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Mitt Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Election Running Mate


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Well, let me tell you, after three years of Obama, we are hopeless and changeless, and we need Mitt Romney to bring us back, to bring America back.

-Chris Christie

Mitt Romney has spent his entire life finding ways to solve problems.

-Mitch McConnell

Things are not getting better. They are getting worse. We need to elect Mitt Romney to turn things around.

-Rob Portman

Whether it was his ability to turn around the Massachusetts economy or turn around businesses in the private sector, Mitt Romney has demonstrated the leadership that we need in the White House to get the country on the right track.

-Lisa Murkowski

Obama has failed the country. It is time for real hope and change.

Quoting republican party members doesn't proove anything.

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Well it seems Mitt has released his 2011 tax return, stating he paid 14.1% of his $13 million to the tax man.

Twenty minutes later, he released this pile of nonsense:

Mitt Romney's Housing Plan Has To Be A Joke

Joe Weisenthal | 34 minutes ago | 124 |


Twitter / @dgjacksonAt this point, we have no choice but to conclude that the Mitt Romney campaign is just trolling whiny journalists who have complained about the lack of detail in his plans.

Yesterday evening (a Friday evening!) the campaign revealed a whitepaper titled Securing the American Dream and The Future of Housing Policy that's so unsubstantial, we half-suspect the timing was done so that nobody would see it amid the release of the 2011 tax documents, which came out about 20 minutes earlier.

This is honestly a sentence in his whitepaper on The Future Of Housing Policy:

The Romney-Ryan plan will completely end “too-big-to-fail” by reforming the GSEs.

No really. Romney and Ryan believe that "too-big-to-fail", which generally refers to the assumption that a collapse of a major Wall Street institution would be catastrophic to the overall economy, thus making a bailout imperative, would be solved by the reform of Fannie and Freddie. Or maybe Romney and Ryan believe that only Fannie and Freddie are too big to fail, and that the collapse of a mega-bank would be fine. Those are the only possible readings of that sentence.

As for Romney and Ryan's plan to reform the GSEs, the plan is to... reform them.

Here's the full context for the above quote:

End “Too-Big-To-Fail” And Reform Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac: The Romney-Ryan plan will completely end “too-big-to-fail” by reforming the GSEs. The four years since taxpayers took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, spending $140 billion in the process, is too long to wait for reform. Rather than just talk about reform, a Romney-Ryan Administration will protect taxpayers from additional risk in the future by reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and provide a long-term, sustainable solution for the future of housing finance reform in our country.

So basically there are no details at all. Too Big To Fail will be fixed by reforming the GSEs, and the GSEs will be fixed... somehow.

Other than that, in the paper, Romney talks about "responsibly" selling 200,000 government owned homes, getting rid of Dodd Frank, improving the job market, and make foreclosures easier.

That's it. That's the Romney-Ryan "whitepaper" on the future of housing policy.

One other point... it's reasonable that someone will ask: Well what about Obama's housing plan? Or his GSE reform plan?

That's a totally fair rejoinder, because housing/mortgage/GSE policy has basically gone nowhere under Obama. But the whole premise of the Romney campaign is that he offers an alternative to the status quo, which is a major disappointment for many Americans. So it's reasonable to think that the challenger who is trying to disrupt the status quo, actually says something that would... disrupt the status quo. Failing to provide any details or a plan during the heart of the campaign undermines the notion that he is a serious alternative.

That last sentence sums up the whole campaign.

He might as well say "Vote for me because I'm not as bad as Obama. But I can't tell you why".

Edited by Chicog
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Joe Weisenthal's opinion on Romney's plan. Who is he? As usual, just another partisan hit piece. The Wall Street Journal describes the plan without offering any spin. http://online.wsj.co...0044504690.html

And on the other side we have Obama who, during the last three and a half years, has proven that he is not capable of doing the job. Here is a good illustration of why.

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Joe Weisenthal's opinion on Romney's plan. Who is he? As usual, just another partisan hit piece.

The Wall Street Journal describes the plan without offering any spin. http://online.wsj.co...0044504690.html

Is Romney a bit thick or is it the team around him?

WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney published a broad set of goals on helping the housing market, saying his administration would relax regulations to spur more mortgage lending

Well isn't just exactly what caused the whole freaking mess in the first place?!

Here we go, more of the same, Republicans want their banker buddies to coin it again, causing another financial crisis, and probably still never being taken to task for it.

It beggars belief.

By the way, I'm not a WSJ subscriber, but it seems to say much the same thing:

A white paper released Friday criticized many of President Barack Obama's housing initiatives but drew fewer contrasts with the White House when it came to discussing what steps should be taken going forward.

In other words: He's going to do something, he just doesn't know what it is.

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Is Romney a bit thick or is it the team around him?

WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney published a broad set of goals on helping the housing market, saying his administration would relax regulations to spur more mortgage lending

Well isn't just exactly what caused the whole freaking mess in the first place?!

Relaxing regulations is a little different from having to meet a government quota to lend to buyers who can not afford to pay their bills.

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It would seem Ryan isn't immune to sticking his foot in his mouth either.

Paul Ryan runs into trouble with AARP

By Lisa Mascaro, Kathleen Hennessey and Maeve Reston, Los Angeles Times

September 22, 2012

Rep. Paul D. Ryan was booed at the annual AARP convention Friday after saying that, if elected, their Republican administration would repeal the nation's healthcare law as the best way to save Medicare.

Just five minutes into his talk at the gathering of the powerful 50-and-older lobby, Mitt Romney's running mate — the architect of the Republican proposal to change Medicare for the next generation of seniors — was repeatedly interrupted as he criticized President Obama's healthcare law.

"The first step to a stronger Medicare is to repeal Obamacare, because it represents the worst of both worlds," Ryan said as the crowd in New Orleans booed audibly.

"I had a feeling there'd be mixed reaction," Ryan acknowledged, pausing briefly. "So let me get into it."

But Ryan only drew further objections from the crowd as he provided a more detailed explanation for his criticism of the healthcare law.

When he suggested that Obama was cutting $716 billion from Medicare over the next decade to pay for the costs of insuring more Americans under the healthcare law, those gathered booed. Ryan's own budget relies on using the same savings from Medicare, but he applies it to paying down the nation's deficit.

Ryan also elicited a round of objections when he suggested that the healthcare law "weakens Medicare for today's seniors and puts it at risk for the next generation." The healthcare law reduces spending on Medicare payments to providers, which officials have said would add eight years to the program's solvency, though it is still expected run out of money by 2024.

The talk by the GOP vice presidential candidate followed a video appearance by Obama, who blasted Romney's plan to revamp Medicare and called the program an earned entitlement.

"Given the conversations that have been out there in the political arena lately, I want to emphasize: Medicare and Social Security are not handouts," Obama said. "You've paid into these programs your whole lives. You've earned them. And as president, it's my job to make sure that Medicare and Social Security remain strong for today's seniors and for future generations."

Obama's remarks were a swipe at Romney, who earlier this week took heat for describing those who don't pay federal income taxes as dependent on the government and "victims."

Those nontaxpayers — representing nearly 47% of households — include large numbers of seniors who are reliant on Social Security and eligible for tax credits that whittle their federal income tax burden to zero.

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It makes me wonder if something like this is getting through the main stream media filter and actually reaching some of the voters. This will wake up a few undecideds.


100 Days Until Taxmageddon

Sunday will mark the start of the 100-day countdown to “Taxmageddon” – the date the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2013:

First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief

In 2001 and 2003, the GOP Congress enacted several tax cuts for small business owners, families, and investors (later re-upped by President Obama and Democrat Congress in 2010). The following tax hikes will occur on January 1, 2013:

Personal income tax rates will rise on January 1, 2013. The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which the majority of small business profits are taxed). The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent. All the rates in between will also rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates. The full list of marginal rate hikes is below:

-The 10% bracket rises to a new and expanded 15%

-The 25% bracket rises to 28%

-The 28% bracket rises to 31%

-The 33% bracket rises to 36%

-The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%

Read more: http://atr.org/days-...3#ixzz3qFIKA1fq

A lot more taxes in the article for your reading pleasure.

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With all the liberal bluster roaring around in the air, Gallup says their poll shows

Obama - 47%

Romney - 47%

If Obama was as good as some of you claim, he would be ahead by 15 points.


If you're talking polls:

Consumer confidence has moved up to within two points of its 2012 high. Forty percent (40%) now believe the economy is getting better. That’s the most optimistic assessment in seven years.


None of these here have Romney level:


Only two here have Romney level:


I wouldn't bother with polls, they're depressing if you're Republican.

But it could all change when the debates start....

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I bet Romney wishes he had more cheerleading media, besides FAUX News.

Romney doesn't need a media to be his cheerleader. All he needs is a truthful media who will report on Obama honestly. If he gets that, Obama struggles to win 40% of the vote.

All he needs to do is be honest about where his cash is and what tax he has paid on it.

Even his "charitable donations" last year were mostly to the Mormon church.

F*** having them in charge of domestic policy!

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Is Romney a bit thick or is it the team around him?

WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney published a broad set of goals on helping the housing market, saying his administration would relax regulations to spur more mortgage lending

Well isn't just exactly what caused the whole freaking mess in the first place?!

Relaxing regulations is a little different from having to meet a government quota to lend to buyers who can not afford to pay their bills.

which was bush leglisation,right wingers never ever learn,greed is there goal.
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Is Romney a bit thick or is it the team around him?
WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney published a broad set of goals on helping the housing market, saying his administration would
relax regulations to spur more mortgage lending

Well isn't just exactly what caused the whole freaking mess in the first place?!

Relaxing regulations is a little different from having to meet a government quota to lend to buyers who can not afford to pay their bills.

which was bush leglisation,right wingers never ever learn,greed is there goal.

Sigh. The New York Times back in 2003 even reported that the Bush admin had been trying to regulate Fannie & Freddie but were blocked by Democrats...

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae


Published: September 11, 2003

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 — The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken.

"These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

Edited by koheesti
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If Joe Biden keeps coming up with winners like this, he could make the voters forget about what an utter failure his running mate is...

Vice President Joe Biden may have stuck his foot in his mouth again on Friday, using an awkward off-the-cuff phrase to compliment high school cheerleaders during a campaign stop.

“Guess what, the cheerleaders in college are the best athletes in college,” Biden said. “You think, I’m joking, they’re almost all gymnasts, the stuff they do on hard wood, it blows my mind.”

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Is Romney a bit thick or is it the team around him?

WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney published a broad set of goals on helping the housing market, saying his administration would relax regulations to spur more mortgage lending

Well isn't just exactly what caused the whole freaking mess in the first place?!

Relaxing regulations is a little different from having to meet a government quota to lend to buyers who can not afford to pay their bills.

which was bush leglisation,right wingers never ever learn,greed is there goal.

The legislation was originally passed by Jimmy Carter and then the quotas were brought in under Bill Clinton. If they are "right wingers", they do a pretty good job of hiding it.

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It would seem Ryan isn't immune to sticking his foot in his mouth either.

Ryan did not stick his foot in his mouth. He explained his positions honestly and well. Many democrats booed. Many Republicans cheered - politics as normal.

He did great in North Carolina.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I bet Romney wishes he had more cheerleading media, besides FAUX News.

Romney doesn't need a media to be his cheerleader. All he needs is a truthful media who will report on Obama honestly. If he gets that, Obama struggles to win 40% of the vote.

Spoken by a true "Fakefox Not news" viewer. Let me remember its ....... ummm, "Fair and balanced" or "We report you decide" Gotta say it reflects on US education when there are those who actually believe the junk.

Edited by KKvampire
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Whenever a significant election looms, the press and the talking heads take great efforts to make it appear it's 'neck and neck'. It increases the buzz, and sells more papers. They did it 4 years ago with McCain vs Obama. They're doing it now. It's the same sort of hype leading up to a WWF fight. Personally, I think the results will be lopsided in Obama's favor, but then again, I'm biased.

If Joe Biden keeps coming up with winners like this, he could make the voters forget about what an utter failure his running mate is...

Vice President Joe Biden may have stuck his foot in his mouth again on Friday, using an awkward off-the-cuff phrase to compliment high school cheerleaders during a campaign stop.

“Guess what, the cheerleaders in college are the best athletes in college,” Biden said. “You think, I’m joking, they’re almost all gymnasts, the stuff they do on hard wood, it blows my mind.”

Read more:

I don't see a problem with that quote. Why try to use that as dirt on Biden? Is it his jargon which stimulates those seeking dirt? As for 'utter failure' .....last time I checked, winning (in 2008) was not 'failure.'

Incidentally, When Dukakis lost the election to Bush Sr. in 1988, right wing Radio guru Rush Limbaugh went on for months, ridiculing Governor Dukakis by calling him "The Loser." Besides the gross and endemic rudeness of Limbaugh, you'll notice Rush never once called any Republican canditate who lost an election "The Loser" in the ensuing 20+ years. Correct me if I'm wrong. It gives some insight in to the juvenile mind-set of some Right Wing talking heads.

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Correct me if I'm wrong. It gives some insight in to the juvenile mind-set of some Right Wing talking heads.

Think a little bit about some of the things a whole host of left-wingers have said about George Bush or Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan or other Republicans. There is plenty of that juvenile mind set going around.

As far as the press calling the race neck and neck. What else would you call it when the candidates polling is usually within the margin of error and has been for months?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Whenever a significant election looms, the press and the talking heads take great efforts to make it appear it's 'neck and neck'. It increases the buzz, and sells more papers. They did it 4 years ago with McCain vs Obama. They're doing it now. It's the same sort of hype leading up to a WWF fight. Personally, I think the results will be lopsided in Obama's favor, but then again, I'm biased.

If Joe Biden keeps coming up with winners like this, he could make the voters forget about what an utter failure his running mate is...

Vice President Joe Biden may have stuck his foot in his mouth again on Friday, using an awkward off-the-cuff phrase to compliment high school cheerleaders during a campaign stop.

“Guess what, the cheerleaders in college are the best athletes in college,” Biden said. “You think, I’m joking, they’re almost all gymnasts, the stuff they do on hard wood, it blows my mind.”

Read more:

I don't see a problem with that quote. Why try to use that as dirt on Biden? Is it his jargon which stimulates those seeking dirt? As for 'utter failure' .....last time I checked, winning (in 2008) was not 'failure.'

Incidentally, When Dukakis lost the election to Bush Sr. in 1988, right wing Radio guru Rush Limbaugh went on for months, ridiculing Governor Dukakis by calling him "The Loser." Besides the gross and endemic rudeness of Limbaugh, you'll notice Rush never once called any Republican canditate who lost an election "The Loser" in the ensuing 20+ years. Correct me if I'm wrong. It gives some insight in to the juvenile mind-set of some Right Wing talking heads.

Think about the quote for a minute. What does "hard wood" imply? Better yet, have you ever had a "woodie"?

I'm assuming you are male.

PS: Obama didn't win in 2008 because of Biden, he won despite having Biden.

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Spoken by a true "Fakefox Not news" viewer. Let me remember its ....... ummm, "Fair and balanced" or "We report you decide" Gotta say it reflects on US education when there are those who actually believe the junk.

What an amazingly unique, well written and knowledgeable post. Thanks for taking the time to opine. Those wretched Fox viewers have nothing on you sir! w00t.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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