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Does Anyone Know Mungkala Chinese Medicine Clinic In Old City?


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I think Mungkala Clinic is the very best Chinese medicine source available. Certainly the best I've ever used. (I've tried three different Chinese doctors in Chiang Mai.) Knowledgeable, caring, and professional all the way, with treatments using acupuncture, acupressure, and/or herbal medicines. I personally prefer the woman doctor, but her husband is just as good. (She's a bit more tender and 'oohs and ahhs' if the acupuncture needle strikes a sore spot...) If you don't have a kitchen to prepare your own herbals, her pharmacy will make up the batch for you.

I unhesitatingly recommend Mungkala for any physical problems that can best be treated by Chinese medicine. Do keep in mind that there are some situations better handled by Western medicine.

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I've had positive experiences the female doctor at Mungkala Dr. Rungrat and my partner has seen both her and the male doctor and has had good results. Decent prices too, last time I was there a consult was 200 baht and acupuncture 500 baht.

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I cannot speak highly enough about Mungkala

I have been to see Mr. Pawaradhisan for acupuncture & he is excellent. I am sure the lady doctor is just as good

but I did not ask for either & was assigned to Pawaradhisan.

I have been using acupuncture for decades & he rates right at the top for results.

Edited by mania
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I have been using acupuncture for decades & he rates right at the top for results.

Sorry for being ignorant, but if you have used acupuncture for decades and your illness has not been cured, maybe some other remedy would be in order?

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Can't honestly say. I went for my blood pressure and various aches and pains.

They are still with me. I did however get some sort of pills for my blood pressure and I can not say with any degree of accuracy if they helped or not. I was in the process of changing my way of life and diet. Plus i was and still am taking a diuretic pill.

It is not fair to judge any acupuncturists on some one else's experience. Over the years I have tried several different practitioners both here and back in the old country. To no avail. When I say I tried them I do not mean I just went to them once or twice.

All of these practitioners have had many recommendations. It was not them it was my inability to respond to them.

I do plan on trying them again at the Mungkala clinic. This time I am going to be specific my feet only. Not my hands and shoulders which I cured by stopping lipatar. Or my bum knee. Just the feet which I believe is linked to my diabetes. and the lack of one of the B vitamins. Actuality several of the B vitamins. There is still to much loss of sensation there. Except for when I find a table in the middle of the night with my toe's then they feel.

For those who do not know it is on the road in the old city that becomes Loi Kroh on the outside of the moat. Coming from the moat just walk down until you see a building on the corner on your left side. On the right side there is a road coming in from the moat on a 45 degree angle. I do believe they are closed for lunch hours.

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I have been using acupuncture for decades & he rates right at the top for results.

Sorry for being ignorant, but if you have used acupuncture for decades and your illness has not been cured, maybe some other remedy would be in order?

It is not ignorance & it is a likely assumption but, it is not illness I treat it is injuries.

My lifestyle & work causes injuries at times.

But acupuncture can also be used as a tune up at times when your feeling not up to par.

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Anyone have their operation hours?

They book appointments from 9am till12:30 & 2:30 till 7pm

Monday thru Saturday

Thank you, I am so busy during the week and I have been spending my weekends outside of CM.

Hurt myself lifting awhile back and my hip flexor / groin has been killing me as of late, despite not lifting on it...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the greatest threats to our environment - it is contributing to the extinction of endangered flora and fauna throughout the planet - and for what? Outside placebo it has virtually no use whatsoeve

Placebo is probably not only the reason why TCM is rapidly gaining acceptance in the western medical community.

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Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the greatest threats to our environment - it is contributing to the extinction of endangered flora and fauna throughout the planet - and for what? Outside placebo it has virtually no use whatsoeve

Placebo is probably not only the reason why TCM is rapidly gaining acceptance in the western medical community.

No it isn't - add to that a drop of gullibility and a massive overdose of greed and you've just about got it. Edited by francescoassisi
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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Ah - the people who know it all !! So refreshing to hear from you !!

Western medicine has no cure for Hep C ...

But my non-traditional healer and herbalist does.

Two back-to-back tests in the west confirmed - no Hep C anymore

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Accupuncture is covered under many Western countries health plans.

An imporant use for a herb has recently been discovered:


A vague reference to a study about an unnamed herb, no links to the study or peer review of this supposed study .....

My sister was cured of hep c by science basrd medicine, not easy or guaranteed, but it worked.

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Chinese told me that the number of traditional clinics also in china goes back and more western medicine avalible right now

What I always wondering after visiting a Chinese medicine doctor in Pattaya last year!

Many people come inside with diffrent problems and all walk out with same capsule and herbal drinks!

For me it looks like a general treatment of mass symtoms !

But nothing special!

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Chinese told me that the number of traditional clinics also in china goes back and more western medicine avalible right now

What I always wondering after visiting a Chinese medicine doctor in Pattaya last year!

Many people come inside with diffrent problems and all walk out with same capsule and herbal drinks!

For me it looks like a general treatment of mass symtoms !

But nothing special!

I can't speak to the efficacy of the Chinese remedies but the same criticism could be made of many of the Western medicine clinics in Thailand. They too seem to prescribe the same medicine (usually antibiotics) to almost everyone who walks through the door.

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I don't think anyone posted their website http://www.mungkala.com/

location map http://www.mungkala.com/images/mungkalapic/Map.jpg

I went there a couple times (not lately), was impressed.

I will likely go again in a couple months for a general health assessment. Currently working on (taking) new items (Stevia & Moringa leaves, Jobs Tears) learned from 3 sessions at http://www.asianhealingartscenter.com/

I don't like to mix too many things at a time.


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