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Do You Think Thailand Could Host The Olympics?

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I could just imagine the opening ceremony, Thai team entering the stadium in Nazi Uniforms wondering why people are offended.

That would certainly be worth the price of admission!


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India did a poor job of the Commonwealth Games..........for our American colleagues that's the collection of friendly nations that are secure in their history.

The point is though.......Thailand is developing fast and these types of events can be used to promote infrastructure spending.......is it the opinion of many that Thailand should not be aspirational? I think that would be sad.

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India did a poor job of the Commonwealth Games..........for our American colleagues that's the collection of friendly nations that are secure in their history.

The point is though.......Thailand is developing fast and these types of events can be used to promote infrastructure spending.......is it the opinion of many that Thailand should not be aspirational? I think that would be sad.

Yes I agree - Thailand an Olympic HUB!!!!!


India did a poor job of the Commonwealth Games..........for our American colleagues that's the collection of friendly nations that are secure in their history.

The point is though.......Thailand is developing fast and these types of events can be used to promote infrastructure spending.......is it the opinion of many that Thailand should not be aspirational? I think that would be sad.

But who would pay the huge baht sum involved. sad.png

I've often wondered if Thailand is working on it. It seems like such a good fit to me. The exoticness, the touristy stuff, the food, I think would all work in its favor. Plus tons of hotel rooms. I hope they at least start planning. I really don't know what all it takes but I hope they give it a shot. Atlanta is just as bad with corruption and they had it in 1996.

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I've often wondered if Thailand is working on it. It seems like such a good fit to me. The exoticness, the touristy stuff, the food, I think would all work in its favor. Plus tons of hotel rooms. I hope they at least start planning. I really don't know what all it takes but I hope they give it a shot. Atlanta is just as bad with corruption and they had it in 1996.

The hotels make dosh but who's money sets it up. sad.png ?

I've often wondered if Thailand is working on it. It seems like such a good fit to me. The exoticness, the touristy stuff, the food, I think would all work in its favor. Plus tons of hotel rooms. I hope they at least start planning. I really don't know what all it takes but I hope they give it a shot. Atlanta is just as bad with corruption and they had it in 1996.

Atlanta was probably the worst modern Olympics ever.

considering the new airport is breaking up (runway) and there is a thread in the news section stating korean airlines have pulled out of don muang due to it not being able to function as an international airport, I would say NO If they cant land the athletes safely they couldnt hold the games!!


I believe it was the only modern Olympics to NOT be praised by the IOC............was it these Olympics that had the history of the US as the theme at the opening ceremony but they forgot to include slavery?

To my recollection the IOC made a conscious decision to never award the games to a secondary city again after 96.....so that being the case any Games in Thailand would need to be based in BKK.


Off the top off my head we won 8 golds.......not bad.

I take your point wellred......on the one hand if we allowed the negative aspects of Thailand to dominate then yes it would be easy to undermine any notion of a major event taking place here. However on the other hand I reckon Thailand at it's best could put out a glorious welcome to the World.

The Brownlee brothers, Dewsbury born, did my home town proud. Great to be a Brit expat just know ;)

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I've often wondered if Thailand is working on it. It seems like such a good fit to me. The exoticness, the touristy stuff, the food, I think would all work in its favor. Plus tons of hotel rooms. I hope they at least start planning. I really don't know what all it takes but I hope they give it a shot. Atlanta is just as bad with corruption and they had it in 1996.

Atlanta was probably the worst modern Olympics ever.

Why the worst ever?


I've often wondered if Thailand is working on it. It seems like such a good fit to me. The exoticness, the touristy stuff, the food, I think would all work in its favor. Plus tons of hotel rooms. I hope they at least start planning. I really don't know what all it takes but I hope they give it a shot. Atlanta is just as bad with corruption and they had it in 1996.

Atlanta was probably the worst modern Olympics ever.

Why the worst ever?

Something to do with ''security'' Pin badge swapping. biggrin.png

I've often wondered if Thailand is working on it. It seems like such a good fit to me. The exoticness, the touristy stuff, the food, I think would all work in its favor. Plus tons of hotel rooms. I hope they at least start planning. I really don't know what all it takes but I hope they give it a shot. Atlanta is just as bad with corruption and they had it in 1996.

Atlanta was probably the worst modern Olympics ever.

Why the worst ever?

Something to do with ''security'' Pin badge swapping. biggrin.png

Those pin collectors are serous people!


It's far too easy to criticize the UK and some people have elevated it to an art form.......there will be expat Brits furious right now that the Olympics weren't a disaster.

On the other hand though there is a division of expats in Thailand that for some mysterious reason can see no good in the country but insist on staying.

As they say in Dewsbury......"There's nowt queerer than folk".


As usual they made an ass of it.......they should have just sang that Wanna song then got off but they decided to do a ballad too.........groooh

I think they missed an opportunity when Jessie J did the Queen song "We Will Rock You"............if ever a stage was set for a rendition of "We Are The Champions" it was last night.


Do You Think Thailand Could Host The Olympics?

Yes of course.

It is qualified for the Corruption-Olympics. Top secret: Looking into the future, Thaksin has made his advances in the US by now .


I can't see the relevance if TS to this thread. Some people here have a very myopic and naive veiw of corruption..........some US cities could give lessons to the World on this subject and even we Brits are far from immune. ( See current libor scandal ).

I'll go one stage further and suggest there is more honesty in some good old fashioned corruption than there is in the Old Boys networks and country club goings on that pervade Western societies.

So why don't we just give it up talking about it, especially when so many members celebrate their little backhander victories in regards to the BiB. We wouldn't want to be accused of hypocrisy now would we?


Would be interesting to watch the Olympics for ladyboys .

I'm sure Thailand will win a lot of Gold medals and if they dont they can just rob someome.


I'm sure Thailand could handle the Olympics if it was purely Showmanship & Ceremony,Costumes and purpose built buildings and stadiums,unfortunately there is a world of organisation,and choreography behind it all,and suitable venues,for different sports,and if the time to build Swampy is anything to go by,it is unlikely they could make the deadlines for all the building work necessary.

However the main problem would be:that Thailand would expect to make a huge amount from the surplus money poring into the Country,and if we are to believe past hosts of the Olympics,making a profit is unlikely either,and for that reason alone,would probably be a non starter.

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Nope ... the investment simply could not be organized/managed, if there - for now. Nice thought though ... and all good things begin with enough 'good thoughts'. I'll start training for the 'parallel bars' right away ... 20/30 yrs should do it. : )


Some people here do have a short memory:

thailand is a country where in these last years we got the 20th putsch,

where a PM was dismissed because a tv show, another one is fleeing the country,

where the airport was shut down for a whole weak,

where floods do occurs... i can go for hours.

And you, folks are talking about hosting the olympicscheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

This is a country they canot even built a proper airport tarmac.


I could never see it happening not only for the many creditable comments stated in previous posts but also I could not see the IOC passing a safety standard Certificate on any Stadium as the THai building qualities are rubbish. Also by the time the back handers are handed out to those that make decisions Thailand's costs would be horrific. Also the pace of life here would mean it would be best to stage the Olympics over a futher 2 weeks so the Thais do not have to walk fast or run anywhere. Don't get me wrong I like the Thai people I enjoy living in Thailand, but they could not cope.


The South East Asia (SEA) Games were held in Korat in December 2007.

The main athletics stadium, along with some of the other buildings used, were purpose-built for the Games.

I went every day and saw most of the events. The infrastructure, administration, technology and transport were of a very high standard. There were big crowds each day and night.

The stadium was a bit out of town. I am not sure if it still being used effectively, or if it has turned into a white elephant.

Whilst the SEA Games are not exactly on-par with the Olympics, Thailand has proved it has the ability to run major events.

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I can't see the relevance if TS to this thread. Some people here have a very myopic and naive veiw of corruption..........some US cities could give lessons to the World on this subject and even we Brits are far from immune. ( See current libor scandal ).

I'll go one stage further and suggest there is more honesty in some good old fashioned corruption than there is in the Old Boys networks and country club goings on that pervade Western societies.


May I lend you my shortsightedness glasses? rolleyes.gif

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