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People ask me and probabbly you on occation if things are different , whats new ? ect ...... So my Topic is asking if, or how, or if not, things where you have been for a few years or longer have improved or not.

My area is a little nicer with a few more plants and a nice improved strech of road with nice new busstops ect. I find the pollution around Bangna and outskirts of Bangkok to be stustantially less than 10 years ago , mostly because of less building , but overall I think things are a little more pleasant and a little more beautifull as opposed to the same or worse.

How about where you live ?


I can certainly say things have changed in the last 8yrs where i stay,

but for the better or worse is debatable.

The main road has been widened so more cars + noise + pollution but less traffic jams.

Many more buildings constructed so more jobs & financial gain, but more people and pollution too.

Many open land spaces have now been cleared and built on so less trees, oxygen and wildlife.

So all the changes have caused positive and negative effects to the surrounding area.


I see where I lived, live and will be living is nicer, green, new road, more electric phase, still not too much peoples live there, not too hot as in the city,... only can not see clear enough mountain view in March.


where I am it went down from last year to this year because of the floods. Many shops didn't come back. In general it looks dirty than last year.


Your observations about buildings and air pollution in Bang-na are very different to mine, still plenty of condo's being built and the traffic is getting worse during rush hour. Having said that i still prefer this area than the Sukhumvit and central Bkk


Someone I don't know what position he has, but has been investing in rebuilding all the parks and sports facilities around the city. They are so much better.

The sort of inner city by-pass which is a 2.5km bridge about 100-300 metres out to sea which was only built less than 10 years ago has had lots of lights and things added to it and the part where it rejoins the road and the road back in land has been rebuilt with benches and flowers. Nice except the ladies of the night decided to move a few roads down and plonk themselves on the benches all day.

All the privately owned buildings in the city are still the same unrenovated disgusting eye-sores they have and will always be though. The only nice loking building in the whole city is the cock removing hospital.


Well ......being in the bush nothing much changes very fast if not at all.

Been coming here (where we built our home), for the last 8 years or so, and as far as infrastructure is concerned, a couple of paved roads, but nothing major.

To give you an idea, we attended a function in the village about 6 months ago, and the "head man village" asked my wife which soi we lived on........he said he had a vague idea where we were, but wasn't exactly sure.

My better half answered...."we live on soi of 100 pot-holes, a dirt road" (hint hint).

He just laughed, as they all do........now I say our soi is "soi of 200 pot-holes".

I'm not holding my breath for any improvements.........so........ TiT......drunk.gif


4 years rural and not a lot changes except a lot more Paddy's being filled in and new houses going where there used to be rice. Kinda sad but it will accelerate as the young Thai's don't want to be Farmers and will sell even more agricultural land.


Your observations about buildings and air pollution in Bang-na are very different to mine, still plenty of condo's being built and the traffic is getting worse during rush hour. Having said that i still prefer this area than the Sukhumvit and central Bkk

When I first came here the pollution was chunks of stuff you had to spit out of your mouth just standing on the cross street bridge at Central Mall , it's not nearly that bad anymore.

Vastly improved I'd say, for the Chiang Mai area. In many different ways. Sometimes you only need to put the older Mapjack street images together with more recent Google Streetview images, and you readily see the improvement. I did this in a topic in the Chiang Mai forum a couple months ago. This is that topic: http://www.thaivisa....-four-years-on/ (Scroll down the discussion to get all the examples)

Anyway, that topic focused a little more on just change and new buildings, but other improvements include work on sidewalks, putting electrical and phone cables underground along a couple downtown roads, better and prettier signage, improvement and widening of roads in general, building of underpasses along ring roads (noting that underpasses are far less ugly than those overpasses that are rife in Bangkok), some historical sites and attractions have been improved and made more accessible (Wiang Khum Kam ruins for example), 'stuff' has been built with mixed success including 5 start hotels, a huge convention center and some artificial tourist attractions like the Night Safari that are however also very fun for kids and thus improve our quality of life as a family.

In terms of private development I see a lot more taste in buildings going up (less of the concrete shoebox architecture though that's still going on too of course) and also older buildings actually being renovated and beautified instead of breaking it down and building someting else.


In my village nothing much changed in donkeys years, except the potholes are more and deeper. Cant drive down one road at more than 15km and even then its a slalom. If you had a decent car it would be wrecked in no time, pick-up or farmers trolley is the only way to go.

The nearby "city", actually small town has improved with more major stores now arrived and even more in progress. You can see the perimeter land of the town being bought cleared and more going up and expanding rapidly.


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Condos are growing up like mushrooms after the rain. Nothing else...

Developers are cutting down all the trees and building condos, many of them stalled for 3 years but have been revived lately, sea views are being lost and traffic is increased causing problems.

On the plus side we got a new widened road and a set of traffic lights but they just worsen the traffic issues.


4 years rural and not a lot changes except a lot more Paddy's being filled in and new houses going where there used to be rice. Kinda sad but it will accelerate as the young Thai's don't want to be Farmers and will sell even more agricultural land.

They really don't want to punch the Irish like that, they fight back..................thumbsup.gif


During the last 13 years of living here in Phitsanulok, the changes in the place have been impressive to say the least. The infastructure has developed such that all the major dual carraigeways have turned into four-lane highways, in fact the only streets not to have undergone change are the sois in the middle of town, which can"t be expanded on.

Again, the expansion of the outer limits has almost encompassed the villages and towns around with dozens of housing developements going up every year. We now have two fully fledged universities with their own "eco-systems" with a third being clasified soon. A brand new modern airport has taken over the old one, fitted for (but not with) customs and immigration, but still we have only 3 flights to Bkk a day. Actually they have restarted a flight service to CM recently as well, but apart from that, nada.

But apart from the above, nothing much has changed, which leaves everyone here wondering what has happened/is happening to our little rice producing town. Wierd!


I also have a long term perspective here in a small village 16km from Chum Phae (Khon Kaen province) over a period of 18 years (16 years coming as a visitor).

Of course there are impressive improvements in infrastructure.

In the 1990s: internet non existent, mobile phone only in Chum Phae, no fixed telephone line.

Water supply quite erratic, power outages quite frequently. Absolutely no "farang" supplies (food stuff) except some toast bread.

No western style supermarket. Two lane road to KK even at this time too small already.

Today: well working DSL internet (omitted the fixed line telephone), mobile phone to the farmost rice paddy, good quality water supply with some 99.x % reliability, power outages still occur (about once or twice per month), often short dropouts only, sometimes up to 30min. Last year one night without power.

#12 highway to KK extended to a four lane road. Easy ride in 1h20min.

Tesco Lotus in Chum Phae, basic stuff available. Specials available at Central or Big C in KK.

Still a problem (to others): almost no entertainment suitable to farangs in the Amphoe, few farang food restaurants or the like (even closing down like a Pizza shop recently).

Not a problem to me, as I live in the family with my wife who can do that for me (rarely eating out).

Still no english language books, newspapers or the like in the Amphoe (just in KK).

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