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Older Samsung Tv, Help Please


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tv screen will flash weird colors

then go black for a second or two

then be ok for a couple or a few minutes

can hear the sound fine even when picture is black or flashing

i tried changing out with another of the same TV from a diff apt unit

but then the other TV started to do the same thing

i also tried different combinations

of plugs and connectors

but right now i am stumped

i thought it might be the DVD player, the AC plug, or the TV cable but tests pretty much ruled all of these out

it seems that there is something interfereing with the proper operation of the sets in my unit

after years of no problems like this before

can anyone help please?


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Sounds like electromagnetic interference, some motor or circuit. Could be in your place or outside eg. aircon unit, even traffic light.

It wasn't totally clear if this was a problem just watching normal TV or does it do it when watching a DVD?. If it's just normal pictures then it sounds to me as though the distribution amplifier is on the blink. If it's just your apartment affected then it may be that one output, if so ask your landlord to swap you to another output from the amp if there's one free. The norm for these apartment blocks is a large aerial connected to a multi point distribution amp that in turn feeds all the apartments. Another possibility is rain seeping into the cable feeding your room but then you would need a TV engineer to replace the cable - you could try using a coat hanger as an aerial just to see if you get a steady picture with that.

Edited by sysardman
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We had some unusual problems with our Samsung. Lines problems with picture then it quit.

We called in Samsung. They cleaned it and everything was ok. Cost a 1000 baht.

Yes but the OP is saying that they tried another TV from another apartment and that did the same.

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Do both TV's work ok in another room?

As i had a similar problem with an old Samsung tv 4yrs old and it was a faulty voltage regulator

inside the unit.

Samsung couldn't repair it due to unavailable replacement part. They also told me that this was a

common problem with their old tube style tv's.

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i am certain that there are cockroaches in the crank shaft, and/or fleas in the flumigator.

Ok, its obvious the TV unit is not faulty but there is an environmental impact from something in the location. What happens if you relocate the set, same problems, or normal operation?

Work backwards and identify any changes to the environment where the set is located and try to eliminate each change, one at a time until you identify whatever is interfering with normal operation of the TV.

Have fun.

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i am certain that there are cockroaches in the crank shaft, and/or fleas in the flumigator.

Ok, its obvious the TV unit is not faulty but there is an environmental impact from something in the location. What happens if you relocate the set, same problems, or normal operation?

Work backwards and identify any changes to the environment where the set is located and try to eliminate each change, one at a time until you identify whatever is interfering with normal operation of the TV.

Have fun.

Sounds like a plan!!

I was basing my ideas on it being unlikely that 2 TV's would have the same problem but if I'm to believe other posters then it sounds like those Samsung TVs are rubbish. Unusual 'cos Samsung stuff is normally pretty reliable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

get this:

when i open my old laptop the tv acts up

close the laptop and all is fine

so there is something going on tv verses computer or tv verses wireless

i also now suspect computer users in other units in my building may also have an effect on my tv screen but the flashing is more muted

thanks for the intelligent responses

Edited by deejah
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get this:

when i open my old laptop the tv acts up

close the laptop and all is fine

so there is something going on tv verses computer or tv verses wireless

i also now suspect computer users in other units in my building may also have an effect on my tv screen but the flashing is more muted

thanks for the intelligent responses

Has your apartment got those wall sockets with both aerial and ethernet plugs, if so could be a loose wire shorting. If you are using wifi then there is a problem because wifi frequency is way above TV frequencies so should never interfere with each other.

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thought i already tried this

but i changed the computer ac plug as far away from the TV ac plug and NO PROBLEM at all for now

simple is usually the best

thanks all

Obviously got a grounding problem - could be worth getting one of those mains filters.

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