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Options For Extending Non B Visa

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I'm a UK national married to a Thai national

Is it possible to extend a non 'B' visa with a reason of supporting my wife or does it have to be extended for work?

I would prefer to extend it for supporting my wife as I understand I wouldn't have to leave the country within 7 days if the project I will be working on finishes early

Thanks in advance


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No problem, provided you meet the criteria.

But having a Thai wife means you can get a 60 dayextension instead of a 7 day extension if the project would finish and in that time frame you could apply for an extension of stay based on your wife. So strictly speaking it is not necesarry to change your reason for extension right now.

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If you plan to extend your stay in Thailand longer than the 60 days mentioned by Mario, these 60 days will give you enough time to season 400k Baht in a Thai bank account for a one-year extension of stay for the reason of living with you Thai wife. If you already have that amount in your account for at least two months, you can go directly for the one-year extension.

An important thing for you to know is that if later you take on a new job/project in Thailand, you can get a work permit while remaining on your extension for living with your Thai wife; no need to change to an extension for employment.

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Thank you for the help guys.

I've noted from another thread thread that I need at least the following to extend my visa

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance and up to date bank book.


Letter from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

Marriage Certificate

Marriage Registry entry.

Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

Your Passport.

Copies of everything.

Photos of you and your Wife in and around the house.

A map showing the way to your house.

Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

Take your Wife to be interviewed.

I have a couple of further questions based on this

1) Can I get the letter showing income from the British Consulate in Chiang Mai or does it have to be the British Embasy in Bangkok?

2) My wife and I were married in the UK and so have a UK marriage certificate - up until now we have not registered our marriage in Thailand - can we register the marriage using our UK marriage certificate or do we have to get formally married in Thailand? I we can register in Thailand using our current certificate what would be the process?



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1. Yes.

2. You will have to record your marriage here (not get married again) and this will require translation into Thai signed off by your Embassy and recorded with MFA in Bangkok as a legal document and then taken to a district office for recording in there records.

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Thanks again for the help - one last question (I hope :))

This is my first time in Thailand on a non B visa - in the past I've been on a non O - do I still have to leave the country every 90 days before I get my extension sorted out? I have a feeling things are going to be quite hectic at work for the first couple of months at least and I'm not sure I'm going to get a chance to take a couple of days off to get down to Bangkok and visit the embassy and the MFA



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Yes, you still have to elave every 9 days untill you have the extension soreted out.

But you can apply for a 60 day extension based on your marriage, giving you time to sort the paperwork out. For the 60 day extension they might accept the foreign wedding certificate (provided it is in English, which I guess your is).

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Thanks again for the help - one last question (I hope smile.png)

This is my first time in Thailand on a non B visa - in the past I've been on a non O - do I still have to leave the country every 90 days before I get my extension sorted out? I have a feeling things are going to be quite hectic at work for the first couple of months at least and I'm not sure I'm going to get a chance to take a couple of days off to get down to Bangkok and visit the embassy and the MFA



Dependent on where you are at it might be possible to find a translation service that could arrange for the MFA certification via an associated translation service in Bangkok.

I would contact the local Amphoe registrars office before making the trip to the embassy or one of the consulates (Pattay/Chaing Mai). The certification from the embassy may not be needed. The embassy also does some of their services by mail.

Contact them for info: http://ukinthailand....assy/contact-us

Edited by ubonjoe
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