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Cat And Mouse With The Cops...Oh And Remember Mr Bts Balloon?


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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

I would agree too bad they only go after foreigners smoking. I don't like that bit.

That is true...but when you need to raise cash you don't go looking in the slums for investors.

Dumb and gullible with money, prime meat and combine that with a ready made habit of smokers polluting and littering...you cannot blame them really.

And you have no bad habits?

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That is true...but when you need to raise cash you don't go looking in the slums for investors.

Dumb and gullible with money, prime meat and combine that with a ready made habit of smokers polluting and littering...you cannot blame them really.

And you have no bad habits?

writing tosh on web boards by the look of it... same as all of us :)

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you dont need to be smoking to live but you need a car to be living in this world

I personally avoid using my car as much to help with my poluting of this earth.

Smokers for me rank as low as pedophiles and murderers. You're no better than those people. You're poluting and making people sick for absolutely no good reason. Only because you are weak minded. If you like the taste of tobacco you can always smoke cigars or roll your own cigarets with pure tobacco

But this is 2012, the years where even the worst of the world are supported in their bad choices.

I will give up smoking the day you stop wasting oxygen! Deal?

Hostile 17 with this attitude i really reccomend you take up some form of bad habit. ranking smokers with pedos is quite strong.

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you dont need to be smoking to live but you need a car to be living in this world

I personally avoid using my car as much to help with my poluting of this earth.

Smokers for me rank as low as pedophiles and murderers. You're no better than those people. You're poluting and making people sick for absolutely no good reason. Only because you are weak minded. If you like the taste of tobacco you can always smoke cigars or roll your own cigarets with pure tobacco

But this is 2012, the years where even the worst of the world are supported in their bad choices.

I will give up smoking the day you stop wasting oxygen! Deal?

Hostile 17 with this attitude i really reccomend you take up some form of bad habit. ranking smokers with pedos is quite strong.

He's maybe just trying to roll the wicket for when he's unmasked - "at least I don't smoke..."

To avoid putting a foot wrong, I prefer the old-fashioned 'paedo...' spelling; or perhaps we have got the wrong end of the stick and he's put his foot in his mouth with a comment that was sorely misunderstood, and he meant podophile


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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

I would agree too bad they only go after foreigners smoking. I don't like that bit.

That is true...but when you need to raise cash you don't go looking in the slums for investors.

Dumb and gullible with money, prime meat and combine that with a ready made habit of smokers polluting and littering...you cannot blame them really.

And you have no bad habits?

Apart from farting in trains, of which you will never know it was me, no I do not have any filthy habits which unselfishly and unthinkably force itself onto the general public many of which do not wish to partake in your vile habit, especially children.

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.


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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

But I bet you sit at the bar while everyone smokes around you?
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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

But I bet you sit at the bar while everyone smokes around you?

Not really.

I was out with 4 friends the other night, none smoked, the bars we were in mostly did not smoke and by 4am who gives a toss anyway.

Smokers should just accept the fact they are a selfish lot and get on with ignoring everyone else, you are normally so good at it, why the reverse in here ?

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

But I bet you sit at the bar while everyone smokes around you?

Not really.

I was out with 4 friends the other night, none smoked, the bars we were in mostly did not smoke and by 4am who gives a toss anyway.

Smokers should just accept the fact they are a selfish lot and get on with ignoring everyone else, you are normally so good at it, why the reverse in here ?

SOoooo by 4AM it did not matter who was blowing smoke around? Suppose you wear a mask around all day and night re the fumes from the vehicles. There is an old saying, if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out.
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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

But I bet you sit at the bar while everyone smokes around you?

Not really.

I was out with 4 friends the other night, none smoked, the bars we were in mostly did not smoke and by 4am who gives a toss anyway.

Smokers should just accept the fact they are a selfish lot and get on with ignoring everyone else, you are normally so good at it, why the reverse in here ?

4 friends with your attitude?thumbsup.gif well done.

smoking is a bad habit? maybe but the man who is trying to condemn the smokers as it affects his children but stays out till 4 am? good parenting dude!!!!

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Look at that, 2 grumpy old smokers up there that like to puff away and push their filth onto everyone else, but they don't even think they are doing it.

Yes, bad parent me, out till 4am, keep up your stunning logical arguments typical of the selfish narrow minded persona of a smoker.

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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

Excuse me.

I smoke, I'm smoking right now, as I am currently alone and it will not affect anyone outside this room, I do not smoke on the bus, I do not smoke in a non smokers car, I do not smoke in front of children, anywhere if I can avoid it, it's a bad habit that I have no desire to inflict on others who do not also do the same, and I do not want in any way to promote this affliction that I suffer from on other people, especially children.

I would rather have people from a very young age know about the dangers of this habit, by informing them about it and thereby reducing the number of smokers, over a bunch of tight brown trousered crooks who fund their existence not from a sense of moral responsibly but from changing numbers on a bank register and being able to afford their next promotion.

If I was in a similar situation to the OP and given the same opportunity, I would do exactly the same thing that he did.

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

But I bet you sit at the bar while everyone smokes around you?

Not really.

I was out with 4 friends the other night, none smoked, the bars we were in mostly did not smoke and by 4am who gives a toss anyway.

Smokers should just accept the fact they are a selfish lot and get on with ignoring everyone else, you are normally so good at it, why the reverse in here ?

Who is selfish? Me for smoking outside in a public place or you, who wishes to remove my right to smoke anywhere in your presence?

Keep it up and soon all personal liberties will be revoked. Will you be happy then?

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Two dogz im guessing if you take the train you dont own a car? Isnt farting in trains kind of disgusting?? at least us smokers dont deny we are smoking.

I normally light my farts, when out in public, so as to burn off any noxious smells


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Look at that, 2 grumpy old smokers up there that like to puff away and push their filth onto everyone else, but they don't even think they are doing it.

Yes, bad parent me, out till 4am, keep up your stunning logical arguments typical of the selfish narrow minded persona of a smoker.

i would get your own house in order before accusing others of being narrow minded and selfish if I were you. 4 am indeed!!

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So just a refresher on this.....I did it again!

Same cop. Same circumstances. This time I embellished it a little and made a meal of faking to throw it on the floor, walked up the steps and this time he was waiting at the top of the stairs.

I gave him a "Sawasdee Krapp" and he had this card thing in front of my face which said littering 2000 Baht. I lifted my hand and Sheeezzzammm there it was - fag butt. Off I walked to the same bin as before and I actually heard him sign quite loudly.

I might keep doing this to try and get a state of perceived helplessness in this copper and he stops targeting smokers. Or, he will arrest me and kill me. One of the two.


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A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

But I bet you sit at the bar while everyone smokes around you?

Not really.

I was out with 4 friends the other night, none smoked, the bars we were in mostly did not smoke and by 4am who gives a toss anyway.

Smokers should just accept the fact they are a selfish lot and get on with ignoring everyone else, you are normally so good at it, why the reverse in here ?

SOoooo by 4AM it did not matter who was blowing smoke around? Suppose you wear a mask around all day and night re the fumes from the vehicles. There is an old saying, if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out.

Just an observation but just because something is a small increase in health hazard does not mean its ok. If you have been kicked down hard and i pass and give you a few extra kicks not as hard as the ones you got before im sure you would not like it either.

I am a non smoker and i also don't drink, mother smokes but she has been banished to smoking outside in the family home. Also she wont smoke inside homes of other people. I am not militant about smoking and when they visit i just accept it. I can still remember as a child being cooped up in a car with a mother smoking. Not a fun thing.

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So just a refresher on this.....I did it again!

Same cop. Same circumstances. This time I embellished it a little and made a meal of faking to throw it on the floor, walked up the steps and this time he was waiting at the top of the stairs.

I gave him a "Sawasdee Krapp" and he had this card thing in front of my face which said littering 2000 Baht. I lifted my hand and Sheeezzzammm there it was - fag butt. Off I walked to the same bin as before and I actually heard him sign quite loudly.

I might keep doing this to try and get a state of perceived helplessness in this copper and he stops targeting smokers. Or, he will arrest me and kill me. One of the two.

Thats good news. You are now holding on to your fag butt long enough to throw it in the bin instead of the sidewalk. A win win for both sides.

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So just a refresher on this.....I did it again!

Same cop. Same circumstances. This time I embellished it a little and made a meal of faking to throw it on the floor, walked up the steps and this time he was waiting at the top of the stairs.

I gave him a "Sawasdee Krapp" and he had this card thing in front of my face which said littering 2000 Baht. I lifted my hand and Sheeezzzammm there it was - fag butt. Off I walked to the same bin as before and I actually heard him sign quite loudly.

I might keep doing this to try and get a state of perceived helplessness in this copper and he stops targeting smokers. Or, he will arrest me and kill me. One of the two.

Thats good news. You are now holding on to your fag butt long enough to throw it in the bin instead of the sidewalk. A win win for both sides.

I always do - only one time I didn't because there are no bins - anywhere. And 100% of the local population throw everything everywhere.

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I agree there is a serious lack of bins in BKK. Not saying I havent littered before. I am quility of it, Ijust try my best not to, despite what I might see around me. Dont know what difference it makes, but maybe helps a little for not much effort.


Edited by wannascuba
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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

TwoDogz, before you drift completely off-topic, may I make a suggestion that you and your children find a resturant to eat? And not hang about the entrances to BTS stations where this incident took place; it could look embarrassing to the native population that a visitor to their country would act this way.

Sort of understand why you would stay out until 4am.................

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I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

TwoDogz, before you drift completely off-topic, may I make a suggestion that you and your children find a resturant to eat? And not hang about the entrances to BTS stations where this incident took place; it could look embarrassing to the native population that a visitor to their country would act this way.

Sort of understand why you would stay out until 4am.................

He cant answer you right now, he's not online. Probably sleeping off another 4 am bender whilst us disgusting smokers are working!

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So just a refresher on this.....I did it again!

Same cop. Same circumstances. This time I embellished it a little and made a meal of faking to throw it on the floor, walked up the steps and this time he was waiting at the top of the stairs.

I gave him a "Sawasdee Krapp" and he had this card thing in front of my face which said littering 2000 Baht. I lifted my hand and Sheeezzzammm there it was - fag butt. Off I walked to the same bin as before and I actually heard him sign quite loudly.

I might keep doing this to try and get a state of perceived helplessness in this copper and he stops targeting smokers. Or, he will arrest me and kill me. One of the two.

Be careful he may beat you round the head with a metal detector.... the next time sad.png ....or is that punishment only for balloon chaser...whistling.gif

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