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Can Coming To Thailand Make You Bisexual?


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Your friend definately was curious beforehand. 100% curious.

Maybe it wasn't 'his friend' after all and it had actually happened to himself instead?

Sorry to dissapoint ,but it wasnt me ,as i have said before anyone who has a dick does not interest me,i have one of my own i can play with ,its what ladies have down there that has always facinated mebiggrin.png

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Your friend definately was curious beforehand. 100% curious.

Maybe it wasn't 'his friend' after all and it had actually happened to himself instead?

Sorry to dissapoint ,but it wasnt me ,as i have said before anyone who has a dick does not interest me,i have one of my own i can play with ,its what ladies have down there that has always facinated mebiggrin.png

well if its always facinated you why dont you try it then.
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This thread has got me thinking about a few similar questions...

Can coming to Thailand make you shorter?

Can going to Brazil make you better looking?

Can going to Australia make you a kangaroo?

Can going to France make you a frog?

Can visiting kindergarten make you young again?

Can going to a National Park make you a tree?

Can looking through a telescope transport you into outer space?

Can reading history textbooks send you to medieval times?

Can reading the bible make you become god?

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules


This thread has got me thinking about a few similar questions...

Can coming to Thailand make you shorter?

Can going to Brazil make you better looking?

Can going to Australia make you a kangaroo?

Can going to France make you a frog?

Can visiting kindergarten make you young again?

Can going to a National Park make you a tree?

Can looking through a telescope transport you into outer space?

Can reading history textbooks send you to medieval times?

Can reading the bible make you become god?

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

like this post very much! While everyone got lost in fighting about whether it is gay or not to have intercourse with a transsexual, we seem to have missed looking at the actual question which - and I believe many will agree - is downright stupid. A simple NO! would have done the trick. One of the dumbest questions ever asked in this forum reels in over 500 replies...

Is it a mirror of our society? I believe, yes! We live in a world and in a society where an "artist" without talent becomes a popstar; where a warmonger and liar receives the Nobel peace price; where exhibiting even the most intimate details of our life online for everyone to see becomes "cult"; and where the dumbest question reels in the most replies... I find that rather frightening - and we all participated and many here had a go at each other while completely steering off course, ignoring the actual question...

Just think about it.

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Your friend definately was curious beforehand. 100% curious.

Maybe it wasn't 'his friend' after all and it had actually happened to himself instead?

Sorry to dissapoint ,but it wasnt me ,as i have said before anyone who has a dick does not interest me,i have one of my own i can play with ,its what ladies have down there that has always facinated mebiggrin.png

well if its always facinated you why dont you try it then.


"its what ladies have down there that has always facinated me" not ladyboys

and i have tried ladies ,hundreds of times ,but not any more i just stick to one ,the wife.

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I became a bisexual after I retired, now, I'm only have sex twice a year.rolleyes.gif

I became bisexual only a few years ago. Yes like sex with fe-/male and be still very active with women more then with men (ladyboy).

However, like both even I'm sometimes worried to like more and more or only sex with ladyboys. Still believe I'm bi and not gay at all.

Enjoy as I do. Take care and all the best! LU1

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You just can't be considered straight and still have sex with men dressed in women's clothing,


There are i believe "men dressed in women's clothing",....and there are Transgenders, Ladyboys , Katoeys whatever you would like to call them. . If you threw on a frock , you would be the former , but the latter is a different story altogether which requires a commitment to being a woman that most men will never understand. Some so committed that they will endure a massive surgical procedure to eradicate the last of their maleness. And for those who dont quite go there, their commitment ( enduring stigmatism ,slurs , family excommunication,and sometimes beatings ) , to changing , gives them the right to be called more than "men dressed in women's clothing ".

I think a lot of people just cant see past the small appendage ( sometimes big ) and see the bigger picture. And thus can only see a cock in a frock ,...and thats all she'll ever be.

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Exactly, that's why they're bisexual Chopperboy.

Sex acts don't define sexual orientation. Sexual orientation defines sexual orientation. Most gay men have had sex with a woman. That doesn't make them straight OR bisexual. Unless they are. Focusing so much on the external sex acts ignores the psychological reality.

JT has a point here. Of all the people I've known who have had an interaction with a ladyboy, most were taken by surprise to find parts they did not expect. All of them identified as hetro, and thought they were with a woman at first. Maybe one in three continued on, but I don't know of any of them who later came out as being gay or even bi. Some people are just adventurous.

To be honest i am always a bit sceptical when guys claim they were taken by surprise. Unless they have pulled one from the Tiffany show it is pretty obvious after being in their company for five minutes. An acquaintance of mine was spotted leaving the Pook Bar in the early hours of the morning with one. When the leg pulling started a couple of days later, he claimed to be horrified when he got back to his apartment and discovered the extra bits and pieces, and said he threw her out straight away! I mean, the Pook bar!! Oh how we howled!laugh.png
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Short summary: attraction to ladyboys NOT a gay thing.

It is sure not a straight thing. If you want to have sex with a man, you are not heterosexual no matter what he is wearing or not wearing.

Call it whatever you want but again it is NOT a gay thing. Most gay men like the SAME SEX. In biology and appearance. A male presenting as a woman is not a draw for gay men. What is the problem here? You don't believe this? I presented a poll. There is the logic. Why insist on calling this thing gay that is not gay as far as most gay people are concerned? It feels to me you refuse to accept the feelings of gay people as having any validity. That is insulting.

I get it that you are not into ladyboys. Nor are the vast majority of gay men and that is a fact. Again, we like the same sex. Ladyboys do not present as the same sex. They present as the OPPOSITE sex to men.

Edited by Jingthing
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They may present as women at first glance Jingthing but what straight hetrosexual man when he takes off the panties only to find a dick there would want to play with it or allow it to be inseerted in his bum? just asking

You're talking about a separate matter entirely. Get real! The vast majority of people going after LBs know they are dating a LB. Obviously, not all straight men are into LBs, intact or not, but based on what anyone in Pattaya can observe on a daily basis, MANY MANY are. LBs are a huge attraction here and NOT for gay people.
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...and all he seems interested in is Ladyboys...

thenervoussurgeon, please define "Ladyboy" as used in the context of the starting topic of this thread. I understand a lot of different people use this word to mean a lot of different things.

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...and all he seems interested in is Ladyboys...

thenervoussurgeon, please define "Ladyboy" as used in the context of the starting topic of this thread. I understand a lot of different people use this word to mean a lot of different things.

That's a good point. I define LB as a male who sincerely feels he is a woman in a man's body, regardless of the state of transition physically. An effeminate gay man who knows he is a man in man's body is not a LB. There are a lot of very effeminate men in Thailand, straight and gay, who are not LBs and I do think many uninformed people often mistake them for LBs. Obviously a LB trying to attract a man is going to usually try to appear as female as possible, because mostly they want a man who is attracted to a woman, in other words, a STRAIGHT man. Edited by Jingthing
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They are so unbeautiful...


Fig.1 an unbeautiful ladyboy

They are so uncute....


Fig.2 invite ladyboy (on the left)

The narrative they are girls trapped in boys bodies may apply for the most feminine in character, but many are simply ' boys trapped in boys bodies'-- read that twice. They simply prefer to live lives as girls...

As for the men who like them, it is precisely -- for some-- that they have *no interest* in genitalia that allows them to desire the ladyboy. They are men who adore women's secondary sexual characteristics-- the breasts and the wide hips and the soft skin....--- and not a slobbering, dog-like obsession with the female genitalia.

And to conceptualise, the ladyboy, along with hyper-effeminate boys represent high-order substitutes for young women, that are an interesting breach on the female cartel of sexual access. Far from creating bisexuality, they offer an escape valve for basically straight men.

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sorry you thought my question was dumb ,but as dumb questions go its generated over 19000 views in a day and and 500 replies ,and to cap it you viewed it AND replied,sobiggrin.png

Yes, correct Mr. Einstein-Surgeon - as I wrote in my reply "we all participated"... However, congratulations for stirring up a hornet's nest here with your (dumb or not dumb does not matter) question. We have a nice discussion going with gaysayers vs. naysayers and it gets more interesting by the hour... Well done! thumbsup.gif

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A heterosexual male who likes to wear women's clothing is not a LB (or gay).

<p>That would be referred to as a crossdresser and I would agree if anyone says that intercourse with a crossdresser is gay, because it is. Doing it with an LB is a completely different story, even though there might be a gray zone as I f

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Btw... everyone who liked Amanda Lear ("Follow me") back in 1976 must have been gay then as well, according to the "gaysayers"?

Never heard of her, but as cultural perhaps stereotypical generality gay men are often big fans of female DIVAS. For entertainment. Not for shagging.
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...and all he seems interested in is Ladyboys...

thenervoussurgeon, please define "Ladyboy" as used in the context of the starting topic of this thread. I understand a lot of different people use this word to mean a lot of different things.

All i can tell you is that they were men in dresses who acted like women ie ladyboys as i see them ,this again i reiterate is not a problem for me ,each to his own ,as long as i dont have to join in .

where i can see that many ladyboys are very attractive "as women" but the fact that they are men would put me off ,sorry if anyone finds this offensive.

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smile.png Just read a few posts on here. I never thought it could be so complex. If I had a friend who knowingly went after ladyboys I would consider him gay. True inexperienced men who are fooled into thinking a ladyboy is a lady cannot be straight away labelled gay. I have heard that some men like ladyboys so that they can appear as a straight couple and live the lie. I find that a bit hard to believe.

This is like that show. Something about Miriam. It was interesting to see how the men reacted when they realized the beautiful woman was actually a pre-op transsexual.

I feel bad for ladyboys. Life is hard enough without not being sure about your sexuality. I remember the first time walking around Nana plaza and having a ladyboy try to pull me into the bar. Holy cow. Manly strength in such a feminine looking package. Not for me i'm afraid. It was a scary struggle. biggrin.png

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A heterosexual male who likes to wear women's clothing is not a LB (or gay).

<p>That would be referred to as a crossdresser and I would agree if anyone says that intercourse with a crossdresser is gay, because it is. Doing it with an LB is a completely different story, even though there might be a gray zone as I f

no idea what happened here - got cut off... grey zone because I feel that there also is a faor amount of Thai cross dressers out there mixing with the ladyboys to make a quick buck at night. They of course are counterproductive to the genuine ladyboy community since most of them are damaged goods to put it mildly...

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...and all he seems interested in is Ladyboys...

thenervoussurgeon, please define "Ladyboy" as used in the context of the starting topic of this thread. I understand a lot of different people use this word to mean a lot of different things.

All i can tell you is that they were men in dresses who acted like women ie ladyboys as i see them ,this again i reiterate is not a problem for me ,each to his own ,as long as i dont have to join in .

where i can see that many ladyboys are very attractive "as women" but the fact that they are men would put me off ,sorry if anyone finds this offensive.

There is nothing at all offensive about not being attracted to anyone! That's your business. I share your non-attraction to pretty woman looking LBs.
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Obviously, not all straight men are into LBs, intact or not, but based on what anyone in Pattaya can observe on a daily basis, MANY MANY are. LBs are a huge attraction here and NOT for gay people.

Attraction to penises and a desire to play with them sexually has nothing to do with being straight. They have sex with men, with penises, that dress up as women and occasionally get breast implants. Plenty of men who have sex with non ladyboy men also claim to be straight. Craigslist is filled with 'straight' dudes looking for sex with other men. They can call themselves whatever they wish, I hope it makes them feel more comfortable. Feel free to kick men who are only attracted to penises attached to men wearing certain clothing out of Club Gay if you want. But they aren't straight, they are their own thing.

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Craigslist is filled with 'straight' dudes looking for sex with other men.


That's an entirely different thing. They are looking for masculine males. I agree quite usually such denial cases are indeed gay or bi. Also often they are just playing a fantasy role playing game because they know many gay men get an extra thrill doing it with a straight man. I don't agree that there is anything gay about chasing a pretty lady looking LB. It's straight with a twist.

I get the confusion though. Some are totally focused on the genitals. There is so much more to sexual attraction than the genitals. For example, sometimes I see a masculine looking woman, often a lesbian, and I feel some attraction to her as if she were a man especially if she is flat chested and has masculine hips. So my feelings towards this woman are totally gay! I know she isn't packing (but probably has some good toys) but it doesn't matter to how I feel sexually.

Edited by Jingthing
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