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Mass Killer Anders Breivik Sentenced To 21 Years In Prison


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Mass killer Anders Breivik sentenced to 21 years in prison


OSLO: -- Oslo court handed down its verdict on Friday against Anders Behring Breivik for his twin attacks last year that left 77 people dead, bringing to a close one of the most spectacular trials in Norway's history.

The rightwing extremist has confessed to the attacks so there is no doubt about his guilt, but the question of his sanity was the focus of his 10-weektrial that wrapped up in June.

The five judges at the Oslo district court announced that they consider the 33-year-old legally responsible for his crimes, and he will spend a long sentence behind bars.

On July 22, 2011, Breivik set off a car bomb outside the government offices in Oslo, killing eight people, before going to the island of Utoeya, northwest of the capital, where he spent more than an hour gunning down another 69 people, mostly teenagers, attending a Labour Party youth camp.

The attacks traumatised the normally-tranquil nation, and highlighted authorities' lack of preparedness.

Norway's national police commissioner resigned last week after a scathing report on the response to the attacks, and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg is due to appear before an extraordinary parliamentary session to discuss the report at the end of the month.

Charged with "acts of terror", Breivik was today sentenced to up to 21 years in prison, the maximum sentence in Norway though it could be extended indefinitely as long as he is considered a danger to society.

While Breivik has confessed to the crimes he pleaded not guilty, arguing that his actions were "cruel but necessary" to protect his country from multiculturalism, which was embraced by his victims.

Original story from July 22, 2011:



-- 2012-08-24

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21 years is likely to be much more, that number is just the maximum allowed in one go

Note that it can be extended indefinitely as long as he is considered a danger to society, same as in Sweden and many other countries

Media reports that he was smiling when he heard the verdict...

Edited by MikeyIdea
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Judges in Oslo rule #Breivik was sane when he killed 77 people in Norway in 2011. He faces a minimum of 21 yrs in jail. /BBC

So, 3.27 months per killed person? What a "tough"sentence!

A Norwegian guy I was chatting too at the gym recently told me prisons in Norway are very cushy too, hardly a sentence at all!

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I just can’t conceive of a sentence of a sentence that is truly suitable for the mass murder…21yrs, life or death doesn’t seem to cut it.

​I think you could stab him once for every victim. In his limbs to start with, so he doesn't pass out and he knows what is coming. This is a complete mungral, no other words could describe it.

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Judges in Oslo rule #Breivik was sane when he killed 77 people in Norway in 2011. He faces a minimum of 21 yrs in jail. /BBC

So, 3.27 months per killed person? What a "tough"sentence!

A Norwegian guy I was chatting too at the gym recently told me prisons in Norway are very cushy too, hardly a sentence at all!

Something tells me that if there are any "multicultural" inmates in that prison, he is going to get a cell visit from them. ;-)
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How any sane person can commit such an appalling act is beyond me.

You can be legally sane and hold (very) extreme views, and commit horrendous atrocities. 21 years is not enough, i hope they continue to extend this on a discretionary basis.

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I think 21 years is a bit light on. I am not a hang em all person, but I would like to think he would get life.

A life sentence is 25 years, right? Not a big difference then...

Legally perhaps, but to my mind, life should mean precisely that.

The idea that a person who took 77 lives will ever be free to talk on the streets is frankly absurd in my opinion.

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21 years is likely to be much more, that number is just the maximum allowed

Note that it can be extended indefinitely as long as he is considered a danger to society, same as in Sweden and many other countries

I really HOPE it is 21 years for each perion he killed. The best is to Just look him in, and throw away the key!

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So, 3.27 months per killed person.

This is pathetic.

I understand and agree why some places do not have a death penalty. For one thing, a wrongly convicted individual cannot be un-killed.

What I don't understand is why someone who does something like this cannot be sentenced to life in prison. or even to 77 sequential 21 year sentences. In 21 years who's to say they won't decide he's been a good boy and let the creep out. 1540 years before eligible for parole would make sure he never sees freedom again.

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From all accounts Swedish prisons are classed as good as your 5 star hotels he will enjoy a life of luxury without having to worry about paying any bills filling his belly with food to me that is not punishment !! R.I.P to those he killed and my thoughts and prayers to those who still suffer from this mad madmans actions .

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From all accounts Swedish prisons are classed as good as your 5 star hotels he will enjoy a life of luxury without having to worry about paying any bills filling his belly with food to me that is not punishment !! R.I.P to those he killed and my thoughts and prayers to those who still suffer from this mad madmans actions .

I think it's Norway where he is.
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I sincerely doubt if he was mentally fit. It's pretty strange that the prosecutors and the psychiatrists think otherwise. But than again, his cell looks quite convenient, bigger than the average Thai apartment a nice Widescreen and a good computer, filtered internet access and a damned good fitness space.

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From all accounts Swedish prisons are classed as good as your 5 star hotels he will enjoy a life of luxury without having to worry about paying any bills filling his belly with food to me that is not punishment !! R.I.P to those he killed and my thoughts and prayers to those who still suffer from this mad madmans actions .

I think he will be in a Norwegian prison.

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From all accounts Swedish prisons are classed as good as your 5 star hotels he will enjoy a life of luxury without having to worry about paying any bills filling his belly with food to me that is not punishment !! R.I.P to those he killed and my thoughts and prayers to those who still suffer from this mad madmans actions .

He is Norweigan & will be imprisoned in Norway. I suspect he will spend most of the time in solitary confinement to keep him away from other prisoners.

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