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Teaching Positions - Morning Hours

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I am curious, what sort of teaching positions at least start in morning hours? Perhaps they might go into the afternoon such as a primary school, but at least start early.

My first guess would be primary schools. I have heard that teh hours are long and the pay poor - but you do get a big Songkran and an add'd holiday break.

I am to be wed shortly, this means I must stay/exist/be in Thailand and cannot put this status at risk. Therefore I must procure a work permit if I were to be employed.

Early hours, desire for wp - what sort of institutions might I focus on?


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Congratulations, hope you'll buy a big house, cars, some gold, motorbikes and more soon...

Schools all around the world usually start in the morning. coffee1.gif Lessons here at primary and high schools schools start at 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. You'll have to be there around 7.30 and make your way home around 4.30.

Please look for a position where you'll directly work for a school. A one year contract with paid holidays, usually whole October, then April and half of May.

Plus many regular Thai holidays, a social security that covers all medical bills and some sick leave days. Your contract might also allow you to take some "personal days" .

Things will change when working for an agency, their purpose is to make money.

Good luck, schools will look for teachers second term as they'll get rid of some who were too good. wai.gif

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Note Sirchai's advice I would say and if at all possible do try to 'discuss' your contract.

Do you mean 'Primary' school or 'Private school' ?

Quite often at government schools they will end the contract at the close of the second semester which means you will not get paid until the school reopens so you will have a few months with no salary, if they are going to keep you that is. You can sometimes negotiate this. Also, check what amount of tax is being paid by the school or you may find yourself owing money when in the future you try to get a rebate !

If you are just wanting to make money and lead a happy married life then that's your call but I suggest you think twice and consider, at least, the students. Playing hangman all day with rowdy students will pretty much end that work permit. The work permit is for the school you work at only and if they choose to let you go that permit is made invalid. Not that I'm suggesting you would do that of course.smile.png

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Ive only taught in Korea and the bulk of classes were after 4pm. Any courses in AM were done by 730 or 8 so please drop the snark. It is a valid question.

As for me getting married, I have met a lovely woman three years ago who is my perfect mate.She has in this time never given me a single ptoblem, not one. She has a decent office job and we share all.expenses. We are compatible and share interests. Getting married solves my visa problem and legitimizes our relationship. I have come to love and repect her immensly.

She is 36 and looks 26. I have only seen 3 farang in 3 years with someone more attractive, they were all floozies. I would be the last guy in the world to get married but she is truly lovely. Ive had tourists hit on her in the national parks. Shes says, taken. They all say - lucky man.

Ive not found the p4p scene to my liking since 2005 and I never bought women out of bars. Thats for tourists.

So I will leave you with your herpes and your weekly dose of Chlamydia as well as rife opptys for HIV and the Clap which is a breath away from being untreatable.

2013 will make 20 years for me in Asia. You?

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Somtamfornication: Oh you are tooooo funny <insert insipid smiley> <insert insipid smiley>

This thread has gone nowhere -

I tried to retype the above post as I was prior on a tablet, the spelling and formatting was a hash.

Here it is:

Ive only taught in Korea and the bulk of classes were after 4pm. Any courses in AM were done by 7:30 or 8 - This led to miserable split shifts and crazy early morning starts. Please drop the snark. It is a valid question.

I would like to complete my hours and office hours before 12 if that is possible. Say three working hours + an office hour??? I don't mind working all day, justrather not start at 4-5pm.

Sirchai - you have taken me for an idiot. Fair enough, there are plenty in Thailand and even on this board. I surely saw my share in the MFA getting their papers. I have been in Asia for twenty years. In Thailand more or less steady for ten and with my fiance for three. I've lived in Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Korea. I'm not sure where your advice leads me, but a public school was a consideration.

Thx, Towzak. Not getting paid till following semester, is this SOP? That is a non starter for me. As we all know how quickly schools go thru teachers and vs versa. How often does this occur in public schools?

Public, primary, goverment schools (6-12). They offer holidays so we could travel.

I'm not interested in delivering Hangman, I have a uni degree from a very good school in the US. I had taught in Korea for a total of about a year and I had taught professionally in the IT sector for almost five years (technical trainer/applications). I also have loads of public speaking in my background.

As for me getting married, I have met a lovely woman three years ago who is my perfect mate. She has in this time never given me a single problem, not one. She has a decent office job and we share all expenses. We are compatible and share interests. Getting married solves my visa problem and legitimizes our relationship in many peoples eyes including our governments. I have come to love and repect her immensly. She always has my best interest at heart and always puts me before herself. She works and I do not yet she will get angry if I do the wash or clean the toilet. She's gold.

I should add that I would not have a visa problem if I was not attached to her because I would not even be in Thailand. Thailand on so many levels is done. The only cool thing left for me to do in Thailand is to have a life partner, travel to Andaman for camping and snorkeling.

In time, I will take her to OZ/NZ, Europe and Africa as well as Canada. She is the travel partner I never had despite driving me crazy w/ how she packs. She has a 10 yr visa already to US and has been with me a few times already.

The fact she could obtain a visa also speaks volumes to her character.

She is 36 and looks 26. I have only seen 3 farang in 3 years with a more attractive woman, they were all p4p floozies. I would be the last guy in the world to get married but she is truly lovely. I've had tourists hit on her in the national parks. Shes says, taken. They all say - lucky man.

Ive not found the p4p scene to my liking since 2005 and I never bought women out of bars. The women have a very ugly, mercenary disposition in general, but the bars are just over the top. I just to go to bars to watch not the girls but the mugs with their tongues on the floor. You want to see stupid? Its the guys fresh here (1-5yrs) and the tourists.

I do realize for most it is a tragic mistake. While at MFA every couple I saw I felt doomed save for 1-2.

So I will leave you with your herpes and your weekly dose of Chlamydia as well as rife opptys for HIV and the Clap which is a breath away from being untreatable. A myriad of other STI's that I was fortunate enough to not come into contact with.

2013 will make 20 years for me in Asia. You have no place to pass judgement on me or my fiance.

All your droll comments about marriage make me understand the losers that you are both for the manner in which they were made as well as the lack of understanding that there are in fact decent people in Thailand and some are even worthy of marriage.

My hunch is these posts were made by self serving louts, "teachers" who came to Thailand a few years ago with the clothes on their backs - to live the dream. If this is what you carry away from the culture you have learned nothing and are merely self serving degenerates.

Edited by bangkokburning
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First of all, Bangkokburning, thanks for re-posting. I was on the verge of closing the thread as a possible troll post and certainly one that was attracting unwanted attention--at least with regard to what is acceptable in the teaching forum.

Now, hopefully, posters can respond to your inquiries concerning work and teaching.

I am happy you have found someone special, but I would caution others to remember you are posting about teaching, not for guidance on your personal life.

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Schools start in the early morning as others have said and finish late afternoon, if you want to work afternoons I suggest looking for a job in a language centre, but it depends on your qualifications.

Also when you get your position which extension to your visa will you apply for, is worth thinking about now.

For jobs www,ajarn.com or www,ajarnjobspace.com

Good luck

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Online job listings are limited. I'm no expert, so please others confirm or correct this, but if he's in Thailand already, shouldn't he go "door knocking?"

What part of Thailand? I'm guessing you don't know any teachers since you asked about teaching hours (maybe limited non-tourist farangs in your area). I've found talking to other teachers very valuable. I've been told without even asking that their schools need teachers. If you're interested in language schools, just go in and ask about their program and vacancies.

I was inquiring about a Thai course yesterday and noticed the school also had an English program.

"Oh you teach English, too?"

"Not many English classes right now. Are you looking to teach?"

The "salesperson' asked where I was from. I told her where I was from, uni degrees, and brief list of experience. She asked for me to bring my cv tomorrow.

Especially if you're not working or doing anything concrete right now, just go to uni's, schools, language schools w/ cv copies. It can't hurt.

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The hours you will be required to work vary from school to school and these will most probably include school events such as English camps and other activities, some of these may require working on weekends. As an example, the English teachers in my school are working both Saturday and Sunday on English training for 3 months (ASEAN). Working 7 days a week for 3 months without additional pay !

As regards the months without salary It may also vary from school to school. My previous government school did rolling 1 year contracts that concluded at the end of March. In effect this meant that there would be no salary from the end of March until at least the end of May. Basically, you were not paid for the summer holidays. However, the private school I work for do include salaried holidays and I'm thinking this may be a better option for you, particularly if you can negotiate working hours that are more agreeable to you. I negotiated non-office hours and exemption from Thai only meetings and this freed up a lot of time. This is easier of course if you are the only foreign teacher in the school.

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Thank you Scott and thanks to TV for the follow up information.

Looking at aj.com seems like many of the language schools do not provide work visa (most/all). This is really important (why I mentioned I was getting married) because getting caught out w/o wp really creates problems in my life. So I must have a wp.

I do not mind not getting paid for time off. In fact I need this time, 2x a year. Once at Songkran and six months later +/-. We need to travel, yes...NEED. :-)

My thinking would be to combine Internet search and door knocking. Uncertain how to approach public schools. Perhaps w/ a few years under my belt I could look at private schools (7-12). Would much rather teach university level.

I also taught TOEIC prep in Korea, it was my best offer. I can teach Literature or History, Social Sciences and Geography (love it).

***How long would a person be expected to work without a wp on a trial not ad-hoc basis?

Thanks and sorry for the sharp tongue so to state. If the thread dies, fair enough. :-))

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