there is a problem like this THEY ACTUALLY do a proper inspection and REALLY DO determine what the REAL cause of the collapse was. THEN THEY CHANGE THE BUILDING CODES AND ENFORCE THEM. In Thailand about 50 or a 100 people show up and point and ooh and ahh and yammer at each other for an hour, take pictures of each other pointing at things, then decide it was just a simple mistake by a tired worker, no need to change anything, next time just make sure all the workers get a good nights sleep. Case solved everybody go about your normal business.

So I am driving across an overpass and traffic is basically at a stand still so I have time to look about. I begin to notice that ALL the nuts securing the guardrail to the cement are NOT screwed down completely. NONE This isn't a new overpass so it's not like they were going to come back and complete the job in a few days.

So I am driving on the toll way and it's raining. This is Thailand and all roads are poured FLAT, no crown is built in the road so water ALWAYS stands on the roadway, so I have to drive very slow or risk hitting standing water at high speed. So a civilization that has been dealing with seasonal water for thousands of years has not learned one thing about fluid dynamics.

So I am driving down the road in my new development and even thought the road was poured two years ago the builder still hasn't completed the sewer drains. And what the builder is doing is standard Thai and so f--ed up it should be dug up and redone. But this is Thailand and it passes as superior work. My wife asked when they were going to complete the sewers and received some bullshit answer about how they had to connect something somewhere and it could not be done until the road in the new section was completed. So we have a road that is about a 1000 meters long with sewer drains every 100 meters on both sides of the road. None of them are covered and you risk driving into them. In the States when a new development is started all the roads and sewers are put in before even one house is erected and all have proper crowns in the road and drains and manhole covers. Not in Thailand.

ALL the tile in my NEW house is installed POORLY. ALL the grout is coming out. ALL the tile around the drains is LOWER than the drain so there is ALWAYS standing water in the showers. Because Thai's don't know how to install tile. Did you know that the job of a tile installer is a protected job? By law only Thai's are allowed to install tile. This would explain the superior workmanship. I could go on and on and on about the shit workmanship in my house. All done by highly trained Thai tradesman, 555555555555555555.

And to answer why we complain about Thailand; the same reason we complain about our own countries, we hope at some point things will get better. You sound like my idiot brother in-law who said my family should leave the country if we didn't think the US should attack Iraq (before that idiot bush actually sent US troops to attack Iraq). Ya that was such a good idea.

Maybe you should raise your standards, and not be so accepting of the shit you get fed, but that would be difficult when you have been indoctrinated in Thai schools to listen to someone of rank spew bullshit every morning for 40 minutes. Crawl on your knees when you are in your teachers office, even though that teacher is probably not very intelligent. And never ever ever try to think for yourself or reevaluate anything, just accept it because that is the way it is. My wife is Thai and every time I ask her to question why something is being done a certain way she says that is how they do it they don't know another way. Indoctrination

Edited by Scott
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I think that the designers must have gotten their plans from American Designers.

So many posters here just want to slag the Thais for everything.

Why do you live or come here.

Just this week there were two major ceiling collapses in the US and Canada. They didn't have Thai designers or builders !!

See these links



The big difference, (*edited out*), is that in the USA after there is a problem like this THEY ACTUALLY do a proper inspection and REALLY DO determine what the REAL cause of the collapse was. THEN THEY CHANGE THE BUILDING CODES AND ENFORCE THEM. In Thailand about 50 or a 100 people show up and point and ooh and ahh and yammer at each other for an hour, take pictures of each other pointing at things, then decide it was just a simple mistake by a tired worker, no need to change anything, next time just make sure all the workers get a good nights sleep. Case solved everybody go about your normal business.

So I am driving across an overpass and traffic is basically at a stand still so I have time to look about. I begin to notice that ALL the nuts securing the guardrail to the cement are NOT screwed down completely. NONE This isn't a new overpass so it's not like they were going to come back and complete the job in a few days.

So I am driving on the toll way and it's raining. This is Thailand and all roads are poured FLAT, no crown is built in the road so water ALWAYS stands on the roadway, so I have to drive very slow or risk hitting standing water at high speed. So a civilization that has been dealing with seasonal water for thousands of years has not learned one thing about fluid dynamics.

So I am driving down the road in my new development and even thought the road was poured two years ago the builder still hasn't completed the sewer drains. And what the builder is doing is standard Thai and so f--ed up it should be dug up and redone. But this is Thailand and it passes as superior work. My wife asked when they were going to complete the sewers and received some bullshit answer about how they had to connect something somewhere and it could not be done until the road in the new section was completed. So we have a road that is about a 1000 meters long with sewer drains every 100 meters on both sides of the road. None of them are covered and you risk driving into them. In the States when a new development is started all the roads and sewers are put in before even one house is erected and all have proper crowns in the road and drains and manhole covers. Not in Thailand.

ALL the tile in my NEW house is installed POORLY. ALL the grout is coming out. ALL the tile around the drains is LOWER than the drain so there is ALWAYS standing water in the showers. Because Thai's don't know how to install tile. Did you know that the job of a tile installer is a protected job? By law only Thai's are allowed to install tile. This would explain the superior workmanship. I could go on and on and on about the shit workmanship in my house. All done by highly trained Thai tradesman, 555555555555555555.

And to answer why we complain about Thailand; the same reason we complain about our own countries, we hope at some point things will get better. You sound like my idiot brother in-law who said my family should leave the country if we didn't think the US should attack Iraq (before that idiot bush actually sent US troops to attack Iraq). Ya that was such a good idea.

Maybe you should raise your standards, and not be so accepting of the shit you get fed, but that would be difficult when you have been indoctrinated in Thai schools to listen to someone of rank spew bullshit every morning for 40 minutes. Crawl on your knees when you are in your teachers office, even though that teacher is probably not very intelligent. And never ever ever try to think for yourself or reevaluate anything, just accept it because that is the way it is. My wife is Thai and every time I ask her to question why something is being done a certain way she says that is how they do it they don't know another way. Indoctrination

Oh yes it is real hatred hate, detestation, dislike, distaste, abhorrence, abomination, execration, resentment, aversion, hostility, ill will, ill feeling, bad feeling; enmity, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, animus, revulsion, disgust, contempt, repugnance, odium, rancour; rare disrelish bah.gif............................ ANTONYMS love; liking...! wub.png

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Thai construction. This is a picture of what I presume to be an interior wall in the new 26 story condo going up across from me! Check the alignment of the cinder blocks in the upper left!


Hope the rest of the building is a bit better or I had better move!

Brick layers is a protected profession in Thailand too, only Thai's are allowed to work in this profession.

This is how all walls are built in Thailand, then they put a skim coat of mortar over the bricks so no one can see the poor workmanship. I've said this before; if they ever have even a minor earthquake in Bangkok there will be bricks falling from every building. In the States we level the foundation when we pour it (nope not in Thailand here you pour a shitty foundation and then level it with skim coats too). When pouring the foundation we put rebar in the cement every half meter that sticks up vertically about a meter and the blocks are put over the rebar and then cement is poured in to cover the rebar. This secures the first four layers of blocks to the foundation. In Thailand you just place the blocks on the uneven foundation. Gaps as you can see are filled with little red bricks or more mortar if the gap isn't too big. But this is what you get when you don't have building codes and the enforcement is done by paying Tea Money to the inspectors.

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Sue the darn British retailer flat.

If I could find that Bloody British guy that stole your girlfried ( and many other girlfriends of other anti British posters) I would give him a good kicking in the hope that all your hurt pride would be repaired. He is responsible for so much and just because he is better looking, has a superior personality and much more money and has a big Dick instead of being one!

right on mate .u poor poms cop a lot the present ones r blamed for stuff that happened hundreds of years ago .....though i'm dirty about the ashes ...cheers
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Thai construction. This is a picture of what I presume to be an interior wall in the new 26 story condo going up across from me! Check the alignment of the cinder blocks in the upper left!


Hope the rest of the building is a bit better or I had better move!

The tarps on the floors below and above might be hiding something even worse! biggrin.png

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Thai construction. This is a picture of what I presume to be an interior wall in the new 26 story condo going up across from me! Check the alignment of the cinder blocks in the upper left!


Hope the rest of the building is a bit better or I had better move!

Doesn't look good but fortunately it appears it is not a load bearing wall.When it's plastered over you wouldn't Know.
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Sue the darn British retailer flat.

If I could find that Bloody British guy that stole your girlfried ( and many other girlfriends of other anti British posters) I would give him a good kicking in the hope that all your hurt pride would be repaired. He is responsible for so much and just because he is better looking, has a superior personality and much more money and has a big Dick instead of being one!

right on mate .u poor poms cop a lot the present ones r blamed for stuff that happened hundreds of years ago .....though i'm dirty about the ashes ...cheers

For the ashes you are forgiven! Other cricket tests, while important, do not compare with the ashes series. To lose our ashes to the Aussies is worse than death by a thousand knives, but wonderful to watch whatever the result. There is extra spice in the ashes series that no other test has and we have you Aussies to thank for that.

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So many posters here just want to slag the Thais for everything.

Why do you live or come here.

It is my superiority complex that keeps me here. There is something nice about being not only the tallest person in the room, but the smartest too. wink.png

NOTE: That is a joke for the Thai apologists, and for those of you who are so uptight you don't know a joke or sarcasm when you see it.

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Foodie, We do not want to slag the Thais for everything, it's just 51% their fault.

Prices are that high everything has gone through the ceiling.

but sooner or later they will fall. oooops they have

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Sue the darn British retailer flat.

If I could find that Bloody British guy that stole your girlfried ( and many other girlfriends of other anti British posters) I would give him a good kicking in the hope that all your hurt pride would be repaired. He is responsible for so much and just because he is better looking, has a superior personality and much more money and has a big Dick instead of being one!

Now that's telling you. Isn't wisdom a wonderful thing. Never underestimate the men who proudly sing "Land of Hope and Glory along with the utterly racist "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" at Twickers. " A proud Muslim nation happily ruled by a German queen. T'is no wonder they are angry. Charles Stewart Parnell once stated in the House of Commons that "the English have annoyed half the world and angered the rest!" Can't imagine why myself! But I sincerely thank the English for all the enjoyment they proffer the world from the hilarious "Only Fools & Horses to the 2012 European Championships when prior to the game with Italy the media were already talking about the following game against Germany. I also know it hurts that the Germans and French are ruling Europe but they never loose the bull dog spirit. The man sir passed a comment in jest as I have... Most my friends are English and are fine upstanding gentlemen who never stooped so low as to comment on my appendage and nick my girl fried or girl friend for that matter. Lighten up!

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Sue the darn British retailer flat.

If I could find that Bloody British guy that stole your girlfried ( and many other girlfriends of other anti British posters) I would give him a good kicking in the hope that all your hurt pride would be repaired. He is responsible for so much and just because he is better looking, has a superior personality and much more money and has a big Dick instead of being one!

Now that's telling you. Isn't wisdom a wonderful thing. Never underestimate the men who proudly sing "Land of Hope and Glory along with the utterly racist "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" at Twickers. " A proud Muslim nation happily ruled by a German queen. T'is no wonder they are angry. Charles Stewart Parnell once stated in the House of Commons that "the English have annoyed half the world and angered the rest!" Can't imagine why myself! But I sincerely thank the English for all the enjoyment they proffer the world from the hilarious "Only Fools & Horses to the 2012 European Championships when prior to the game with Italy the media were already talking about the following game against Germany. I also know it hurts that the Germans and French are ruling Europe but they never loose the bull dog spirit. The man sir passed a comment in jest as I have... Most my friends are English and are fine upstanding gentlemen who never stooped so low as to comment on my appendage and nick my girl fried or girl friend for that matter. Lighten up!

Oh! Stop whinging! Sorry if I hit a raw nerve but as the saying goes if the condom fits.... I love it when a plan comes together, 50% -1 annoyed 50% +1 angry. Mind you I am sure that you have other parts that are big, like the space between your ears vacated by your sense of humour or your two orifices that expel a lot of hot air.You are lucky in having a lot of British friends especially seeing you are probably a descendant from a Prisoner of Mother England. We call that social climbing. I am not so fortunate I know a lot of you know who!

The media you refer to, is the large media group owned by an Australian who many believe is following the trait of his ancestors who were deported for criminal activities. Gud dai mite!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Oh! Please stop this, I can't suffer another broken rib!

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Sue the darn British retailer flat.

If I could find that Bloody British guy that stole your girlfried ( and many other girlfriends of other anti British posters) I would give him a good kicking in the hope that all your hurt pride would be repaired. He is responsible for so much and just because he is better looking, has a superior personality and much more money and has a big Dick instead of being one!

Now that's telling you. Isn't wisdom a wonderful thing. Never underestimate the men who proudly sing "Land of Hope and Glory along with the utterly racist "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" at Twickers. " A proud Muslim nation happily ruled by a German queen. T'is no wonder they are angry. Charles Stewart Parnell once stated in the House of Commons that "the English have annoyed half the world and angered the rest!" Can't imagine why myself! But I sincerely thank the English for all the enjoyment they proffer the world from the hilarious "Only Fools & Horses to the 2012 European Championships when prior to the game with Italy the media were already talking about the following game against Germany. I also know it hurts that the Germans and French are ruling Europe but they never loose the bull dog spirit. The man sir passed a comment in jest as I have... Most my friends are English and are fine upstanding gentlemen who never stooped so low as to comment on my appendage and nick my girl fried or girl friend for that matter. Lighten up!

Oh! Stop whinging! Sorry if I hit a raw nerve but as the saying goes if the condom fits.... I love it when a plan comes together, 50% -1 annoyed 50% +1 angry. Mind you I am sure that you have other parts that are big, like the space between your ears vacated by your sense of humour or your two orifices that expel a lot of hot air.You are lucky in having a lot of British friends especially seeing you are probably a descendant from a Prisoner of Mother England. We call that social climbing. I am not so fortunate I know a lot of you know who!

The media you refer to, is the large media group owned by an Australian who many believe is following the trait of his ancestors who were deported for criminal activities. Gud dai mite!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Oh! Please stop this, I can't suffer another broken rib!

Billmont you have confirmed that humor is indeed wasted on the English .... The tit and bum postcard culture still prevails. My comments were proffered in jest. Which was clearly stated for those of limited learning. Your comments were elitist racist and historically ill informed. Your plan was akin to Tony 'Blur's Weapons of Mass Distruction. You are a weapon of mass distraction! That said I would rather have a common aussie $ in the bank than sterling.

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Many people think that Tesco should not take responsibility.

I disagree.

Tesco is there operating the site, and if they see it is unsafe, they have to do something, or close it down.

Many people blame it on the contractors for a bad job.

If I am the "Tao Kae" of the contractor, I will blame my engineer for a bad design.

The engineer, blame the foreman for the wrong supervision..

The foreman blame the labour for the wook quality..

The labour blame his wife for not allowing him to have a good night sleep.

The wife blame the children for screaming the whole night....

So, is is the children fault?

So, stop the blaming.

Be a sport.

The British Tesco retailer should take responsibility and compensate Thai shoppers.

After all, you have made and ship out billions from Thailand, one of the poorest country on earth.

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Many people think that Tesco should not take responsibility.

I disagree.

Tesco is there operating the site, and if they see it is unsafe, they have to do something, or close it down.

Many people blame it on the contractors for a bad job.

If I am the "Tao Kae" of the contractor, I will blame my engineer for a bad design.

The engineer, blame the foreman for the wrong supervision..

The foreman blame the labour for the wook quality..

The labour blame his wife for not allowing him to have a good night sleep.

The wife blame the children for screaming the whole night....

So, is is the children fault?

So, stop the blaming.

Be a sport.

The British Tesco retailer should take responsibility and compensate Thai shoppers.

After all, you have made and ship out billions from Thailand, one of the poorest country on earth.

Before you blame Tesco. Find out who owns the building because Tesco may only leasing from another party who had the building constructed.The ceiling section that came down appears to be outside the Tesco store not within Tesco store itself.
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Billmont you have confirmed that humor is indeed wasted on the English .... The tit and bum postcard culture still prevails. My comments were proffered in jest. Which was clearly stated for those of limited learning. Your comments were elitist racist and historically ill informed. Your plan was akin to Tony 'Blur's Weapons of Mass Distruction. You are a weapon of mass distraction! That said I would rather have a common aussie $ in the bank than sterling.


When you have to tell somebody that you write in jest it must be a bit deep or too serious. Re Tony Blair:

The Howard Government supported the disarmament of Iraq during the Iraq disarmament crisis. Australia later provided one of the four most substantial combat force contingents during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, under the operational codename Operation Falconer. Part of its contingent were among the first forces to enter Iraq after the official "execute" order.[1] The initial Australian force consisted of; three Royal Australian Navy ships, 500 special forces soldiers, P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft, C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and No. 75 Squadron RAAF (which included 14 F/A-18 Hornet fighters). Combat forces committed to Operation Falconer for the 2003 Invasion were withdrawn during 2003. Under the name Operation Catalyst, Australian combat troops were redeployed to Iraq in 2005, however, and assumed responsibility for supporting Iraqi security forces in one of Iraq's southern provinces. Do I need to say more about follow like sheep! clap2.gifcheesy.gif This is all too much!

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Many people think that Tesco should not take responsibility.

I disagree.

Tesco is there operating the site, and if they see it is unsafe, they have to do something, or close it down.

Many people blame it on the contractors for a bad job.

If I am the "Tao Kae" of the contractor, I will blame my engineer for a bad design.

The engineer, blame the foreman for the wrong supervision..

The foreman blame the labour for the wook quality..

The labour blame his wife for not allowing him to have a good night sleep.

The wife blame the children for screaming the whole night....

So, is is the children fault?

So, stop the blaming.

Be a sport.

The British Tesco retailer should take responsibility and compensate Thai shoppers.

After all, you have made and ship out billions from Thailand, one of the poorest country on earth.

I think you will find that Tesco Thailand is a Thai company owned 51% by Thais, so, please allow the shareholders to make compensation.

Ironically, the chances of compensation would probably be significantly higher if Tesco Thailand was a wholly owned foreign subsidiary.

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