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Bill Clinton Nominates Obama For Re-Election At Dnc


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Nice cliche. But Obama has had one term only to fix the madness his predecessor left behind.

You're not an American are you? Because if you were you would know that the mess was created by Clinton (CRA) Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Shelia Jackson, Lee Maxine Waters & the rest of the Liberal Kooks.

Obama wants to crash the country so he is cool with what's going on.

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He didn't increase taxes but he raised fees 580 million his first year in office

They were not broad based fees. They were mostly fees for things like McDonald's advertising on the highway and many had not been raised for 20 years. Just how do you think a state makes money? He also closed corporate tax loopholes to raise revenues which most people would applaud.

Closeing loopholes could then be considered a tax increase. even John MaCain used this aganist him in 2008 during the primaries, of his 19 tax cuts most were modest weekend tax holidays. In the end it would have made more sense to have had a modest tax increase to cover the states revenue deficit while cutting non essential spending. But we know the republican way on this raise fees and close loopholes and denie it was a tax increase. Actually they where very broad based fees for saleing your house, registering your deed, ice skateing arena and many more fee increase envolveing the daily life of the citizens of Mass. I have no problem for these increases to pay for the services of issueing the permits and what ever is envolved, but to use these as an excuse to say you didn't raise taxes is a deception.
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Nice cliche. But Obama has had one term only to fix the madness his predecessor left behind.

You're not an American are you? Because if you were you would know that the mess was created by Clinton (CRA) Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Shelia Jackson, Lee Maxine Waters & the rest of the Liberal Kooks.

Obama wants to crash the country so he is cool with what's going on.

Do some research on the CRA no more than 10 percent of loans during the bubble where issued using ths rule. Using the CRA is a Republican diversion away from the big banks and lending companies for there greed. In 2002 President George Bush attended a get together to make owning a house easier and he gave a speech saying it was to hard with all of the paper work envoled, he latter ordered the housing department to reduce the amount of paper work envolved, you may want to add George Bush to your list of usual suspects.
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This again. The main cause of the banking crisis was the making of subprime mortgage loans that shouldn’t have been made and the sale of those loans in mortgage-backed securities. The government quota required of Fanney and Freddie that of all the loans they bought 50% had to be made to people at or below the median income in their communities. The government housing policy was the initial cause of the crisis even though many other factors added to the severity and scope of the crisis. Even Barny Frank said, "I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie ... it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."

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He didn't increase taxes but he raised fees 580 million his first year in office

They were not broad based fees. They were mostly fees for things like McDonald's advertising on the highway and many had not been raised for 20 years. Just how do you think a state makes money? He also closed corporate tax loopholes to raise revenues which most people would applaud.

Closeing loopholes could then be considered a tax increase. even John MaCain used this aganist him in 2008 during the primaries

Oh. Wow. We all know how much you can count on the honesty of issues raise by one politician running against another one. rolleyes.gif

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Best way to reduce the debt? reduce or eliminate the deficit. Expected result of Romney's stated policies? Increase the deficit.


Expected result of Obama's policies? Destroy America. Next?..exile him to the million-dollar lecture circuit this January.


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Here's an update on the Democrats using images of the RUSSIAN NAVY at their convention last week...

Democratic officials apologized Wednesday for mistakenly displaying an image of the Russian Navy during a tribute to America’s veterans at last week’s Democratic National Convention.

The Russian warships, many of Soviet-era origin, were shown on a giant screen Sept. 6 above 50 veterans while retired Adm. John Nathman honored veterans’ contributions to America. The former sailor who spotted the error and notified Navy Times had asked for an apology.

I guess it really comes as no surprise,...first their campaign slogan is borrowed from the Communist Party in old Russia (Forward!), then they borrow old pictures of the Soviet navy. Sadly for the USA, I'm sure it won't end there.

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Best way to reduce the debt? reduce or eliminate the deficit. Expected result of Romney's stated policies? Increase the deficit.


Expected result of Obama's policies? Destroy America. Next?..exile him to the million-dollar lecture circuit this January.


That's funny.Every economic depression the US has been through as far as documented history goes back,was ignited under Republican leadership.

There is a special word for people who crave to be hurt repeatedly,but it slips fom my mind.

Edited by jbrain
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Here's an update on the Democrats using images of the RUSSIAN NAVY at their convention last week...

Democratic officials apologized Wednesday for mistakenly displaying an image of the Russian Navy during a tribute to America’s veterans at last week’s Democratic National Convention.

The Russian warships, many of Soviet-era origin, were shown on a giant screen Sept. 6 above 50 veterans while retired Adm. John Nathman honored veterans’ contributions to America. The former sailor who spotted the error and notified Navy Times had asked for an apology.

I guess it really comes as no surprise,...first their campaign slogan is borrowed from the Communist Party in old Russia (Forward!), then they borrow old pictures of the Soviet navy. Sadly for the USA, I'm sure it won't end there.

I suppose that explains why Romney thinks Russia is the USA's number one enemy.


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That's funny.Every economic depression the US has been through as far as documented history goes back,was ignited under Republican leadership.

Please stop the constant idiotic claims. Providing proof that they are wrong wastes a lot of time.

  • Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans hold the high ground when it comes to economic stability. Economic downturns appear to be more common after a decade of Democratic presidential dominance, while they are also more common after a decade of Republican congressional rule. Who one blames for bad times depends on which branch you think is most responsible for the economy.


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Gotta love Larry Flynt!

The Hustler publisher bought full-page ads in The Washington Post and USA Today, promising “$1 Million” for information about Mitt Romney’s unreleased tax returns and/or details of his offshore assets, bank accounts, and business partnerships.” The ads also ran in papers in Zurich, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands, home to some of the world’s most infamous tax shelters. The unanswered question, in Flynt’s mind: What is Romney hiding?

Worth noting the Romney gave McCain 23 years of tax returns when asked.... A fair few must know what's in them, and $1 million is quite a temptation.

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Gotta love Larry Flynt!

The Hustler publisher bought full-page ads in The Washington Post and USA Today, promising “$1 Million” for information about Mitt Romney’s unreleased tax returns and/or details of his offshore assets, bank accounts, and business partnerships.” The ads also ran in papers in Zurich, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands, home to some of the world’s most infamous tax shelters. The unanswered question, in Flynt’s mind: What is Romney hiding?

Worth noting the Romney gave McCain 23 years of tax returns when asked.... A fair few must know what's in them, and $1 million is quite a temptation.

We know what's in Romney's tax returns - he's filthy rich and did everything within the rules to limit how much he paid in taxes.

We also have a good idea what is in Obama's college transcripts - sub-par grades in Marxist and other left-leaning, anti-American classes but still able to get into Harvard due to the Affirmative Action program.

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[We know what's in Romney's tax returns - he's filthy rich and did everything within the rules to limit how much he paid in taxes.

No we don't, because he refuses to release them. Probably because of what you say (that's assuming it's in the rules, which is debatable).

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[We know what's in Romney's tax returns - he's filthy rich and did everything within the rules to limit how much he paid in taxes.

No we don't, because he refuses to release them. Probably because of what you say (that's assuming it's in the rules, which is debatable).

No, not really debatable at all. He can afford the finest tax accountants. I'm sure everything is above-board and legal. No reason to release them though, the Obama campaign would just use every little thing to paint him as an evil rich person and try to gather a mob of like-minded Marxists to storm his house with pitchforks and a noose - anything to distract away from Obama's own miserable record of destroying our country, I'll tell you something, never trust a @#$%@ Marxist and sure as hell never elect one as president - especially to a second term.

But you are right that we'll never know the truth about Obama's past. He guards it too closely. He is DEFINITELY hiding something and it must be very, very bad. I'd like to see those truth-loving hackers as Wikileaks post his college transcripts. It would probably take 5 minutes for one of them to hack into the Columbia school records.

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But you are right that we'll never know the truth about Obama's past.

Some good articles have come out recently about significant drug use and a fascination with Communism in his younger days, but for some strange reason the mainstream media are not obsessed with his youthful indiscretions.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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But you are right that we'll never know the truth about Obama's past.

Some good articles have come out recently about significant drug use and a fascination with Communism in his younger days, but for some strange reason the mainstream media are not obsessed with his youthful indiscretions.

Old news, dude. He has been the president now for years. Only right wing base people who are obsessed with demonizing our excellent president would care about such stuff at all.

Romney is the unknown factor here and even more so than usual considering his chameleon like properties which are truly epic. Again, only right wing base ideologues really are so paranoid to actually believe that Obama will morph into Stalin in his second term. As far as drugs, we can hope he will decide to make marijuana legal during his second term. That would be very popular, smart, and a great help to our close friend, Mexico.

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[We know what's in Romney's tax returns - he's filthy rich and did everything within the rules to limit how much he paid in taxes.

No we don't, because he refuses to release them. Probably because of what you say (that's assuming it's in the rules, which is debatable).

No, not really debatable at all. He can afford the finest tax accountants. I'm sure everything is above-board and legal. No reason to release them though, the Obama campaign would just use every little thing to paint him as an evil rich person and try to gather a mob of like-minded Marxists to storm his house with pitchforks and a noose - anything to distract away from Obama's own miserable record of destroying our country, I'll tell you something, never trust a @#$%@ Marxist and sure as hell never elect one as president - especially to a second term.

But you are right that we'll never know the truth about Obama's past. He guards it too closely. He is DEFINITELY hiding something and it must be very, very bad. I'd like to see those truth-loving hackers as Wikileaks post his college transcripts. It would probably take 5 minutes for one of them to hack into the Columbia school records.

Romney himself has said the reason he has not released the tax returns to to preserve his privacy as to religious contributions. Anyone who knows the Mormon religion knows 10% of gross income is a required tithe or "donation' of every good practicing Mormon. I suspect it would reveal that he has given massive amounts to the church and probably not much else to any other charities. This would shine a spotlight on the religion when clearly Romney wants to sweep his faith under the rug. This doesn't have anything to do with the guy being rich or using the tax code and offshore tax minimization or avoidance to his advantage as I'm sure he has legally and properly done.

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Luckily most voters are a lot more worrried about a President who has promised a lot and delivered very little than looking at more of Mitt Romney's tax returns than he is legally obliged to make public. whistling.gif

Not keeping promises is one thing,telling blatant lies about someone is something completely different.
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Jay Snyder, a New York financier who has raised at least $560,000 for Mr. Obama: COMMUNIST!

Azita Raji, a retired investment banker who has raised over $3 million for Mr. Obama: COMMUNIST!

Frank White Jr., a technology entrepreneur who has raised $2.3 million for Mr. Obama: COMMUNIST AND TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEUR!

Robert Wolf, a former executive at UBS Americas, the banking company, who has raised about $1.3 million: COMMUNIST!

Man, the list goes on and on! So many god-dam_n US hating, drug using COMMUNISTS!!! They're everywhere!!! Bloody Marxist entrepreneurs too???? Where will it end? With everyone talking to empty chairs? Wait a minute, what if chairs are communists too AND they're all trying to take over our <deleted>? What then eh?

Back in the 80's I worked at a restaurant and at the end of the night we had to put them upside down on the tables so the cleaners could mop. What was stamped on the bottom of the chairs?. "Made in Yugoslavia". Yep, Commie chairs!

Nah, that was just Serbian subterfuge. Ask the Ustashe.

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Luckily most voters are a lot more worrried about a President who has promised a lot and delivered very little than looking at more of Mitt Romney's tax returns than he is legally obliged to make public. whistling.gif

Not keeping promises is one thing,telling blatant lies about someone is something completely different.

You mean like the Obama campaign implying that Romney is responsible for a woman dying of cancer, that Romney is a felon and that he has not paid taxes for 10 years? Those are blatant lies all right.

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Luckily most voters are a lot more worrried about a President who has promised a lot and delivered very little than looking at more of Mitt Romney's tax returns than he is legally obliged to make public. whistling.gif

Not keeping promises is one thing,telling blatant lies about someone is something completely different.

You mean like the Obama campaign implying that Romney is responsible for a woman dying of cancer, that Romney is a felon and that he has not paid taxes for 10 years? Those are blatant lies all right.

No I was more thinking along the line of this .

Here is a list of five lies that Paul Ryan told during his speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention

1. Lie: President Obama is the “greatest threat” to Medicare.

Truth: Obama didn’t make any cuts to Medicare benefits; he made cuts to provider reimbursements, to improve cost efficiency and extend the fiscal security of Medicare by eight years. According to the Medicare actuary, “[Obama's] Affordable Care Act makes important changes to the Medicare program and substantially improves its financial outlook.”1

But Ryan actually does want to cut benefits. He proposed dismantling Medicare and replacing it with a voucher system, leaving millions of seniors to come up with more money to pay for care out of pocket.2,3

2. Lie: President Obama didn’t save a General Motors plant in Wisconsin.

Truth: First, Obama wasn’t even in office when the GM plant closed. Second, Obama never made a promise to save it.4

3. Lie: President Obama ignored recommendations of a bipartisan debt commission.

Truth: Paul Ryan actually sat on that commission. And he led Republicans in voting down the commission’s own recommendation. So the commission never gave a report to Obama, because Ryan himself voted to kill the report before it could.5

4. Lie: President Obama is responsible for the downgrading of the U.S. Credit Rating.

Truth: House Republicans, including Paul Ryan, held the full faith and credit of the United States hostage to try to ransom it for trillions of dollars in cuts to social programs without increasing taxes on the wealthy one dime. Standard & Poor’s said specifically, “We have changed our assumption on [revenue] because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues.” That’s why our nation’s credit rating was downgraded.6,7

5. Lie: Ryan wants to protect the “weak.”

Truth: Ryan’s biggest feat in his political career was proposing a budget with dramatic cuts to programs benefiting the poor. He’d cut Medicaid by one third, take away health care insurance from 30 million Americans, and cut Pell Grants for 1 million students. All so that he could give more tax breaks to the rich.8


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Luckily most voters are a lot more worrried about a President who has promised a lot and delivered very little than looking at more of Mitt Romney's tax returns than he is legally obliged to make public. whistling.gif

Not keeping promises is one thing,telling blatant lies about someone is something completely different.

You mean like the Obama campaign implying that Romney is responsible for a woman dying of cancer, that Romney is a felon and that he has not paid taxes for 10 years? Those are blatant lies all right.

No I was more thinking along the line of this .

Here is a list of five lies that Paul Ryan told during his speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention

1. Lie: President Obama is the “greatest threat” to Medicare.

Truth: Obama didn’t make any cuts to Medicare benefits; he made cuts to provider reimbursements, to improve cost efficiency and extend the fiscal security of Medicare by eight years. According to the Medicare actuary, “[Obama's] Affordable Care Act makes important changes to the Medicare program and substantially improves its financial outlook.”1

But Ryan actually does want to cut benefits. He proposed dismantling Medicare and replacing it with a voucher system, leaving millions of seniors to come up with more money to pay for care out of pocket.2,3

2. Lie: President Obama didn’t save a General Motors plant in Wisconsin.

Truth: First, Obama wasn’t even in office when the GM plant closed. Second, Obama never made a promise to save it.4

3. Lie: President Obama ignored recommendations of a bipartisan debt commission.

Truth: Paul Ryan actually sat on that commission. And he led Republicans in voting down the commission’s own recommendation. So the commission never gave a report to Obama, because Ryan himself voted to kill the report before it could.5

4. Lie: President Obama is responsible for the downgrading of the U.S. Credit Rating.

Truth: House Republicans, including Paul Ryan, held the full faith and credit of the United States hostage to try to ransom it for trillions of dollars in cuts to social programs without increasing taxes on the wealthy one dime. Standard & Poor’s said specifically, “We have changed our assumption on [revenue] because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues.” That’s why our nation’s credit rating was downgraded.6,7

5. Lie: Ryan wants to protect the “weak.”

Truth: Ryan’s biggest feat in his political career was proposing a budget with dramatic cuts to programs benefiting the poor. He’d cut Medicaid by one third, take away health care insurance from 30 million Americans, and cut Pell Grants for 1 million students. All so that he could give more tax breaks to the rich.8


That old list has been debunked long ago.

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Luckily most voters are a lot more worrried about a President who has promised a lot and delivered very little than looking at more of Mitt Romney's tax returns than he is legally obliged to make public. whistling.gif
Not keeping promises is one thing,telling blatant lies about someone is something completely different.
You mean like the Obama campaign implying that Romney is responsible for a woman dying of cancer, that Romney is a felon and that he has not paid taxes for 10 years? Those are blatant lies all right.

Don't be silly. It's not a blatant lie if it's implied. I could imply that someone who doesn't know the difference had too many drugs in San Fransisco - the implication might be untrue but it wouldn't be a blatant lie and it would sound kinda true and that's probably enough.

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