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Bill Clinton Nominates Obama For Re-Election At Dnc


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If Mitt does get elected and as he runs up the deficit another 5 trillion with tax cuts to the wealth, what will our defenders of the republican faith be saying, it is Obamas fault. Republicans do not have a very good record on balancing the budget, mostly talk about it but not much action as we saw under George Bush the second.

A question to ChuckD and Ulysses, and answer without Google Who was the last Republican President to Balance the budget.

Presidents don't balance the budget. Congress approves appropriations and the President signs them.

Many leading Democrats in Washington these days like to point to the fact that the federal budget was balanced for part of the time that President Bill Clinton was in office. What they do not mention is that those balanced budgets occurred only when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress.

In fact, according to the historical data published by the Office of Management and Budget in the Obama White House, no Congress in which the Democrats controlled both the House and Senate has balanced the federal budget since fiscal 1969--more than 40 years ago.

But you need a President to go along with it there is such a thing as a veto. I still ask when was the last time a Republican president balanced a budget

Presidents don't balance budgets. But Eisenhower was the last Republican president signed the last one. Congress controls the purse strings. They appropriate the funds. Yes, the President can veto, but Congress can over-ride the veto.

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So, tax cuts for the "rich" - people who own businesses, start businesses, invest in businesses and create things will not help the economy...but giving more free taxpayer money to poor people will. Nah, I'd rather the rich guy, he's more likely to hire me than the poor guy walking around in new $150 Reeboks.

So if all of these rich people getting tax cuts are going to create jobs then where are the job at this moment corportations and the rich are setting on trillions of dollars and they are not createing jobs. By the way you are the one who brought up giving money away. I am all for balanceing the budget. Mitts and Ryans proposed busgets with tax cuts donot balance the budgets until 2030, after they are long gone and the country is still in debt.

The current anti-business administration keeps people from investing in business, hiring, expanding. Look at the unemployment rates over the past few years. http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000

The biggest,most sudden drop in the unemployment rate came a month after the Republicans won control of Congress in Nov 2010. In Nov 2010 the rate was 9.8%. By February, the rate had dropped to 9.1%. If Romney wins in November, count on the unemployment rate to be well below 8.0 by February - and not because people are dropping out like they are now.

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You've got it backwards. Most states already have an ID requirement. The democrats are trying to get rid of it for extra votes. In the US, you can not go to the library, rent a room, vote in a union election, cash a check, fly or get in the DNC without one.

It only makes common sense to show an ID to confirm that you have the right to vote.

Yes many states have ID requirements what the demos are pushing back aganist is strick photo ID requirements which at present only 5 states require. More republican twisting the truth just a bit there U. heheh and by the way I have no problrm with id checks

Poor people who want to vote for Obama still need IDs to buy cigarettes, booze, collect benefits, etc. They need transportation? Obama bussed in thousands for his convention, you'd think they could arrange some transport on election day. The Dems have been fighting IDs for years. They have no problem registering people to vote, why can't they help them get photo ID? Judging by that teleprompter photo above, it is obvious they can't be trusted when it comes to voting.

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It appears (as I have predicted elsewhere) that the Clinton speech did Obama a LOT of good. Because Obama's very ho hum speech certainly didn't do much. Turns out Obama is getting quite a healthy BOUNCE after the convention. Dramatic when you consider Romney got almost nothing out of his convention.

Obama’s lead over Romney among registered voters grew to 49%-45% in Gallup’s tracking poll. The 49% for Obama was his highest point in the survey since late April. It represented an increase of 1 point since Friday and a 5-point swing from Romney’s 47%-46% lead in the Gallup survey just before the Republican convention began.


Also Obama's job approval is now 52 percent. Incumbents with approval numbers over 50 percent ... WIN.

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It appears DNC strategists correctly realized the most credible person to deliver a point-by-point rebuttal to The Repubs arguments was Clinton. Obama seems to have correctly taken a back seat and set ego aside to try to win. We'll see if the bounce lasts. The biggest problem for the republicans is not Obama. It is Romney. Nobody wants a Mormon robot in the white house, conservatives and liberals alike. A shame they couldn't come up with a better candidate.

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You've got it backwards. Most states already have an ID requirement. The democrats are trying to get rid of it for extra votes. In the US, you can not go to the library, rent a room, vote in a union election, cash a check, fly or get in the DNC without one.

It only makes common sense to show an ID to confirm that you have the right to vote.

Yes many states have ID requirements what the demos are pushing back aganist is strick photo ID requirements which at present only 5 states require. More republican twisting the truth just a bit there U. heheh and by the way I have no problrm with id checks

Poor people who want to vote for Obama still need IDs to buy cigarettes, booze, collect benefits, etc. They need transportation? Obama bussed in thousands for his convention, you'd think they could arrange some transport on election day. The Dems have been fighting IDs for years. They have no problem registering people to vote, why can't they help them get photo ID? Judging by that teleprompter photo above, it is obvious they can't be trusted when it comes to voting.

Of course and thirty-one states require all voters to show ID before voting at the polls. In 15 of these, the ID must include a photo of the voter; in the remaining 16, non-photo forms of ID are acceptable. Many of the states that require photo ID provide it for free. There is no conspiracy here. It is absurd to not require an ID to vote in this day and age when it is almost impossible to get along without one.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It appears (as I have predicted elsewhere) that the Clinton speech did Obama a LOT of good. Because Obama's very ho hum speech certainly didn't do much. Turns out Obama is getting quite a healthy BOUNCE after the convention. Dramatic when you consider Romney got almost nothing out of his convention.

As you well know, Gallup is just one poll. Others showed a 5 point BOUNCE for Romney after his convention. beatdeadhorse.gif

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It appears (as I have predicted elsewhere) that the Clinton speech did Obama a LOT of good. Because Obama's very ho hum speech certainly didn't do much. Turns out Obama is getting quite a healthy BOUNCE after the convention. Dramatic when you consider Romney got almost nothing out of his convention.

As you well know, Gallup is just one poll. Others showed a 5 point BOUNCE for Romney after his convention. beatdeadhorse.gif

In the Reuters/Ipsos poll Obama led Romney among likely voters by 47%-44%, up a point from Friday’s three-point lead.

So far, the polls indicate that Obama gained considerably more from his convention than did Romney, who got only a small bounce, from his. How much further Obama’s lead will grow and whether it proves lasting will be key questions over the next week.

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"As the word implies, a “bounce” can be fickle. Candidates almost always benefit from a week of concentrated coverage of their message, but in some years, the advantage fades quickly."

As usual, both men got a small bounce after their convention, but now Obama has to face up to the latest jobs report, which pretty much everyone reported as pathetic.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If Mitt does get elected and as he runs up the deficit another 5 trillion with tax cuts to the wealth, what will our defenders of the republican faith be saying, it is Obamas fault. Republicans do not have a very good record on balancing the budget, mostly talk about it but not much action as we saw under George Bush the second.

A question to ChuckD and Ulysses, and answer without Google Who was the last Republican President to Balance the budget.

Exactly, Trickle down By giving tax cuts to wealthy the Repubs Believe (or trying to con the public to believe) the economy will revive. It never worked under Bush , Tax rates in the US are the lowest since the 1950;s and The Repubs answer to everything , Infact thats their only economic policy 'CUT TAXES to the wealthy, Maybe Romney wants it so he can bring back more of his offshore funds

So, tax cuts for the "rich" - people who own businesses, start businesses, invest in businesses and create things will not help the economy...but giving more free taxpayer money to poor people will. Nah, I'd rather the rich guy, he's more likely to hire me than the poor guy walking around in new $150 Reeboks.

Yeah Some guy "created a thing". started it with government help/ money bought smaller companies (remember had "tax payers money) and then outsourced the production overseas. Thats the real Romney , Action speaks louder than words .

The shock of losing a precious job in a town afflicted by high unemployment is always hard. A foundation for a stable family life and secure home instantly disappears, replaced with a future filled with fears over health insurance, missed mortgage payments and the potential for a slip below the breadline.

But for Bonnie Borman – and 170 other men and women in Freeport,Illinois– there is a brutal twist to the torture. Borman, 52, and the other workers of a soon-to-be-shuttered car parts plant are personally training the Chinese workers who will replace them.

It's a surreal experience, they say. For months they have watched their plant being dismantled and shipped to China, piece by piece, as they show teams of Chinese workers how to do the jobs they have dedicated their lives to.

"It's not easy to get up in the morning, training them to do your job so that you can be made unemployed," said Borman, pictured, a mother of three who has worked for 23 years at the Sensata auto sensors plant.


Borman knows her eventual fate in the stricken economy that surrounds Freeport. "I am going to be competing for minimum wage jobs with my own daughter," she said.

Such scenes have been common in America as manufacturing has fled abroad in search of cheaper wages.

But, in the midst of the 2012 presidential election, Freeport is different. For Sensata is majority-owned by Bain Capital, the private equity firm once led by Mitt Romney, that has become a hugely controversial symbol of how the modern globalised American economy works. Indeed, Romney still owns millions of dollars of shares in the Bain funds that own Sensata.

So as Sensata strips out costs by sacking American workers in favour of Chinese ones, the value of Romney's own investments could rise, putting money into the pockets of a Republican challenger who has placed job creation in America at the heart of his bid for the White House.

Edited by sbk
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You don't think that democrats outsource jobs? cheesy.gif

If Romney really wanted a juicy example of outsourcing, he would have to look no further than the president's jobs council.

Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, 26 business leaders assembled by the president for job-spurring ideas, includes representatives of several companies that have used outsourcing, fueling job creation abroad and job losses in the U.S. Shipping work to low-cost overseas labor markets has been a trend in American manufacturing for decades. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/12/obama-jobs-council-outsourcing_n_1666443.html

The Obama administration allowed millions of dollars in federal stimulus funds to go to foreign companies, despite recent claims by President Barack Obama that he opposes the process, which he calls “shipping jobs overseas.”


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I don't know much about American Politics but as the President isn't he automatically the Republican Candidate? Can anyone run for President or do you have to be picked, what about immigrants can they be president. Our Prime Minister Juliar Gillard was born in Wales to British Parents and imigrated to Australia. Personally I wish she would go home to Wales and let an Aussie run the country.

Edited by softgeorge
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"As the word implies, a “bounce” can be fickle. Candidates almost always benefit from a week of concentrated coverage of their message, but in some years, the advantage fades quickly."

As usual, both men got a small bounce after their convention, but now Obama has to face up to the latest jobs report, which pretty much everyone reported as pathetic.

Could you please show me some reporting that uses the word "pathetic"?

Obviously this excludes rabid right wing opinion pieces.

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"As the word implies, a “bounce” can be fickle. Candidates almost always benefit from a week of concentrated coverage of their message, but in some years, the advantage fades quickly."

As usual, both men got a small bounce after their convention, but now Obama has to face up to the latest jobs report, which pretty much everyone reported as pathetic.

Could you please show me some reporting that uses the word "pathetic"?

Obviously this excludes rabid right wing opinion pieces.

This is good news. I didn't realize we could restrict responses to our posts in this manner.

Henceforth I will not accept any answers to my posts from rabid left wing opinion sources.

There...that should rule out 90% of the MSM. thumbsup.gif

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I don't know much about American Politics but as the President isn't he automatically the Republican Candidate? Can anyone run for President or do you have to be picked, what about immigrants can they be president. Our Prime Minister Juliar Gillard was born in Wales to British Parents and imigrated to Australia. Personally I wish she would go home to Wales and let an Aussie run the country.

The president can be from either party and he remains with that party. You must be a native born US citizen to become President. Immigrants need not apply.

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"As the word implies, a “bounce” can be fickle. Candidates almost always benefit from a week of concentrated coverage of their message, but in some years, the advantage fades quickly."

As usual, both men got a small bounce after their convention, but now Obama has to face up to the latest jobs report, which pretty much everyone reported as pathetic.

Could you please show me some reporting that uses the word "pathetic"?

Obviously this excludes rabid right wing opinion pieces.

This is good news. I didn't realize we could restrict responses to our posts in this manner.

Henceforth I will not accept any answers to my posts from rabid left wing opinion sources.

There...that should rule out 90% of the MSM. thumbsup.gif

I'm sorry you can't tell the difference between "Reporting" and "Opinion", but they are very different things. i.e. He made a specific comment and I requested a comparable answer.

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I don't know much about American Politics but as the President isn't he automatically the Republican Candidate? Can anyone run for President or do you have to be picked, what about immigrants can they be president. Our Prime Minister Juliar Gillard was born in Wales to British Parents and imigrated to Australia. Personally I wish she would go home to Wales and let an Aussie run the country.

President Obama is a democrat, not a republican. So he is not automatically the republican candidate. He isn't automatically the democratic candidate either. As president, he is subject to potential challengers if they choose to try. This time there was no real challenge, but there could have been. Many people thought Hillary Clinton should have challenged him, but that would have severely divided and weakened the party at this time.
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If Mitt does get elected and as he runs up the deficit another 5 trillion with tax cuts to the wealth, what will our defenders of the republican faith be saying, it is Obamas fault. Republicans do not have a very good record on balancing the budget, mostly talk about it but not much action as we saw under George Bush the second.

A question to ChuckD and Ulysses, and answer without Google Who was the last Republican President to Balance the budget.

Exactly, Trickle down By giving tax cuts to wealthy the Repubs Believe (or trying to con the public to believe) the economy will revive. It never worked under Bush , Tax rates in the US are the lowest since the 1950;s and The Repubs answer to everything , Infact thats their only economic policy 'CUT TAXES to the wealthy, Maybe Romney wants it so he can bring back more of his offshore funds

So, tax cuts for the "rich" - people who own businesses, start businesses, invest in businesses and create things will not help the economy...but giving more free taxpayer money to poor people will. Nah, I'd rather the rich guy, he's more likely to hire me than the poor guy walking around in new $150 Reeboks.

Yeah Some guy "created a thing". started it with government help/ money bought smaller companies (remember had "tax payers money) and then outsourced the production overseas. Thats the real Romney , Action speaks louder than words .

The shock of losing a precious job in a town afflicted by high unemployment is always hard. A foundation for a stable family life and secure home instantly disappears, replaced with a future filled with fears over health insurance, missed mortgage payments and the potential for a slip below the breadline.

But for Bonnie Borman – and 170 other men and women in Freeport,Illinois– there is a brutal twist to the torture. Borman, 52, and the other workers of a soon-to-be-shuttered car parts plant are personally training the Chinese workers who will replace them.

It's a surreal experience, they say. For months they have watched their plant being dismantled and shipped to China, piece by piece, as they show teams of Chinese workers how to do the jobs they have dedicated their lives to.

"It's not easy to get up in the morning, training them to do your job so that you can be made unemployed," said Borman, pictured, a mother of three who has worked for 23 years at the Sensata auto sensors plant.


Borman knows her eventual fate in the stricken economy that surrounds Freeport. "I am going to be competing for minimum wage jobs with my own daughter," she said.

Such scenes have been common in America as manufacturing has fled abroad in search of cheaper wages.

But, in the midst of the 2012 presidential election, Freeport is different. For Sensata is majority-owned by Bain Capital, the private equity firm once led by Mitt Romney, that has become a hugely controversial symbol of how the modern globalised American economy works. Indeed, Romney still owns millions of dollars of shares in the Bain funds that own Sensata.

So as Sensata strips out costs by sacking American workers in favour of Chinese ones, the value of Romney's own investments could rise, putting money into the pockets of a Republican challenger who has placed job creation in America at the heart of his bid for the White House.

That video with "former Bain employees"? The Dems LIED. At least one of them was never a Bain employee, but a union rep.

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You've got it backwards. Most states already have an ID requirement. The democrats are trying to get rid of it for extra votes. In the US, you can not go to the library, rent a room, vote in a union election, cash a check, fly or get in the DNC without one.

It only makes common sense to show an ID to confirm that you have the right to vote.

Yes many states have ID requirements what the demos are pushing back aganist is strick photo ID requirements which at present only 5 states require. More republican twisting the truth just a bit there U. heheh and by the way I have no problrm with id checks

Poor people who want to vote for Obama still need IDs to buy cigarettes, booze, collect benefits, etc. They need transportation? Obama bussed in thousands for his convention, you'd think they could arrange some transport on election day. The Dems have been fighting IDs for years. They have no problem registering people to vote, why can't they help them get photo ID? Judging by that teleprompter photo above, it is obvious they can't be trusted when it comes to voting.

Of course and thirty-one states require all voters to show ID before voting at the polls. In 15 of these, the ID must include a photo of the voter; in the remaining 16, non-photo forms of ID are acceptable. Many of the states that require photo ID provide it for free. There is no conspiracy here. It is absurd to not require an ID to vote in this day and age when it is almost impossible to get along without one.

I'm sure it is also only a coincidence that the states that do not have voter ID laws, Obama won in 2008.

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It appears (as I have predicted elsewhere) that the Clinton speech did Obama a LOT of good. Because Obama's very ho hum speech certainly didn't do much. Turns out Obama is getting quite a healthy BOUNCE after the convention. Dramatic when you consider Romney got almost nothing out of his convention.

As you well know, Gallup is just one poll. Others showed a 5 point BOUNCE for Romney after his convention. beatdeadhorse.gif

He is not beating a dead horse, he is simply not telling the truth. He knows that the Gallup poll he loves to use to show Romney got no bounce was a 7-day poll that started two days BEFORE the convention even started. He must just be in a state of denial because trying to deceive the good posters here on the forum won't buy Obama any votes.

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"As the word implies, a “bounce” can be fickle. Candidates almost always benefit from a week of concentrated coverage of their message, but in some years, the advantage fades quickly."

As usual, both men got a small bounce after their convention, but now Obama has to face up to the latest jobs report, which pretty much everyone reported as pathetic.

Honestly, I don't know how Obama got even a little bounce. Except for Clinton, the convention was a disaster. But even Clinton highlighted how pathetic and flawed Obama is. The embarrassing roll call vote (which didn't get much if any play in the MSM) or having to move from 110,000 to 74,000 to 20,000 capacity venues because of a lack of interest, very poor job reports - Obama should have lost a few points in the polls. Of course, it could just be that polls aren't what they used to be...



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Honestly, I don't know how Obama got even a little bounce. Except for Clinton, the convention was a disaster

Yeah, but the commentator who said that Clinton was like a really good lawyer trying to defend a guilty client was spot on. It's the wretched economy that counts!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Honestly, I don't know how Obama got even a little bounce. Except for Clinton, the convention was a disaster

Yeah, but the commentator who said that Clinton was like a really good lawyer trying to defend a guilty client was spot on. It's the wretched economy that counts!

You know, I can't say for sure that the policies of Romney/Ryan can fix the economy, but it is already a well-established, undeniable fact that Obama's policies have failed. All the nostalgic speeches from Bill Clinton won't change that.

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Do you honestly believe that if you say the same thing over and over and over and over again, somehow other posters will believe you?

Hahaha Old general grant and Koheesti keep trying but yeah you're right.. no one either than their cabel believe them

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