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Bill Clinton Nominates Obama For Re-Election At Dnc


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Here's a real barn burner of a speech given at the Democratic Convention supporting Obama. The good part starts at about the 3:10 mark.



Just one teensy little problem with Governor Granholm's rant. The automaker bailout started in 2008 under the Bush administration. TARP funds were used. Obama had nearly nothing to do with the initial UAW bailout.


Bush Approves Auto Industry Bailout

By Meg Marco on December 19, 2008 6:29 PM

President Bush has approved a $17.4 billion auto bailout, with $13.4 billion in emergency loans to prevent the collapse of GM and Chrysler and another $4 billion to be handed out in February.

The loans are meant to be a lifeline — and will keep the companies afloat until March 31st. At that point, says the NYT, the Obama administration will "determine if the automakers are meeting the conditions of the loans and will continue to receive government aid or must repay the loans and face bankruptcy."

The terms of the bailout are almost identical to the plan rejected by Republicans in the Senate a week ago.

Entire article here: http://consumerist.c...ry-bailout.html

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Well I believed everything Bill Clinton said, Just like I did when he said after the Monica L. deal " I did not have sex with that woman". Hey wait a minute, I think Clinton lied about the Monica thing. Gosh maybe he is doing the same on Obama???????? I wonder???????

Are you implying Obama serviced Bill's cigar?

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Dick Morris used be an adviser to Clinton and he is not exactly unbiased, but I enjoyed his take on the speech.

Bill Clinton: A good lawyer defending a guilty client

You could see all the rhetorical sleights of hand, the magic of a delivery, the wit of the argument, the sarcastic sallies against the other side. All of that was in former President Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night. But it was clear, as he spoke, that his client was guilty of being a very bad president who has accomplished very little.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz25hcYc4i4

Says it all about you and Having to refer to the Dick and fox news for your case. It's not know as "fake" or "faux news for nothing reason? It aint "news"

Wow. there was nothing wrong with Fox News last week when they published a piece on all the "lies" in Paul Ryan's speech, was there?

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Well I believed everything Bill Clinton said, Just like I did when he said after the Monica L. deal " I did not have sex with that woman". Hey wait a minute, I think Clinton lied about the Monica thing. Gosh maybe he is doing the same on Obama???????? I wonder???????

Are you implying Obama serviced Bill's cigar?

Well carrying Bill's bags at the least from what I hear. wink.png

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Now that I have stopped laughing at all the political and constitutional experts on TV I just want to say that there is but one goal for the future of the world. Both president Bush's and Kissinger have made the public statement " A New World Order" which has nothing to do with the protection of America or any sovereign nation. Google the phrase "New World order" I have and though I disagree that A New World Order can be achieved based on all the conspiracy theories The New world Order is on the hidden political agenda. It is just not mentioned out right. Clearly there is some maneuvering to reach this goal (perhaps mostly behind closed doors). Just another angle to think about.

And by the way I am not a conspiracy nut.

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Hey guys: the topic is about Clinton's FABULOUS speech, yes? Haven't we have had enough middle east conflict related topics? Yes, Obama's enemies are excited over the bad optics of the platform incident, but again, what does that have to do with the CLINTON speech?

I've been looking for a TV World News thread about Obama's speech but I guess the thrill is gone and he isn't considered so newsworthy anymore. Or maybe they can't find any links that have anything positive to say about Obama's speech? Everything I've read so far, from the Left and Right, give it a thumbs down. It looks like following Bill Clinton even by 24 hours wasn't enough. Imagine if Bill went directly before Obama? What a disaster for the campaign.

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I don't think the conventions did much to sway the undecided, apart from Fluke's piece.

The debates will be the cruncher. Bring 'em on.

I don't get the appeal of Fluke. She's an activist who enrolled in the highly prestigious & expensive Georgetown Law School. If poor women can't afford contraception (not saying they can or can't - or if there are alternatives), is a Georgetown Law student whose starting pay once she graduates be in the $750,000/yr range really the right poster child for this cause? Does anyone REALLY think she has any friends who can't afford contraception? ANYONE who thinks Romney being rich excludes him from connecting with the problems of the average American must see Fluke speaking for the masses as messed up too.

Edited by koheesti
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Hey guys: the topic is about Clinton's FABULOUS speech, yes? Haven't we have had enough middle east conflict related topics? Yes, Obama's enemies are excited over the bad optics of the platform incident, but again, what does that have to do with the CLINTON speech?

I've been looking for a TV World News thread about Obama's speech but I guess the thrill is gone and he isn't considered so newsworthy anymore. Or maybe they can't find any links that have anything positive to say about Obama's speech? Everything I've read so far, from the Left and Right, give it a thumbs down. It looks like following Bill Clinton even by 24 hours wasn't enough. Imagine if Bill went directly before Obama? What a disaster for the campaign.

Obama's speech wasn't nearly as good as Clinton's speech and it fell short of expectations for the Obama speech, because it is known Obama is CAPABLE of giving a great speech. But Obama is running against Romney not Clinton, and Obama's speech was superior to Romney's speech. That said, the expectations for Romney's speech were lower because Romney has never given a great speech in his life, so it is logical to assume that he doesn't have that skill, and never will give such a speech.
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Hey guys: the topic is about Clinton's FABULOUS speech, yes? Haven't we have had enough middle east conflict related topics? Yes, Obama's enemies are excited over the bad optics of the platform incident, but again, what does that have to do with the CLINTON speech?

I've been looking for a TV World News thread about Obama's speech but I guess the thrill is gone and he isn't considered so newsworthy anymore. Or maybe they can't find any links that have anything positive to say about Obama's speech? Everything I've read so far, from the Left and Right, give it a thumbs down. It looks like following Bill Clinton even by 24 hours wasn't enough. Imagine if Bill went directly before Obama? What a disaster for the campaign.

Obama's speech wasn't nearly as good as Clinton's speech and it fell short of expectations for the Obama speech, because it is known Obama is CAPABLE of giving a great speech. But Obama is running against Romney not Clinton, and Obama's speech was superior to Romney's speech. That said, the expectations for Romney's speech were lower because Romney has never given a great speech in his life, so it is logical to assume that he doesn't have that skill, and never will give such a speech.

True, Obama is running against Romney, not Clinton. I just hope people voting for the Democrat ticket in November realize that their candidate is Obama, not Clinton.

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From the DNC. This is worth watching just to see the chairman squirm.

At 2:35 into the video, who is the woman to whom the chairman looks for guidance and then approaches him and tells him "you've got to let them do what they're gonna do"?

Edited by Puccini
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A another former Republican who is a real American not a Republican stooge speaking on the day Bill Clinton spoke about How the GOP HATES anyone who wants to cooperate with the president

Look, if the president had the best interest of our country in mind, I could see being upset like you and perhaps Bubba. But the fact is, Obama is a class warfare-raging Marxist and well, it's actually patriotic to resist those. At least in my country. The ONLY reason Clinton is backing Mr. Amateur, Mr. Biggest Fairy Tale,...is because he owes it to the party. However it's in his best interest to have Romney win, suffer through 4 years because we are in such a mess, then let Hillary win it all in 2016. Obama sure can't fix anything so if he wins, by the time 2016 comes around no Democrat will stand a chance in hell.

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A another former Republican who is a real American not a Republican stooge speaking on the day Bill Clinton spoke about How the GOP HATES anyone who wants to cooperate with the president

Look, if the president had the best interest of our country in mind, I could see being upset like you and perhaps Bubba. But the fact is, Obama is a class warfare-raging Marxist and well, it's actually patriotic to resist those. At least in my country. The ONLY reason Clinton is backing Mr. Amateur, Mr. Biggest Fairy Tale,...is because he owes it to the party. However it's in his best interest to have Romney win, suffer through 4 years because we are in such a mess, then let Hillary win it all in 2016. Obama sure can't fix anything so if he wins, by the time 2016 comes around no Democrat will stand a chance in hell.

How do you expect to be taken seriously when you use the term class warfare-raging Marxist to describe President Obama? One doesn't knwo whether to laugh at you, or to recoil in shock at the ignorance of your statement. Mr. Obama is not a marxist. It is downright silly to even make the claim.

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From the DNC. This is worth watching just to see the chairman squirm.

That's an incredible clip. It's clear there was NOT a 2/3 majority in favor of passing the silly flawed meddling bible-thumping amendment.

As for Mr. Clinton's speech. I watched a replay. It was great, no surprises there. If he wanted to be president again, he could probably do it in a cake walk. Both he and his wife are class acts, and a credit to Americans. I just got my overseas voting ballot. I'm jazzed to be able to vote in the upcoming election. Obama's the Man. He's 'going for two,' as they say in basketball, and ...SWISH, he gets it!

You want to see a good speech, google Michelle Obama's speech at the convention. Wow, talk about a powerful focused woman! She would scare me as a g.f. (I like 'em dumb) but as the partner to the most powerful man in the world, she's excellent. Don't be surprised if, after Obama's 2nd term is over, she runs and wins the presidency.

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The touched the most importend political points

  • working together, not against each other and not for one (money oriented) group in the background
  • tax; let the rich pay their part for the nation

Can we please put this myth out of its misery? "let the rich pay their part"? <deleted>, the top 5% pay just under 60% of all income taxes. The bottom 47& don't pay anything. Even if Obama gets his tax hike on the rich like he wants, it will raise $45 billion - enough to run the gov't about 9 days. Whooptie-f;n-do.

The people in the bottom bracket pay SS tax which is borrowed to finance government, many of the rich pay no SS as their income comes from cap. gains, dividends, and interest. The american tax payer SS payers are the biggest holder of debt to the US government. Set the rate at 39 percent before Bush came into office and be done with it as with any progressive system the haves pay more.

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The touched the most importend political points

  • working together, not against each other and not for one (money oriented) group in the background
  • tax; let the rich pay their part for the nation

Can we please put this myth out of its misery? "let the rich pay their part"? <deleted>, the top 5% pay just under 60% of all income taxes. The bottom 47& don't pay anything. Even if Obama gets his tax hike on the rich like he wants, it will raise $45 billion - enough to run the gov't about 9 days. Whooptie-f;n-do.

The people in the bottom bracket pay SS tax which is borrowed to finance government, many of the rich pay no SS as their income comes from cap. gains, dividends, and interest. The american tax payer SS payers are the biggest holder of debt to the US government. Set the rate at 39 percent before Bush came into office and be done with it as with any progressive system the haves pay more.

I don't quite understand what you are saying about the rich. Specifically as it relates to "many of the rich pay no SS".

If a wealthy individual is working for a corporation, he must pay SS on both earned and unearned income at the employee rate of 5.65% in 2012 which includes half of the medicare SS tax of 3.9%. The tax goes up to 7.65% on January 2013 unless the 2% break is extended.

If a wealthy individual is not employed he is considered self employed if he has income from any source.

Being self employed means he must pay the entire 13.3% since he has no employer to split the costs, therefore paying double the employed rate.





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This is the same guy that was ruthlessly attacking Obama a few years ago. It seems that Charlie Crist is a little bitter that Marco Rubio wiped the floor with him - twice. giggle.gif

In all fairness, during the primaries, battling for the nomination, politicians ALWAYS go after each other and more often than not either end up endorsing the winner or working for them. Of course, that does not mean they truly like each other, but they are pragmatic enough, and loyal to the party enough to support the guy from their team over the other guys. As they should.

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A another former Republican who is a real American not a Republican stooge speaking on the day Bill Clinton spoke about How the GOP HATES anyone who wants to cooperate with the president

Look, if the president had the best interest of our country in mind, I could see being upset like you and perhaps Bubba. But the fact is, Obama is a class warfare-raging Marxist and well, it's actually patriotic to resist those. At least in my country. The ONLY reason Clinton is backing Mr. Amateur, Mr. Biggest Fairy Tale,...is because he owes it to the party. However it's in his best interest to have Romney win, suffer through 4 years because we are in such a mess, then let Hillary win it all in 2016. Obama sure can't fix anything so if he wins, by the time 2016 comes around no Democrat will stand a chance in hell.

How do you expect to be taken seriously when you use the term class warfare-raging Marxist to describe President Obama? One doesn't knwo whether to laugh at you, or to recoil in shock at the ignorance of your statement. Mr. Obama is not a marxist. It is downright silly to even make the claim.

I'm not posting here to be approved by people who support someone who is trying to destroy the very fabric of my country. Now, do I believe Obama a Marxist through and through? No, but he is the closest we have ever come and a victory in November will just encourage him more.

My main gripe with him is that the backbone of Obama's campaign is to pit the poor and working class against the "rich" and successful. The Proletariat against the Bourgeoisie! Workers of the World Unite! Both classic Karl Marxisms. Forward! Is also a classic Marxist slogan (вперед!). I've spent about 15 years living in the former Soviet Union (I'm there now). I have seen first hand what those policies lead to and I do not like it.

Stalin also attacked the rich and successful. In early Soviet Union he was against "rich" farmers who resisted collectivization. Kulaks as they were called. Pointed to them as the source of the problems. "Rich" farmers were those who had the ability to hire others to work for them. Sound familiar? Stalin ended up killing/starving 7-10 million Russian and Ukrainian farmers before collectivizing the survivors.

Hey, if you don't want to go along with the party, you'll just be killed. Obama's mentor Bill Ayers of The Weather Underground said the same thing back in the day about Americans who wouldn't or couldn't be re-educated after their revolution. According to Obama's own memoir (I forget which volume) he hung out with the Marxists while at Columbia. When he became President, some of his first advisers where Marxists. Remember that crazy lady who told a group of school children one of the people she admires most was Mao? No, Obama may not be a complete Marxist but he sure spends a lot of time with them.

I didn't grow up in a country where we said, "I am not successful because that other person has too much!" or "I would be successful if only the government would send me more money". I was raised to believe that through a combination of hard work and study AND some luck, anyone can be successful to some degree. Yes, a small percentage have disabilities - mental and physical - and we should help them. Some are too old or sick to take care of themselves and we should help them. Turning the country into a Workers' Paradise that will bankrupt the country and just to lock in votes for your party for years to come is not the way to do it.

At least Bill Clinton believed(s) in America and that's part of why he still has the magic today. Obama has been a smoke screen, a "fairy tale" and that's why he ain't no Bill Clinton and will be forgotten. One hundred years from now he'll be a trivia question, nothing more.

Edited by koheesti
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From the DNC. This is worth watching just to see the chairman squirm.

Oh my that was painful to watch.

This makes it much easier...Jon Stewart takes on Clinton's speech and the roll call fiasco.

From the September 6, 2012 airing of Comedy Central's Daily Show with host Jon Stewart.

Stewart also talks about the God and Jerusalem controversy at yesterday's convention.


As Stewart says, "...on the bright side, we've finally uncovered an example of the Democratic voter fraud the Republicans are always talking about" after showing the teleprompter had "preordained" the outcome of the roll call vote passing by 2/3 vote. And we are supposed to trust these same people when they say asking for a photo ID to vote is not necessary. Seriously?


Just a comment about voter id mentioned in above quote.

There is a belief in the Republican Party that they have lost elections due to voter ID fraud. That is to say people are voting multiple times for their preferred candidate. So this election cycle the Republicans are pushing for a photo ID as a requirement to vote in order to combat this fraud AND as stated directly (and I am so sorry that I do not have the clip) by a Republican, in order to win the election. The voter ID issue effects mostly poor, elderly, minorities and is thought to potentially wipe out 750k voters off the rolls. Typically these are Democratic voters.

The real laugher to all this, and which shows how far a party will go in order to disenfranchise legitimate voters, is that the incidents of voter fraud have totaled up to about 10 (I am going from memory) for the past 12 years. I read a bipartisan report which laid out voter fraud in all its types. The report concluded that there is not a voter ID fraud problem.


The vote in the video was a sham pure and simple. Obviously they did not have the pulse of the delegates when they typed up the affirmative response. Idiots.

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