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Drug-Free "Asean" In 3 Years Affirmed


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Drug-free ASEAN in 3 years affirmed


BANGKOK, Aug 28 - Ten ASEAN member countries will reaffirm a joint intention to evolve Southeast Asia as a drug-free region in 2015—the year the ASEAN Economic Community is officially launched.

Pol Gen Adul Saengsingkaew, secretary general of the Office of Narcotics Control Board, said that ministers on narcotics from 10 ASEAN countries and the ASEAN secretary general will meet in Bangkok on Aug 31 to exchange views and information on narcotics suppression, narcotics-related laws and extradition of narcotics criminals.

The upcoming meeting, he said, was also aimed at strengthening the relationships of member countries, given an earlier-declared joint intention to develop ASEAN region as drug-free zone within 2015.

International drug trafficking networks have increasingly intertwined especially along Thailand’s borders with Myanmar and Laos which have been plagued with an increasing number of narcotics production factories, he said.

Pol Gen Adul reported an improved drug situation in Thailand in the last 10 months when more than 65,000 suspects had been arrested on drug charges and more than 400,000 drug addicts have undergone medical treatments.

However, the Narcotics Control Board has kept a closer watch on various communities after receiving complaints from more than 4,000 communities about rampant drug trafficking. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-08-28

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Here we go again. More false promises to win votes. Are the general public really so gullible?

Voters here are as gullible as they are everywhere else, just look at the clap-trap baffle-garb coming out of Florida right now. A lot of swirling hot air, and I don't mean Issac.
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So who will be accountable if this fails - More grand scheme, with no accountability and ultimately no chance of success especially considering the high levels of corruption in ASEAN countries.

What happened a few days ago to the prision guard who wouldn't turn a blind eye to drugs - Shot and killed. Will his replacement be as courageous to say no again??

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Legalize it and tax it. Let people make their own life choices.

....and ensure cleaner products, and eliminate pushers, have counselors deal with abusers. Decriminalization of ALL drugs makes sense in a hundreds ways, but our sage lawmakers want only ONE legal recreational drug. It's their favored one, and the one they're getting paid (by its makers/dealers) to keep legal. You get ONE guess on which drug that is. Hint: it's Chalerm's drug of choice, though he calls it his 'inner-ear medicine'.

Not the complete true...There are several politicians in several countries in the big drug dealing and they want to keep the prices high.

If they are legal the profit is going down.

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Who do they think they are kidding? This is the problem with top-down, unaccountable governments: they don't know squat about real life problems - they don't have to.

People in Washington DC and at the embassy here in Bkk must be rolling their eyes, saying, "Oh my god, we know these people."

Edited by Jawnie
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Whilst usually advocating the legalisation of narcotics, I'm inclined to believe that such a policy would be counter productive in certain countries due to the prevalence of lack of relevant education and personal responsiblity.

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Excellent stuff.. applaud this initiative.

Of course after this feat the team will focus on Tsunami free Asia, banning typhoons hitting Taiwan and Philippines, completely eradicating tiger poaching across SE Asia and the Indian subcontinent and lastly in a magnanimous effort to show the world its not just a focus on ASEAN, restoring the Greek economy.

And thats just on the Monday. Tuesday - Friday activities and accomplishments are still to be decided.

Once again another great feat.. AMAZING

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At least they are doing something about the situation. Much better than sitting at your keyboards making pointless comments.

Do you really believe they by virtue of this article are DOING something about it ???

If so I have some nice beachfront property you might be interested in... available to be seen only at certain times of the day and lunar cycle but a bargian.

C'mon DJ,... this announcement falls into the same basket as the zero road deaths at Songkran one.. just pure political rhetoric...

I for one would much rather a government say the drug problem is enormous and we dont have the means to effectively tackle it however we will embark on an education program and enlist assistance from the private sector for funding .

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