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Xenophobia - Getting Worse?


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You better be careful OP, she might be reporting you soon! wink.png

She might even be here on TV.

Yes, she reads this. I have also discussed this with her.

Her remarks were something along the line of "The police say that foreigners are destroying Thailand with drugs and terrorism".

Normally she wouldn't even think along these lines. It's only happened recently (started two or three months ago)

I would have grave doubts about anyone that took at face value what the police said; the Thai police particularly so.


Burke and Hare had grave doubts too, but that didn't stop them.

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she has been over most of the world

This may be a clue. rolleyes.gif

How is that?

"Jeanie Weenie , she has travelled all over the world , loved by everyone ."

Oliver Hardy and then Stan Laurel , from Beau Hunks 1931 .

As I said it might be a hoax but to be honest that's what some people say. "She's been to this , this and that" of course she hasn't but she has been to many places.

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Yes, she reads this. I have also discussed this with her.

Her remarks were something along the line of "The police say that foreigners are destroying Thailand with drugs and terrorism".

Normally she wouldn't even think along these lines. It's only happened recently (started two or three months ago)

I would have grave doubts about anyone that took at face value what the police said; the Thai police particularly so.


Burke and Hare had grave doubts too, but that didn't stop them.

With good research you can always dig up something...

Smokie may be in Diggers, even as we speak


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she has been over most of the world

This may be a clue. rolleyes.gif

How is that?

It seems paranoid is perhaps a closer term than xenophobia in what his GF is experiencing and something that most Thais who have no exposure outside their own borders will not have. Traveling extensively to other countries (Western especially) can begin to influence one's perspective on the world at large, specifically the concept of terrorism (excluding Southern Thailand).

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she has been over most of the world

This may be a clue. rolleyes.gif

How is that?

It seems paranoid is perhaps a closer term than xenophobia in what his GF is experiencing and something that most Thais who have no exposure outside their own borders will not have. Traveling extensively to other countries (Western especially) can begin to influence one's perspective on the world at large, specifically the concept of terrorism (excluding Southern Thailand).

Though I tend to agree with you that western exposure might have such an affect on some, the Thai media and elite are self-proclaimed experts on this matter and thus she wouldn't need an outside influence to become like this.

Edited by maxme
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unfortunately even the seemingly intelligent Thais (as in the OP's gf case) easily believe what they are spoonfed without thinking case by case or logically. The clear everyday example are doctors prescribing medicines. They'll visit the doctor at the first feeling of a runny nose to be prescribed 3 different medicines they don't need, and pay 1000 baht that they can't really afford. No one has explained to them "reasons, causes and logic" so the common sense suffers. It's also really hard for them to believe it now...coming from you or me. Frustrating.

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About 2 months ago, I had a friend from Hong Kong visit me. He is ethnic Chinese (so perhaps can be mistaken as a Thai person). He basically tagged along with me to wherever. At the gym, a western man kicked my friend's yoga mat aside. When my friend said "excuse me" the guy just pretended he did not hear/understand (PS the foreigner was Brit).

At the ATM, a western man jumped in front of my friend. Again, my friend says "excuse me" and the guy (another Brit, purely by coincidence I am sure) says that he was in a hurry to which my friend says "too bad but you should queue up". The Brit became verbally abusive. But wandered off when i approached.

Having drinks at a hotel bar. I go to loo, I come back and see words being exchanged between my friend and an Australian man. Australian says to me, like my friend was invisible, "oh so he is right the seat is taken, pardon me...I thought he was just like the others". I said I did not know what he meant and he explained: "you know the thais, they just lie...sorry I thought your friend was Thai"...as if a Thai man had no right to reserve a seat for a mate who's gone to the loo!

After witnessing above, I do agree xenophobia is getting worse.

Thais getting xenophobic: it's not right but it is their country...if it gets intolerable we can all go home, myself included.

Foreigners getting xenophobic against locals in Thailand: it's also not right but I am less tolerant of such foreigners because I would hate a foreigner coming to my own country and being a total <deleted> towards me just because I am local.

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Judging from the comments so far, it is clear that few members have no idea about what xenophobia means.

Of course we do. I'm buying one for my son for christmas. I want him to be a musical child.

try and get the latest version which, besides classical and country, contains rap too wink.png

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You better be careful OP, she might be reporting you soon! wink.png

She might even be here on TV.

Yes, she reads this. I have also discussed this with her.

Her remarks were something along the line of "The police say that foreigners are destroying Thailand with drugs and terrorism".

Normally she wouldn't even think along these lines. It's only happened recently (started two or three months ago)

(1) The Iranians do seem to be trying to corner the Ice market.

(2) The terrorist attack in Bangkok probably didn't help.

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Ok. Maybe I didn't make myself too clear. I don't think my girlfriend is a nutter and neither am I afraid she'll report me.

What I mean to ask is are Thais in general getting really Xenophobic? She told me that the Thai media is stressing that Thais should keep an eye on foreigners, especially those renting houses. Why don't they also keep an eye on Thai people renting big houses?

Yes, someone pointed out the bombs recently and also the drug cases there have been but surely Thailand has it's own trouble makers/ drug dealers or whatever without suspecting westerners who rent houses.

There are six western families living in houses around us and only about four Thai families. We used to see big cars pulling up at one of the Thai houses at all times of day. Big security type guys opened the gates and let them in. My girl friend said that it must be some big politician living there with all that coming and going and security. How wrong she was. Apparently the house was used for drug dealing in a big way and the guy was arrested.

These incidents don't get reported but as soon as a foreigner is involved the matter is blown up all over the media.

I don't think my girlfriend is xenophobic at all (or paranoid as some suggest), she is just repeating what is thrown at her from the Thai media.

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Ok. Maybe I didn't make myself too clear. I don't think my girlfriend is a nutter and neither am I afraid she'll report me.

What I mean to ask is are Thais in general getting really Xenophobic? She told me that the Thai media is stressing that Thais should keep an eye on foreigners, especially those renting houses. Why don't they also keep an eye on Thai people renting big houses?

Yes, someone pointed out the bombs recently and also the drug cases there have been but surely Thailand has it's own trouble makers/ drug dealers or whatever without suspecting westerners who rent houses.

There are six western families living in houses around us and only about four Thai families. We used to see big cars pulling up at one of the Thai houses at all times of day. Big security type guys opened the gates and let them in. My girl friend said that it must be some big politician living there with all that coming and going and security. How wrong she was. Apparently the house was used for drug dealing in a big way and the guy was arrested.

These incidents don't get reported but as soon as a foreigner is involved the matter is blown up all over the media.

I don't think my girlfriend is xenophobic at all (or paranoid as some suggest), she is just repeating what is thrown at her from the Thai media.

I haven't seen or heard of any increase in xenophobic tendencies from any of the Thais I know, including the GF. Haven't noticed anything coming out of the Thai media that supports your GF's claims either. So as someone already pointed out, yes, your GF is in fact a nutter.

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Ok. Maybe I didn't make myself too clear. I don't think my girlfriend is a nutter and neither am I afraid she'll report me.

What I mean to ask is are Thais in general getting really Xenophobic? She told me that the Thai media is stressing that Thais should keep an eye on foreigners, especially those renting houses. Why don't they also keep an eye on Thai people renting big houses?

Yes, someone pointed out the bombs recently and also the drug cases there have been but surely Thailand has it's own trouble makers/ drug dealers or whatever without suspecting westerners who rent houses.

There are six western families living in houses around us and only about four Thai families. We used to see big cars pulling up at one of the Thai houses at all times of day. Big security type guys opened the gates and let them in. My girl friend said that it must be some big politician living there with all that coming and going and security. How wrong she was. Apparently the house was used for drug dealing in a big way and the guy was arrested.

These incidents don't get reported but as soon as a foreigner is involved the matter is blown up all over the media.

I don't think my girlfriend is xenophobic at all (or paranoid as some suggest), she is just repeating what is thrown at her from the Thai media.

I watch Thai news and haven't seen any emphasis on watching out for suspicious foreigners.

I declare this thread to be either a reasonable attempt at trolling or sadly your girlfriend is indeed a loony.

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I haven't seen anything in the media and nearly all the Thais I know are friendly and welcome farangs.

Yes, there are a few that resent us and I have personal experience with motorcycle taxis.

I even had a five or six year old spit at me and say "farang! Mai chorp" but it was an isolated incident.

I guess my girlfriend must be a nutter as so many of you say. Secretely, I've known that for years. How else could she put up with me? Oh... Before some idiot goes on about money ... She has a lot more money than I do.

Also I'd like to point out that this was by no means a troll posting. It was meant as a serious question.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

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I guess my girlfriend must be a nutter as so many of you say. Secretely, I've known that for years. How else could she put up with me? Oh... Before some idiot goes on about money ...

She has a lot more money than I do.

You might have been better off letting the "idiots" think she puts up with you because of your money cos it's easier to believe that than it is to accept that some foreign guys can actually get educated, attractive and financially independent Thai women.

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