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Hi Room

I want to bring a Thai lady I met a while ago to the UK on a 6 month tourist visa. The thing is, she doesn't own property but rents room with her friend. She does have a house registration for a place in a village up in Buri Ram but its more of a collection of shanties than homes. Still, she has a blue book for it (with a mum and sister there). Also, she has no real work history other than a factory job 10 years ago which she did for a few months, then a few waitress jobs for a couple of years so basically no work history for the last 7 years.

Also, she has no money in the bank to show funds (but I can organise a balance to get around that).

I have a job in the UK (a small taxi firm with 2 cars which I drive one) and own my own home outright which I bought of the council years ago. I do plan to retire to Thailand some time and I may even marry this one if she is ok but thats why I want to bring her over to the UK for 6 months and see how she fits in and if I could live with her.

So, given her work/home/money situation, do you think she has any chance at all?




PS she speak English well like many of them do but can't read and write though I dont think she needs to for this visa. However, if things go well and I thing she is a keeper, then I'd get her onto one of those language courses in Bangkok (taught by a Thai) to get her to read and write so she can take a test.



Read the topic:

especially the visit visa bit. It can be done but showing adequate reasons to return may be a particular stumbling block.

If you can show adequate evidence of a relationship this may not be insurmountable but likely to be a bit of a struggle I fear!

Perhaps as a suggestion make it sound a little less like a test drive in the sponsor letter!

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There is no requirement for visitors to the UK to be able to speak, read or write English and so no English test for a visit visa.


She has no reason to return to Thailand from what you have written, a blue book is not proof of anything only that she is registered at that address does not mean she owns the place.

If you are gonna sponsor her, then only get her over for 2 weeks first and see how it goes, an ECO might not like the idea of her going for the whole six months.


Read the topic:


especially the visit visa bit. It can be done but showing adequate reasons to return may be a particular stumbling block.

If you can show adequate evidence of a relationship this may not be insurmountable but likely to be a bit of a struggle I fear!

Perhaps as a suggestion make it sound a little less like a test drive in the sponsor letter!

Cheers for the post, Bob its appreciated. I thought it may also be a stumbling block as she has few reasons to return apart from a nice family.

My letter will be different from my post, rest assured. I posted a true account here to chaps who are experienced in Thailand and I knew where I am coming from. I came to Thailand as a tourist and met my lass in the industry, she is not ashamed of what she does and nor am I. And it is a bit of a test drive for both of us, no prolonged courtship online, no multiple visits up country and all that. And of course I am not living in Thailand retired or as one of those 'English Teachers' with the benefit of being in Thailand longer term.

Comments appreciated. Cheers Bob.


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There is no requirement for visitors to the UK to be able to speak, read or write English and so no English test for a visit visa.

Just later on it if goes as plan and we get on. Cheers 7by7



She has no reason to return to Thailand from what you have written, a blue book is not proof of anything only that she is registered at that address does not mean she owns the place.

If you are gonna sponsor her, then only get her over for 2 weeks first and see how it goes, an ECO might not like the idea of her going for the whole six months.

I reckon any one could own one of those little houses, cant cost more than a couple of grand. I agree, little reason to return. I reckon a lot of Thai women are keen to leave Thailand (and have frequent visits home) even if their house is concrete and they earn a few hundred quid a month, Thailand isn't cheap anymore. So, if I say a few weeks on the forms, isnt the risk of flight still there for the ECO? Cheers timestamp.



Sounds familiar.

Doesnt sound too promising, does it. She has been the UK before for 5 months back in 2002 with an English chap, he was married though which she found out when she got there. She returned ok, would that help. I forgot to mention in my first message


Please don't take this the wrong way but are you sure about this relationship and Thai women in general, you seem to talk about this lady in a very derogatory way, expressions along the line of "if this one's a keeper" and a few other remarks that I found equally offensive, lead me to think that you are not really serious.

I'm sorry if I sound pompous, I don't mean to be, I'm always willing offer any advice that I can, but I do find this post a little offensive.

I do agree with Bob however when he suggests it will be an uphill struggle.

Always one in these chat rooms isn't there, spend the post judging and getting upset but offer little. Ah well, cheers to the other 4 helpful blokes.

But I will bite.

Thai women in general are fine. However, my lass is one of the 'million' she isn't Thai women in general, she is a prostitute. I don't have issue with that and not does she. I am sorry you are so sensitive and get offended by anonymous postings in chat rooms. I don't see anything 'derogatory' about it, I want to know if she's a keeper and she wants to see if I am a keeper.

I am under no false conception as to our relationship, we are both over 21 infact that is more than 21 years between our ages and I fully understand that as does she. I need certain things for the relationship as does she (and I assume 'security' comes up higher on her list that a need for my good looks ;-) . Lets be honest, what would a 30 something find attractive in a 50 something. I assume your wife is as old as you, The Old Git.

Actually, you do seem pompous, so instead of judging us (are you in a perfect, text book loving relationship?) how about showing me that you are 'always willing offer any advice that I can', being a little less sensitive, not finding my message offensive and being a bit more helpful?

The would be a better place if we were a little less critical of ourselves and a little nicer to others.


Thaivisaexpress, I've done a little research and see that you are a man in the know. Would you suggest I just go ahead and write it the way I see it or should I pretty it up and tell the embassy that we are head over heals in love, that she is the best thing to ever happen to me, that I am, despite being 20 odd years her senior, not a meal ticket out of Thailand. Would he even believe me?

I spent 4 months with her in Thailand , that's all. But we didn't have one day apart since I bar fined her and I stopped paying her after day 3, we get on well, we have fun, we laugh that's enough, isn't it?

Bob above is right, we need a little more time test driving each other.


Why do you think the ECO is a male? It might be a woman.

A good idea for you is to write the letter, then copy and paste it here, obviously remove the names and personal details, and maybe some of the guys in here, including theoldgit, can give you suggestions on how to best prepare it.


Theoldgit doesn't need me to defend him, but...............

He knows far more about UK immigration and how ECOs look at and weigh all the evidence than you, I or most other people here ever will (with a few obvious exceptions). If he chooses to offer you his advice on UK visas; heed it!

Your OP made it look as if you are treating the lady as a commodity, to try out and trade in if a better one comes along. Any sign of that attitude in your sponsor's letter and the application will surely fail. But don't go all 'Mills and Boon' as the ECO wont believe it. Just a brief description of your relationship so far, why she wants to visit the UK at this time and what your future plans together are, if any. If you are sending her money regularly say why.

There is a question on the application form about visiting the UK before; she must answer it truthfully.

Don't try to hide how you met; if she is discovered to have lied in a UK visa application then that application will be refused and she could be banned from visiting the UK for up to 10 years; maybe even banned from entering the UK in any capacity for life.

She needs to leave her current profession; ex bar girls do get UK visas, but if she is still working as a prostitute when she applies then the ECO will almost certainly think that she intends to continue that line of work once in the UK.

Again, don't try to hide her past; ex bar girls do get UK visas, liars don't.

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Mr Hurt, you seem to have taken exception to my criticism of the way you refer to your girl friend, I stand by my view that your comments were insulting, you refer to her as "this one", which leads me to believe she is not the first, and "see if she is a keeper", also you state that "she speak English like many of them do", so that re-enforces my view about her not being the first.

For the avoidance of doubt, I made no comment about her working as a prostitute or about the age difference between the two of you, quite frankly that is none of my business and irrelevant.

Prostitutes are still people and deserve to be treated with a modicum of respect, not as 7by7 has suggested as a commodity.

My personal life has nothing at all to do with this thread, and I will not be drawn into any meaningless arguments either by personal message or by insults on this forum, so this is my final say on the subject.

As I and others have already pointed out, your girlfriend faces an uphill struggle, she doesn't seem to be able to prove a reason to return. It might be difficult for you to prove a sustainable relationship, whilst you have spent four months with her in Thailand this could go against you, because you state that you run a small taxi business of two cars of which you drive one, the ECO may well wonder how you managed to spend so long away from your business.

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We did just get a visa for an applicant who had only been in a short relationship with her partner however each case is judged on its own merits.

And without a reason to return you may struggle to get her a visa.


re .

Also, she has no real work history other than a factory job 10 years ago which she did for a few months, then a few waitress jobs for a couple of years so basically no work history for the last 7 years.

theres a girl in my building with no provable job history for ?? years and she asked me if

i know any one who could help her coz her english boyfriend wants her to visit him .

so i asked an agent who does my visas if he could help her with a job history and it was

strictly a no no .

he said she has to go for an interview in bangkok and if they found out it was false he or

the person who supplied it could be in trouble and as she hasnt got a house , car , kids etc

as far as i know ? to come back to that might also be a problem to so i couldnt help her : (




re .

Also, she has no real work history other than a factory job 10 years ago which she did for a few months, then a few waitress jobs for a couple of years so basically no work history for the last 7 years.

theres a girl in my building with no provable job history for ?? years and she asked me if

i know any one who could help her coz her english boyfriend wants her to visit him .

so i asked an agent who does my visas if he could help her with a job history and it was

strictly a no no .

he said she has to go for an interview in bangkok and if they found out it was false he or

the person who supplied it could be in trouble and as she hasnt got a house , car , kids etc

as far as i know ? to come back to that might also be a problem to so i couldnt help her : (


I have been married here, to a lovely Thai lady, for 14 years. Can prove relationship, can offer sponsorship et all. My wife also has no work history and no reason to come back to Thailand. Is it, then, a waste of time for me to aply for a tourist visa for her to visit UK???


I have been married here, to a lovely Thai lady, for 14 years. Can prove relationship, can offer sponsorship et all. My wife also has no work history and no reason to come back to Thailand. Is it, then, a waste of time for me to aply for a tourist visa for her to visit UK???

No yours is an entirely different scenario, you seemingly live in Thailand with your good lady, have done so for many years and I assume can offer evidence to support this, that in itself would probably be regarded as a sufficient to return.

I assume you are the "breadwinner" and support your wife in your home in Thailand, I see no reason whatsoever why she shouldn't be granted a visa to visit the UK, assuming of course that it's affordable.



I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years which I could prove by visa stamps ETC, I got my wife a family visit visa last year without any problems, she had no real reason to return to Thailand I just wrote saying that I work here in Thailand and they used that as a reason for her to return.


I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years which I could prove by visa stamps ETC, I got my wife a family visit visa last year without any problems, she had no real reason to return to Thailand I just wrote saying that I work here in Thailand and they used that as a reason for her to return.

Me too. My girlfriend at the time had just finished "bar work" and had no job, money, house or other ties to Thailand. I could prove a 6-month "relationship" with photos and emails and I had a work contract and work permit. She got a visitor's visa very easily.

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