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Had The Police Knocking On The Door


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She says i make too much noise working out in my home gym.

Surely, if it was the bass or music that was bothering her, she would complain about the music.

As she specifically mentioned the noise when you are working out, it probably has nothing to do with the music. How would she know that you were working out at the same time as the music is annoying her.

If I was being bothered by a neighbour's music when doing aerobics, I wouldn't complaing about them doing aerobics, I would complain about the music.

Because its impossible to be bothered by someone working out. You don't make much sound at all, its the music and its bass that would make the sound. If she is bothered by the sounds of working out then im not worried at all and let the police go and try to prosecute because those sounds are so limited its crazy.

I still did not get any posts that are useful about the Thai law concerning noise. Id love to know how many db and what times. People did mention something about 23.00.

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I am hard of hearing and I used to have my music on too loud though it did not seem too loud to me for obvious reasons. The same with computer sounds be it games or music. This used to go on until 01-00.

At that time I lived in a town house too next door to a police family. Husband and wife were police officers. I had lived there for two years or so and the ONLY time they or anyone else complained about the volume was when the police officers daughter came to stay with a newborn baby and the noise was disturbing the baby.

They talked to my then g/f about it and that was really the time I realised how much noise I was making. My solution was to by wi-fi headphones. After that everyone was happy.

My point being that even these police officers living next door did - or could not - do anything about the volume and only because the baby was unsettled did they then mention about the noise.

Maybe that is why the police who visited your house reacted and acted the way they did.

Get your i-pod or a set of wi-fi headphones then they will have nothing to complain about...... or will not until they find some other cause for complaint whistling.gif

Already said going to use an ipod or something like that. Just bougth some good water proof sports headset and a case for the ipod so it wont get wet from sweating.

If they then still have something to complain about ill let the police take care of it because im sure the laws of this country allow you to make normal noise till around 23.00. But at least i did my thing to defuse the situation.

It is good to try to diffuse a situation. After I was made aware of the noise factor and bought the headphones all was happy. I do hope your situation goes away too with your remedy :)

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Headphones will probably do it.

Five Finger Death Punch and Hatebreed are staples of my workouts. Despite the name they have a lot of uplifting songs with messages about pushing your self, and becoming a better person all while backed by a double bass peddle.

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My mate had a similar problem in his town home, the Thai neighbors complained about everything he did in there. So he build a new wall using q-con with dead space between the new wall and old one to dampen the sound. Took them about a week, and they had to build it up through the drywall on the top floor all the way to the roof tiles, but it solved the problem. Now he doesn't hear them or their dogs, and they don't hear him.

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If its the music the solution is easy. I personally think it was the music as i was playing ramstein.

I was on your side until you mentioned it was neo Nazi music. Where I live you would be more likely to get a brick through your window than a friendly few words with PC plod.

Curious about the connection Nazi and Ramstein. As far as i know its just German music but with a lot of base. I like it for training at times just like guns and rozes / billy idol ect because it has an aggressive beat to it that helps. But please do tell about Nazi and Ramstein cause the only connection i see is that its german.

No worries, I am German and understand rammstein lyrics. they play with Neo nazi motives but very tongue in cheek. Some neo nazis don't get it, though, and declare themselves a fan without understanding the double meaning.

As for your neighbors, crank up the music. That's what I would do.

sent from my Android phone

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Now that everyone is giving you advice I need advice from you.Since I retired my body has gone to shit.Could you tell me a good place to buy weights etc.. Rangsit is nearby me. Thanks

I send you a pm

as a man, who is retired, we find that are bodies begin to sag, but we can get off in the gym, or even at home, by doing pushups, really working it until our triceps are larger then our bicepts, then we must goto teh gym, and do bicep curls, and watch, as the thais stare in awe at the mightly power, of the meat eater.

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Does anyone have an idea where i can find a website (thai is ok and preferred) about sound that is allowed (DB) at what time. I just want to make sure that im in the right the next time.

You may be able to find what you want at


It seems that 10DB above normal background/ambient is considered the nuisance/annoyance noise level, at least in residential areas. As the DB scale is not linear, this would be approximately double the perceived loudness

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Now that everyone is giving you advice I need advice from you.Since I retired my body has gone to shit.Could you tell me a good place to buy weights etc.. Rangsit is nearby me. Thanks

I send you a pm

as a man, who is retired, we find that are bodies begin to sag, but we can get off in the gym, or even at home, by doing pushups, really working it until our triceps are larger then our bicepts, then we must goto teh gym, and do bicep curls, and watch, as the thais stare in awe at the mightly power, of the meat eater.

Its nice to be in shape but i do it for myself. The difference between my dad who is active and takes care of his body and my mom is unbelievable. The quality of life is so much better if your body is trained. Dad bikes many km's a day mom does nothing of sports.

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Now that everyone is giving you advice I need advice from you.Since I retired my body has gone to shit.Could you tell me a good place to buy weights etc.. Rangsit is nearby me. Thanks

I send you a pm

as a man, who is retired, we find that are bodies begin to sag, but we can get off in the gym, or even at home, by doing pushups, really working it until our triceps are larger then our bicepts, then we must goto teh gym, and do bicep curls, and watch, as the thais stare in awe at the mightly power, of the meat eater.

Its nice to be in shape but i do it for myself. The difference between my dad who is active and takes care of his body and my mom is unbelievable. The quality of life is so much better if your body is trained. Dad bikes many km's a day mom does nothing of sports.

ok Rob, time to wrap this one up or move it to the personal training forum lol

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Does anyone have an idea where i can find a website (thai is ok and preferred) about sound that is allowed (DB) at what time. I just want to make sure that im in the right the next time.

You may be able to find what you want at


It seems that 10DB above normal background/ambient is considered the nuisance/annoyance noise level, at least in residential areas. As the DB scale is not linear, this would be approximately double the perceived loudness

Thank you loong i will do my best to difuse the situation but im not going to give in that easy if they still complain while i use a headset. Its not that i workout late, its done finished before 9pm usually before 8pm. I also don't throw around my weights and have rubber mats to put them on once i finish a set.

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I hope so, i don't like bothering people but the way they brought the complaint makes it real hard for me to ask my gf to go into their house and listen to the sounds. So i really don't know if its valid. (the music i consider a valid complaint but that might not even be true but willing to change) The putting my weights back in the rack or on the floor i don't see as a valid complaint. Especially not around that time of the evening.

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