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Who Has Experience With Educational Visas?

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My filipina GF has an Ed Visa and has missed some classes so far(it's her first three months in an authorized Thai school). She tells me her classmates tell her not to worry, because Thai immigration doesn't worry about the first three months and that it's the second three months they scrutinize her unexcused missed classes closely. I worry that if she's getting bad advice, they won't let her back in. Who's right and how can I be sure of what to do?

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dont worry,I went after 3 month no one asked me shit,just want my 1900b.next time its whas only 90 notification/report and the dont even looked at me..At least she know to say hi end how are you and some basic stuff but that you learn any way.She have book so she can read in that as well to catch up.Dont worry,she bee fine.ok have to say can be from office to office.Im in Phuket.

Edited by crille30
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Just ask her teacher to teach her the following remark in Thai Language and how to reply to it.

Big Fish eat Little Fish

Edit: // Added quote and link

At the Pattaya City Expats Club meeting on Sunday, Immigration Volunteer and former British Consul Barry Kenyan stated the problem with Education visas as he observed it first-hand in the local Immigration office on Jomtien Beach Road, Soi 5.

“A guy came in and wanted to renew his Education visa for a 7th straight year. He waited in the queue and when it was his turn he sat at the Immigration officer’s desk in charge of Education Visas. He had all of his documents from the school. His application was completed and he had the two photos now required for any visa. So the officer looked at him and said, ‘You have been learning Thai for six years already. Is that right?’ The answer was yes so the officer looked at a nearby fish tank and said in Thai, ‘The big fish eat the little fish.” The foreigner looked at him without a clue. The officer smiled and picked up a big red stamp and stamped “CANCELLED” on the remaining portion of the current visa and told the fellow he would not again receive an Education visa,” Barry reported.

Edited by MJCM
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She won't get interrogated 1st year.

There was a post somewhere where walen teachers specifically prepared students before going to


including "what days do you study" where do you live" "what time do you study"

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She won't get interrogated 1st year.

Well at my school, immigration test you, from 3 month and forward...

People from some country get test every 3 month not matter what....

The school have 3 student that have Visa Cancel and send home, immigration didn't think they learn enough....

The first test all of them was ask to do, was write there (you) name (first and last name) in Thai...

We never learn that at the school, so we all practice that now, and yes i can do it now...

Then they was ask to write as many Thai consonant as they (You) can...

Then they was ask what day they arrived in Thailand, what day the study, what time they study and what today date. all have to be answer in Thai...

Last the ask, if you want to go from A to B, how do you ask for help to go there....

If you go to school for longer then 9-12 month, they want you to answer in thai, and in writing...

My school was told every one NOT from Europa NEED 90% attendance, and Europa need 50% attendance...Drop below that, and Visa is cancel....

My school was chock over this new (For my school is new way of doing it, they say) way of doing things, but immigration told school it is because of ministry of education and ministry of immigration.....

I´m not saying it is like this all over Thailand, but in my area they start doing it like this......

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IMHO some immigration-offices are acting out of their box.

First of all, immigration-officers are NOT qualified to take any test, neither are they qualified to judge whether you did or did not attend any class.

The only one who is allowed to take care of those matters is the Ministry of Education and the school will do that for them.

An important document, needed for extending your ED-visa, is coming from the MoE stating that you're attending the classes, what course and at what school. The school has to report to the MoE regarding students, their attendance, their progress, etc.

Immigration actions such as checking attendance and progress are pure on getting some tea money.

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Immigration is not saying if you can attend school - they are saying if they feel you qualify for extension of stay on an education visa which is what they are charged to do. They set extension requirements.

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She won't get interrogated 1st year.

Well at my school, immigration test you, from 3 month and forward...

People from some country get test every 3 month not matter what....

The school have 3 student that have Visa Cancel and send home, immigration didn't think they learn enough....

The first test all of them was ask to do, was write there (you) name (first and last name) in Thai...

We never learn that at the school, so we all practice that now, and yes i can do it now...

Then they was ask to write as many Thai consonant as they (You) can...

Then they was ask what day they arrived in Thailand, what day the study, what time they study and what today date. all have to be answer in Thai...

Last the ask, if you want to go from A to B, how do you ask for help to go there....

If you go to school for longer then 9-12 month, they want you to answer in thai, and in writing...

My school was told every one NOT from Europa NEED 90% attendance, and Europa need 50% attendance...Drop below that, and Visa is cancel....

My school was chock over this new (For my school is new way of doing it, they say) way of doing things, but immigration told school it is because of ministry of education and ministry of immigration.....

I´m not saying it is like this all over Thailand, but in my area they start doing it like this......

That was unbelievably harsh rules, what area do you stay at ?

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I´m in Nonthaburi...

Immigration have 2 or 3 times this year come to school, copy all paper of students, the sign in book, the Attendance book, look at / copy of our homework that the school keep...

Test the student that was at school that day...

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