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Whats The Going Rate To Get Someone To Write Articles?


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Not sure if this is in the right section.

I need to find someone who writes articles, nothing great, just needs to be 300 plus words for each one about a certain subject.

Basically I need someone to write about what ever I want.

How much you reckon the going rate is here for it? Not needing to be professional writers.

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Maybe if you provided some details you would get offers.

There are some subjects about which I either know enough about and/or have thought enough about that I would feel very comfortable in writing a 300 word essay/article ..... but only if I knew where and how it was going to be used.

There would probably be many other subjects that I would find interesting enough to research in order to write an intelligent article.

But, again, knowing how and when the article was going to be used would influence what I would consider sufficient renumeration.

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Someone already messaged me about his rates which are good.

It was English Articles about a place called Khao Sok, it will be used for SEO purposes on the web.

I sometimes have a lot of people wanting articles, sometimes not so much.

Also I get asked to provide articles on various subjects, they don't all need to be interesting, just need to make sense.

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odesk.com ,freelancer.com are ok.In English easy to find many writers and around 3-7us for 400-500 words but more expensive its technical or special research is needed.But you should always run your articles with copyscape becuase many writers just take articel from someone else and "spinn"it to a new one witch is ok if they do it god, but always check or google wont be happy.I know I pissed them of a couple of timeslaugh.png :One more thing, sometimes I get articels with the keywords repeted 20-30 times. Many writers can make god articels but they dont know realy about SEO.sorry op Im sure you know all this but just some info for maybe some people dont know.

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It all depends on the article. Normally I get paid per word and it can range from 500 baht per article all the way to 5,000 baht. It all depends on the length and subject etc.

Many writers charge a minimum fee, regardless of the number of words. Some waved or lowered the fee if it's guaranteed that it will not be a one-off job.

Edited by Morakot
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odesk.com ,freelancer.com are ok.In English easy to find many writers and around 3-7us for 400-500 words but more expensive its technical or special research is needed.But you should always run your articles with copyscape becuase many writers just take articel from someone else and "spinn"it to a new one witch is ok if they do it god, but always check or google wont be happy.I know I pissed them of a couple of timeslaugh.png :One more thing, sometimes I get articels with the keywords repeted 20-30 times. Many writers can make god articels but they dont know realy about SEO.sorry op Im sure you know all this but just some info for maybe some people dont know.

Your's is a very interesting post to myself and wife. She has a website (selling Hawaiian jewelry). It is very nice but she is having difficulty attracting traffic. I know nothing of such things and while this is a hobby for her, she is growing frustrated, none the less. Can you or someone else give a quick example of how to generate a modest amount of traffic....perhaps better defining the methodolgy that is apparently the subject of this topic? We would be most grateful and thank you in advance.

Edited by n2ojones
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ok I give you some ideas.Sorry but now I asuming that you/wife have nothing of below things and just some tips

1.On site optimization is importent.Is your website SEO friendly for Google?use youtube to learn.For me it whas and is better to se visual then read.write this and search on youtube,on page seo tutorial

2.offpage.Do the same ,look youtube.

Some quick tips for your wife,look on Google for exampel blog toplist in your country.Then she will find many blogs but pick the 50biggest and then everyday spend some time to put a nice comment on articels there and at most blogs you can put your email/name and your URL.This have only short time value but she can get little bít more traffic quickly.Of course blogs should be in fashion,make up,jewelry so its they correct group of readers.Offer some jewlery for exchange of a permanent link,They will gladly do that if your things are nice and they will make a lucky draw so there readers can get it for free,they love it and you get exposure.look at the blogs there are all full of different things like this.Then start your own blog and see how the other blogs are doing and just do what they do and put your personal tuch on it.Uppdate at last 3-4times a week at first and then everyday.Look what the god ones do.Make sure that your articels are SEO correct.Google keyword density and then you will se how articles should be done and then of course your blog link to your webiste.Wordpress is free,just get a domain and webhost she have already.Most webhost have already wordpress for you on there site.

Then we have google adwords,cost money and you realy need to know what you are doing and in many case waiste of money.So for you,dont do that at this time but she should learn keyword tools so she can se what is the best keyword for here products,easy to to learn.Well I have so many things I do but cant write all but use youtube for start and google.You can PM the webiste I can have a look.Will cost you bigbiggrin.png at least a cup of coffee.

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ok I give you some ideas.Sorry but now I asuming that you/wife have nothing of below things and just some tips

1.On site optimization is importent.Is your website SEO friendly for Google?use youtube to learn.For me it whas and is better to se visual then read.write this and search on youtube,on page seo tutorial

2.offpage.Do the same ,look youtube.

Some quick tips for your wife,look on Google for exampel blog toplist in your country.Then she will find many blogs but pick the 50biggest and then everyday spend some time to put a nice comment on articels there and at most blogs you can put your email/name and your URL.This have only short time value but she can get little bít more traffic quickly.Of course blogs should be in fashion,make up,jewelry so its they correct group of readers.Offer some jewlery for exchange of a permanent link,They will gladly do that if your things are nice and they will make a lucky draw so there readers can get it for free,they love it and you get exposure.look at the blogs there are all full of different things like this.Then start your own blog and see how the other blogs are doing and just do what they do and put your personal tuch on it.Uppdate at last 3-4times a week at first and then everyday.Look what the god ones do.Make sure that your articels are SEO correct.Google keyword density and then you will se how articles should be done and then of course your blog link to your webiste.Wordpress is free,just get a domain and webhost she have already.Most webhost have already wordpress for you on there site.

Then we have google adwords,cost money and you realy need to know what you are doing and in many case waiste of money.So for you,dont do that at this time but she should learn keyword tools so she can se what is the best keyword for here products,easy to to learn.Well I have so many things I do but cant write all but use youtube for start and google.You can PM the webiste I can have a look.Will cost you bigbiggrin.png at least a cup of coffee.


That was very generous of you to take the time to reply to our question. I am with the Mrs now and she's asked me to express her gratitude as well. She answered a few of your questions and with zero knowledge of this stuff, I'll do my best to decipher what she wants to say, lol.

She states that she has made it to step 8 of the Youtube tutorial but finds it rather difficult to understand. She has 6 years of university (Thailand) but with English her second language, she finds the tutorial hard to digest. Oh...she says it's not so much the fact it's english, just that it's alot of tech-talk that she is not familiar with. She says she will try again.

She just googled the top fashion blogs (USA) and will begin looking for those pertinent and leave comments per your suggestion. The jewelry she sell, for the most part, is handmade in Hawaii using the rarest of shells (nii'hau) and rather pricey, but she will suggest trades with various websites if that will help to generate traffic.

She has kicked around the idea of paying for Google keywords but as you suggested, she has heard good and bad about this.

Her website is www.janjirarities.com if you'd like to have a look, we'd be most grateful and can assure you of dinner with your coffee our next time in Thailand (Oct). She has put so much effort into this thing and she is beginning to feel like it's been a waste of time and money. I don't want her to feel this way as she has created something very beautiful. She seldom needs her web designer anymore as she has emersed herself into this "code writing" stuff and is doing very well (I think) with the design. I keep preaching to her the merits of hard work and how it will eventually pay off...but I might have been wrong, lol.

Oh..the name: janjirarities. That's my fault. I thought it was clever but it's too hard to say/spell. Her name is Janjira and her plan was to sell rarities= janjirarities. Nobody gets it. Some of the content right now is a bit cheesy as is the wording provided by the webmaster on some items. She just needed content and I will help her make some changes when/if I can find the time.

Thanks again!

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Hi I send you Pm ,dont think everybody want to read my bad English and what we are talking about.Please ask more if you need.I like to take questions because its testing my own skills to see what I realy knowsmile.png

Dinner and coffee at the restaurant of your choosing. Thanks for being a good human. ;)

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