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Save Thailand: Tell No 'White Lies'


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Save the country: Tell no 'white lies'

Kavi Chongkittavorn


BANGKOK: -- Kudos must go to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittiratt Na Ranong for being the first minister to tell the truth to the Thai people that he told "white lies" to instill the country's confidence about economic growth.

If Plato is alive today, he would praise Kittiratt for his cheer courage. To the Greek philosopher, the minister is telling "noble lies" - at least that what the minister thought at that particular moment - to make the country feels good - even temporarily. Indeed, by coming out first, he is saving the Yingluck government from collapsing as he is preparing for "true lies" that would gradually emerge in the near future. Over the weekend, the government played up its accomplishments over the past one year with much fanfare befitting the populist government. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was all but beaming. The message is clear: it is a noble cause to help the poor, imagine or real. So never mind the white lies, keep telling them, repeating them. Nobody can argue against that. Then, the public will get used to and believe that they are all straight truth. Whoever criticise the government are biased and disliked the poor.

One can also venture to say that not only Kittiratt that is practicing such an ancient oratorical skill. The whole Cabinet has been rather bald-face in giving information not correspondent to the reality since the very beginning. It is true that one can lie sometimes but one cannot do that all the time - not even Joseph Goebbels of the Nazi's reputation. Truth be told, the Yinluck government has used all available strategies in managing information and data including news spins and comprehensive publicity campaigns to create public opinion and continued illusions that all is fine with the country as long as the peoples got money to spend, at least for now. The American linguist, Noam Chomsky, should have conducted his research in Thailand as he would find plenty of case-studies of manufacturing consents - something which some of the Thais thought was the conspiracies cooked by opponents.

That is why it is very intriguing to watch how the mainstream print media and those on the fringe, especially popular ones such as Matichon and Thai Rath, have treated the story of white lies. They did not scrutinize the story as deep they should or used to do. In previous governments, the vernacular press was normally very vigorous in checking their performance and governance. They often took the governments to task without fail with their acerbic columnists. But this time around, they have played down the controversy as if it was a small news headline, hiding along other news of the day. Somehow their powerful columnists also saw eyes to eyes that the topic should not be highlighted as it might harm the public confidence and most importantly, play into the hands of opposition groups, in particular the Democrat Party. Indeed, the latter has become the most cited raison d'être preempting reporters and other stakeholders to dig further into controversies related to the government.

While other small papers liked Thai Post and Naewna have gone ballistic detailing every nook and corner with comments from all concerned parties, especially the opposition party. The English language press has been consistent in reporting the country's economic woes throughout the past 12 months, so Kittiratt's confession was not unpredictable. They have reported statistics from domestic and abroad as well as views from businessmen and investors. As usual, the six Chinese language dailies continue to be outside the loop reporting domestic and economic news as if they are bulletin items in a broadsheet notice board.

These days, Thai TV and radio is a different media instrument all together with huge revenue from advertising from private and public sectors. No media outlets want to jeopardize their status quo. Turning blind eyes on controversial issues is a virtue today. Therefore, they are treating news with less serious intents found in the past which focused on public goods and interests. Some of the most viewed news programs on the tube are those with news reporting in story-telling style with puns and accompanied comedians. News as entertainment is epidemic among the electronic media. Thanked to the government's huge public relations budget, media industry is very thriving.

To be fair, the Thai PBS, funded by the people's tax, stood out as it presented the "white lies" story as it should as the lead on Thursday's evening news and followed suited on Friday when it happened. Others channels did not pay much attention as some carry the news in their evening news briefly but without Kittiratt's actually saying the words. This has now been quite a common practice in news broadcasting. Whenever necessary the comments by certain newsmakers from the government would be deleted and replaced by impromptu comments by news anchors of the day.

In March, there was a similar incident about lying which the Thai media failed to seize upon. The continued denial of Thaksin Shinawatra's meeting with the Muslim separatists in Malaysia even though the meeting took place with photo's evidence and widely reported in the Chinese media over there. However, over here the concerned authorities including the Pheu Thai Party members and Thaksin's aides came all out in force to dispute the report. Miraculously the Thai media, both electronic and print, did not follow through. No fact checks whatsoever. Up until today, the public still thought the meeting did not take place and it was merely the opposition's propaganda ploy. If the meeting with the separatists was successfully then it would definitely become a huge headline all weeks. However, it lapsed into obvious within 48-72 hours - the usual Thai news cycle.

The best way out to manage with the "white lies" syndrome is quite simple: the government must tell the truth, nothing but the truth. Obviously, it was hard to belief that Kittiratt's action was without the consent of his colleagues, after all he was considered one of their top brains. It will be painful for the Yingluck government to tell the people that the economic performance and targets - with all good intentions - cannot be met in months to come. But the government has the responsibility to tell it like it is. This will improve the government's creditability in the public eyes and international community. The tolls on the country as a whole will be lesser. Playing with economic figures is considered a crime in many countries. Many failed states went through this process before. This government with the majority in the Parliament is not likely to face a similar situation. Therefore, it is time for the government to bare all and refute the rights and practice of white lies.


-- The Nation 2012-08-27

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I see that Google has been involved in the translation...

Is that a little white lie???? There are some things that even Google can't do.

The likes of : "eyes to eyes", "into obvious" , plus others , seem to me to be the writing of the reporter.

But all in all to me a good report and I had no problem in understanding what the writer was saying.

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That is why it is very intriguing to watch how the mainstream print media and those on the fringe, especially popular ones such as Matichon and Thai Rath, have treated the story of white lies. They did not scrutinize the story as deep they should or used to do. In previous governments, the vernacular press was normally very vigorous in checking their performance and governance. They often took the governments to task without fail with their acerbic columnists. But this time around, they have played down the controversy as if it was a small news headline, hiding along other news of the day. Somehow their powerful columnists also saw eyes to eyes that the topic should not be highlighted as it might harm the public confidence and most importantly, play into the hands of opposition groups, in particular the Democrat Party. Indeed, the latter has become the most cited raison d'être preempting reporters and other stakeholders to dig further into controversies related to the government.

Say... whatever happened to the case of the journalists found to be receiving money to write positive stories about Yingluck and PTP during the last election?. whistling.gif

Edited by AleG
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No matter how you put it, government officials, politician minister or politician contenders for presidency, the presidents themselves, have all something in common all over the world:

They lie about their a****** by making those good looking promises in order to get votes and get elected, only in order to screw the majority, who voted for them.

Bottom line is: no matter who citizens and nationals around the world elect: this dude or b*****tch in rule, will just screw us up in the end..

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A White Lie a Day Keeps the Population Happy. What's sad is most of the population is clueless in spotting political lies...all they really have to do to spot such a lie is see the politician's lips moving.

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This man is nothing less than a godsend for such bravado. Only Plato would praise him? Come on. Socrates, Kant, Christ and Freud himself would hail him as a model for all humanity.

While we can't see it, I would hope that there is a layering of rose petals at this man's feet.

um... can't beat that. that's freakin hilarious. suprised they even know who plato is. or better yet they had a farang b.s. for them.

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Buisiness as usual for the Thai media and the politicians. Who can remember the government telling the truth, especially it's an unpleasant one, never mind their colour? I live here for more than 10 years and I can't. The reason is nobody here has the guts to stand up, face the music and take responsibility.

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If Plato was alive today he politely would have refused to comment on the "logodhiarrheia" of this "frouto".

Agreed, and it seems they have a rather simple view of the "noble lie" as laid out in The Republic.

I would equate the Thai mentality more to Plato's parable of the cave.

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These kind of sentiment by Thai politicians really makes me angry.They expect praise for not doing something unethical/wrong?!? You’re not supposed to lie, it’s called doing your job!

There is something really fishy going on with the Thai government and its finances. Every inefficient government globally is running into financial problems: Greece, Italy, Spain, USA and India. The amount of blatant corruption and poorly run Thai govt-linked businesses, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Thai govt have some serious financial problems (at which Kittirat is hinting at).

Of course, Kittirat has to come clean up because he can no longer hide it. It explains why there has been strong tax revenue search e.g. recent alcohol and tobacco tax hike/ Thai tax office recruiting new tax collectors.

The problem of tax collection in Thailand is that the extremely rich don’t pay taxes… Thailand’s corporate tax rate has been slashed as follow:

- from 30% to 23% from 1st January 2012

- from 23% to 20% starting 1st January 2013

So if you’re rich and earn say 4.5M baht per year and declare income under your “company profits” you pay a 20% tax rate – yet if you were to declare a personal income of 4.5M baht you would be marginally taxed at 37%.

So the writing on the wall is clear. Thailand govt needs money but the politicians won’t hurt their “friends who line their pockets i.e. business owners”. Rather they will get the money from office workers/employees who can’t escape the tax system and too small in numbers to matter come election….

Edited by song0674
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......noble lies.......white lies........

.....you are a fool and an oddball if you tell the truth.....

...and in dealings and even personal life, you will always get screwed......

....if you are non-Thai......that goes x100.............

(If you catch someone lying, furthermore, you are the bad guy....how dare you!!!)

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Some day, and I hope it's before the next election, the chickens are going to come back to roost. Even in Thailand you can't fool all of the people, all of the time. Shame on these politicians for claiming to help the poor while they strip the treasury.

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