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Relationships In Thailand


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I was reading Paul Theroux's The Tao of Travel and found the following passage descriptive of so many of the relationships I see described here on TV. (not all - just many) The mind is truly amazing in the deceit it inflicts upon us.


"To go back to Kuchuk [a courtesan and dancer in Esna]. You and I are thinking of her, but she is certainly not thinking of us. We are weaving an aesthetic around her, whereas this particular very interesting tourist who was vouchsafed the honors of her couch has vanished from her memory completely, like many others. Ah! Traveling makes one modest—you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world."

—Gustave Flaubert, in Flaubert in Egypt, translated by Francis Steegmuller (1972)

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I really don't see the relevance as all members here are married to Hi So Chinese-Thai women whose families shower them with gifts of cars and property. How does some past tale of an Egyptian whore fit into this picture perfect scenario?

Tell me though, how does telling another man he married a useless coniving whore help you feel good about yourself? By putting down others you are somehow elevated? Sad. Especially as his gf may not indeed be as you described? Do you feel superior, more gifted, balder, better looking, sweeter talking, richer? Which of these enviable traits make you so much superior to the others here you obviously see as losers?

To each his own, we are all different, we find love in different places, and hey, guess what, even fairy tale romances goes bad.

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I really don't see the relevance as all members here are married to Hi So Chinese-Thai women whose families shower them with gifts of cars and property. How does some past tale of an Egyptian whore fit into this picture perfect scenario?

Tell me though, how does telling another man he married a useless coniving whore help you feel good about yourself? By putting down others you are somehow elevated? Sad. Especially as his gf may not indeed be as you described? Do you feel superior, more gifted, balder, better looking, sweeter talking, richer? Which of these enviable traits make you so much superior to the others here you obviously see as losers?

To each his own, we are all different, we find love in different places, and hey, guess what, even fairy tale romances goes bad.

Strike a nerve did I?

You may want to reread the original post. No mention of married couples at all.

Edited by Genericnic
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I really don't see the relevance as all members here are married to Hi So Chinese-Thai women whose families shower them with gifts of cars and property. How does some past tale of an Egyptian whore fit into this picture perfect scenario?

Tell me though, how does telling another man he married a useless coniving whore help you feel good about yourself? By putting down others you are somehow elevated? Sad. Especially as his gf may not indeed be as you described? Do you feel superior, more gifted, balder, better looking, sweeter talking, richer? Which of these enviable traits make you so much superior to the others here you obviously see as losers?

To each his own, we are all different, we find love in different places, and hey, guess what, even fairy tale romances goes bad.

laugh.png Give it a rest that all Sino-Thais are the same... they are not and do as the man said... re-read the post.

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I really don't see the relevance as all members here are married to Hi So Chinese-Thai women whose families shower them with gifts of cars and property. How does some past tale of an Egyptian whore fit into this picture perfect scenario?

Tell me though, how does telling another man he married a useless coniving whore help you feel good about yourself? By putting down others you are somehow elevated? Sad. Especially as his gf may not indeed be as you described? Do you feel superior, more gifted, balder, better looking, sweeter talking, richer? Which of these enviable traits make you so much superior to the others here you obviously see as losers?

To each his own, we are all different, we find love in different places, and hey, guess what, even fairy tale romances goes bad.

Whoa!! That post really lived up to your alias, didn't it? coffee1.gif

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I really don't see the relevance as all members here are married to Hi So Chinese-Thai women whose families shower them with gifts of cars and property. How does some past tale of an Egyptian whore fit into this picture perfect scenario?

Tell me though, how does telling another man he married a useless coniving whore help you feel good about yourself? By putting down others you are somehow elevated? Sad. Especially as his gf may not indeed be as you described? Do you feel superior, more gifted, balder, better looking, sweeter talking, richer? Which of these enviable traits make you so much superior to the others here you obviously see as losers?

To each his own, we are all different, we find love in different places, and hey, guess what, even fairy tale romances goes bad.

You've missed the point entirely.

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About the people who bring up self-deceit -- and Mr. Generic is not the only one. I think the point is valid, however it might be more effectively put across by relating their personal experience with it. Because otherwise some people perceive it as supercilious. I'm guessing that is from where the negative responses come.

Whereas I'm left wondering, what's the back-story on that? Ie. perhaps the person has some personal experience to share that could benefit others as a cautionary tale.

Eg. if I related a story of how I was deluded into thinking that a woman liked/loved me, etc., bilked me out of money, etc etc.

OK just random thinking here, thanks and keep up the good work!

(PS hope I don't sound supercilious! Maybe super silly would be OK though!)


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I must admit of all the bar girls that i have rogered in Thailand ,I like the girl in the first post,never think about them and dont remember them ,why should i i paid i played and i left without giving them a second thought.

Spoken like a true misogynist.

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I must admit of all the bar girls that i have rogered in Thailand ,I like the girl in the first post,never think about them and dont remember them ,why should i i paid i played and i left without giving them a second thought.

Bar girls have a surprisingly good memory when it comes to their clients.

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I must admit of all the bar girls that i have rogered in Thailand ,I like the girl in the first post,never think about them and dont remember them ,why should i i paid i played and i left without giving them a second thought.

Bar girls have a surprisingly good memory when it comes to their clients.

It helps if they want repeat business.

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I must admit of all the bar girls that i have rogered in Thailand ,I like the girl in the first post,never think about them and dont remember them ,why should i i paid i played and i left without giving them a second thought.

Bar girls have a surprisingly good memory when it comes to their clients.

Actually many years ago in Bangkok i went with a young lady from the Thermae and she asked ,if i remembered her ,it seems that i had slept with her sometime in the past , God i must have been good if she remembered mecheesy.gif

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