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Family Planning On Buying Rice Land...


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Thanks for the links gents. Good reading. I'm not alone.

At the moment my wife is wise to the family's tricks. It's easier for her to see it since we are in the UK. Once we are in LOS she gets immersed, swallowed up, and cannot see the leaching, she just feels continually obligated to "help".

So how does the following sound

Baby & I form a company. Baby is 51% shareholder.

I am baby's guardian and make decisions on her behalf and in her best interest.

Company grants me a usufruct or lease.

Hopefully this would prevent FIL trying to borrow against the chanotes (he's tried already with my wife's house - but failed - she caught him in time).

The family would continue to farm rice on the lower part of the land in return for caring for the rubber on the upper part.

My wife continues to "help" her dad from her UK wages.

Whether wife & I go to live in Isaan would not matter. Baby would inherit my shares in the company on my demise. I thinkhaving a company's name on the chanote would make things so complicated for FIL that he would give up and leach off somebody else.

I stress that this is an early draft of a plan. I would be grateful for any input and criticism that readers have.

We all face the same problem at some time or other. Good wives with parasitic families that can, if not managed well, screw everything up for everybody.



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Thanks for the links gents. Good reading. I'm not alone.

At the moment my wife is wise to the family's tricks. It's easier for her to see it since we are in the UK. Once we are in LOS she gets immersed, swallowed up, and cannot see the leaching, she just feels continually obligated to "help".

So how does the following sound

Baby & I form a company. Baby is 51% shareholder.

I am baby's guardian and make decisions on her behalf and in her best interest.

Company grants me a usufruct or lease.

Hopefully this would prevent FIL trying to borrow against the chanotes (he's tried already with my wife's house - but failed - she caught him in time).

The family would continue to farm rice on the lower part of the land in return for caring for the rubber on the upper part.

My wife continues to "help" her dad from her UK wages.

Whether wife & I go to live in Isaan would not matter. Baby would inherit my shares in the company on my demise. I thinkhaving a company's name on the chanote would make things so complicated for FIL that he would give up and leach off somebody else.

I stress that this is an early draft of a plan. I would be grateful for any input and criticism that readers have.

We all face the same problem at some time or other. Good wives with parasitic families that can, if not managed well, screw everything up for everybody.



I really do feel sorry for you. My wife's family are salt of the earth and I could not ask for more honest people.

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jim you forgot to metion the set up cost of the company, agree with jim just put it in the childs name

Not just set up costs, you will be paying out every year, like any other company and to be honest don't think a child would be allowed to be a major share holder. What happens if the company breaks the law, who goes to jail the child, not likely. Jim
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