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True Visions Remote Controle Issue (Died Again After A Few Months)

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Is it me, or does the new True Visions remote control break down by itself, every few single months ?

changing batteries does not help, as the technicians tought I forgot to do the last time they came to check / change the remote

this morning, after changing batteries (doh!, not that stupid) it seem to have died again

anyone else with this problem ?


get your mobile phone or digital camera and press the remote control keys at it. if it is working you will see the infared light on the camera, if it is dead there will be no lights when you press the remote keys.


Mine dies all of the time. It seems that the battery connections get corroded and just opening the battery compartment and "wiggling" the batteries corrects the problem.


Have a friend who has had two new units after both lost the volume control function. Mine has been OK although needed new batteries after about 2 weeks.


When TrueVisions swapped out our standard definition boxes to HD boxes X-months ago (two visits since a box developed a problem) which came with new remotes in each case the True technicians said we should change the batteries--that is, the brand new batteries that came with the brand new remotes. I guess the batteries were low quality and didn't have a long shelf life with the remotes being in storage awaiting distribution. We did change the batteries but made the True technicians change them before they left....they did have spare batteries of a different brand....don't know why they even tell the customer to change the batteries on a new device if they know the batteies have a high failure rate....just put new batteries in without telling the customer...True trying to save a few baht I guess. I've got three HD boxes and remotes....and after approx 5 months with the boxes/remotes no problems so far with the remotes.

But as mentioned by another poster it's not uncommon for remote battery contacts to become corroded---not thick, gunky corrosion--but a very thin film (discolors the remote battery contacts) which when combined with weak batteries knock the voltage down to the remote too much. I think most everyone is aware how car battery connectors get corroded; well, a similar thing happens on remote batteries but just at a much lower scale. Removing the remote battery cover and rotating/twisting the batteries to improve the connection will help for a while, but what is usually needed is a cleaning of the remote battery contacts to remove the thin corrosion and new batteries. I would recommend alkaline batteries versus standard batteries...alkaline batteries will cost a little more but last much longer.

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