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5 Reasons Why Owning An Iphone 5 Will Be The Badge Of A Fool

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Yes, it's a common practice in electronics to swap a used "broken" unit for a working "refurbished" unit and quickly return the customer to operation. Not many will give you a "new" one for your used broken one, no economic sense there.

Don't own an iPhone myself but know quite a few who do. One banged on for ages when she got it, it was in a protective cover and then always placed in a fur bag. I mentioned something to her about the extreme level of care she exibited which got a bit of a laugh as she knows she is quite careless with things Some time later, a few months I guess, I saw her on the phone which she just dumped into her handbad alongside her keys etc. Turns out hers broke down and the one that was sent back looked like it had been owned by a builder. No doubt some people are also getting returned a phone in much better condition than the one they sent. You pays ya money, ya taks ya chance..


With such industry insight , I'm sure all of you invested in AAPL at $70 right? coffee1.gif

Yes I did just that, and told my broker, "If it goes up ten bucks sell it", which he faithfully did.



You are all idiots cause you like Chocolate and I happen to like Vanilla. Idiots...look at the cost of your chocolate, while my vanilla is so cheap and goes into my stomach just fine. Anyone who likes chocolate is just a stupid brainwashed fanboy.

Vanilla is clearly better and YOU should like Vanilla too unless you're an idiot.


ya know what...I love my iPhone. I think the iPhone 5 is pretty cool too. I love that it'll be faster, more responsive...and with the better processor developers will be building that much more functionality into the apps. I've tried some Samsung's (not the latest Galaxy 3 XREE 2000 Ultra Super Model or whatever it's called). By in large, I think Android kinda sucks, and feel iOS is a much better experience. That is MY PERSONAL choice. If you prefer Android, bully to you. If you like RIM, wooppee.

I can afford my iPhone, so the cost is irrelevant to me. Don't care if it's 15k, 20k, 40k baht. I LIKE it...I USE it everyday. I'm not apologetic for what I like. It actually helps me make a lot more money that I can afford other tech gadgets. If you've made a personal lifestyle choice where money isn't as important to you, and you cannot afford the iPhone...good for you. No judgement here...you're not "stupid" for enjoying what you like. Go ahead and be bitter/angry/uphappy and call us "stupid" for paying what you feel is too much for a phone. The vast majority of iPhone users love their phones/ipads whatever....cause they're cool and kick ass. There are "fans" cause the products are awesome. Not cause of "marketing." God how much "marketing" does Microsoft spend....or Samsung....or ANY OTHER COMPANY. Why aren't there many MS fanboys....cause MS sucks...and most people recognize it :)

And let me say....if you're sitting around criticizing and ripping on other people for what they like....you ARE unhappy. You ARE unfulfilled. You ARE bitter. Cause happy/fulfilled people just *don't* spend the energy being a troll :) Don't worry about Apple and iPhones dude.....go find your own happiness.


The REAL badge of a fool is anything Samsung. While the Apple may have some problems, Samsung is pure shit.

I've had good experiences with Samsung products. Had a Samsung flat screen TV that one of our employee managed drop when moving; Samsung gave us a brand new replacement even though the TV was over 2 years old.

Had a Samsung Galaxy S that was acting funny (turning itself off etc..) the service center at MBK switched out a new main board in less than an hour (for free), never had any problems since. I have lots of other Samsung products and have never had any problems with them.


You are all idiots cause you like Chocolate and I happen to like Vanilla. Idiots...look at the cost of your chocolate, while my vanilla is so cheap and goes into my stomach just fine. Anyone who likes chocolate is just a stupid brainwashed fanboy.

Vanilla is clearly better and YOU should like Vanilla too unless you're an idiot.


ya know what...I love my iPhone. I think the iPhone 5 is pretty cool too. I love that it'll be faster, more responsive...and with the better processor developers will be building that much more functionality into the apps. I've tried some Samsung's (not the latest Galaxy 3 XREE 2000 Ultra Super Model or whatever it's called). By in large, I think Android kinda sucks, and feel iOS is a much better experience. That is MY PERSONAL choice. If you prefer Android, bully to you. If you like RIM, wooppee.

I can afford my iPhone, so the cost is irrelevant to me. Don't care if it's 15k, 20k, 40k baht. I LIKE it...I USE it everyday. I'm not apologetic for what I like. It actually helps me make a lot more money that I can afford other tech gadgets. If you've made a personal lifestyle choice where money isn't as important to you, and you cannot afford the iPhone...good for you. No judgement here...you're not "stupid" for enjoying what you like. Go ahead and be bitter/angry/uphappy and call us "stupid" for paying what you feel is too much for a phone. The vast majority of iPhone users love their phones/ipads whatever....cause they're cool and kick ass. There are "fans" cause the products are awesome. Not cause of "marketing." God how much "marketing" does Microsoft spend....or Samsung....or ANY OTHER COMPANY. Why aren't there many MS fanboys....cause MS sucks...and most people recognize it smile.png

And let me say....if you're sitting around criticizing and ripping on other people for what they like....you ARE unhappy. You ARE unfulfilled. You ARE bitter. Cause happy/fulfilled people just *don't* spend the energy being a troll smile.png Don't worry about Apple and iPhones dude.....go find your own happiness.

"you ARE unhappy. You ARE unfulfilled. You ARE bitter" no but we are trolling - looks like we hooked a big one today.


I think it's a nice opening with this article. Sets the tone so the Apple haters and trolls are getting a whole thread all to themselves. They can high five each other, use language they love, like "iSheep", and generally feel great about themselves.

Nice! :)

[why anyone would get so excited about things they don't like.. I don't know...]


Yes, it's a common practice in electronics to swap a used "broken" unit for a working "refurbished" unit and quickly return the customer to operation. Not many will give you a "new" one for your used broken one, no economic sense there.

Don't own an iPhone myself but know quite a few who do. One banged on for ages when she got it, it was in a protective cover and then always placed in a fur bag. I mentioned something to her about the extreme level of care she exibited which got a bit of a laugh as she knows she is quite careless with things Some time later, a few months I guess, I saw her on the phone which she just dumped into her handbad alongside her keys etc. Turns out hers broke down and the one that was sent back looked like it had been owned by a builder. No doubt some people are also getting returned a phone in much better condition than the one they sent. You pays ya money, ya taks ya chance..

That happens, but not often.. If it happened to my GF, she'd be all over the shop to exchange for a decent one. Usually the refurbishers will replace the worn looking pieces. If she went to an Apple store, I'm sure they want the customer to be happy.

At least screens and other pieces can be replaced without too much effort locally. If it's a serious failure, it's exchange.


I bought a Nokia1200 four years ago for 800 THB

It has been dropped on average of once a month for 4 years

and it keeps on working. I can make and receive calls and can

send and receive SMS

What else do I need a phone for?

Using Thaivisa when you're out somewhere.

(And news, facebook, skype, e-mail, etc. Just about anything that connects you to the world.)


STILL no removable battery and no expandable memory.


I agree those are downsides, but unbelievable it's not; these things are core parts of how Apple makes money. Check how much memory typically costs for 32 Gb or so. Now check the price difference between a 32 Gb and 64 Gb model, and you see why Apple chose not to include a memory slot: because they can get away with the business practise, and thus make money.

No removable battery means you make service charges when it has to be replaced. (Though objectively here there are some build benefits, allowing for a tighter design.)


What is Iphone? What is smartphone? Why do I see so many people on public transport holding, looking and sliding some pad-like things?

I prefer to lug along a book bought from Asia Books anytime.


5 who knows nothing about technology - really likes it

hahah good point, Apple stuff it's generally so idiot proof.

I am disagree only with the point 1, No GMOs (e.g Nestle) is quite better than No Iphone in this point


What is Iphone? What is smartphone? Why do I see so many people on public transport holding, looking and sliding some pad-like things?

I prefer to lug along a book bought from Asia Books anytime.

Why lug one book when you can lug 1000's?


What is Iphone? What is smartphone? Why do I see so many people on public transport holding, looking and sliding some pad-like things?

I prefer to lug along a book bought from Asia Books anytime.

Why lug one book when you can lug 1000's?

This is the why the young do not develop sufficient discipline and concentration to complete a single task. They lug 100s of books and do not finishing reading a single book before starting on another.


You simply can not beat a good tablet (android) and any phone/mobile router that shares data connectivity ie. mobile wifi hot spot all three for well under THB 10,000 combined.

I use a Dlink 3G mobile router (3,200) and android tab (7" 4,200) and also a HUGE LETTERED phone (1,800) as I an old fart and blind all under THB 10,000 and the family use the mobile wifi hot spot in the car as we drive around - why go the sad way of apple?


You simply can not beat a good tablet (android) and any phone/mobile router that shares data connectivity ie. mobile wifi hot spot all three for well under THB 10,000 combined.

I use a Dlink 3G mobile router (3,200) and android tab (7" 4,200) and also a HUGE LETTERED phone (1,800) as I an old fart and blind all under THB 10,000 and the family use the mobile wifi hot spot in the car as we drive around - why go the sad way of apple?

You can tether off the iPhone, too.

One thing I don't like about Android is the hardware is tied to the O/S level. So if you want the nice new O/S features, you have to upgrade the hardware to get the O/S flavor you want. Seems to be a really bad flaw in the o/s design. Planned obsolescence at it's worst. And on the Android tablets, the o/s still thinks its a phone.


Yep .... the article is mostly BS ..... but a fixed battery does seem like a bad idea. The iPhone interface seems to be less of a 'faff' than Android to me - but for me the Blackberry is still best (shameRIM/ BB may go bust)


You simply can not beat a good tablet (android) and any phone/mobile router that shares data connectivity ie. mobile wifi hot spot all three for well under THB 10,000 combined.

I use a Dlink 3G mobile router (3,200) and android tab (7" 4,200) and also a HUGE LETTERED phone (1,800) as I an old fart and blind all under THB 10,000 and the family use the mobile wifi hot spot in the car as we drive around - why go the sad way of apple?

You can tether off the iPhone, too.

One thing I don't like about Android is the hardware is tied to the O/S level. So if you want the nice new O/S features, you have to upgrade the hardware to get the O/S flavor you want. Seems to be a really bad flaw in the o/s design. Planned obsolescence at it's worst. And on the Android tablets, the o/s still thinks its a phone.

Yes but the iPhone is also tied to the hardware (think about your post above) and it alone in Baht is more than

1. the 7" android tablet

2. mobile router

3. blind mans phone


And the rest is just all wrong .. where do you get your information from?

Unlike the iPhone, Android has 1,000's of licensed hardware producers (my Android OS is 4.0.4) and my tab works as a tab not a phone, even the kids 10" android tabs work as tab's not emulating a phone, so where do you get this mis-information from?


I have both the iPhone 4 and the RAZR Maxx.

I do think that apple's iPhone beat all the Android phones.

Accessories, built quality and O/S.

U can always find accessories for the iPhone, the only competitor with similar market distribution for accessories is Samsung.

Built quality, I don't think one can compare Samsung's plastic phones with the iPhone. There r not many phones with similar built quality n design.

iOS is designed solely for the iPhones/ iPad, etc. Apps in the app store r designed to work with all the devices with iOS. Unlike Android, the Google play have tons of apps which don't work with all Android devices. The Google play does not filter apps with spywares or viruses. If u have credit card details or passwords stored in your Android phone, u may be @ risk.

Update on the OS. iOS updates almost all the newer apple devices, and it is done on the iTunes. As for Android, updates r slow, and u may never know if your phone or device will ever receive the new update. Hardware producers don't guarantee that all their devices will always receive updates.

The iPhone 5 may seems to be iPhone 4 HD. But it is still one amazing phone.

So what do u look for in a smart PHONE?

A mini tablet with lots of functions or a phone which we can safely use as a phone.

Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

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A mini tablet with lots of functions or a phone which we can safely use as a phone.

I for one use Skype via wifi not the phone where possible and with all the free wifi about or my paid for data 3g router it still works out cheaper than the phone on a post paid IP package from AIS. All my dloads todate from google play work well on the tab's albeit if the author of the code puts specific calls to the OS of a hardware device it may well fail, but have not found an app yet that does not work, but all I do is watch my in-house TV on my pad and a few other things.


A mini tablet with lots of functions or a phone which we can safely use as a phone.

I for one use Skype via wifi not the phone where possible and with all the free wifi about or my paid for data 3g router it still works out cheaper than the phone on a post paid IP package from AIS. All my dloads todate from google play work well on the tab's albeit if the author of the code puts specific calls to the OS of a hardware device it may well fail, but have not found an app yet that does not work, but all I do is watch my in-house TV on my pad and a few other things.

Good for you. Do take note on the permissions of the apps u download.

U don't find apps which don't work because they r not there, in your Google play.

I had the gs2 and the gnex. Some of the apps I downloaded from from gs2 were not in the gnex. And now the RAZR maxx do not have some apps from the gnex. If u bought apps from the Google play, they may not be around on your next device. While on the iOS, apps r always around.

Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

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