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Gay Social License

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Yesterday evening I was waiting in a queue to exit the subway. A few persons ahead of me was a ditzy-looking young lady in high heels, who inevitably flubbed the exit (you only get a certain amount of time to head through the gate before your chance is cancelled- then if you've put the token in the slot you're basically screwed and you have to get a guard to help you). A tall young man behind her spoke to her a moment, and then he got up really close to her- well, she was more or less pressed against him- and he passed his card over the reader and they both walked out together in tandem.

Clever enough, I thought. But as they exited and more or less drifted apart in to the crowd, I understood that they were complete strangers- which made this little physical intimacy a bit surprising for a Thai lady. Curious, I caught up with the man and moved so I could see him from the front for the first time- then all was revealed. He was a very handsome, sexy, obviously gay man.

In Thailand and elsewhere, we gays have certain social liberties which would not be granted to straight men. The example I just gave is one. Another is that blatantly gay guys here are allowed to socialise with large groups of girls, when this would not be allowed for straight guys- if you see a boy in high school or college who is surrounded by a crowd of women, odds are that he's gay.


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ugh. this reminds me of this rather vile incident. an aussie girlfriend (a real girl with real breasts, ovaries, and other girly unmentionables. NOTE : compare this "girlfriend" with "GIRLFRIEND", ie: your closest gay friend with whom you share your most sordid stories and ultra-embarrassing secrets).

ANYWAY, she undressed ie: she took everything off ie: she appeared in her birthday suit and i caught more than a mere glimpse of her brazillian-waxed punani. she is a very attractive girl. a VERY VERY attractive girl. blonde hair, great aussie beach chick kind of bod with a nice golden tan. but the sight of her naked hoo-ha freaked me out. like hello: some gay boys (like moi for example)think the female genitalia is the scariest thing on earth. we DONT WANT to see that. i squealed and shielded my eyes and she just cackled. that tramp!

i still wake up screaming, clutching my sweat-soaked shatoosh blankets. *shudder*

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In Thailand and elsewhere, we gays have certain social liberties which would not be granted to straight men. The example I just gave is one. Another is that blatantly gay guys here are allowed to socialise with large groups of girls, when this would not be allowed for straight guys- if you see a boy in high school or college who is surrounded by a crowd of women, odds are that he's gay.

In a vocational college where I taught, we had an interesting twist to this phenomenon. The girls were giving some of the "pre-op" ladyboys such intimate liberties (allowing them into their dormitory rooms, intimate contact, etc.) that it escalated into rape (of the girl). The school had a meeting with all the female students to warn them about this danger.

It left me wondering...what kind of lady boy rapes a girl? All I got were smiles and shoulder-shrugs from my Thai friends.

I kept asking until I got the unbelievable answer: Some of our more sexually-deprived str8 male students took on the "lady boy personna" just to get the confidence of a female "target". It worked. Then, er, "bingo".

Strange, strange, strange.

So chicks, watch those wolves in sheeps' clothing!

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I kept asking until I got the unbelievable answer: Some of our more sexually-deprived str8 male students took on the "lady boy personna" just to get the confidence of a female "target". It worked. Then, er, "bingo".

hehehehe, I remember back high school, my straight classmates always warned my girl friends to be careful. They told them that I was straight and pretending to be gay so I can hang-out with the ladies... I don't really understood them, and they always see me as a buddy until one of the guys ended up french kissing me. :o

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there is truth that there are some women who rather share a certain degree of intimacy to gay men. However there are women who are too clueless or too jaded with the obvious. I have some women friends who falls for my gay friends. Aside from the physical attraction, they seemed to be attracted to the sensitivity that gay men possess. No matter how we try to explain to these girls that a serious relations aside from the platonic one can never happen with a gay guy. They don't listen at all. Oh well. But its awesome to have "Fag hags" as we call them, they are very loyal and I enjoy their company. It's highly recommended to have one. :o

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Do your "fag hags" know that you call them that? :o

off course, they dont take any offense when we call them that. They call us their fags as well. All in jest and in friendship. :D

Whew, I thought we might have had a "political incorrectness" lawsuit on our hands for a moment! :D Wait, this isn't New York.

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Do your "fag hags" know that you call them that? :o

off course, they dont take any offense when we call them that. They call us their fags as well. All in jest and in friendship. :D

Whew, I thought we might have had a "political incorrectness" lawsuit on our hands for a moment! :D Wait, this isn't New York.

true, Filipinos are really not into "politically correctness", we just laugh at it actually. Happy People

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