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Mass Killer Anders Breivik Sentenced To 21 Years In Prison


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Justice is what we are taught to believe justice is. If you live in some countries, justice is stoning people to death, if you live in others it is a humane lethal injection. If you live in others it is 20+ years in prison.

If Norweigans as a nation are content with this punishment, I see no reason to complain. I am not going to worry too much until he comes up for parole.

You are correct, but who makes any countries laws ? Not the ordinary Joe in the street, no referendum for this type of crime.

You are correct, the ordinary Joe behind his keyboard on TV doesn't make the law.

But in an analogy, they used to. When mankind first changed from hunter/gatherers to agrarian, certain laws came into being, some existed in the HG stage, and the fundamental one was, if it damages the whole community, it is corrected or ejected.

In this guys case, ejection would mean loss of breathing privileges, correction would be give him a pen knife and dump him on a deserted island ...... it isn't put him up in a five star hotel for the rest of his life.

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Huh dunno why they dont just execute and not by lethal injection by gun.

Waste of money for the next 21 years, a clear cut case if ever there was one, no doubt the liberal brigade will be along shortly to chastise me.

Dont see the problem with execution at all in this case.

Not me, the Norge ''Special Forces'' should have done their job, it was a combat zone, all be it one sided. Any other country, the guy would be fertilizer, now the mums and dads have no closure. sad.png

Luckily we dont allow ''Special Forces'' to take out citizens as targets (neither do other civilised nation) .On the other hand we a useless police force that should have responded to this disaster,but because of political bickering and criminal neglience no parts of the law enforcment was able to cope that day.

The picture of the DELTA unit in a small rubber dingy that almost sunk is a good example on that.

I came to this thread late. Several posters beat me to it, but in Norway, a murder is worth a mere 13 weeks in the slammer, and comfortable one at that. I heard earlier, that, rather than have him serve time in isolation (too cruel, awwww), the prison system has found two guys who think like him, and are going to let the 3 guys have comfortable isolation, 3 meals a day, warm beds, medical care, cable TV.

They should allow one member of each family, voluntarily, to go in small groups, with rubber hoses, and beat the shit out of that guy, each and every morning before his breakfast.

Interesting that every post I read on here agrees the sentence was too light.

You and others can disagree that the sentence is to light,but it is correct under Norwegian law.And Im glad that we dont change laws because of knee jerk decissions and high emotions there and then !!

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Huh dunno why they dont just execute and not by lethal injection by gun.

Waste of money for the next 21 years, a clear cut case if ever there was one, no doubt the liberal brigade will be along shortly to chastise me.

Dont see the problem with execution at all in this case.

Not me, the Norge ''Special Forces'' should have done their job, it was a combat zone, all be it one sided. Any other country, the guy would be fertilizer, now the mums and dads have no closure. sad.png

Luckily we dont allow ''Special Forces'' to take out citizens as targets (neither do other civilised nation) .On the other hand we a useless police force that should have responded to this disaster,but because of political bickering and criminal neglience no parts of the law enforcment was able to cope that day.

The picture of the DELTA unit in a small rubber dingy that almost sunk is a good example on that.

I came to this thread late. Several posters beat me to it, but in Norway, a murder is worth a mere 13 weeks in the slammer, and comfortable one at that. I heard earlier, that, rather than have him serve time in isolation (too cruel, awwww), the prison system has found two guys who think like him, and are going to let the 3 guys have comfortable isolation, 3 meals a day, warm beds, medical care, cable TV.

They should allow one member of each family, voluntarily, to go in small groups, with rubber hoses, and beat the shit out of that guy, each and every morning before his breakfast.

Interesting that every post I read on here agrees the sentence was too light.

You and others can disagree that the sentence is to light,but it is correct under Norwegian law.And Im glad that we dont change laws because of knee jerk decissions and high emotions there and then !!

Did this bloke bow your daughter away ? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. coffee1.gif
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Noooooooo,transam.And Im glad we dont have a penal system where relatives deliver out justice..............in case you missed the point I made above about "knee jerk decissions and high emotions there and then" wink.png !!

BTW.......I have ALWAYS had the opinion that the death sentence should be applied in some cases (like this)

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Noooooooo,transam.And Im glad we dont have a penal system where relatives deliver out justice..............in case you missed the point I made above about "knee jerk decissions and high emotions there and then" wink.png !!

BTW.......I have ALWAYS had the opinion that the death sentence should be applied in some cases (like this)

Weeeeeeeeell, nothing knee jerk about me. I have had my eye behind gun sights in my previous life. Kids do NOT belong there. This guy belongs there, end of story. sad.png
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For some crimes that might be enough, but not for slaughtering dozens of children.

I agree, but that's Norwegian law.

The dude should really have joined the allied forces. He could have gotten a few medals by now.

Too bad they wouldn't find him insane - that was what he didn't want, to be known as a mad killer.

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For some crimes that might be enough, but not for slaughtering dozens of children.

I agree, but that's Norwegian law.

The dude should really have joined the allied forces. He could have gotten a few medals by now.

Medals for what. ?
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For some crimes that might be enough, but not for slaughtering dozens of children.

I agree, but that's Norwegian law.

The dude should really have joined the allied forces. He could have gotten a few medals by now.

Medals for what. ?

Should be strung up by his medals!!

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I just can’t conceive of a sentence of a sentence that is truly suitable for the mass murder…21yrs, life or death doesn’t seem to cut it.

​I think you could stab him once for every victim. In his limbs to start with, so he doesn't pass out and he knows what is coming. This is a complete mungral, no other words could describe it.

The victims who survived - mostly teenagers at the camp for social-democratic youth - had from day one a more balanced view than many of the threads here. Remember they were chased around a small island for more than an hour; they all saw friends/compatriots killed and hurt, some died by drowning trying to escape the island. They were almost unison in stating that 1: "If one man can hat so much; think of all the love we can together can accomplish" (said by one of the victims on day 2) 2: We were gathered because we believe in democracy and the judicial system. We trust and believe in this.

So could you old farts on a hot stone please get back to what you do best: get together with your mates, complain while you're trying to (ab)use the system.

I haven't read all the threads - don't want to; experience tells me too many expats in this country actually support some of the killers views. White supremacy, fear of Islamification of Europe, male supremacy etc. Ring a bell, old farts?

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Yes the really sad thing about the whole Brievik episode is that his views and opinions are little different from a whole slew of people in the blogosphere and even mainstream media and right wing European parties.

While being overtly racist or anti-Semitic is unfashionable today in Europe and even illegal in some places, rampant islamophobia and anti-immigrant (as long as they are Muslim immigrants) views are all the rage today amongst the frothing bigot genre.

Fed by the bigot porn blogs such as Gates of

Vienna etc, Brievik is sadly not going to be the

only led astray narcissist who thinks mass

murder has it's justification and that his fellow

islamophobe cheer leaders will applaud such


It is a classic tale of grooming impressionable saps to put into action the hate and bile that emanates from these extremist blogs.

Probably the only regret that the likes of Fjordman and other such manipulative bigots has is that Brievik's mass murder did not produce an over reaction by the authorities to further their agenda. Carping about only 21 years plus the barely mentioned likelihood of indefinite extensions does not really fit the billl.

Perhaps the next similarly inspired bigot will murder a bunch of Muslim teenagers to try and provoke more of a response and delight the cheerleaders.

Fire in the Reichstag? How convenient....

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A want-to-be spree killer tried to kill a bunch of Christians a few weeks ago because they object to gay marriage. A murderer in France recently killed a bunch of Jews for being Jewish. A bunch of loons have slaughted men, women and children to become famous or just for the thrill of it. This guy killed a bunch of infidels because hated Muslims. A crazy man is a crazy man.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I just can’t conceive of a sentence of a sentence that is truly suitable for the mass murder…21yrs, life or death doesn’t seem to cut it.

​I think you could stab him once for every victim. In his limbs to start with, so he doesn't pass out and he knows what is coming. This is a complete mungral, no other words could describe it.

The victims who survived - mostly teenagers at the camp for social-democratic youth - had from day one a more balanced view than many of the threads here. Remember they were chased around a small island for more than an hour; they all saw friends/compatriots killed and hurt, some died by drowning trying to escape the island. They were almost unison in stating that 1: "If one man can hat so much; think of all the love we can together can accomplish" (said by one of the victims on day 2) 2: We were gathered because we believe in democracy and the judicial system. We trust and believe in this.

So could you old farts on a hot stone please get back to what you do best: get together with your mates, complain while you're trying to (ab)use the system.

I haven't read all the threads - don't want to; experience tells me too many expats in this country actually support some of the killers views. White supremacy, fear of Islamification of Europe, male supremacy etc. Ring a bell, old farts?

There are a number of TV members who state that all Muslims hate and want to kill all "Infidels". Christians, Jews and other non Islamic faiths have largely peacefully coexisted in many Islamic states for centuries. If their opinions are actually correct non Islamic people living in Muslims countries would have been wiped out. This fact is conveniently ignored and makes a lie of their misinformed opinions.

Edited by simple1
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There are a number of TV members who state that all Muslims hate and want to kill all "Infidels".

Really? I do not recall seeing a statement like that on Thai Visa, but, if so, there are crazies everywhere - even Thai Visa.

You may have missed the posts as they are usually quickly deleted by the MODS per forum rules and some posters have been banned.

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