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The Power Of Ghost Stories.


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It think it gets even more far. Group pressure would mean that non believer just shut up. But I think it is different, as everyone believes the same, some naturally more skeptic also accept it......It must be true because everyone else "knows" it is true....

Think: You stay on the street, no cars...you tell a group: "STOP!, there is an invisible soundless car passing by at high speed., it will kill you."

Sounds strange...people would call for professional help, something wrong with the brain....

Exactly the same: "An invisible soundless guy drinks the beer in the fridge (with critic checks, never any beer is missing)." is complete accepted.

That you can pray to invisible people who might or might not have existed in the past and then they will help you (even there is no evidence at all the last 3000 years) seems complete normal for many people.

And to make it even worse these believer (after you mention that there is no evidence) ask for a proof that there is no invisible ghost/god.

If I tell there is an invisible pink elephant in my office: no one believes me (but they can't proof that there isn't one).

If I tell there is a blue faced ghost at the airport, or a god who punish me if I drink a beer than it sounds complete logic....

I don't get it....

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I'm grateful for the belief in ghosts! Young kids used to use the wooded area behind my house to take drugs - then (a couple of years ago) someone committed suicide there - and the kids haven't been back! smile.png

I have a ghost in the fridge...

We have a chocolate ghost............. I buy it and the next day its gone?????????????? The Wife always has smug grin though? perhaps she is possessed by this ghost?

face facts if something isnt understood people will invent soemthing to fill the lack of an answer, ghosts, god, goblins , fairies, esp, spoon bending etc etc ALL the same.

You know the roman catholic church is still teaching exorcists. Maybe one of these can help (just lock the children away before the rc monk comes).

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Is this page satirical, or serious? I am not sure?

"The type of funeral." I wrote in my will that I want to be conservated naked in a big glass cylinder full of vodka, somewhere close to the TV.

What does that bring me?

2. What decides where we go and what we become after death?

When we die, our course in the after-life is decided by a number of factors. These factors include:

The number and type of impressions that are created in the sub-conscious mind depending on how we have lived our lives. Refer to the article on the impressions in our mind that decides our basic nature and personality.

Our ego: The word ‘ego’ is used in a spiritual context here. In addition to its everyday usage as self esteem and self conceit, it also includes the attitude of duality with God. Duality means thinking of oneself as having an existence separate from God. Ego is a function of the extent to which we identify with our 5 senses, mind and intellect instead of identifying with the Soul or the God within us.

The type of deeds done during our life-time.

The extent and the type of spiritual practice we had undertaken during our lifetime.

Our Destiny

The type of death – natural and peaceful, violent or accidental.

The type of funeral.

The rituals as per Spiritual science done by our descendants after our death to help us in our after life.

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This is an interesting link for all the doubters and believers out there.


Looks like tripe to me again no evidence of anything.

Not easy to have evidence on what happens to people after they die.

Maybe you should speak to a medium or psychic as thats the closest you'll get to communicating

with spirits.

Or do you think they are all fake? worldwide that is?

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This is an interesting link for all the doubters and believers out there.


Looks like tripe to me again no evidence of anything.

Not easy to have evidence on what happens to people after they die.

Maybe you should speak to a medium or psychic as thats the closest you'll get to communicating

with spirits.

Or do you think they are all fake? worldwide that is?

Yes undoubtedly ALL fake, besides I prefer a regular or largebiggrin.png

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In this modern day of technology........they've just landed a vehicle on Mars <deleted>.

Surely with the amount of electronics etc. we have or whatever is required to prove that these entities exist, it would've been done by now.

It is all brainwashing regardless of what religion you may believe in.

I feel sorry for young kids who don't have a choice as to what they want to think or believe, it is basically thrashed into them what they must believe.

As far as ghosts.......no proof, no believe.

I would dearly love to meet a ghost..........I would have 100's of questions that I would probably bore the crap out of them with, and they would then dismiss me and make me think that I was only dreamin'.

Why Are We Here?????????? blink.png

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Wow. It's a wonder that thai people actually tolerate, not respect, some of you morons. You live in their country and disrespect the entire population because you think their beliefs are "misguided?" based on your notion of right and wrong? Being educated does not mean that a person doesn't believe in spirits. I believe and I'm educated, post-grad in the states.


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Wow. It's a wonder that thai people actually tolerate, not respect, some of you morons. You live in their country and disrespect the entire population because you think their beliefs are "misguided?" based on your notion of right and wrong? Being educated does not mean that a person doesn't believe in spirits. I believe and I'm educated, post-grad in the states.


Congratulations an educated misguided American......... based on fact not fiction and remember the word is "believe" nothing more.

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In this modern day of technology........they've just landed a vehicle on Mars <deleted>.

Surely with the amount of electronics etc. we have or whatever is required to prove that these entities exist, it would've been done by now.

As far as ghosts.......no proof, no believe.

Ever heard of EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

check what they are on wikipedia.

Here;s an example

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In this modern day of technology........they've just landed a vehicle on Mars <deleted>.

Surely with the amount of electronics etc. we have or whatever is required to prove that these entities exist, it would've been done by now.

It is all brainwashing regardless of what religion you may believe in.

I feel sorry for young kids who don't have a choice as to what they want to think or believe, it is basically thrashed into them what they must believe.

As far as ghosts.......no proof, no believe.

I would dearly love to meet a ghost..........I would have 100's of questions that I would probably bore the crap out of them with, and they would then dismiss me and make me think that I was only dreamin'.

Why Are We Here?????????? blink.png

Does there have to be a reason anyway?

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In this modern day of technology........they've just landed a vehicle on Mars <deleted>.

Surely with the amount of electronics etc. we have or whatever is required to prove that these entities exist, it would've been done by now.

As far as ghosts.......no proof, no believe.

Ever heard of EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

check what they are on wikipedia.

Here;s an example

Sorry more drivel.

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In this modern day of technology........they've just landed a vehicle on Mars <deleted>.

Surely with the amount of electronics etc. we have or whatever is required to prove that these entities exist, it would've been done by now.

As far as ghosts.......no proof, no believe.

Ever heard of EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

Sorry more drivel.

I was just showing Rsqaured that technology in this day and age does exist.

Not for you though Travelmann

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This is a documentary on Bravo tv from the UK

worth a look


Oh Plllllllllllllllllllllllllease, Bravo tv is that the sum of the evidence?? case dismissed...................fantasy " but none can be authenticated" just about sums it all up.

Edited by travelmann
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@ sotsira,

Give it a rest. No-one here disputes your credulity but you aren't convincing the unbelievers, and with good reason.

The great unenlightened masses, wherever they may be, are more tolerant, and less critical, of received opinion than educated people and more likely to resist challenges to those beliefs. Fair play to them. I would expect nothing less from a university graduate with the equivalent grounding of a primary school education but that does not hold true of the critical thought practised by people brought up in a culture that questions the validity and origin of their information.

Your 'evidence' has yet to be forthcoming. Your 'faith' is not is not in dispute.

Edited by SimonD
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Wow. It's a wonder that thai people actually tolerate, not respect, some of you morons. You live in their country and disrespect the entire population because you think their beliefs are "misguided?" based on your notion of right and wrong? Being educated does not mean that a person doesn't believe in spirits. I believe and I'm educated, post-grad in the states.


Congratulations an educated misguided American......... based on fact not fiction and remember the word is "believe" nothing more.

You actually had something with that quote until you brought in nationality. But then again, bashing is so Thai Visa, right?

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Wow. It's a wonder that thai people actually tolerate, not respect, some of you morons. You live in their country and disrespect the entire population because you think their beliefs are "misguided?" based on your notion of right and wrong? Being educated does not mean that a person doesn't believe in spirits. I believe and I'm educated, post-grad in the states.


For the record, most arguments go down the drain when name-calling is resorted to - that goes for those 'educated' and 'un-educated' ...

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Wow. It's a wonder that thai people actually tolerate, not respect, some of you morons. You live in their country and disrespect the entire population because you think their beliefs are "misguided?" based on your notion of right and wrong? Being educated does not mean that a person doesn't believe in spirits. I believe and I'm educated, post-grad in the states.


So you are saying the entire population believes in ghosts? Thats quite a stretch.

A large group of people in the states believe in Jesus and think that if you aren't saved, for sure you are going to hell. Do you have a problem with foreigners visiting the US thinking those people are a bit "misguided?"

Get real

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Well the OP has been scared off! BOO! At the end of the day, its each to their own. Some do some dont and it should all be respected. For me its not that I do but its not that I dont either. I would like to see a pic of this castle the OP is talking about. Sounds cool! Anyway Ive gotta go, Dr Peter Venkman is at the door lol!

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Well the OP has been scared off! BOO! At the end of the day, its each to their own. Some do some dont and it should all be respected. For me its not that I do but its not that I dont either. I would like to see a pic of this castle the OP is talking about. Sounds cool! Anyway Ive gotta go, Dr Peter Venkman is at the door lol!

Nah I can never respect this especially when its taught as "the truth"

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does anybody know more about the ghost at chiang mai mansion on the moat road? the ghost occupies the most strangest building i have ever seen in chiang mai. the building has a really strange history to it, never been finished and yet amazing to see.

it is for sale and i have set up a website on facebook to find out more about it! can anybody help me?


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I'd be happy to stay in these so called haunted houses.

Why are all ghosts meant to be scary? Surely if they were real, there would have to a certain percentage of "friendly" ones......

.....or I suppose logic has been thrown out the window as well. coffee1.gif

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Id like to see the non believers her stay a night or 2 in these places they say arent haunted.

Didn't James Randi offer a large reward for proof of the supernatural?

Assuming that reward is still being offered, surely its worth any true believer's time to visit these haunted places and obtain proof?

FWIW - I'm not convinced, but would be open to genuine evidence.

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