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Visa For Thaksin Issued Under U.S. Laws: U.S. Ambassador Kristie Kenney


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As an American Citizen, I am embarrassed by our US government's groveling at the feet of Thaksin.

The fact is that he is a convicted criminal, who jumped bail. That is a fact. And there is no way under US law he should be granted a visa...unless higher ups in the Immigration Dept approved it and told the lower grade officers to give him a visa. Despicable in my view. He has no right to enter our country. He is a convict. He was tried by the Thai judicial system, not by the coup makers. His wife, with Thaksin's written permission, was given the special right to buy a huge tract of valuable government property near Suvarnabhumi Airport, just before the government auctioned the land, at a huge discount. Classic corruption....as was Thaksin's arrogant style. Those were the types of things that got him thrown out of power. His buying his way back into power.... by funding huge sums of money to Puy yai bans, Orbortors, MP's, etc through out the northeast and north....is common knowledge...not even disputed. But the US government decides to play sides and act like this was just a political prosecution and a political injustice. Embarrassing...for me.

Also as an American, I am embarrased at how little you know about US Immigration Laws. Mt Thaksin proved beyong the interviewers doubt that he is able to support himself while in the US, has broken no US laws, is not on any (including Thailand's) no fly list, and has shown he is not an intended immigrant - that is a short version of the qualifications you ned to overcome before a Visitor Visa can be issued - if you are an avid reader of this forum, this has been pointed out numerous times.

Mr Thaksin would not have been isued an non-immigrant visa if he hadn't passed these tests - Another point is the US Embassy Bangkok has no authority to issue a Visa to anyone - the Prime Minister or Joe the Plumber - until the INS and DHS has approved it in the USA. The American Ambassador cannot issue a Visa under US Law, and cannot override a Consular Officer's decision to recommend issue or non-issue - this is built in for protection of US Law - I don't pretend to know everything "US Visa" but have been on the fringe of 'some things US Visa' . Another thing - I have never heard of anyone being denied a Visa for 'Arrogance' or 'Purchasing Property' in his or her home country - Your post has been read, and for me, has nothing of substance that remotely resembles merit - if this is so 'Embarrasing' to you, come to the Embassy and denounce your citizenship........you may find it is a lot harder than you think.coffee1.gif

Well two things Thaksins money was never the issue with his Visa and him having as much as he does in no way counteracts his right for a visa. But being a convicted criminal on the run should impact his right for a visa. Pure and simple.

And 2 if you don't want to be a American citizen just take out a citizenship in another country and tell them you no longer want to be a citizen.

As a American I am not surprised at how little you know.

Ref your second point: why would one just "take out" "a citizenship" in another country only to then tell that very same country you no longer want to be a citizen (there).?

I just don't follow your English.

Maybe it is not yor native language. You were replying to intothefuture Who said he was a American citizen. You were trying to make it seem hard. It is not. I personally all most took out a Canadian citizenship before I moved here to Thailand. I checked on line and they did not say I could not do it or I would loose my US citizenship. They said as long as you do not indicate that you do not want to be an American Citizen.

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Although this post is from Iran, its states a good point.


I didn't read the whole article but it sure hit the nail on the head with the headline.

Did you notice the hidden message in the picture. Thaksin with Bush. I am sure Muslims have the same thoughts about Bush that they do about Thaksin. Mass murderer.

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Well, first of all, the current government in Thailand is not legitimate. It began as an illegal military coup, that disregarded and threw away the constitution. I personally was surprised at how quickly the USA accepted the military coup in 2006 and how little was made of it in the US.

I was in Canada at the time I had spend a month here earlier and was wondering when to come back.

The minute I heard about the coup and saw pictures of private citizens handing flowers to guys in tanks I booked my return.

By the way what planet are you from. This is a legitimate Government the same as the three before it. Not saying I approve of them but they are legitimate.

I'm tempted to agree with you, HelloDolly, that Yingluck is the best PM Thailand has seen in a great long while....I'm just not there yet.

I am not sure you know where you are.

I said nothing about being best or even good. Just that the last four including Yingluck are legitimate.

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I'm no fan of Thaksin, but the fact remains he was a democratically elected PM who was illegally ousted from power by a military coup, whose protagonists then went on to grant themselves amnesties.

Is it any wonder the politically-sophisticated world doesn't see it through Thai-tinted spectacles? Nor many Thais either.

Thaksin resigned, he didnt manage to form a coalition, during the coup he was a illegal "Caretaker Premier". He didnt want to let go of power.

Read the link from The Guardian.


Thaksin did not resign. He wasn't an illegal caretaker premier during the coup. You might be right in the statement that he didn't want to let go of power. Keep on reading, if possible not only the Guardian...........................

Dream on.....

And he will.

I wonder what he is reading. More than likely Alice in Wonderland.

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ref #151 read your post again...you're in no position to judge one's English language capacity. But maybe me make hard. and I take out whatever. Because "they" (who??) siad I too my...they are so crafftty.

Who knows...I just "A" American...maybe you just "A" new to the language

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How was the visa granted when in fact, Thaksin crimes are still outstanding and he is still on the run to avoid his jailtime sentence?

Well, because, the State Department has nearly complete latitude in these matters. And the State Department is tickled pink that the current government in Thailand was popularly elected. So when the current government wispered in Hillary's ear that, hey, our icon Thaksin was brought up on charges strictly for political reasons, was this so hard to believe? (As much as they'd have liked to shoot the bastard, convicting him of something was the next best alternative.) After all, this is Thailand, so why aren't the courts swamped with corruption related charges against the 15,000 (75,000?) overly-rich hi-sos? So, yeah, it didn't take a lot of pondering by Hillary to see the political overtones to this -- and then be reminded that "political crimes" (to include politically-motivated indictments) are grounds for visa waivers.

Besides, it makes perfect sense. Why deny a visa, and throw a bone to the often-wacky opposition? Yes, in the past we've supported the coup makers in this opposition (and others) -- but the US, whenever possilble, likes to endorse democratically elected governments, and least with a wink and a nod.

So, we instead throw the visa bone to the current government of Thailand. A nice, friendly thing to do -- not to mention diplomatically astute. Potential positives abound....

..... and negatives? Well, of course, the big one would have been, if we'd granted a visa to someone whose government wanted his extradiction. Christ, that was a no-brainer to answer -- Thaksin is the messiah of this government......a call for his extradiction would be ludicrous.....

....but, I'm sure, he is realistically viewed by the US as a real power hungry problem child. So, how can we help deflate this buffoon.....

Let him go to LA -- and be, for the first time in awhile, smacked-down by fellow Thais. Think the State Deparment maybe anticipated this.......I hope they were that smart.

Anyway, win-win for the US on this visa issue. Same as staying out of Syria. (But still trying to recover from hanging our best ally against Iran, Saddam -- not to mention the blood and bucks. Oh well. Can't get 'em all right.)

I don't remember there being 15,000 hi-so's being PM and authorising their wives to buy government land.

Sent from my HTC phone.

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Well, first of all, the current government in Thailand is not legitimate. It began as an illegal military coup, that disregarded and threw away the constitution. I personally was surprised at how quickly the USA accepted the military coup in 2006 and how little was made of it in the US.

I was in Canada at the time I had spend a month here earlier and was wondering when to come back.

The minute I heard about the coup and saw pictures of private citizens handing flowers to guys in tanks I booked my return.

By the way what planet are you from. This is a legitimate Government the same as the three before it. Not saying I approve of them but they are legitimate.

I'm tempted to agree with you, HelloDolly, that Yingluck is the best PM Thailand has seen in a great long while....I'm just not there yet.

I am not sure you know where you are.

I said nothing about being best or even good. Just that the last four including Yingluck are legitimate.

That's funny coming from you, as you often put words into other poster's mouths, so to speak.

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