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Extending Visa Based On Retirement, Advise On Dates Please.

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Sorry to drag up the retirement visa saga again but I would like a bit of advice on when can I re-apply for my one year visa based on retirement.

My current retirement visa states in my passport that I am permitted to stay in Thailand up to 12/1/2013.

My next 90 day reporting to our local immigration office in Hua Hin is due on the 3/9/2012, which will give me a further 90 days, taking me up to about 3/12/2012,

I will then go back to immigration on that day, to get another 90 days taking me up to 3/3/2013...... is my thinking correct here?

And will I need to apply for a new extension based on retirement on that date (3/3/2013), the 800,000 baht requirement is already in place now so no worries about that.

Any advice from fellow retires would be welcome, especially if you use Hua Hin Immigration as well.

Thanks very much

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Your office will welcome your application for extension based on retirement as early one month before the actual expiration date of your current permission to stay. There is no need to wait until the last few days. There is nothing to lose by doing it one month early if you like. You don't lost any days on the NEW extension (it always starts starting from the previous permission to stay ending date). Your 90 day report timing and extension timing are completely independent of each other.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just to emphasise: you don't "get" any days by doing a 90 day report. This just satisfies the Thai immigration's requirement to be informed whenever you have spent 90 consecutive days in the country.

It does not award you more days when you do it, or deprive you of them if you dont do it: it is nothing to do with the duration of your permission to stay.

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Vistana, do you have a visa that expires on 12/1/2013 or a 12-month permission to stay (i.e. visa extension) that expires on 12/1/2013?

If you have an multi-entry O-A or O visa (granted in another country, not Thailand, and valid for 12 months) that expires on 12/1/2013, then you can leave the country on 11/1/2013 (or before), promptly re-enter and be granted permission to stay for another 12 months (if an O-A visa) or 90 days (if an O visa)

As mentioned, the 90 day reports have nothing to do with your permission to stay and it's very common for the 90 day report dates to be out of sync with the date of permission to stay or visa expirations.

Edited by NancyL
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I did my 90 day reporting today at Khon Kaen office. ( In and out in 10 minutes or a little less!)

But, as my extension to stay expires on 26th October my '90 day' extension turned out to be about 68 days

as it was also given to expire on 26th October.

So don't be surprised if when you go on the 13th December you only get a '90 day' until the 12th January 2013 and you have to do both your 90 day and visa extension on the same day.

The two are indeed independent, but they may well run together.

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I did my 90 day reporting today at Khon Kaen office. ( In and out in 10 minutes or a little less!)

But, as my extension to stay expires on 26th October my '90 day' extension turned out to be about 68 days

as it was also given to expire on 26th October.

So don't be surprised if when you go on the 13th December you only get a '90 day' until the 12th January 2013 and you have to do both your 90 day and visa extension on the same day.

The two are indeed independent, but they may well run together.

I think you may be don't understand what you are getting. You don't get "an extension"--the 90 days report is not extending anything. It is not a permission to stay, you are just reporting your presence in the country!

They may have been asking you to come back to ensure that your VISA was extended...but the 90 day report by itself is not giving you permission to stay so I don't understand why they told you to do the 90 day report earlier than 90 days after the one you've just done??

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My current retirement visa states in my passport that I am permitted to stay in Thailand up to 12/1/2013. So if I understand the replies I will have to re-apply for another 1 year extension on or up to one month before the 12/1/2013, along with the proof of 800,000 baht etc.. etc..

Thanks everyone for your help.....from a novice old pensioner..... smile.png

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My current retirement visa states in my passport that I am permitted to stay in Thailand up to 12/1/2013. So if I understand the replies I will have to re-apply for another 1 year extension on or up to one month before the 12/1/2013, along with the proof of 800,000 baht etc.. etc..

Thanks everyone for your help.....from a novice old pensioner..... smile.png

OK, I'll try this again, Vistana.

#1 What type of visa do you have in your passport -- O or O-A?

#2 Is it multi-entry, i.e. "M" or "S"?

#3 What is the expiration date?

#4Do you live in Chiang Mai? If so, PM me and we can meet someplace to look at your passport and I'll tell you what you have.

I can't believe how many people go thru all the work to get an O-A visa (usually in the U.S.) but yet don't utilize it to its full potential.

Vistana, if you have the "platinum visa", i.e. an O-A visa, multi-entry, then you can get another year's life out of that visa without having to bring funds into Thailand or go to the American consulate/embassy and pay $50 for an income letter. All you have to do is a little day trip to Mae Sai to buy some pirated DVDs and fake viagra, return to Thailand and you're here for another year without anything more annoying than 90 day reports.

Edited by NancyL
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My current retirement visa states in my passport that I am permitted to stay in Thailand up to 12/1/2013. So if I understand the replies I will have to re-apply for another 1 year extension on or up to one month before the 12/1/2013, along with the proof of 800,000 baht etc.. etc..

Thanks everyone for your help.....from a novice old pensioner..... smile.png

I think you would get more clear and accurate advice if you were clear about what exact document you possess....

A VISA pretty much can only be issued by Thai Embassies and Consulates outside Thailand. If that's the basis for your current stay in Thailand, then the advice about visas in this thread above holds.

If, on the other hand, you have a retirement-based annual EXTENSION OF STAY issued here inside Thailand by one of the various Immigration Offices, then that's the guidance and advice you should follow.

Visas and extensions of stay are not the same, and there are different rules and procedures for each.

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Sorry guys to be a bit thick on this subject, what I have is a retirement-based annual EXTENSION OF STAY issued here inside Thailand at Hua Hin immigration and the stamp in my passport states that I am permitted to stay in Thailand up to 12/1/2013.

So re-reading the replies again means I can re-apply up to 1 month before that date for a further annual extension.

Hope I now understand things correctly.

Thanks again for everyones help and advice, especially NancyL and Tall GuyJohninBKK.

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I am holding a retirement visa, one year renewal, and have a multible reentry permit.

The original visa Non Immigration O Retirement was issued in Mae Sai.

I do frequently my 90 reports..

Last report was done on 14th of August 12.

Just received a message that I am required to travel abroad to Singapore on the 5th of September 12.

Retirement visa expires on the 22 of September and i will not be in Thailand to do that.

Is it possible to get a extension of my retirement visa say, on the 1st of September.

I have the 800K baht in the bank for one year already and will get a new letter from the bank soon.

I am holding a "Yellow Tabian Baan book", that is the proof of adress.

Other posts stating one can get a extension 1 month before expiration date, if I read correctly?

Any confirmation on that matter?

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Confirmed! One month early will be no problem. That is normal and expected. Waiting until the last few days is actually not advised.

Don't bother getting the bank letter until soon before you go in for your extension application. If it isn't fresh enough, it may be rejected. Rules for how fresh is fresh enough vary between offices.

Edited by Jingthing
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Vistana, do you have a visa that expires on 12/1/2013 or a 12-month permission to stay (i.e. visa extension) that expires on 12/1/2013?

If you have an multi-entry O-A or O visa (granted in another country, not Thailand, and valid for 12 months) that expires on 12/1/2013, then you can leave the country on 11/1/2013 (or before), promptly re-enter and be granted permission to stay for another 12 months (if an O-A visa) or 90 days (if an O visa)

As mentioned, the 90 day reports have nothing to do with your permission to stay and it's very common for the 90 day report dates to be out of sync with the date of permission to stay or visa expirations.


I have been trying to find out for sure about my Visa..I have read that a visa run will only get me another 90 days on it..

I have from USA - A Non-Immigration O-A (M) I got 26 Sep 2011 (expires 26 Sep 2012). I went to Philippines and returned in Mar 2012.

The Nonthaburi Immigration office told me that I can leave the country and return before the 26th and get one more year. Now the question :

If I go by land is it only 90 days or one year? or Do I need to fly? not sure if it makes a difference this is my first year in Thailand..

Thanks for any help............L.J.

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You will get a new one year permitted to stay stamp on an entry prior to end of September 26th. You can not leave without it ending unless you obtain a re-entry permit (1k single or 3.8k multi) from immigration prior to departure. If you get the re-entry permit new entry will have the same permitted to stay date as you then currently have (Sep xx, 2013).

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Yes, desert dog, litebeer is correct. What you plan to do is use your "platnimum visa" to its full potential! You worked hard to get that O-A -- police reports, financial proof, doctor's statement. It's a shame more people don't utilize that O-A, multi-entry visa to its full potential after working so hard to get it.

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OK PEOPLE...I am wanting to use it to its full potential...That is the reason I ask because everyone was talking about the 90 days if by land on these forums..THANKS for clearing that up for me I'll just wait and take care of it on the 24th...THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE....L.J.

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Be sure to carefully check the stamp they put in your passport at the border, right after going thru. This forum is full of posts from people who don't realize their passport was incorrectly stamped until they find themselves with major problems. The answer always is to go back to the border where the error occurred and try to resolve it there. Better to resolve problems right at the time they happen.

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The 90 days is for a normal multi entry non immigrant O visa. The O-A is a special "approved extension of stay" version that gets a one year stamp on entry (although you need to check that officer notices and provides as most only have the "O" visa so they may not see the "A".

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Sorry guys to be a bit thick on this subject, what I have is a retirement-based annual EXTENSION OF STAY issued here inside Thailand at Hua Hin immigration and the stamp in my passport states that I am permitted to stay in Thailand up to 12/1/2013.

So re-reading the replies again means I can re-apply up to 1 month before that date for a further annual extension.

Hope I now understand things correctly.

Thanks again for everyones help and advice, especially NancyL and Tall GuyJohninBKK.

OK Vistana... thanks for clarifying your status... But I do have one further question for you....

You wrote above your current permission to stay is until December 2013.... with a 3....

Annual extensions of stay are only valid for one year (12 months). So I'm not understanding how you could be here in Aug. 2012 now and having a December 2013 permission date (17 months later)... unless you really meant December 2012???

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