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My goodness, according to this CNN News article Android-based phones surged to 68% of world smartphone market share last quarter with Apple-based smartphones getting a 17% market share. Poor ol' RIM/Blackberry is down to 5%. Just much more smartphone variety and price points for Android phones compared to Apple phones. Wonder if Apple will stay focused towards high end, high cost phones or expand the variety and pricing of phones it offers? Don't really matter to me as I prefer Android based phones.


For Blackberry I don't understand...my staff buys Blackberry, the last two salesguys from Europe had a Blackberry.

It can't be that low, or?


Oh yea, RIM stock has dropped dramatically this year due to falling sales....the BlackBerry is falling out of style fast...frequent talk about RIM being acquired at bargain base price by another company. Latest talk is Samsung may buy: LInk


Android has been raping the market for a long while now. And deservedly so. Like Trix, iOS is for kids...

But, Windows 8 phones up and coming soon... Some of the things I've read about them actually have me interested...This chick is beyond annoying, but it gives you a good idea of what it's about.



Blackberry was never very popular with end-users, it was popular with Corp IT, and the U.S Government. Now I think it's just the U.S. Gov't.

An interesting column: http://www.newyorker...talk_surowiecki

I've got an in-law that works for AIS...she bought a Blackberry almost a year ago because "she thought" having a Blackberry for SMSs would be HiSo....but she got rid of it last week and bought a Samsung S3. The U.S. Govt definitely used/uses a lot of Blackberry since they consider the Blackberry platform/servers a secure messaging service.

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