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British Man Missing In Thailand


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maybe he doesn't want to be found?

new life etc.

I hope he is OK.

His frind who went to visit him, wonder where they were meeting as he wasn't concerned when he was playing golf and partying in Pattaya but now he is?

MMMM........if people were that concerned rather than going to Pattaya it's not that hard to go to where he lives is it? To be honest, if it were my good mate and I was that concerned and I knew his last address I know what I would do..... exactly, you to hey!

Good luck Mick/Mickey, hope all is well mate.

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Unfortunately I believe the following could be the key to this case.

Last year, Mr Spall returned to the Island to transfer his assets to Thailand and told friends he had no plans to come back.

With emphasis on transfered his assets to Thailand.

I confess that I usually get quite irritated, and occasionally even angry, at the amount of glib, wild, and unfounded, instant speculation; based on minimal facts, which seems to pervade this forum. Sadly, and unfortunately, I believe Pimay1 may well have stated the truth this time - but let us hope not, and that Mr Spall is found alive and well.

One other small peeve. It was stated that Mr Spall worked in maintenance for the Prison service. For a poster to suggest "I hope his past associations with criminals has not caught up with him" is........... Awg forget it, I'm starting to get stressed..

If your stressed after only 30 post here you will be having a heart attack shortly.
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Well, I am pretty convinced that given the appropriate info, the network on TV is so extensive that this guy would be found very quickly if he is still around. The newspaper and/or the friend, need to send the forum the guys number and last known address and if they did so then his whereabouts would be found within 5 days I reckon!

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As other posters have observed, the key here is "he transferred all of his assets to Thailand." Also others have noted that he would be or should be on immigration reporting databases as well as banking if his friends are eligible to obtain that information. If the UK bureau of prisons is still paying him a monthly pension, then he should be cashing those checks or showing up to confirm those electronic deposits.

In Thailand whenever "all assets are transferred to Thailand" and then the foreigner went missing, it always conjures up the image of something sinister and scheming to "get those assets" by you know who. I, like others, am guilty of prejudging and that is wrong. However, living here long enough has convinced me that Thais have worked very hard at having the outside world form these judgements.

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Oh dear not another Brit meeting a nefarious end in Thailand.

There is no mention of that. It appears that the guy has recently retired and moved to Thailand. Has anyone considered that after establishing his base here he may very well be touring the nieghbouring countries before he settles down. It is not uncomon for people to set up a base before doing this. If love ones report him missing the 1st port of call will be immigration as he will be required to report every 90 days and they will know if he is in the country.

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Oh dear not another Brit meeting a nefarious end in Thailand.

There is no mention of that. It appears that the guy has recently retired and moved to Thailand. Has anyone considered that after establishing his base here he may very well be touring the nieghbouring countries before he settles down. It is not uncomon for people to set up a base before doing this. If love ones report him missing the 1st port of call will be immigration as he will be required to report every 90 days and they will know if he is in the country.

This could well be correct.

Lots of people also decide to drop out of their former lives for a while. Dropping contact with former friends and loved ones as a clean break. Whether it be for 6 months, 6 years or the rest of their lives.

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Please if you are going to quote me at least read what I wrote.....

There was no mention of an expat deciding to transfer his funds to Thailand being classed as sad my words were.

Sadly how many times have we seen this before?

After a few years living in Thailand the news of an older guy falling for a Thai girl, getting all his assets transferred and then going missing is far from rare.

Perhaps they don't want to found. Not sure what your definituon of missing is, but in this case it seems that no-one has actually called around his house to see if he is there on not. He could be sitting by the pool having a beer. If his family said he went out and never cam back then it would be odd. But there is nothign odd about this case or many other. The people just went to be left alone. If these friends care so much, then call around his house.

and what, let someone else take you stool at the bar? Isn't that why texting was invented, so you don't have to get off your ars# and actually meet someone face to face.

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Did anyone call the British embassy?

The Brit Embassy will take no interest until this becomes an issue in the UK.

Call them and tell them he ismissing in a certain area. They have volunteers around the country who can at least ask aroubd the local police and expatcommunity.

From personal experience, the embassy in cases like this do help. Ex wife "died" midway between the decree nisi and absolute. I contacted the embassy by e-mail, and explained my problem. They asked the police to go around, and found her sat on her doorstep. I knew within 3 days of the original e-mail.

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Did no one read until the end of the article?

Mr King, who believes Mr Spall’s sister could still be living on the Island, has contacted the Lucie Blackman Trust, which helps find missing people abroad.

Matt Searle, from the trust, said: "We are unable to disclose details but we do need to speak to a family member urgently. If anyone has any information about the family, call 01983 718802 or e-mail

Seems that it is already known as what may have occurred. I only hope that it isn't as bad as what one might imagine.

Nobody *really* wants to know the truth - their own theories are much more interesting

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It's worth noting that cell phone providers in Thailand often will quickly re-assign a phone number after it has expired by not being topped up. It's happened many times where I've called an old friend only to find out their number now belongs to someone else.

So calling and having a Thai hang up when the OP speaks in English doesn't really mean anything. His number could have expired for any reason.

Like others have said, selling everything back home and moving to Thailand to get married is the key to this situation. I highly doubt there will be a positive outcome, even if the missing person is found in good health...

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www.thaiprivateeye.com - Warren Olson specializes in finding people.

If he can find a missing Mormon, he can find anybody....

And while he is at it maybe he can find a lot of posters sense of humor. But this topic is not a laughing matter.

Not intended to be funny by any means. I have used this company before, they are very professional and very efficient.

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maybe he doesn't want to be found?

new life etc.

I hope he is OK.

His frind who went to visit him, wonder where they were meeting as he wasn't concerned when he was playing golf and partying in Pattaya but now he is?

MMMM........if people were that concerned rather than going to Pattaya it's not that hard to go to where he lives is it? To be honest, if it were my good mate and I was that concerned and I knew his last address I know what I would do..... exactly, you to hey!

Good luck Mick/Mickey, hope all is well mate.

Does Mr. King or any of Mr. Spall's other friends actually know his address? I have seen no mention of it, only the misspelt province name Sirin. Surin province has a total area of about 8,124 km2 (3,137 square miles). However, immigration should be able to supply the address if inquiries are made through the proper channels, but I guess the request would have to come from a relative, not just a concerned friend.

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There is absolutly nothing in this whole thread to suggest that this chap isn't sitting right now with his wife having breakfast.

Details are scarse and not everyone has internet access or a computer let alone being TV members

This whole thread for me is verging on "troll"

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Yes, I agree. This is a troll thread. The man's relatives don't think he's missing, and his "friend" was so worried that he spent his time partying in Pattaya rather than go look for his friend. If I thought one of my friends was missing I'd be too worried to go partying. This whole thread is ridiculous.

I there will probably be a thread about me on here one day. LOL. As far as some people are concerned, I'm missing. And that's how I like it.

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I have had an email from the IOW to say that he has now been found. not much more in the message except that he has been found.


What is the IOW? Anyway good news and it appears the Thai wife and her B/F didn't throw him off a balcony for his assets as some had been predicting.

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There is absolutly nothing in this whole thread to suggest that this chap isn't sitting right now with his wife having breakfast.

I have had an email from the IOW to say that he has now been found. not much more in the message except that he has been found.

... things that make you go hmmmm

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Big response to appeal over concerns for man in Thailand

AN Isle of Wight man feared missing in Thailand has been located safe and well. As reported in last week’s County Press, friends of Michael Spall, known as Mick or Micky, had become increasingly concerned for his welfare after losing contact with him for around eight months. Mr Spall, who used to live in Newport, moved to the country after marrying a Thai woman and setting up home with her.

But, following an appeal for information, several people contacted the County Press and The Lucie Blackman Trust to confirm Mr Spall, a former worker at HMP Isle of Wight, was alive and well in Thailand. Matt Searle, from the Lucie Blackman Trust Missing Abroad charity, said: "Further to our appeal in last week’s County Press, we are delighted to say we have now confirmed that Michael is well and the concerned parties have been put back in touch.



September 14, 2012


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I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

Where does it say he is married to a young thai girl????

Who would marry an old one (except myself) ?

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I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

Where does it say he is married to a young thai girl????

Who would marry an old one (except myself) ?

I think a man marrying any woman of any age and any nationality should keep a firm hold on his assets.

(why pick on young Thai girls?)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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