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Chuwit Gets 5 Years Jail For Bangkok Bar Demolition Raid


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Well this will be interesting, I wonder when the statute of limitations is on this one, it is pushing 10 years since the crime already.What is interesting is that Chuwit has just been sentenced, yet he is still a serving MP...in session? Currently non of the court cases against some of the red leaders are being heard because the red leaders are serving MP's. This clearly sets precedence that hearings and sentencing can take place.

Very funny that the lawyer appeals an 8 month sentence and gets 5 years...Doh!

Edited for wrong word!

speaking on topic of MP's and jailtime or lack thereof of, all seems to have gone very quiet on the Khanchit front.

last i heard he was meant to attend court july 19, but i can't find any info on what happened in court that day, in fact i can't find any reports on him since around june. coffee1.gif

though maybe someone has more info that i haven't managed to see.

Edited by nurofiend
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This debate's getting to be a real turn off guys, why not just leave it alone.

While I agree it's getting seriously boring, one has to wonder why someone would take the time to post something as useless as this. Why not just don't click on the link to this discussion? Got a 'Clockwork Orange' thing going? Eyes forced open, staring at the screen?

Amazing ThaiVisa.

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This debate's getting to be a real turn off guys, why not just leave it alone.

While I agree it's getting seriously boring, one has to wonder why someone would take the time to post something as useless as this. Why not just don't click on the link to this discussion? Got a 'Clockwork Orange' thing going? Eyes forced open, staring at the screen?

Amazing ThaiVisa.

It's not that it's boring Sateev it's the unproductive and unwarranted bickering back and forth that makes it a turn off, I didn't say it was boring. If however someone, presumably a yet to emerge poster, has something constructive to add to the debate then I for one would be interested to read it.

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