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Red Shirts Block Abhisit From Seminar

Lite Beer

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A small demo of about 100 persons, outnumbered 2 : 1 by the police and AV turns away.

He must have something very heavy on his conscience if he is that concerned.

"...........Abhisit decided to return to the Democrat Party headquarters, and then join a rally in Uthai Thani.

Bang Poo Police station and 200 anti-riot police kept security during the red shirt rally and there was no reports of clashes."

Rather sad that he seems to be afraid of the electorate.

They weren't outnumbered, they were backed up. And Abhisit correctly assumed that the police would remain passive if the situation got out of hand, as they did in 2010 at the illegal red guard checkpoints in Bangkok.

But let's not forget that your beloved Führer Thaksin chickened out of a similar situation during his propaganda tour of the US although there was no violent mob awaiting him but merely law abiding citizens. Very telling that Thaksin is afraid of these people.

".........your beloved Führer Thaksin........"

Ho Ho Ho.....

Wrong again, as usual.

Santa?huh.png Edited by FOODLOVER
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A small demo of about 100 persons, outnumbered 2 : 1 by the police and AV turns away.

He must have something very heavy on his conscience if he is that concerned.

"...........Abhisit decided to return to the Democrat Party headquarters, and then join a rally in Uthai Thani.

Bang Poo Police station and 200 anti-riot police kept security during the red shirt rally and there was no reports of clashes."

Rather sad that he seems to be afraid of the electorate.

They weren't outnumbered, they were backed up. And Abhisit correctly assumed that the police would remain passive if the situation got out of hand, as they did in 2010 at the illegal red guard checkpoints in Bangkok.

But let's not forget that your beloved Führer Thaksin chickened out of a similar situation during his propaganda tour of the US although there was no violent mob awaiting him but merely law abiding citizens. Very telling that Thaksin is afraid of these people.

".........your beloved Führer Thaksin........"

Ho Ho Ho.....

Wrong again, as usual.


His posts speak louder than his feeble retort.

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Stupid Reds, Why don't you go be more productive with your time and go get some extra education beyond the level of primary school. Your like children who need the government to wipe your behinds because your weak and helpless because nature is unable to weed you out because society drip feeds you support. Go develop your community's in the north, build schools and educate the young. Nah you rather block a guy from doing his job of making your country more productive with jobs. I hope your next life is an dung beetle, cause you;ve already gone pro.

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The usual knee-jerk "What about the yellow shirts?" response still fails to recognise that the Democrats are NOT the PAD/yellowshirts. They are quite separate political entities that at one time shared the political goal of ridding the country of its most corrupt PM.

Is that why a large # of Dem MPs attended the yellow shirts blockade of parliament rally.

In a democracy, ANYBODY is free to attend political rallies to hear what people have to say. It doesn't make you a supporter or a member of the party. Also in a democracy, political parties and their leaders are free to campaign and speak without harassment, unless of course it is a red democracy where opposing views are not tolerated.

A large number of black shirts attended the 2010 rally, does that them members of PTP in your opinion?

In fact a number of Dems are members of the PAD. Kasit Piromya being the most prominent.

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If the reds don't want to play by the rules then the police shouldn't have to play by the rules as well. Rubber bullets and tear gas, and lots of it, please!!!

That would be all very well if the BiB weren't part of the red shirt movement themselves....!

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If the reds don't want to play by the rules then the police shouldn't have to play by the rules as well. Rubber bullets and tear gas, and lots of it, please!!!

But, weren't the police there to protect the red shirt rioters in the first place? Maybe in case yellow shirts turn up and make a scaffold? Obviously they didn't even try to control the red shirts and were well coordinated with them. Somehow rioters knew where Abhisit was supposed to be. Somehow the police knew where the riot was going to be. Only poor Abhisit was not informed before hand. Bad intelligence Abhisit. If it was me, to prevent cases like this from happening again, I would ask one of my drivers to carry a big firework "bomb" with him and play with it if any red shirts are blocking the way. That would "disperse them" rather immediately. It could be later blamed on rioters of course and the police for not being able to prevent it.

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It is sad seeing the redshirts applying a tactic that is copied from the Nazi SA in the late 20s and early 30s (before they were purged by Hitler...). Now as then, the police stand by and watch crying.gif

I love this country and its people (well, most of them...) but I'm afraid that it is now so far down on the slippery slope that it might be too late to save.

/ Priceless

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But if the Democrats do this to them, it's illeagle, immoral, up for censure, and the probabilitly of someone getting hurt is very high. When the the double standards go away? I know, never. I would take any of the top 10 Democrats to anyone in this government as PM any day of the week. That is if this group of gangs would allow them to govern instead of burning down Bangkiok

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What is it with Thai police they are just beyond useless. They have no will or inclination to do anything which resembles hard work. Perhaps if they actually did a decent days work they may have a case for a pay rise.

Without wanting to get sidetracked, but the police share a fair slice of responsibility for the whole red shirt riots as they were proven to be bias, unwilling and just plain scared to deal with the civil disorder that the red shirts caused. I remember they ran away crying because it was too dangerous. As a result the army was called in. A fact often overlooked

They can't even 'organise' the rush hour traffic

Sure they can, it's called parking.
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Haha, yellows do this to Thaksin in US and you sing praises. Double standards all around and they are all equly bad including Abhisit.

The anti-Thaksin protesters in Los Angeles allowed the small convoy of cars to reach the venue, quite rightly too as they were there only to show their dissent, whereas here the Red-Shirts "blocked the entrance", can you not see a difference there ? wink.png

The LA yellows threw bottles at cars and TS could not reach his venue. (Insert childish smiley)

Absolute BS! Thaksin was parked outside the entrance to the venue and NO protestors encroached on him, nor were they permitted to do so by law enforcement agencies.

The only lie they know is the one that Mr. T told them that only benefits Him being shown strong. When we know he's a spinless coward except when he has back up gangs or is in Dubai.
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The Dems try to play by the rule book, the reds/ PRP do not even attempt to. Bring back the Blue shirts (remember who had their asses whooped in Pattaya after their in despicable behavior at the ASEAN summit?).

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A small demo of about 100 persons, outnumbered 2 : 1 by the police and AV turns away.

He must have something very heavy on his conscience if he is that concerned.

"...........Abhisit decided to return to the Democrat Party headquarters, and then join a rally in Uthai Thani.

Bang Poo Police station and 200 anti-riot police kept security during the red shirt rally and there was no reports of clashes."

Rather sad that he seems to be afraid of the electorate.

Well noting that in the past

Red Shirts have smashed cement blocks through his cars windows

and used extreme violence towards his vehicles,

then he has legitimate reason to be careful.

I find it ironic, but maybe not coincidental,

that Thaksin didn't get his speech in California, because of a large crowd,

and yet they were 100% peaceful.

Is this the quid pro quo payback?

Or just Red business as usual.

They have a history of violently stopping Democratic seminars in several Thai cities Part of the Thaksin Political Machines methods is to stop dissemination of the Democrats message at every juncture possible.

Edited by animatic
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A small demo of about 100 persons, outnumbered 2 : 1 by the police and AV turns away.

He must have something very heavy on his conscience if he is that concerned.

"...........Abhisit decided to return to the Democrat Party headquarters, and then join a rally in Uthai Thani.

Bang Poo Police station and 200 anti-riot police kept security during the red shirt rally and there was no reports of clashes."

Rather sad that he seems to be afraid of the electorate.

Very sad that the RED Shirts broke the law, again, and the police did nothing as usual, again, and the Chief of the Police who has ordered that NOBODY will be allowed to block the streets has done

nothing as usual, again.

Typical bully boy tactics as usual from the Red Shirts and no action from the police or government as usual, again.

Yea for Red democracy.

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The usual knee-jerk "What about the yellow shirts?" response still fails to recognise that the Democrats are NOT the PAD/yellowshirts. They are quite separate political entities that at one time shared the political goal of ridding the country of its most corrupt PM.

Is that why a large # of Dem MPs attended the yellow shirts blockade of parliament rally.

In a democracy, ANYBODY is free to attend political rallies to hear what people have to say. It doesn't make you a supporter or a member of the party. Also in a democracy, political parties and their leaders are free to campaign and speak without harassment, unless of course it is a red democracy where opposing views are not tolerated.

A large number of black shirts attended the 2010 rally, does that them members of PTP in your opinion?

In fact a number of Dems are members of the PAD. Kasit Piromya being the most prominent.

So what? How many PTP MPs are red shirts (and every one avoiding trial)? Does that make Yingluk a red shirt?

I almost asked should the democrat supporters stop Yingluk from attending parliament, but that would be beyond rhetoric and well into fantasyland.

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I guess what is good for the Goose

Posted 2011-02-13 08:23:36

PAD defies police order to clear out of roads.


Well goose, first you would have to prove that the police ordered the red shirts to clear the road.

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