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Drunken-Driving Charge To Be Added In Ferrari Crash: Red Bull Heir


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I am as much cynical as the rest of the us….i doubt the Red Bull heir will do any prison time.

I just hope the case would be such a thorn in the family’s side that it would be deterrent for rich elite Thai families to think they can easily bend the law.

The other thing is that they should pursue a much harsher punishment for Pol Lt-Colonel Pannaphon Nammueng (the cop who made the false arrest). If he was to be made an example of and did prison time, at least other cops will think twice before accepting bribes/doing favours….the one thing this country needs is to stamp out corruption.

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This tragedy and probable travesty of justice has all the ingredients for a major Thai movie or soap script (add screaming, hair-pulling bitches and hospital bedside scenes).

There's enormous wealth, palatial mansion environments, major brand sports car high speed accident, drunk driver (young boss of the sole franchise jointly-owned by two megawealthy Thai families both involved in huge alcohol-producing companies with an internationally-known energy drink as well) who leaves the scene, resulting in corruption at all levels. There's probably more.

This could win awards. Financing no problem: a few script changes to divert the blame where necessary, paid for willingly by some of the real-life participants.

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I suggest everyone send Lt. Gen. Comronwit Toopgrajank and Chalerm a redbull in support of equal treatment under the law. Say what you will about the BiB but it cannot be denied that their job is tough, and they HAVE to deal with Thai's more then any of us. Imagine the stress they must feel and our gripes probably pale by comparison. Does anyone have mailing addresses for the Lt. Gen and MP? What a sight that would be a bunch of foreigners dropping off red bull at the police headquarters like it was a temple Buddha. Best 10 baht spent EVER!

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The original news story in The Nation with a map stated that the impact occurred at Soi 47, the motorcycle was jettisoned from the Ferrari at Soi 49 and the body of the police officer was found at Soi 53. Facts are facts.

[ snipped following text ]

On whether an offence of manslaughter or murder should be officially lodged against Worrayuth, Chumphol said there is not yet concrete evidence to indicate that Wichean was dragged under the Ferrari for a long distance.

"Intial autopsy results show that the conditions of the wounds and the uniform the victim wore do not suggest so," the chief added.

Is it remotely possible that the initial news report was incorrect? Yesterday a news release indicated that the policeman's body was determined to be about 64 meters from the point of impact.

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The driving-while-intoxicated charge will subject Worrayuth to a heavier sentence. He has already been charged with causing death through carelessness, which carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence and fine of Bt20,000. He now faces a minimum jail term of three years to 10 years and/or a maximum fine of Bt200,000, along with suspension of his driver’s license for a lengthy period.

=> This guy had driving license ?? Really surprised !!! ermm.gif

=> EVERY day there are HUNDREDS/THOUSANDS of drunken Thai drivers on the roads, police included..... they have to give them the same charge ! the roads would be much more safe !!!!

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We can wish for the right outcome for the result of improving Thailand's reputation, but I think if we are realistic we all know what the outcome will be....lots of dosh paid to the afflicted family, a large fine and a three year suspended sentence, five year driving ban, and that will be the end of it.

The Copper who tried to set up the Patsy will be sent to some area of the Boonies where he will be forgotten (I hope it's not my area ) and normal life for the rich will continue without further ado.

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The real charges should be premeditated murder

The Fezza driver left home that morning with the intent to kill that police officer ?

its called depraved indifference. The "bullet follows the gun"....really simple law.

No matter how fancy you want to label it, plain and simple it is not murder. it is vehicular manslaughter.

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One BiB gets killed and everyone is screaming !! Why are we not giving this kind of attention when the BiB Kill people, Extort money from people, Lie & Give False Evidents !!!! Should this kid go to jail Yes !! If you have lived here long enough you will know this will not happen !! Look at the girl who killed 9 students with her car !! anything happen to her of course not !! Even the BiB have their hands out waiting to get paid on this one ! Until the people of Thailand wake up and start demanding Justice for everyone not just the rich and hold the Police and the Government Responsible for their actions this country will remain a Joke in the Worlds Eyes ! And the Rich just keep getting Richer and the rest get craped on.

Have a Nice Day

shhhh...you will wake up those here pretending there is no double standard in Thailand

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Money (not an insignificant amount) will be paid under the table to the family of the deceased, and the culprit will be free to walk following a fine. Watch this space...

You forgot the sizeable amount of coin to the BiB to cover the loss of "earnings" that the policeman will no longer be adding to the annual tea party coffers.

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The real charges should be premeditated murder

The Fezza driver left home that morning with the intent to kill that police officer ?

its called depraved indifference. The "bullet follows the gun"....really simple law.

No matter how fancy you want to label it, plain and simple it is not murder. it is vehicular manslaughter.

The reason for the murder charge is because he knew the police officer was stuck to the front of the car and he still did not stop for 64 metres, not the initial impact.

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Just curious. For the locals on the forum, how well lighted is that section of road at 5:30 am?

Get lost ! is this an excuse for that guy's behavior ??? Sooooo many places in TH are bad lighted, but they just don't care... kamikazes all around !

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The ultimate legal test case..........

The powerful rich elite v The Police

If this had been just another regular Thai mown down then the case would have been brushed under the carpet.........but it's one of the BiB that's paid the price.

Thailand needs to know that the World will be watching this case.......this case will take on a life of it's own over the course of the next few months, Red Bull / Ferrari / Playboy / Police death.

This case is a big test for Thailand.........let's hope they are up to it.

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No matter how fancy you want to label it, plain and simple it is not murder. it is vehicular manslaughter.

The reason for the murder charge is because he knew the police officer was stuck to the front of the car and he still did not stop for 64 metres, not the initial impact.

It is alleged he was doing 200km/h, I think taking 64 metres to stop is not unreasonable.

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The addition of the drunk driving charge does nothing to affect the probability of this guy doing jail time. It just increases the amount he will need to pay to get out of it. All part of the negotiation for "justice", Thai style.

Totally agree - money talks!!!

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I do wonder if this guy is maybe a yellow sympathizer instead of a red shirt backer. I wonder if it would have made a difference. Just wondering if there is an alternative reason for handling this case good (so far)

I want the book thrown at this guy, he was clearly in the wrong. This is however looking as if they are really going to do it. I wonder if it is true. I hope so that would show the rich they can't buy everything.

Please dont bring the Red Vs Yellow thing into this, as the usual suspects will start bleating and eventually all discussions with revolve around you know who in Dubai..biggrin.png

You are right, just wondered about it because i normally don't see the police pursue a rich hi so with this much vigor. It is a real good thing though it remains to be seen if they will go all the way.

It won't!!!! This is Thailand and will remain Thailand. Backhanders, bribes, payoffs call it what you like

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There's one thing working against the Red Bull kid... BAD PUBLICITY!

"Red Bull Gives You Wings - to fly out of prison after you run down a innocent cop doing his job"

Millions in sales at stake here for the empire, which is bigger than this one kid, so they might decide to chuck him under the bus. Lets hope!

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I am as much cynical as the rest of the us….i doubt the Red Bull heir will do any prison time.

I just hope the case would be such a thorn in the family’s side that it would be deterrent for rich elite Thai families to think they can easily bend the law.

The other thing is that they should pursue a much harsher punishment for Pol Lt-Colonel Pannaphon Nammueng (the cop who made the false arrest). If he was to be made an example of and did prison time, at least other cops will think twice before accepting bribes/doing favours….the one thing this country needs is to stamp out corruption.

Couldn't agree more but hey pigs will never fly.

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The real charges should be premeditated murder and "reckless" endangerment, since the driver "consciously" thought about immediately driving off with the motorcycle and human being attached to the front and/or windshield of the car. Notwithstanding the whole scheme of obstruction of justice, if such a thing exists in Thailand.

Another great post that show the level of intelligence of the TV forum poster. Why don't you look up what premeditated and "consciously" mean. I face palmed this stupid post and I can't believe people clicked like on it. Cause I seriously doubt your intelligence I will help you out.

"Premeditated" - Think out or plan (an action, esp. a crime) BEFOREHAND NOT during a crime

"Consciously" - Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts.


Edited by MikeThaison
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BTW it's Krating Daeng. Red Bull GmbH is an Austrian company, cofounded by Chaleo Yoovidhya. Red Bull is based on Krating Daeng, which is what you can find here in Thailand (and itself was developed from Lipovitan). In this case just trivia, same people, different drink.

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No matter how fancy you want to label it, plain and simple it is not murder. it is vehicular manslaughter.
The reason for the murder charge is because he knew the police officer was stuck to the front of the car and he still did not stop for 64 metres, not the initial impact.
It is alleged he was doing 200km/h, I think taking 64 metres to stop is not unreasonable.

The 64 meters, from my reading of yesterday's news release, is the distance the policeman's body was from the point of impact. The motorcycle was found further down-road. The Ferrari probably did not even stop until it was in the driveway. At 200km/h (estimated, disputed) it would be moving at 55.55 meters per second (easy velocity/distance math). I doubt it could have been stopped within 64 meters even if the driver had been sober enough to find the brake pedal and he could have dealt with having an airbag deployed in his face upon impact.

Edited by MaxYakov
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No matter how fancy you want to label it, plain and simple it is not murder. it is vehicular manslaughter.

The reason for the murder charge is because he knew the police officer was stuck to the front of the car and he still did not stop for 64 metres, not the initial impact.

It is alleged he was doing 200km/h, I think taking 64 metres to stop is not unreasonable.

It has also been confirmed that he could not have accelerated to 200kmh on the short stretch of Sukhumvit road. The car would have been able to stop well within 64 metres and there are no skid marks at the scene which would indicate him slowing down at all.

So, we now know that he hit the policeman and dragged him for 64 metres with no evidence of stopping after driving down a stretch of road it would have been impossible to accelerate to 200kmh so he would have had more than enough time to stop (not that there was any evidence of him doing so). Is that labelled fancy enough for you? tongue.png

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