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Danish Man Robbed By Bar Girl In Chiang Mai

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Always knew security at GalaeThong Tower was terrible but letting a tart walk out with a mans dvd, laptop and other stuff and get on his bike is pretty bad! They lock the back door at 10pm until 6-7am there so she would have to pass reception with all his clutter. Nice job.



It's news cause they actually found the culprit and got back all the items! Good job by the authorities, and very silly moves by the culprit.


My friends and I sit and people watch in CM.

We have noticed the younger men seem to purchase older women.

And the old men are always out and about with much younger women.

Oh, not to forget, the really, really tall men are often out with tiny, tiny women.

Then there are the guys whose partners either walk 5 paces in front or 5 paces behind them.

It does seem strange, but is always entertaining!

Then there are those farang that sit all night in bars on Loi Kroa criticising other farangs going about their business!

Actually we hang out at a coffee bar in Moonmuang for morning coffee ........ the best sights are walking home in last night's bar outfits.


We've never seen any ladyboys walking home the morning after.


They must have problems finding decent looking bar girls in Chiang Mai. At least get someone who look good if you are going to pay for it. I would be embarrassed to say she is the one.

According to what is normally available in the Loi Kroh bars, this woman is drop dead gorgeous. This is about the best it gets in Chiang Mai.

So the guy who was probably all the worst for booze, takes a muture Loi Kroh prostitute back to his room, where he falls into a deep sleep, leaving the woman access to all his valuables.

Then the woman takes full advantage of the situation and walks off with a load of goodies.

Surprise, surprise.

Golden rules:

If taking any stranger back to a room or home, always be fully alert and the brain not mollified by alcohol.

Do not lead unto temptation, meaning, have everything out of view and safely secured away. And watch the woman at all times. For example: do not jump into the shower or use the toilet after the deed leaving her alone out of your sight, not even for a second.

This guy was extremely lucky indeed, to have found this prostitute again and have the police take interest and action on the crime.

There are those that are not so fortunate and many of these cases go unreported.

You have been warned, so use ya common.

BTW: my son was involved in the arrest of this woman. Well done.

I will keep posters up to date of the outcome.


Booze - "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

Booze!! smile.png

I remember in late 69, seeing a post card in Taiwan.

It showed a GI sitting on the edge of a bed holding his head in his hands.

In the bed was the most frightful woman.

The caption read "What happened to that beautiful girl I went to bed with last night?"

Booze! clap2.gif


First - she is NOT a bar girl - she is a street prostitute - BIG difference - when you pick-up a girl from a bar you know where she works and she is less likely to rob you knowing there will be retribution.

I have no compassion for the guys that pick-up street prostitutes.

The truly responsible thing which he seriously needs to do is go the hospital and check to see if the street whore left him something like HIV or otherwise in exchange for his valuables to prevent him from being promiscuous and giving a disease to the next unsuspecting prostitute - just sayin !!


"On 2 September 2012, police found a suspect called Ms. Sirilak Sukkaew who worked in a beer bar on Loy Kror road." = From OPs posting

So she is a Bar-woman who works also after official Bar hours.


Seems, the "Pope" posts here to.wink.png


How stupid can men be.

Not saying he desrved this but it is time that men started thinking with their big head not the little head!!!!


I wonder how long this guy would last in Pattaya…would he even make it through the day before nightfall?

He would be chewed up and spat out before he knew what hit him!


They must have problems finding decent looking bar girls in Chiang Mai. At least get someone who look good if you are going to pay for it. I would be embarrassed to say she is the one.

According to what is normally available in the Loi Kroh bars, this woman is drop dead gorgeous. This is about the best it gets in Chiang Mai.

So the guy who was probably all the worst for booze, takes a muture Loi Kroh prostitute back to his room, where he falls into a deep sleep, leaving the woman access to all his valuables.

Then the woman takes full advantage of the situation and walks off with a load of goodies.

Surprise, surprise.

Golden rules:

If taking any stranger back to a room or home, always be fully alert and the brain not mollified by alcohol.

Do not lead unto temptation, meaning, have everything out of view and safely secured away. And watch the woman at all times. For example: do not jump into the shower or use the toilet after the deed leaving her alone out of your sight, not even for a second.

This guy was extremely lucky indeed, to have found this prostitute again and have the police take interest and action on the crime.

There are those that are not so fortunate and many of these cases go unreported.

You have been warned, so use ya common.

BTW: my son was involved in the arrest of this woman. Well done.

I will keep posters up to date of the outcome.

All the advisers seem to have forgotten the fact he was drunk, as are many who pick-up prostitutes--so all your reminders for a happy ending are moot. However, I was somewhat surprised to see only an interest in protecting monetary valuables, especially since she was a street walker. No one suggested safer-sex means; like using a condom and checking her drawers for telltale spots.


How stupid can men be.

Not saying he desrved this but it is time that men started thinking with their big head not the little head!!!!

Do you mean how stupid could he be to trust a woman?


No Transam

Don't take women you have just met (or paid for sex) back to the place you live.

cheesy.gif And there was me thinking "Wow, at last a non-sex tourist/non-pervert/non-whoremonger posting some decent advice on Thaivisa.

But it was then followed by detailed instructions on how not to be robbed by your new found prostitute:

You can get a room for the night for 300bht in CM, why use the room you live in!

You should also remove the key-fob for your hotel from the key, then they can't find where you live either.

Just carry enough cash in your pocket to get through the night.

OK, carry on, you lot.

So what are you doing here? Are you the ambulance chaser or the mindless bystander who points and giggles at a traffic fatality?


First - she is NOT a bar girl - she is a street prostitute - BIG difference - when you pick-up a girl from a bar you know where she works and she is less likely to rob you knowing there will be retribution.

How the heck did this story make the news - this happens daily - if not hourly in Thailand - I have no compassion for the guys that pick-up street prostitutes.

The truly responsible thing which he seriously needs to do is go the hospital and check to see if the street whore left him something like HIV or otherwise in exchange for his valuables to prevent him from being promiscuous and giving a disease to the next unsuspecting prostitute - just sayin !!

Perhaps you should read the article before spewing forth, as the lady was tracked back to and arrested at the bar where she works.

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Well, maybe he'll give further thought as to whether this is a "victimless activity" next time.

I have ZERO empathy for these geriatric, waste-band burgeoning codgers who take a girl back to their room and wake up either without a wallet or sans a kidney. None.

Leaving out the obvious aspect that the Thai's dislike anyone who engages in this, you have a myriad other risks. C'est la vie!


"to find out that the lady disappeared with his assets"

What assets ?

He must be grateful his real "assets" were left "intact",

and not cut off to become another bobbit ! cheesy.gif


No Transam

Don't take women you have just met (or paid for sex) back to the place you live.

cheesy.gif And there was me thinking "Wow, at last a non-sex tourist/non-pervert/non-whoremonger posting some decent advice on Thaivisa.

But it was then followed by detailed instructions on how not to be robbed by your new found prostitute:

You can get a room for the night for 300bht in CM, why use the room you live in!

You should also remove the key-fob for your hotel from the key, then they can't find where you live either.

Just carry enough cash in your pocket to get through the night.

OK, carry on, you lot.

So what are you doing here? Are you the ambulance chaser or the mindless bystander who points and giggles at a traffic fatality?

I'm living my life - not in Chiang Mai, I hasten to add. I've no idea what you are going on about with the rest of your post, but you seem to assume that everyone here is a whoremonger. Says more about you than me.


Well, maybe he'll give further thought as to whether this is a "victimless activity" next time.

I have ZERO empathy for these geriatric, waste-band burgeoning codgers who take a girl back to their room and wake up either without a wallet or sans a kidney. None.

Leaving out the obvious aspect that the Thai's dislike anyone who engages in this, you have a myriad other risks. C'est la vie!

For a country that frowns on naughty behavior, they sure are good at it!!!!

If there were no supply, the demand would go elsewhere. So I believe that unless you plan on altering the mindset of every Thai in the country, I suggest you get with the program -or- ease up on logorrhea .


cheesy.gif And there was me thinking "Wow, at last a non-sex tourist/non-pervert/non-whoremonger posting some decent advice on Thaivisa.

But it was then followed by detailed instructions on how not to be robbed by your new found prostitute:

You can get a room for the night for 300bht in CM, why use the room you live in!

You should also remove the key-fob for your hotel from the key, then they can't find where you live either.

Just carry enough cash in your pocket to get through the night.

OK, carry on, you lot.

So what are you doing here? Are you the ambulance chaser or the mindless bystander who points and giggles at a traffic fatality?

I'm living my life - not in Chiang Mai, I hasten to add. I've no idea what you are going on about with the rest of your post, but you seem to assume that everyone here is a whoremonger. Says more about you than me.

That is where you and I differ. Just because I have a difference of opinion with someone doesn't cause me to immediately brand them as a whoremonger. So, what does that say about you homey?


Give it a rest will ya jetsetbkk. Are tou here to troll or contribute to the thread? More Thais partake in P4P than farang so drop the holy than though speech. The guy got careless and he was wasted so it was an easy chance for an opportunistic thief.

I never get that bladdered and if I do, I can't for the life of me do the deed anyway so sleep alone. But generally I'd you take a girl out of a bar or go go its safer as they know you know where they work. It's always the risk with freelancers but I guess she was desperate. From the looks of her picture I can't imagine she was too popular so that + low season = someone who will take a risk if she thinks she can get away with it.

For those of you who say you have no sympathy. Go do one. I would have sympathy for anyone who is robbed in this manner whether they were careless or not. Fortunately for me my ability to empathise with someone is not dependant in my moral beliefs. I'm glad he got his things back and I'm sure he learnt a lesson in what not to do when drunk.

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A lesson for all. Hotel room has a safe, let the lady SEE you lock your stuff away. Easy really. thumbsup.gif

I got a better idea, lock the lady in the safe when your sleeping. rolleyes.gif


A lesson for all. Hotel room has a safe, let the lady SEE you lock your stuff away. Easy really. thumbsup.gif

I got a better idea, lock the lady in the safe when your sleeping. rolleyes.gif

OR hand cuffs have a few uses eh. whistling.gif ................................laugh.png

Well, maybe he'll give further thought as to whether this is a "victimless activity" next time.

I have ZERO empathy for these geriatric, waste-band burgeoning codgers who take a girl back to their room and wake up either without a wallet or sans a kidney. None.

Leaving out the obvious aspect that the Thai's dislike anyone who engages in this, you have a myriad other risks. C'est la vie!

For a country that frowns on naughty behavior, they sure are good at it!!!!

If there were no supply, the demand would go elsewhere. So I believe that unless you plan on altering the mindset of every Thai in the country, I suggest you get with the program -or- ease up on logorrhea .

If you have ever taken a very basal course in economics you would then find that the DEMAND CREATES the SUPPLY, not the other way around.


A lesson for all. Hotel room has a safe, let the lady SEE you lock your stuff away. Easy really. thumbsup.gif

I got a better idea, lock the lady in the safe when your sleeping. rolleyes.gif

OR hand cuffs have a few uses eh. whistling.gif ................................laugh.png

Yeah, who needs a safe anyway, great idea TA thumbsup.gif

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